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1、o0,! “:O,“,:“,EiiimElMIL-O-891O2(OMA)SupersedingPs/l AB/120January 1981MiLITARY SPECIFICATIONOPERATIONAL Navigation CHARTS (ONC)This specification Is approved for use by the Defense Mapping Agency,.and isavaiiable for use by ali Departments and Agencies of the Depatiment of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 SfLQQ

2、f2. This general specification defines requirements for theDefense Mapping Agencys (DMA) Operational Navi9tion carts (oNC) -1.2 EluQQa2. The purpose of this specification is to assure uniformityof treatment among mapping and charting elements, primarily DMA and itscontractors, engaged in a coordinat

3、ed production and maintenance program forthis product. Feature requirements are stated in terms of DMAsFeature/Attribute Coding Standard (FACS), to maintain consistency betweenvarious DMA production methods. The use of FACS in this specification is notintended to imply any external digital data codi

4、ng standard. FACS is theinternal coding standard used by DMAs Digital Production System (Dps), whichis the primary intended but not exclusive, method for production of thisproduct at this time. The Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard(DIGEST) Feature Attribute Coding Catalog (FACC), not

5、FACS, is the approvedcoding standard for the exchange of digital geographic data, as well as thestandard for DMAs Vector Product Format (VPF) product line. FACC may beincluded in, or replace FACS in a future edition of this specification.1.3 .1.3.1 . This specification isUNCLASSIFIED .1.3.2 . The se

6、curity classificationof the products generated by the use of these specifications will be thelowest category practicable. When it is necessary to assign a securityclassification to the product, it shall be in accordance with establishednational security procedures.Beneficial comments (recommendation

7、s, additions, deietions) and any pertinent datawhich may be of use in improving this document shouid be addressed to: Director,Defense Mapping Agency, ATTN: PR, ST A-13, 8613 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA22031-2137 by using the Standardization Document Improvement Proposai (DD Form1426) appearinq at the

8、end of this document or by letter.AMSC: NIAI.MSTRi lJTiONB STATE MENT . small town and other minor geographic names.(b) Tracks and trails.(c) Ditches and intermediate streams(d) Single line streams, wells, and other minorhydrographic features and their labels(e) Secondary roads(f) Cultural features

9、lacking visual or radar3.8 . . The trim size is 10S7 mm xinch x 57 1/2 inch) .significance1461 mm (41 5/8sProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-o-891O2a. Operational Navigation Charts located between 0 and 80 Northand South shall be pro

10、duced on the Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) Projectionbased on standard parallels 520 apart as follows:d Paral.1.ds Snveraace Factox0 to 88 to 1616 to 2424 to 3232 to 4040 to 4848 to 5656 to 6464 to 7272 to 80120 and920 and1720 and2520 and3320 and41”20 and4920 and5720 and6520 and7320 and6401440224030

11、40384046405440624070”4078400.069790.207990.342150.469650.588000.694910.788300.866340.927520.97065b. Charts located between 80 and 90 North and South shall beproduced on the Polar Stereographic (PS) projection, based on the scale factorestablished by the Lambert Conformal Conic Projection at latitude

12、 8103.c. Charts with an area of coverage spanning two established limitareas shall be produced on standard parallels applicable to the greater areaof the chart.3.9.2 ProiPcticuUJmea.a. Projection lines shall be shown as follows:LCC 0 to80N,b. Convergence factor is not requiredPolar Stereographic Pro

13、jection.on charts produced on the15Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-o-891O23.11.3.10 t relatlo . The Interchartdiagram shall be developed for each chart area in accordanceindicated on the APPENDIX B (ONC Style Sheet) . The required

14、consists of the following items tailored for each product:relationshipwith design oinformationa.b.ONC coveragec.ONC sheetlines and numbers.World Aeronautical Chart sheetlines and numbers in areas where noexists.World Area Code (WAC) identifiers and limits within the frame ofthe basic ONC outline. No

15、t shown in adjacent ONC areas in diagram.d. International boundaries and country names. Boundary disclaimernotes shall be displayed over the interchart relationship diagram wheneverboundaries appear within the diagram and not within the chart body. Whenboundary(s) are present within body of a chart

16、then the boundary disclaimernotes shall be shown in the margin section titled “NOTES”. (See Major bodies of water and names.f. Major rivers and city names shall be added as necessary forgraphic location and interpretation purposes.9. The following note shall be positioned at the top of

17、 theInterchart Relationship diagramThisdiagrmisforindexpurposesonly-Notnecsssarilyanindicationofpublishedcharts. tical dat notg . The following note relating to the odatum (Mean Sea Level) on which all elevation values are based shall be shown:ALLELEVATIONVALUES ERONAWICALRELIEF ANDWDROGRAP

18、I-IIC)AREBASEDON MEANSEALEVEL3.11.3.12 Bar S-S (ce ar- . Graphic bar scales provide ameans for making measurements on the chart. Scales shall be shown fornautical miles, statute miles and kilometers in a stacked order with the zeropoint of each scale vertically aligned. (See APPENDIX B - ONC Style S

19、heet) mil Quxbhasers note . The following note shall be shown onall ONCS produced:Forsale bythe NationalOcean Serviceand itsauthoriied agents. our Interval not= . Contour interval notes shall addressthe basic contour, intermediate contour and supplementary contour as shown onthe ch

20、art. The notes for each situation shall be formulated individually asfollows:a. Basic contours: The contour interval is either same throughoutchart or in multiple intervals. Notes shall be tailored to the individualchart. The word “maximum” shall not be used; the value of highest the contourshall be

21、 used instead. “BSL” shall be used when a below sea level contour isshown on chart. i,16Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-o-891O2(1) Basic inte-al throughout:CQNTWRSBasicinteal1000feet(2) Multiple inte-als. Example:CQNTOURS1000 feet

22、 from .O to 6000feet2000feetfrom 6000 tolOOOO feetb. Intermediate and supplementary contours fall into several cate-gories:(1) For those shown at one specific elevation and/or within cer-tain elevation limits, notes shall read:lntermediatecontours shownonlyat_ feet.SUpplementarycontoursshownat _ fee

23、t intenfals below_ feet(2) For those shown throughout chart at certain elevations only,as opposed to certain interval, notes shall read:lntefmediata/Supplementary contowsshownonly at_ and _ feet.(3) For those at certain elevations, shown only in select por-tions of the chart, add a phrase reflecting

24、 the condition to the note in3.11.3.14.b. (2) The phrase shall be simple and reflect the true and completecondition. Examples:in relatively level retative level areas of (COUNTRY) and(COUNIRY). *(Do not use if either of above notes will suffice by itself)(4) For those

25、 shown at a certain interval throughout the chart:Intermediate/Supplementary contoursshownat _ foot intervals.(5) For those shown at certain interval in a selected portion ofthe chart only. Examples are presented in order of preference (ifapplicable) :below_feet.below _festinrelative!y Ievelareasonl

26、y.from _ feet to _feet.below_feetin(CQUNTRY) and(CQUNIRY)only.Mow _ feet in relativelylevel areas of (COUNTRY) only.inrelativelylevelaraas of(COUNIRY)and (COUNTRY)in(COUNTF?Y)and (COUNIRY)onfy.17Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-o-8

27、91O23.11.3.15 t elon leaendfaccuracv notes . Spot elevations shallbe represented as shown on the spot elevation legend including the highestelevation tailored for each chart. When accuracy values for approximateelevation (sawbuck symbol) vary over different areas of a chart, the accuracynote(s) shal

28、l be tailored to the individual chart. Examples:Approximate Elevations x0000(Maximum possible vertical error is 250 feet in the USSR,1000feetinChina)Approximate Elevations x0000(Maximum possible vertical error is 250 feet in Borneo,umfeterminedin Papuwithin500 feetinWest New Guinea)Approximate Eleva

29、tions x000o(Maximum possiblevertical erroris 200feetNorth of48”,600feetSouthof48)Approximate Elevations x0000(Maximum possible vertical error is 500 feet in Burma, 250feet in remainder of chart)Approximate Elevations x0000(Maximum possible vertical error is 500 feet East of 130between28and 32”, 2000

30、feet inremainder ofchart) OUS no- . Notes regarding specific featuresconveying proper understanding or addressing policy or information containedin the body of the chart shall be shown in the section titled “NOTES”.a. Boundary Disclaimer Notes:(1) When international boundaries and/or lines

31、separating areasof national sovereignty (e.g. armistice lines, cease-fire lines) areportrayed, the following note shall be shown:Boundary representation is not necessarilyauthoritative.(2) When the producing nation does not recognize a countrysadministrative control of an area (or areas) formerly ha

32、ving independentstatus the following note, in addition to the standard boundary disclaimernote shall be shown: .The (name of government) has not recognized theincorporation of (name of country or countries) into(name of controllingoountry).(3) When the portrayal of international boundaries is revise

33、d,the following noteb. Namesshall be shown:ThedepictionofhternationalboundarieshasbeenchangedshcetheIastedition.Disclaimer Notes: When required by State Department policyand guidance names disclaimers shall be sho-wn. Disclaimer occurs in caseswhere the producing country does not recognize the polit

34、ical status of anentity but uses names having local sanction.(1) For charts that completely cover an area requiring a dis- claimer, the note shall read:18Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IMIL-o-891O2O,:,!Geographic names or their spell

35、ing do not necessarilyreflect recognition of the potitiil status of the areaby(name of government).(2) For charts that partially cover andisclai.xmr, the note shall read:Geographic names or their speltingsin (name of countryor countries) do not necessarily reflect reatgnitiin of thepoliticalstatusof

36、 the area(s) by (name of government).c. Vegetation Notes.(1) when no vegetation (trees) data is shownwithin a chart, the vegetation legend shall be omitted andadded:area requiring aor known to existthe following noteNo prominentvegetation is known to exist withinthe areaof this chart.(2) When inform

37、ation is not available to portray vegetation(tree) pattern known to exist within the area of a chart, the vegetationlegend shall be omitted and the following note added:No adequate source material was available todisptayvegetation patternswithinthe area of this chin.(3) If a chart is predominately f

38、orest covered then clearingswill be shown and labeled and the following note added to the notes legend:Generally forest covered. . . . . The following note shall beshown positioned below the Vertical Obstructions Note:VettkalObsctucthns,indudhtgFbvmrTnwWsaiifrLineshavebeenenracmdfromrhemoat

39、raliabksourceavaii however,therai.snuassurancedtalallarestwwn,w !tMtheirlocdonsortteiehrsareexau3.11.3.18 (Vo) The following note shall beshown under the section titled “VERTICAL OBSTRLJCfiONS”. (See APPENDIX B - ONCStyle Sheet). The Month-Year shall be tailored for each chart.Example:vERT$CAL08STRU

40、CTIOIUSSHOWNHAVEBEENSEt.ECTE0FmU4JM4 AVAllABLEASffAllmjwadveqMobsmtc5amcarmotbeadduamchan$cak.OMrUUmwshownaremetdghestticltin* 9mhceby3mtiwti. wi atMldegmahmxoom,andarleaal200feetAGL lnandamundmajwr)oamdaceethe_ietwlhefmduoedto C$ariry. . The Terraincharacteristic tint diagram illustrates a

41、nd defines the range of elevationsoappearing on a chart, in the form of tinted bands.4 The standard four (4)! ., color tint diagram (with shaded relief) shall be shown on all ONCS and consistof one tint for level areas (at different elevations), and three tints for theProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo

42、 reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-O-891.02elevation ranges; low relief, moderate relief and high relief. (See APPENDIXB - ONC Style Sheet) See 3.14.2 for tint specifications.a. The only variable information in the diagram are the text labelsbetween the elevation

43、tint bands. The standard breaks at “5000” and “9000”feet shall be adjusted based on the regional coverage of the ONC.b. Shaded relief shall be shown in the diagram.c. The following note shall shown below the diagram:Greencolorindicatesflatorrelativelylevelterrainregardlessofaltitudeabovesealevel.d.

44、When applicable the following note shall be added below thediagram title.(areas of unreliable relief are devoid of tint.)e. The highest terrain elevation and appropriate latitude and longi-tude values for the entire chart area including the North and East overlapportions of the chart shall be shown

45、positioned above the diagram.f. When multiple tint band systems are shown in the body of a chart,an explanatory note describing the system employed shall be formulated andadded below the characteristic tint diagram. Example:NoteTwo terraincharacteristictintsstemshavebeeniemployedonthisctwt.Tkwaaresh

46、ownomOtoSOOOfeet,SOOOtoWOOfeetinTurkeyandfromOto5000feet,5000to9000feeL9000tolO,OOOfeetintheremainderofdwchart. Elevation conversion. Sti . The Feet-Meters ElevationConversion Scale is designed to permit the conversion of intermediate valuesby comparison. The standard scale of 0-30,000 Feet

47、/O-9000 Meters shall beshown on all charts. The lineweight and graphic specifications are providedin APPENDIX B - ONC Style Sheet.CONVERSIONOFELEVATIONSF-o z 4 6 a 10 12 14 1s 1s202?24ZS2SS0q3.11.3.21 on Figures (F) .a. The following note (tailored for the highest MEF) shall be shownin the ONC margi

48、n:quadrangle, in 5% (2 3) of slope and rising more than 150m (SOO feet)above surrounding terrain shall be considered for shading.b. In areas 50 km square or larger, having a slope in excess of 5%,(30), only the major ridges and peaks shall be.shaded.c. In level terrain, hills or unique landforms whi

49、ch do not meetslope criteria may be shaded if they are considered critical to the lowaltitude-high speed mission. At low altitude navigation mode (500 feet orless) the radar coveraqe displayed is no greater, and usually far less, than30 nautical miles. Thi-sshail b-ethe pr factor to be consideredlishing the criticality of features for portrayal.d. Sha


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