2、DATE (YYMMDD) 98-02-1 O b. NEW A Ulic remrng burden for this collection is estimated to average 2 hours per response. includina the time for reviewino d. TITLE CHIEF, CUSTOM MICROELECTRONICS TEAM istructiohs serching existing data sources, gathering and maintaini the data nebded, and completing and
3、re,viewing.th olection of information. Send comments reaardina ths burden esm8e or anv other asoect of this collecbon of information. e. SIGNATURE CHARLES SAFFLE Icludi s gestions for reduci thisburden to De arbneni of Defense, Washi ton Headquarters Services Directorate foi iformon%peraons and Rep%
4、, 1215 Jsf$?rson 6avis Hi hwa SUte 1204 A I ton VA 22202-4302, and to the Oflice of dana ement and Bud et Pa erwork Reduction Pro ect 07d-O1 Jb Washin 0?%2dsO3 .ORM TO THE GOVERNMENT ISSUNG CONTRACTING OFFICER FOR THE CONTRACT1 PROCURNG ACTNiR WMBER USTED IN ITEM 2 OF THIS FORM. LEASE DO NOT RhRN %O
5、UR COMPLETED IoRh To EdR OF AEsE ADDRESSED. RETURN COMPLETED 1. ORIGINATOR i. TYPED NAME (First, Middle Initia( Last) b. ADDRESS (Streei, Ci add “A“. Revisionsdescriptioncolumn; add Changes in accordance with NOR 59624301 9-98. Revisionsdate column; add 98-02-10“. Revision level block; add “A. Rev s
6、tatus of sheets; for sheets 1,4, and 16 through 22, add A. Sheet 4: Add new paragraph which states; “3.1.1 Microcircuitdie. For the requirementsfor microcircuitdie, see appendix A to this document.“ Revision level block; add “A“. Sheets 16 through 22: Add attached appendix A. CONTINUED ON NEXT SHEET
7、S 14. THIS SECTION FOR GOVERNMENT USE ONLY (1) Existing document supplemented by the NOR may be used in manufacture. (2) Revised document must be received before manufacturer may incorporate this change. (3) Custodian of master document shall make above revision and furnish revised document. b. ACTI
9、2-1 O Licensed by Information Handling ServicesSMD-5762-95825 REV A W b 0323730 393 W APPENDIX A APPENDIX A FORMS A PART OF SMD 5962-95825 Document No: 5962-95825 Revision: A Sheet: 2 of 8 NOR NO: 59624019-98 10. SCOPE 10.1 Scope. This appendix establishes minimum requirements for microcircuit die t
10、o be supplied under the Qualified Manufacturers List (QML) Program. QML microcircuit die meeting the requirements of MIL-PRF-38535 and the manufacturers approved QM plan for use in monolithic microcircuits, multichip modules (MCMs), hybrids, electronic modules, or devices using chip and wire designs
11、 in accordance with MIL-PRF-38534 are specified herein. Two product assurance classes consisting of military high reliability (device class Q) and space application (device Class V) are reflected in the Part or Identification Number (PIN). When available a choice of Radiation Hardiness Assurance (RH
12、A) levels are reflected in the PIN. 10.2 m. The PIN shall be as shown in the following example: Federal RHA Device Device Die Die Stock class designator type class code Details designator (see 102.1) (see 10.2.2) designator (see 10.2.4) (see 10.2.3) Drawing Number 10.2.1 RHA desianator. Device class
13、es Q and V RHA identified die shall meet the MIL-PRF-38535 specified RHA levels. A dash (-) indicates a non-RHA die. 10.2.2 Device tvpe(s). The device type(s) shall identify the circuit function as follows: Device tvpe Generic number Circuit function o1 54C138RH Radiation Hardened, CMOS, 3-line to 8
14、-line decoder/demultiplexer 10.2.3 Device class desiunator. Device class Device reauirements documentation QorV Certification and qualification to the die requirements of MIL-PRF-38535. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER, COLUMBUS COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-5000 SIZE A REVISION LEVEL A 59
15、62-95825 SHEET 16 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesAPPENDIX A APPENDIX A FORMS A PART OF SMD 5962-95825 Document No: 5962-95825 Revision: A Sheet: 3 of 8 NOR NO: 596243019-98 10.2.4 Die Details. The die details designation shall be a unique letter which designates the d
16、ies physical dimensions, bonding pad location(s) and related electrical function(s), interface materials, and other assembly related information, for each product and variant supplied to this appendix. Die Physical dimensions. Die Type Fiaure number o1 A-1 Die Bondina Rad locations
17、 and Electrical functions. Die TvDe Fiaure number o1 A- 1 Interface Materials. Die TyRe Fiaure number o1 A- 1 I Assembly related information. o1 A-1 10.3 Absolute maximum ratinas. See paragraph 1.3 within the body of this drawing for details. 10.4 Recommended operatinq conditions.
18、See paragraph 1.4 within the body of this drawing for details. 20. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 20.1 Government specifications, standards, bulletin, and handbooks. Unless otherwise specified, the following specifications, standards, bulletin, and handbook of the issue listed in that issue of the Department
19、of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards specified in the solicitation, form a part of this drawing to the extent specified herein. STAN DARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER, COLUMBUS COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-5000 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SIZE A 5962-95825 SHEET 17 Licensed by Informatio
20、n Handling ServicesAPPENDIX A APPENDIX A FORMS A PART OF SMD 5962-95825 Document No: 5962-95825 Revision: A Sheet: 4 of 8 NOR NO: 5962-ROI 9-98 SPECIFICATION DEPARTMENTOFDEFENSE MIL-PRF-38535 - Integrated Circuits, Manufacturing, General Specification for. STANDARDS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE MIL-STD-883
21、 - Test Methods and Procedures for Microelectronics. HANDBOOK DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE MIL-HDBK-103 - List of Standardized Military Drawings (SMDs). (Copies of the specification, standards, bulletin, and handbook required by manufacturers in connection with specific icquisition functions should be obta
22、ined from the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting activity). 20.2 Order of Precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this drawing and the references cited herein, the text bf this drawing shall take precedence. 30. REQUIREMENTS 30.1 Item Requirements. The individu
23、al item requirements for device classes Q and V shall be in accordance with AIL-PRF-38535 and as specified herein or as modified in the device manufacturers Quality Management (QM) plan. The nodification in the OM plan shall not effect the form, fit or function as described herein. 30.2 Desian, cons
24、truction and phvsical dimensions. The design, construction and physical dimensions shall be as specified n MIL-PRF-38535 and the manufacturers QM plan, for device classes Q and V and herein. 30.2.1 Die Phvsical dimensions. The die physical dimensions shall be as specified in and on figure A
25、-I. 30.2.2 Die bondina pad locations and electrical functions. The die bonding pad locations and electrical functions shall be as specified in and on figure A-1 . 30.2.3 Interface materials. The interface materials for the die shall be as specified in and on figure A-1 . 30.2.4 As
26、semblv related information. The assembly related information shall be as specified in and figure A-I. 30.2.5 Truth table. The truth table shall be as defined within paragraph 3.2.4 of the body of this document. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER, COLUMBUS COLUMBUS, OHIO 43
27、216-5000 SIZE A 5962-95825 SHEET 18 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesSMD-5762-95825 REV A b 0121733 OTO 30.2.6 Radiation exDosure circuit. The radiation exposure circuit shall be as defined within paragraph 3.2.5. of the body of this document. APPENDIX A APPENDIX A FORM
28、S A PART OF SMD 5962-95825 Document No: 5962-95825 Revision: A Sheet: 5 of 8 NOR NO: 5962-R019-98 30.3 Electrical Deriormance characteristics and Dost- irradiation Darameter limits. Unless otherwise specified herein, the electrical performance characteristics and post-irradiation parameter limits ar
29、e as specified in table I of the body of this document. 30.4 Electrical test requirements. The wafer probe test requirements shall include functional and parametric testing sufficient to make the packaged die capable of meeting the electrical performance requirements in table I. 30.5 Marking. As a m
30、inimum, each unique lot of die, loaded in single of multiple stack of carriers, for shipment to a customer, shall be identified with the wafer lot number, the certification mark, the manufacturers identification and the PIN listed in 10.2 herein. The certification mark shall be a “QML“ or “Q“ as req
31、uired by MIL-PRF-38535. 30.6 Certification of comDliance. For device classes Q and V, a certificate of compliance shall be required from a QML-38535 listed manufacturer in order to supply to the requirements of this drawing (see 60.4 herein). The certificate of compliance submitted to DSCC-VA prior
32、to listing as an approved source of supply for this appendix shall affirm that the manufacturers product meets, for device classes Q and V, the requirements of MIL-PRF-38535 and the requirements herein. 30.7 Certificate of conformance. A certificate of conformance as required for device classes Q an
33、d V in MIL-PRF-38535 shall be provided with each lot of microcircuit die delivered to this drawing. 40. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 40.1 Samdina and inspection. For device classes Q and V, die sampling and inspection procedures shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38535 or as modified in the device
34、manufacturers Quality Management (QM) plan. The modifications in the QM plan shall not effect the form, fit or function as described herein. 40.2 Screeninq. For device classes Q and V, screening shall be in accordance with MIL-PRF-38535, and as defined in the manufacturersQM plan. As a minimum it sh
35、all consist of: a) Wafer Lot acceptance for Class V product using the criteria defined within MIL-STD-883 TM 5007. b) 100% wafer probe (see paragraph 30.4). c) 100% internal visual inspection to the applicable class Q or V criteria defined within MIL-STD-883 TM201 O or the alternate procedures allow
36、ed within MIL-STD-883 TM5004. STAN DARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER, COLUMBUS COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-5000 SIZE A 5962-95825 SHEET 19 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesSUD-59b2-75825 REV A 9999996 0323734 T37 APPENDIX A APPENDIX A FORMS A PART OF SMD 5962-958
37、25 Document No: 5962-95825 Revision: A Sheet: 6 of 8 NOR NO: 5962-Rol 9-98 40.3 Conformance insDection. 40.3.1 Group E inspection. Group E inspection is required only for parts intended to be identified as radiation assured (see 30.5 herein). RHA levels for device classes Q and V shall be as specifi
38、ed in MIL-PRF-38535. End point electrical testing of packaged die shall be as specified in table HA herein. Group E tests and conditions are as specified within paragraphs,,, and 50. DIE CARRIER 50.1 Die carrier reauirements. The requirements for the die carrier s
39、hall be in accordance with the manufacturers QM plan or as specified in the purchase order by the acquiring activity. The die carrier shall provide adequate physical, mechanical and electrostatic protection. 60. NOTES 60.1 Intended use. Microcircuit die conforming to this drawing are intended for us
40、e in microcircuits built in accordance with MIL-PRF-38535 or MIL-PRF-38534 for government microcircuit applications (original equipment), design applications and logistics purposes. 60.2 Comments. Comments on this appendix should be directed to DSCC-VA, Columbus, Ohio, 4321 6-5000 or telephone (61 4
41、)-692-0536. 60.3 Abbreviations, symbols and definitions. The abbreviations, symbols, and definitions used herein are defined with MIL-PRF-38535 and MIL-STD-1331. 60.4 Sources of SUDDIY for device classes Q and V. Sources of supply for device classes Q and V are listed in QML-38535. The vendors liste
42、d within QML-38535 have submitted a certificate of compliance (see 30.6 herein) to DSCC-VA and have agreed to this drawing. STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER, COLUMBUS COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-5000 SIZE A DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 SHEET 20 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesAPPENDIX
43、A APPENDIX A FORMS A PART OF SMD 5962-95825 FIGURE A-1 o DIE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS Die Size: Die Thickness: 1930 x 1600 microns. 14 +/-l mils. o DIE BONDING PAD LOCATIONS AND ELECTRICAL FUNCTIONS NOTE: Pad numbers I ?eflect a 3?zc SEE Document No: 5962-95825 Revision: A Sheet: 7 of 8 NOR NO: 5962-R019
44、-98 a s - n c e. terminal numbers when placed in Case Outlines E, X (see Figure 1). STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING DEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER, COLUMBUS COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-5000 SIZE A 5962-95825 SHEET 21 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesAPPENDIX A APPENDIX A FORMS A PART OF
45、SMD 5962-95825 9.OkA - 13.0kA o INTERFACE MATERIALS Top Metallization: AlSi Backside Metallization Gold Glassivation Type: si02 Thickness 7.0kA - 9.OkA Substrate: Single crystal silicon. o ASSEMBLY RELATED INFORMATION Substrate Potential: Floating. Special assembly instructions: None. STANDARD MICRO
46、CIRCUIT DRAWING DEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER, COLUMBUS COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-5000 SIZE A Document No: 5962-95825 Revision: A Sheet: 8 of 8 NOR NO: 59624301 9-98 DSCC FORM 2234 APR 97 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesSTANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING BULLETIN Standard microcircuit drawing PIN DATE: 98-02
47、-1 O Vendor CAGE number Approved sources of supply for SMD 5962-95825 are listed below for immediate acquisition information only and shall be added to MIL-HDBK-103 and QML-38535 during the next revision. MIL-HDBK-103 and QML-38535 will be revised to include the addition or deletion of sources. The
48、vendors listed below have agreed to this drawing and a certificate of compliance has been submitted to and accepted by DSCC-VA. This bulletin is superseded by the next dated revision of MIL-HDBK-103 and QML-38535. I I I I Vendor similar PIN 11 1 5962R9582501V9A I 34371 1 HSO-54C138RH-Q I - 11 Cautio
49、n. Do not use this number for item acquisition. Items acquired to this number may not satisfy the performance requirements of this drawing. Vendor CAGE number 34371 Vendor name and address Harns Semiconductor P.O. Box 883 Melbourne, FL 32902-0883 The information contained herein is disseminated for convenience only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in the information bulletin. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesLTR PREPAREDBY Thomas M. Hess DEFENSE ELECTRONICS SUPPLY CENTER DAYTON, OHIO 45444 PMIC N/