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1、MIL-G-89L03 m 9999906 1977456 963 m Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Director I Defense Mapping Agency, ATTN: PR, ST A-13, 8613 Lee Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (

2、DD Form 11426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. Highway, Fairfax, VA, 22031-2137 by Using the I METRICI - MIL-0-89103 MILITARY SPECIFICATION GRIDDED INSTALLATION PHOTOGRAPHS (GIP) This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.

3、1. SCOPE 1.1 ScoDe. These specifications are for use by all Department of Defense activities which have authorization to validate Mapping, Charting and Geodesy requirements and submit production requests. 1.2 Eyrose. These specifications are designed to provide guidelines for the preparation, acquis

4、ition, handling, and destruction of hardcopy Gridded Installation Photographs. 1.3 Securitv . These specifications are UNCLASSIFIED. Products generated from these specifications may be classified as high as “SECRET“. Destruction notice for unclassified, distribution limited documents is: contents or

5、 reconstruction of this document.“ “Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AMSC N/A AREA MCGT DISTRIBUTION STATRM ENT A. Not approved for public release; distribution is limited. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-G-89103 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 First art

6、icle . When specified (see 6.2), a sample shall be subjected to first article inspection (see 6.3) in accordance with 4.3. 3.2 General. This product has been designed to support highly localized ground, sea, and air operations where terrain and other features must be compensated for in order to perf

7、orm the specialized mission objective. The GIP is not designed as a Target Materials product. 3.3 Accu racv. 3.3.1 Jlor izontal . Will be stated for each GIP based upon the value derived for the site reference point (RP). Accuracies will be stated in circular error (CE) (90 percent assurance). 3.3.2

8、 yert ical. Will be stated for each GIP and based upon the ground elevation at the RP. site name, country code, coordinates, stock number, and BE number, if available. 3.4 product identifier. Each GIP will be identified by 3.5 product att r ibu t es. 3.5.1 product ion. The GIP will be produced by or

9、thorectification of the most recent image based source materials available to DMA. 3.5.2 $ou rce mate rial date . Source materials older than three years will not be used. three years to insure currency. updates identified by originating commands will require submission via JCS Memorandum of Policy

10、(MOP) 31, Submitting and assigning priorities to Requirements for Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy (MC horizontal axis, numerics increasing left to right. Linear distance values in meters, see Appendix A, Style Sheet. 3.5.6 Color. Granhic face . Black; background. White; grid, letters, icons,

11、numbers and labeling. mraia. White background. Black; text and symbols. a. 3.6 Wain alphabetical by site name and numerical by BE number. b. Upon migration of the inventory listings to a standard DMA catalog (TBD), the GP Listing will cease, and all recipients of DMA catalogs who have reques

12、ted that publication 4 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-G-89103 - 9999906 1977460 394 MIL-G-89103 containing Gridded Photos will have the current inventory. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS * 4.1 SDOD . unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor is respon

13、sible for the performance of all inspection requirements (examinations and tests) as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein,

14、 unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in this specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. .I. 4.1.1 ResDonsUitv for c- . All items shall me

15、et all requirements of sections 3 and 5. The inspection set forth in this specification shall become a part of the contractors overall inspection system or quality program. requirements in the specification shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that all products or suppl

16、ies submitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all requirements of the contract. Sampling inspection, as part of manufacturing operations, is an acceptable practice to ascertain conformance to requirements; however, this does not authorize submission of known defective material, either i

17、ndicated or actual, , nor does it commit the Government to accept defective material. The absence of any inspection f inswction . The inspection 4.2 rlassification o requirements specified herein are classified as follows: a. Visual examination (see 4.4). b. Review of construction records (see 4.5).

18、 4.3 First a rticle insnectio n. When a first article inspection is required (see 3.1 and 6.21, it shall be examined for defects specified in 4.4 and the construction record reviewed for compliance with 4.5. 4.4 Visual exam ination. The GIP shall be examined for defects and errors as specified by th

19、e contracting officer or,by internal DMA standard procedures. Required corrections shall be made to manuscripts, drafting positives, and reproducible material before the GIP is sent to the next production stage. Defects detected during the inspection of the printed “catch copy“ shall be evaluated by

20、 DMA for criticality, and suitable corrective action. 4.5 r n . Records about the constructivfethoef Ishiboe :z!n“t,“yned. The records shall document sources, decisions regarding reconciliatlon of conflicting data, etc. GIP records/construction histories shall Licensed by Information Handling Servic

21、esMIL-G-9103 W 999990b 1977461 220 MIL-G- 89 1 O3 be reviewed concurrently with visual examinations (see 4.4) to ensure that proper cartographic procedures have been followed. 4.6 Customer reviey . Users finding errors within the product which would impact successful conduct of operations or hazard

22、US military personnel should notify HQ DMA PR by message, detailing sheet stock number, error, method of error detection/ measurement, and explanation of correction if necessary for clarity. Less critical errors should be submitted by letter to HQ DMA PR, copy to command and service MC exterior pack

23、age tape sealed and addressed for registered mailing. 5.2 packaa inq. Packaging shall be level C (see 6.2) unless This packaging provides minimum protection, otherwise specified. and it is needed to protect materiel under known favorable conditions. The following criteria determine the requirements

24、for this degree of protection: a. Use or consumption of the item at the first destination. b. Ability to withstand known conditions during the limited transportation cycle. during intransit delays and temporary warehousing for a maximum of 18 months. c. Ability to withstand known environmental condi

25、tions 5.3 m. In addition to any special markings required by the contract or order, markings shall be in accordance with requirements of MIL-STD-129 for military levels of protection. 6. NOTES 6.1 mended use. The GIP is an image based product of a specified area of interest that is orthorectified to

26、 reduce equipment and terrain distortions. it is produced at ten scales (see 3.5.3) and designed to provide a quick method of determining metric distance and relative location about a World Geodetic System 84 (WGS-84) reference point/feature. . Acquisition documents must 6.2 Bcuuisition remirementa

27、. specify the following: a. Title, number, and date of this specification. b. When first article is required (see 3.1, 4.3, and 6.3). 6 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-G-89L03 0b L774b2 Lb7 MIL-G-89103 C. Levels of packaging (see 5.2). 6.3 First article . When a first article is require

28、d, it The contracting officer shall specify the shall be inspected and approved under appropriate provisions of FAR 52.209. appropriate type of first article and the number of units to be furnished. The contracting officer shall also include specific instructions in acquisition documents regarding a

29、rrangements for selection, inspection, and approval of the first article. s 6.4 Acronvms/definitions. a. BE number - Basic Encyclopedia number; site point identification number. b. DMA - Defense Mapping Agency, HQ, Fairfax, VA. c. DMAAC - Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center, St. Louis, MO. d. DM

30、ACSC - Defense Mapping Agency Combat Support Center, Bethesda, MD. e. GP - Gridded Photographs. f. GIP - Gridded Installation Photographs. g. MC&G - Mapping, Charting and Geodesy. h. MOP 31 - Memorandum of Policy from the Joint Staff Operation (53) directorate establishing requirements priorities. i

31、. WGS - World Geodetic System. Parameters describing the size and shape of the Earth. 6.5 Inte 3 -1 i m . This section is not applicable to this specification. 6.5.1 mter national Sta ndardizat ion Aaree mentS ( STANAGs L . This section is not applicable to this specification. 6.5.2 Quadrimrt ite St

32、a ndardization Aureements (OSTAGsL . This section is not applicable to this specification. 6.5.3 Air Standardizatio n Coo rdinatinu Committw Auree ments (ASCCL. This section is not applicable to this specification. 6.5.4 Internat. ional MC&G Aareements . This section is not applicable to this specif

33、ication. 6.5.5 Execut ive 0 rders. This section is not applicable to this specification. O 7 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-G-BSL03 = 9999906 L9774b3 OT3 MIL-G-89103 6.5.6 -p-A aencv Aaree m enta . This section is not applicable to this specification. 6.5.7 Other Docu ment at ion . Thi

34、s section is not applicable to this specification. 6.6 Subject term (kev word) listinq. Gridded photograph Gridded installation photographs Image based products Target materials 8 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesflIL-G-89L03 = 7797706 1777464 T3T MIL-G-89103 APPENDIX GIP STYLE SHEET 10. SCO

35、PE 10.1 Scone. This appendix provides a graphic illustration of the design, composition, and location of the margin and face data on a GIP product. This appendix is a mandatory part of the specification. The information contained herein is intended for compliance. 20. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS This secti

36、on is not applicable to this Appendix. 30. GIP STYLE SHEET Example on the rlext page 9 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesflIL-G-BSL03 9999906 L977qb5 976 MIL-G-89103 CLASYFED BY wo DECLASYW ON om WNINTEL nS105 ilJC3 SECRET PRPAKD BY DEFENY M- -Y n LMMO siia-a39s NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATI

37、ONALS (FOR FINAL SCALE ENLARGE TO 147%) YALERANGESFROM 1:lax)TO 1:IoMx) GRID INTEVAL RANGES FROM 10 TO 1W MEIERS e 10 Licensed by Information Handling Services. a flIL-G-89LO3 W b 1977466 802 MIL-G-89103 INDEX PARAGRAPH Accuracy 3.3 Acquisition requirements 6.2 Acronyms/definitions 6.4 Air standardi

38、zation coordinating committee agreements (ASCC) . 6.5.3 Applicable documents 2 Classification of inspection 4.2 Color . 3.5.6 Customer review . 4.6 Distribution 3.10 Evaluation procedures . 3.7 Executive orders 6.5.5 First article . 3.1 6.3 First article inspection 4.3 General . 3.2 5.1 . Graphic fa

39、ce Grid spacing 3.5.4 Horizontal accuracy . 3.3.1 Intended use 6.1 Interagency agreements 6.5.6 International MC&G agreements . 6.5.4 International standardization agreements (STANAGS) 6.5.1 International standardization agreements 6.5 Margin Margin information 3.6 Marking . 5.3 Note

40、s . 6 Other documentation . 6.5.7 Overprinted grid 3.5.5 Packaging . 5 5.2 Product attributes 3.5 Product identifier 3.4 Product listing . 3.11 Production 3.5.1 Purpose . 1.2 Quadripartite standardization agreements (QSTAGS) . 6.5.2 Quality assurance provisions 4 Reproduction 3.9 Responsibility for

41、compliance . 4.1.1 Responsibility for inspection . 4.1 Review of construction records 4.5 Requirements 3 O Scale . 3.5.3 PAGE 2 6 7 7 1 5 3 6 4 4 7 2 7 5 2 6 3 3 2 6 8 7 7 7 3 3 6 6 8 3 6 6 2 2 4 2 1 11 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-G-89303 9999906 3977467 749 MIL-G-89103 INDEX PARAGR

42、APH Scope 1 1.1 Security 1.3 Size. 3.8 Source material date 3.5.2 Subject term (key word) listing . 6.6 Visual examination 4.4 Vertical accuracy 3.3.2 . . PAGE 12 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesCustodian: DMA - MP MIL-G-89103 9999906 1977468 685 MIL-G-89103 CONCLUDING MATERIAL Review activities: Air Force - 09 Navy - NO, MC Preparing activity: DMA - MP (project MCGT-0051) 13 Licensed by Information Handling Services


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