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1、I METRE/ MIL-STD-241 O(DMA) 31 JANUARY 1995 SUPERSEDING MI L-STD-600005 30 AUGUST 1990 and Standard Printing Screen Catalog for MG i.e., percent of tone (estimated area of ink coverage), line ruling, and the angle of orientation. Screen angles are measured clockwise, oriented from O at the 12 oclock

2、 position. Dot screen angles range between 1 and 90. Examples are as follows: SCREEN DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 12% tone, 120-line dot screen, 12%-12OD-3O0 42% tone, 240-line dot screen, 42%-240D-30 . oriented at 30 in terms of tolerances for specifying the ra screens. Visual sa provided in APPEND1 c

3、hart (See APPENDIX process flow from an o generation film produc osite of two riented 30 and features are p screens described screens. Biangle Licensed by Information Handling Services IIL-STD-Z430 m 9999933 O502622 214 m MIL-STD-2410 SCREEN DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 31% tone, 240-line dot screen, 3

4、1%-240D-3O“/6O0 42% tone, 240-line dot screen, 42%-240D-3Oo/6O0 oriented at 30 and 60“ oriented at 30 and 60“ The standards for these biangle screens are provided in terms of tolerances for the production negative quality and are provided in APPENDIX B, Table B-1 of this standard. Continuous Growth

5、Scale, printed with the pages for the Standard Printing Color Catalog is required for specifying the range of tone difference for the litho printed screens. the biangle screens are provided in APPENDIX B, FIGURE B-l. Use of the 100-Step Visual samples of 5.4 Line Patterns. Line patterns are composed

6、 of parallel lines, consistently spaced and having the same line weight, which are used to print tones of a different color or to render a special effect over an area of a chart or map. screens range from fine to very coarse lines. They are identified numerically with each number prefixed by the des

7、ignation “LP“. Example: LP-1 In addition to the LP identification, line patterns have a technical specification which defines the line patterns percent of tone (estimated area of ink -coverage), line ruling, and angle of the line orientation. The line pattern angles are measured clockwise, oriented

8、from O“ at the 12 oclock position. The angles of the patterns are identified between 1 and 180. Examples are as follows: Line pattern SCREEN DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION 29% tone, 30-line ruling screen, 29%-3OL-9O0 35% tone, 34-line ruling screen, 3 5%-34L-45/ 13 5 oriented at 90 oriented at 45 and 135

9、 The standards for these line pattern screens are provided in terms of line thickness variation allowed for the production negative quality and are provided in APPENDIX C, Table C-1 and C-2 of this standard. Visual samples of the line pattern screens are provided in APPENDIX C, FIGURE C-l. 5.5 Area

10、Patterns. All small repetitively arranged feature symbol screens suitable for negative open window area application are area pattern screens. identified with each number prefixed by the designation “AP“. Example: in which case the area pattern screen is marked “TOP“ to enable proper alignment with t

11、he top of the printed sheet. All area pattern samples provided in APPENDIX D, FIGURE D-1 are shown in Area pattern screens are numerically AP-1. Most area patterns are prepared at a fixed angle, 9 Licensed by Information Handling Services , MIL-STD-ZqLO - the standard (default chart scale, pro will

12、require rot with ground truth. ,generated area patterns s screens. Nongeometric random area patterns shall be a visual facsimile of the masters, modified to allow for edge matching of small “patch“ or “tile“ segments of the attern to create large area patterns. Area patterns #150 thro h #158 are com

13、puter generated area patterns and are not available as standard film master screens. 5.6 Posicuts. Posicuts are standard (fixed geometry) graphic point symbols that may comprise a single symbol or may be used as components of a more complex symbology. Printed samples (actual size facsimiles) of the

14、required posicuts are depicted in APPENDIX E, FIGURE E-l. Refer to MIL-STD-2402 for the specific use of posicuts with symbology. 5.6.1 Posicut Engineering Drawinqs. The Engineering Drawings provide the complete detailed pecif ication (enlarged) graphics for all posicuts. In most cas s the dimensions

15、, radii, diameters and textual information provided is sufficient to fully specify the posicut. In those cases where a posicut has a very complex shape the complete specification cannot be effectively provided; in these cases a scaled grid is provided so that the dimensions can be derived by measuri

16、ng di ectly from the drawing and scaling to the actual size. See APPENDIX E - Posicut Engineering Drawings. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-STD-2410 m 99999LL O502624 097 m MIL-STD-2410 SPC# Color 44742 46351 48253 52813 57377 57437 58252 58753 58600 60862 61121 90342 95151 96532 . . .

17、. . . . . . . . . . Violet Aero - Blue Cyan - B lue Green Yellow Yellow Brown Brown Black Red Red-Brown Magenta Purple Purple 5.7.2 Process Printincr Colors. MC&G graphic products can be produced using different combinations of the SPC Process Printing Colors as necessary to avoid multiple printing

18、press runs. following process printing colors can be mixed/combined to obtain an acceptable equivalent to the required Standard Printing Color. Refer to the Standard Printing Color Catalog (Process) (See 2.1.2.b) for printed samples of process printing colors. The SPC# Color (Process Printing) 58600

19、 . Black 48253 . Cyan 90342 . Magenta 57377 . Yellow 5.8 TyDe SDecifications. In the field of typography there is no standard method for measuring the point size of type. In addition, there are many variations of well known fonts, such as News Gothic and Univers. Therefore, it is necessary for DMA t

20、o adopt a specific commercial font type in order to standardize. The type adopted is the DMA standard for both letter form and point size. The list below specifies the required font, styles and sizes for this standard. styles and sizes are as follows: The required Swiss 742 type fonts, Font Swiss 74

21、2 Swiss 742 Swiss 742 Swiss 742 Swiss 742 Swiss 742 Swiss 742 Style Sizes Regular (Medium) 4 - 36 point Condensed 4 - 36 point Light Condensed 4 - 36 point Light Condensed Italic 4 - 36 point Italic 4 - 36 point Bold 4 - 36 point Bold Condensed 4 - 36 point NOTE: The range specified (4-36 point) con

22、sists of the following font sizes: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,14,16,18,20,24,30, and 36 Licensed by Information Handling Services(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.) 6.1 Intended use. This standard is intended to ensure reproduction

23、 and printing uniformity of product designers, producers and users. 6.2 Issue of DODISS. When this standard is used in acquisition, the applicable issue of DODISS must be cited in the solicitation (see 2.1) 6.3 SuDersession. This standard supersedes MIL-STD-600005 dated 30 August 1990, and Standard

24、Printing Screen Catalog for MC&G Data and Related Products dated April 6.4 rg. Area pattern Dot screen Line pattern Posicuts Screen angle Tint. Type style . Certain provisions of this tion agreement. ment concerned, When amendment, of this standard is the preparing activity will t international stan

25、dardization standardization offices, to c appropriate accommodations. ts (STAJXAGs). 1 Charts Published b. 3690 - Maxi Licensed by Information Handling Services MIL-STD-2LlLO 9999911 0502626 9bT U MIL-STD-2410 APPENDIX A DOT TINT SCREENS lo. SCOPE 10.1 Scoxe. This APPENDIX provides the standards and

26、 tolerances for the 120 and 240-line round dot screens. This APPENDIX is a mandatory part of MIL-STD-2410 and the information contained herein is intended for compliance. 20. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS This section is not applicable to this APPENDIX. 30. REQUIREMENTS 30.1 The following pages provide the s

27、tandards, tolerances and printed samples of the 120 and 240-line round dot screens used for printing for MC&G graphic products. 13 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-STD-2410 m 9999911 0502627 8Tb m 0.001 27 0.001 45 0.001 36 4 2.1 32.3 34.5 36.8 I 1.8 2.4 Percent Tolerance Range Dot Diame

28、ter Tolerance Range SCREEN PERCENT Inches I Microns NAMUNUMBER 0.001 99 0.001 88 0.0021 O 7 Optical Density * Tolerance Range 50.6 4.5 47.8 53.3 4.0 5.0 O 1.68 1.62 1.74 1.35 1.30 1.40 1 .O6 1.02 1.10 0.80 0.76 0.83 0.61 0.58 0.64 0.48 0.45 0.51 0.37 0.34 0.39 0.26 0.24 0.28 0.1 6 0.07 0.09 - - c 1.

29、 The Screen Percent NarnehJumber ed is the estirnat values as indicated in the colunmc to th 2. Optical density readings will be ight readings will be within the established negative opt sed as a calibration standard prior to making the tran 1 for details.) The standards listed above are readings mr

30、nu 3. Measurement is diameter of nonpri for screens having Licensed by Information Handling Services MIL-STD-ZLI10 W 9999933 0502b28 732 MIL-STD-2410 FIGURE A-1: 120-LINE ROUND DOT SCREEN SAMPLES All master screens are 44 by 60 inches. Refer to the DoD Standard Printing Color Catalog for visual samp

31、les of the standard screens in the standard printing colors PERCENT OF TONE SCREEN ANGLES 4% 7% 12% 21 Yo 31 Yo 42% 54% 67% 79% 91 Yo 30“ 45“ 60“ 15“ 60“ 30“ 75“ 45“ 90“ 15“ 60“ 30“ 75“ 45“ 15“ 60“ 30“. 75“ 45“ 15“ 60“ 30“ 75“ 45“ 15“ 60“ 30“ 75“ 45“ 15“ 60“ 30“ 75“ 45“ 90“ 15“ 60“ 30“ 75“ 45“ 15“ 6

32、0“ 30“ 75“ 45“ 30“ 45“ VISUAL SAMPLE 15 Licensed by Information Handling Services. . . - . Licensed by Information Handling ServicesLITHO PRINT Dot Diameter Tolerance Range Inches 1 Microns MIL-STD-2410 Percent Optical Density * Tolerance Range Tolerance Range TABLE A-2: 240-LINE ROUND DOT SCREEN ST

33、ANDARDSTTOLERANCES 0.001 65 0.001 55 0.001 75 0.001 99 0.001 89 0.00209 0.00229 0.0021 8 0.00240 0.00273 0.00260 0.00285 SCREEN PERCENT NAMHNUMBER 41.9 12.3 0.91 39.4 44.5 10.9 13.8 0.86 0.96 50.6 17.9 0.75 48.0 53.1 16.2 19.8 0.70 0.79 58.2 23.7 0.63 55.4 61.0 21.5 26.1 0.58 0.67 69.3 33.7 0.47 66.

34、0 72.4 30.6 36.8 0.43 0.51 42 I 54 I (Bold type indicates the mean value) FILM NEGATIVE 1. The Screen Percent Name/Number assigned is the estimated percentage of printed area covered for screens having values as indicated in the colunms to the right. 2. Optical density readings will be made at eight

35、 locations, equally spaced in a diagonal pattern. All eight readings will be within the established negative optical density tolerance range. The Calibration Step Wedge No. 1 is used as a calibration standard prior to making the transmission density readings. (See ACIC Technical Report No. 72-1 for

36、details.) The standards listed above are readings minus the base plus fog density value. 17 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesTHIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK - 18 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-STD-2410 I 99999LL 0502632 Lb3 I MIL-STD-2410 FIGURE A-2: 240-LINE ROUND DOT SCREEN SAM

37、PLES All master screens are 44 by 60 inches. PERCENT OF TONE SCREEN ANGLES VISUAL SAMPLE 21 % 42% 54% 30“ 75“ 30“ 75“ 30“ 75“ 30“ 75“ . . . _. . _ . 19 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesLicensed by Information Handling Services MIL-STD-2410 W 99LL O502634 T3b I MIL-STD-2410 FIGURE A-3: SCREEN

38、 GENERATION CHART GEN E RAT1 ON DESCRIPTION HALFTONE GLASS SCREEN Original Glass Screen Positive or negative, as required, soft dotline film master screen when made on a camera using a halftone glass screen. When made by contract from existing halftone film screens, the screen will be a hard doline

39、film master. By either method the screen is a Ist Generation Film Master Screen, which is the master to be used to create the 2nd Generation screens for the purpose described for the 2nd Generation screen. Percentages of the 1st and 2nd Generation screen must take into account the required percentag

40、e of the 3rd Generation production screen. 1 ST GENERATION FILM MASTER SCREEN 2ND GENERATION FILM MASTER SCREEN 3RD GENERATION FILM MASTER SCREEN 2ND GENERATION FILM MASTER SCREEN 2ND GENERATION FILM MASTER SCREEN Positive or negative, as requested, hard dot/line film master screen made by contact f

41、rom the 1st Generation screen. The 2nd Generation screens are supplied to each participating production screens. 3RD GENERATION FILM MASTER SCREEN 3RD GENERATION FILM MASTER SCREEN Negative hard doline, working/production screens produced by contact from 2nd Generation screens. Each agency produces

42、3rd Generation screens in necessary quantities to fulfill their needs. 21 Licensed by Information Handling Services MIL-STD-2410 A d BIANGLE SCREENS 10. SCOPE 10.1 ScoDe. This APPENDIX provides the standards and tolerances for biangle screens. This APPENDIX is a mandatory part of MIL-STD-2410 and th

43、e information contained herein is intended for compliance. 20. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS This section is not applicable to this APPENDIX. and for Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-STD-2410 I 77777LL 0502b3b 807 I Composite Negative Percent Tolerance Range Litho Print Screen Identification MIL-

44、STD-2410 1 Composite Negative Optical Density Tolerance Range TABLE B-1: BIANGLE WORKING SCREEN STANDARDSTOLERANCES (Bold type indicates the mean value) 17.2 15.0 19.5 31 Y0-240D-Biangle 0.76 0.71 0.82 1 0.85 1.00 12.0 I 10.0 14.0 I 21 %-240D-Biangie 24.0 21.0 27.0 42%-24OD-Biangle 0.62 0.57 0.68 35

45、.0 32.0 38.0 54Yo-240D-Biangie 1 0.46 0.42 0.49 44.0 40.0 48.0 67Y-240D-Biangle I l. Optical density readings will be made at eight locations, equally spaced in a diagonal pattern. All eight readings will be within the establishednegative optical density tolerance range. The Calibration Step Wedge N

46、o. 1 is used as a calibration standard prior to making the transmission density readings. (See ACIC Technical Report No. 72-1 for details.) The standards listed above are readings minus the base plus fog density value. 0.36 0.32 0.40 23 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesLicensed by Informatio

47、n Handling Services MIL-STD-2YLO 9999LL O502638 b8L I SPECIFICATION 21 %-240D-3O0/60“ 31 %-240D-30/600 42%-240D-30/60“ 54%-240D-30/60“ 67%-240D-3O0/6O0 SOLID MIL-STD-2410 FIGURE B-1: BIANGLE SCREEN SAMPLES SIZE (Inches) 42 x 60 42 x 60 42 x 60 42 x 60 42 x 60 VISUAL SAMPLES / A w9 M)4 .W6 .ma 012 .O20 .w3 .OM ,005 .w3 .O12 A 003 004 006 003 o12 azo .o03 .w .o06 .ooB .o12 .O20 25 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesLicensed by Information Handling Services


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