1、183 Surface Transportation Board, DOT 1243.1 no solely related expenses or if the solely related expenses are assigned en-tirely to either freight or passenger service, separate common expenses on the same percentages calculated for the separation of administration (ac-count XX5501). Separate common
2、 credit expenses on the basis of the percentages calculated for the separation of administration (account XX5501). 1242.82 Other and casualties and in-surance (accounts XX5599 and 50 5500). Separate common expenses on the basis of the percentages calculated for the separation of administration (ac-c
3、ount XX5501). OPERATING EXPENSES general and administration 1242.83 Officersgeneral super-intendence; accounting, auditing and finance; management services and data processing; personnel and labor relations; legal and secre-tarial; research and development; writedown of uncollectible ac-counts; prop
4、erty taxes; other taxes except on corporate income or pay-rolls; and other (accounts XX6301, XX6386, XX6387, XX6391, XX 6392, XX6394, 636300, 646300, 656300 and XX6399). Separate common expenses in pro-portion to the separation of all other common expenses except General and Administrative Expenses.
5、 1242.84 Marketing, sales, and public relations and advertising (accounts XX6388, XX6389 and XX6393). Separate each common expense ac-count on the basis of the solely related freight and passenger expense ac-counts. 1242.85 Fringe benefits (account 12 6300). Separate the common expenses in proportio
6、n to the total common sala-ries and wages expense separation (ac-count 11-XX-XX) determined in 1242.83 and 1242.84. 1242.86 Industrial development (ac-count XX6190). These accounts pertain solely to freight service and contain no common expenses for separation herein. 1242.87 Joint facilitydebit and
7、 credit and casualties and insurance (accounts 376300, 386300 and 506300). Separate the common expenses in proportion to the total of all common expense separations determined in 1242.83 and 1242.84 above. NOTE: If compilation of the data in compli-ance with any of the above separation rules results
8、 in an undue burden in accounting ex-pense, the carrier may request relief from such rules by letter to the Director, Bureau of Accounts. If reliable data can be developed through other methods and procedures, the carrier may request substitution of such methods also by letter to the Director, Bu-re
9、au of Accounts. In both cases, the carrier shall support the request with full details. PART 1243QUARTERLY OPERATING REPORTSRAILROADS Sec. 1243.1 Revenues, expenses and income. 1243.2 Condensed balance sheet. 1243.3 Report of fuel cost, consumption, and surcharge revenue. AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 721, 1
10、1145. SOURCE: 37 FR 5503, Mar. 16, 1972, unless otherwise noted. NOTE: The report forms prescribed by part 1243 are available upon request from the Of-fice of Economics, Environmental Analysis, and Administration, Surface Transportation Board, Washington, DC 204230001. 1243.1 Revenues, expenses and
11、in-come. Commencing with reports for the 3 months beginning January 1, 1972, and for subsequent quarters thereafter, until further ordered, all class I rail-roads, except switching and terminal companies, subject to the provisions of Part I of the Interstate Commerce Act, be, and they are hereby, re
12、quired to compile and file quarterly reports of revenues, expenses and income in ac-cordance with quarterly report Form RE&I, and instructions thereon. Such VerDate Mar2010 08:56 Nov 10, 2010 Jkt 220220 PO 00000 Frm 00193 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220220.XXX 220220erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFRProv
13、ided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-184 49 CFR Ch. X (10110 Edition) 1243.2 quarterly reports shall be filed, in du-plicate, in the Office of Economics, En-vironmental Analysis, and Administra-tion, Surface Transportation Board, Washington, D
14、C 20423, within 30 days after the end of the quarter to which they relate. 37 FR 5503, Mar. 16, 1972, as amended at 67 FR 57534, Sept. 11, 2002 1243.2 Condensed balance sheet. Commencing with reports for the 3 months beginning January 1, 1972, and for subsequent quarters thereafter, until further or
15、dered, all class I rail-roads, except switching and terminal companies, subject to the provisions of Part I of the Interstate Commerce Act, be, and they are hereby, required to compile and file quarterly reports of balance sheet items in accordance with quarterly report Form CBS, and in-structions t
16、hereon. Such quarterly re-ports shall be filed, in duplicate, with the Office of Economics, Environ-mental Analysis, and Administration, Surface Transportation Board, Wash-ington, DC 20423, within 30 days after the end of the quarter to which they relate. 37 FR 5503, Mar. 16, 1972, as amended at 67
17、FR 57534, Sept. 11, 2002 1243.3 Report of fuel cost, consump-tion, and surcharge revenue. Commencing with reports for the 3 months beginning October 1, 2007, all Class I railroads are required to file quarterly a Report of Fuel Cost, Con-sumption, and Surcharge Revenue, in accordance with the Boards
18、 reporting form. Such reports shall be filed, in du-plicate, with the Office of Economics, Environmental Analysis, and Adminis-tration, Surface Transportation Board, Washington, DC 204230001, within 30 days after the end of the quarter re-ported. APPENDIX TO SECTION 49 CFR 1243.3 OMB Control No. 214
19、00014 Expires llll, 2010 Railroad Name llllll QUARTERLY REPORT OF FUEL COST, CONSUMPTION, AND SURCHARGE REVENUE FOR THE QUARTER ENDING llll, 20ll Instructions: The report shall contain data only for the reported quarter. Cost and revenue are defined as accrued or earned that quarter. The report shal
20、l be filed with the Surface Transportation Board on or before 30 days after the end of that quarter. Line No. Data (a) Amount (in thousands) (b) 1 Total fuel cost1.2 Total gallons of fuel consumed1.3 Total increase or decrease in cost of fuel2.4 Total revenue from fuel surcharges3.5 Revenue from fue
21、l surcharges on regulated traffic.1Include fuel for freight, yard and work train locomotives. Include fuel charged to train and yard service (function 67Loco-motive Fuels). Include all other fuel used for railroad operations and maintenance, including motor vehicles and power equipment not charged t
22、o function 67Locomotive Fuels. 2Show the total increase or decrease in fuel cost over previous quarter. 3Show Fuel surcharges billed for all traffic (line 4) and for only regulated traffic (line 5). I, the undersigned, llllll, Title: llllll, state that this report was prepared by me or under my supe
23、r-vision and that I have carefully exam-ined it and on the basis of my knowl-edge, belief, and verification declare it to be full, true and correct. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE FUEL SURCHARGE REPORT The following information is pro-vided in compliance with OMB require-ments, pursuant to the P
24、aperwork Re-duction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.: Information in this report is intended to permit the Board to monitor the fuel surcharge practices of Class I car-riers. The estimated annual hourly, per re-spondent burden for filing this report is 12 hours. This report is mandatory for Class
25、 I carriers. Information collected through this report is published on the Boards VerDate Mar2010 08:56 Nov 10, 2010 Jkt 220220 PO 00000 Frm 00194 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220220.XXX 220220erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without li
26、cense from IHS-,-,-185 Surface Transportation Board, DOT 1244.2 website and is maintained by the agen-cy for at least 2 years. The display of a currently valid OMB control number for this collection is required by law. Under 5 CFR 1320.5(b), persons are not required to respond to this collection of
27、information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. 72 FR 45386, Aug. 14, 2007 PART 1244WAYBILL ANALYSIS OF TRANSPORTATION OF PROP-ERTYRAILROADS Sec. 1244.1 Definitions. 1244.2 Applicability. 1244.3 Reporting contract shipment waybills and Canadian and Mexican international waybills
28、. 1244.4 Sampling of waybills. 1244.5 Date of filing. 1244.6 Retention of files. 1244.7 Special studies. 1244.8 Analysis of waybill data. 1244.9 Procedures for the release of waybill data. AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 721, 10707, 11144, 11145. SOURCE: 46 FR 26784, May 15, 1981, unless otherwise noted. 1244.
29、1 Definitions. (a) Railroadan individual railroad or terminal company subject to the Interstate Commerce Act and every re-ceiver, trustee, executor, administrator or assignee of any such railroad. If a railroad and its railroad subsidiaries report to the Board on a consolidated basis, they would col
30、lectively be con-sidered as a railroad. (b) A railroad subsidiarya railroad owned or controlled by another rail-road. (c) A waybill, which may be referred to by other names such as mine tick-ets, is the document or instrument pre-pared from the bill of lading contract or shippers instructions as to
31、the dis-position of the freight, and used by the railroad(s) involved as the authority to move the shipment and as the basis for determining the freight charges and interline settlements. 1244.2 Applicability. (a) Effective July 1, 1981 and there-after, unless otherwise ordered, each railroad as def
32、ined in 1244.1 above is required to file waybill sample infor-mation for all line-haul revenue way-bills terminated on its lines if it termi-nates at least 4,500 revenue carloads in any of the three preceding years, or if it terminates at least 5% of the rev-enue carloads terminating in any state in
33、 any of the three preceding years. A railroad required to file waybill sample information under this section shall herein be referred to as subject railroad. (b) Waybill terminations shall in-clude all line-haul revenue movements terminating for waybilling purposes on the subject railroads line whet
34、her the lading is destined for the terminating station as denoted on the waybill or the shipment is being rebilled or for-warded to the ultimate destination by another railroad or another mode of transportation (e.g., lake cargo, in-bound transit, or other rebilled move-ments). (c) Each subject rail
35、road shall also file the required waybill sample infor-mation for all of its railroad subsidi-aries. (d) Each subject railroad shall also file the required waybill sample infor-mation for any other railroad for which it performs revenue billing and/or interline settlements under special agreement. (
36、e) The surviving corporate entity of railroads (subject to the Interstate Commerce Act) who have merged or re-organized shall be required to report waybill sample information if its pred-ecessor railroad or any of its prede-cessor railroads were required to report under this section. (f) In order to
37、 determine the number of carloads terminated in each state, railroads not otherwise submitting waybill information must report annu-ally the number of carloads terminated by state for the last calendar year. These reports shall be submitted by March 1 of the year following the re-port year. (g) Tran
38、sition. This final rule will apply to all subject waybills which are in the subject railroads audit month of July 1981 and all audit months there-after. The former rule will continue to apply to all subject waybills for the prior audit months up to and including June 1981. VerDate Mar2010 08:56 Nov 10, 2010 Jkt 220220 PO 00000 Frm 00195 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220220.XXX 220220erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-