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1、476 SUBCHAPTER LFEDERAL LANDS HIGHWAYS PART 970NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Subpart ADefinitions Sec. 970.100 Purpose. 970.102 Applicability. 970.104 Definitions. Subpart BNational Park Service Management Systems 970.200 Purpose. 970.202 Applicability. 970.204 Management systems requirem

2、ents. 970.206 Funds for establishment, develop-ment, and implementation of the sys-tems. 970.208 Federal lands pavement manage-ment system (PMS). 970.210 Federal lands bridge management system (BMS). 970.212 Federal lands safety management system (SMS). 970.214 Federal lands congestion manage-ment s

3、ystem (CMS). AUTHORITY: 23 U.S.C. 204 and 315; 42 U.S.C. 7410 et seq.; 49 CFR 1.48. SOURCE: 69 FR 9473, Feb. 27, 2004, unless otherwise noted. Subpart ADefinitions 970.100 Purpose. The purpose of this subpart is to pro-vide definitions for terms used in this part. 970.102 Applicability. The definiti

4、ons in this subpart are applicable to this part, except as other-wise provided. 970.104 Definitions. Alternative transportation systems means modes of transportation other than private vehicles, including meth-ods to improve system performance such as transportation demand man-agement, congestion ma

5、nagement, and intelligent transportation systems. These mechanisms help reduce the use of private vehicles and thus improve overall efficiency of transportation systems and facilities. Elements means the components of a bridge important from a structural, user, or cost standpoint. Examples are decks

6、, joints, bearings, girders, abut-ments, and piers. Federal lands bridge management sys-tem (BMS) means a systematic process used by the Forest Service (FS), the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Park Service (NPS) for collecting and analyzing bridge data to make forecasts and recomme

7、ndations, and provides the means by which bridge maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement programs and policies may be efficiently and effectively con-sidered. Federal lands congestion management system (CMS) means a systematic proc-ess used by the NPS, the FWS and the FS for managing congestion

8、 that pro-vides information on transportation system performance, and alternative strategies for alleviating congestion and enhancing the mobility of persons and goods to levels that meet Federal, State and local needs. Federal Lands Highway Program (FLHP) means a federally funded pro-gram establish

9、ed in 23 U.S.C. 204 to ad-dress transportation needs of Federal and Indian lands. Federal lands pavement management system (PMS) means a systematic proc-ess used by the NPS, the FWS and the FS that provides information for use in implementing cost-effective pavement reconstruction, rehabilitation, a

10、nd pre-ventive maintenance programs and policies, and that results in pavement designed to accommodate current and forecasted traffic in a safe, durable, and cost-effective manner. Federal lands safety management sys-tem (SMS) means a systematic process used by the NPS, the FWS and the FS with the g

11、oal of reducing the number and severity of traffic accidents by en-suring that all opportunities to im-prove roadway safety are identified, considered, implemented, and evalu-ated, as appropriate, during all phases of highway planning, design, construc-tion, operation and maintenance, by providing i

12、nformation for selecting and implementing effective highway safety strategies and projects. VerDate Mar2010 09:39 May 11, 2011 Jkt 223076 PO 00000 Frm 00486 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223076.XXX 223076wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitte

13、d without license from IHS-,-,-477 Federal Highway Administration, DOT 970.200 Highway safety means the reduction of traffic accidents on public roads, in-cluding reductions in deaths, injuries, and property damage. Intelligent transportation system (ITS) means electronics, communications, or inform

14、ation processing used singly or in combination to improve the effi-ciency and safety of a surface transpor-tation system. Life-cycle cost analysis means an eval-uation of costs incurred over the life of a project allowing a comparative anal-ysis between or among various alter-natives. Life-cycle cos

15、t analysis pro-motes consideration of total cost, in-cluding maintenance and operation ex-penditures. Comprehensive life-cycle cost analysis includes all economic variables essential to the evaluation, including user costs such as delay, safety costs associated with mainte-nance and rehabilitation p

16、rojects, agency capital costs, and life-cycle maintenance costs. Metropolitan planning area means the geographic area in which the metro-politan transportation planning proc-ess required by 23 U.S.C. 134 and 49 U.S.C. 53035306 must be carried out. Metropolitan planning organization (MPO) means the f

17、orum for cooperative transportation decision-making for the metropolitan planning area pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 134 and 49 U.S.C. 5303. National Park Service transportation plan means an official NPS multimodal transportation plan that is developed through the NPS transportation plan-ning process pursu

18、ant to 23 U.S.C. 204. Operations means those activities as-sociated with managing, controlling, and regulating highway and pedestrian traffic. Park road means a public road, in-cluding a bridge built primarily for pe-destrian use, but with capacity for use by emergency vehicles, that is located with

19、in, or provides access to, an area in the National Park System with title and maintenance responsibilities vest-ed in the United States. Park Road Program transportation im-provement program (PRPTIP) means a staged, multi-year, multimodal pro-gram of NPS transportation projects in a State area. The

20、PRPTIP is consistent with the NPS transportation plan and developed through the NPS planning processes pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 204. Park roads and parkways program means a program that is authorized in 23 U.S.C. 204 with funds allocated to the NPS by the Federal Highway Ad-ministration (FHWA) for each

21、 fiscal year as provided in 23 U.S.C. 202(c) and 23 U.S.C. 204. Parkway means a parkway authorized by Act of Congress on lands to which title is vested in the United States. Secretary means the Secretary of Transportation. Serviceability means the degree to which a bridge provides satisfactory servi

22、ce from the point of view of its users. State means any one of the fifty States, the District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico. Transportation facilities means roads, streets, bridges, parking areas, transit vehicles, and other related transpor-tation infrastructure. Transportation Management Area (TMA)

23、means an urbanized area with a population over 200,000 (as determined by the latest decennial census) or other area when TMA designation is re-quested by the Governor and the MPO (or affected local officials), and offi-cially designated by the Administra-tors of the FHWA and the Federal Transit Admi

24、nistration (FTA). The TMA designation applies to the entire metropolitan planning area(s). Subpart BNational Park Service Management Systems 970.200 Purpose. The purpose of this subpart is to im-plement 23 U.S.C. 204, which requires the Secretary and the Secretary of each appropriate Federal land ma

25、nage-ment agency, to the extent appro-priate, to develop by rule safety, bridge, pavement, and congestion man-agement systems for roads funded under the FLHP. These management systems serve to guide the National Park Service (NPS) in developing transportation plans and making re-source allocation de

26、cisions for the PRPTIP. VerDate Mar2010 09:39 May 11, 2011 Jkt 223076 PO 00000 Frm 00487 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223076.XXX 223076wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-478 23 CFR Ch. I (4111 Edition) 970.2

27、02 970.202 Applicability. The provisions in this subpart are ap-plicable to the NPS and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) that are responsible for satisfying these re-quirements for management systems pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 204. 970.204 Management systems re-quirements. (a) The NPS shall deve

28、lop, establish and implement the management sys-tems as described in this subpart. The NPS may tailor all management sys-tems to meet the NPS goals, policies, and needs using professional engineer-ing and planning judgment to deter-mine the required nature and extent of systems coverage consistent w

29、ith the intent and requirements of this rule. The management systems also shall be developed so they assist in meeting the goals and measures that were jointly developed by the FHWA and the NPS in response to the Government Perform-ance and Results Act of 1993 (Pub. L. 10362, 107 Stat. 285). (b) The

30、 NPS and the FHWA shall de-velop an implementation plan for each of the management systems. These plans will include, but are not limited to, the following: Overall goals and policies concerning the management systems, each agencys responsibilities for developing and implementing the management syst

31、ems, implementation schedule, data sources, and cost esti-mate. The FHWA will provide the NPS ongoing technical engineering support for the development, implementation, and maintenance of the management systems. (c) The NPS shall develop and imple-ment procedures for the development, establishment,

32、implementation and op-eration of management systems. The procedures shall include: (1) A process for ensuring the outputs of the management systems are consid-ered in the development of NPS trans-portation plans and PRPTIPs and in making project selection decisions under 23 U.S.C. 204; (2) A process

33、 for the analysis and co-ordination of all management system outputs to systematically operate, maintain, and upgrade existing trans-portation assets cost-effectively; (3) A description of each management system; (4) A process to operate and maintain the management systems and their as-sociated data

34、bases; and (5) A process for data collection, processing, analysis and updating for each management system. (d) All management systems will use databases with a geographical ref-erence system that can be used to geolocate all database information. (e) Existing data sources may be used by the NPS to

35、the maximum extent possible to meet the management sys-tem requirements. (f) The NPS shall develop an appro-priate means to evaluate the effective-ness of the management systems in en-hancing transportation investment de-cision-making and improving the over-all efficiency of the affected transpor-ta

36、tion systems and facilities. This evaluation is to be conducted periodi-cally, preferably as part of the NPS planning process. (g) The management systems shall be operated so investment decisions based on management system outputs can be considered at the national, regional, and park levels. 970.206

37、 Funds for establishment, de-velopment, and implementation of the systems. The Park Roads and Parkways pro-gram funds may be used for develop-ment, establishment, and implementa-tion of the management systems. These funds are to be administered in accordance with the procedures and re-quirements app

38、licable to the funds. 970.208 Federal lands pavement man-agement system (PMS). In addition to the requirements pro-vided in 970.204, the PMS must meet the following requirements: (a) The NPS shall have PMS coverage of all paved park roads, parkways, parking areas and other associated fa-cilities, as

39、 appropriate, that are funded under the FLHP. (b) The PMS may be utilized at var-ious levels of technical complexity de-pending on the nature of the transpor-tation network. These different levels may depend on mileage, functional VerDate Mar2010 09:39 May 11, 2011 Jkt 223076 PO 00000 Frm 00488 Fmt

40、8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223076.XXX 223076wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-479 Federal Highway Administration, DOT 970.210 classes, volumes, loading, usage, sur-face type, or other criteria the NPS deems a

41、ppropriate. (c) The PMS shall be designed to fit the NPS goals, policies, criteria, and needs using the following components, at a minimum, as a basic framework for a PMS: (1) A database and an ongoing pro-gram for the collection and mainte-nance of the inventory, inspection, cost, and supplemental

42、data needed to support the PMS. The minimum PMS database shall include: (i) An inventory of the physical pave-ment features including the number of lanes, length, width, surface type, func-tional classification, and shoulder in-formation; (ii) A history of project dates and types of construction, re

43、construction, rehabilitation, and preventive mainte-nance. If some of the inventory or his-toric data is difficult to establish, it may be collected when preservation or reconstruction work is performed; (iii) Condition data that includes roughness, distress, rutting, and sur-face friction (as appro

44、priate); (iv) Traffic information including volumes and vehicle classification (as appropriate); and (v) Data for estimating the costs of actions. (2) A system for applying network level analytical procedures that are ca-pable of analyzing data for all park roads, parkways and other appropriate asso

45、ciated facilities in the inventory or any subset. The minimum analyses shall include: (i) A pavement condition analysis that includes roughness, distress, rut-ting, and surface friction (as appro-priate); (ii) A pavement performance analysis that includes present and predicted performance and an est

46、imate of the re-maining service life (performance and remaining service life to be developed with time); and (iii) An investment analysis that: (A) Identifies alternative strategies to improve pavement conditions; (B) Estimates costs of any pavement improvement strategy; (C) Determines maintenance,

47、repair, and rehabilitation strategies for pave-ments using life-cycle cost analysis or a comparable procedure; (D) Provides for short and long term budget forecasting; and (E) Recommends optimal allocation of limited funds by developing a prioritized list of candidate projects over a predefined plan

48、ning horizon (both short and long term). (d) For any park roads, parkways and other appropriate associated facilities in the inventory or subset thereof, PMS reporting requirements shall in-clude, but are not limited to, percent-age of roads in good, fair, and poor con-dition. 69 FR 9473, Feb. 27, 2

49、004; 69 FR 16793, Mar. 31, 2004 970.210 Federal lands bridge manage-ment system (BMS). In addition to the requirements pro-vided in 970.204, the BMS must meet the following requirements: (a) The NPS shall have a BMS for the bridges which are under the NPS juris-diction, funded under the FLHP, and required to be inventoried and in-spected as prescribed by 23 U.S.C. 144. (b) The BMS shall be designed to fit the NPS goals, policies, criteria, and needs using, as a mi

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