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1、714 49 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition) 174.750 at least 7.6 cm (3 inches) high in a con-spicuous place on both sides of the ex-terior of the transport vehicle, and it must be kept closed at all times other than during loading and unloading. Amdt. 17480, 60 FR 50332, Sept. 28, 1995, as amended by 66 FR 453

2、83, Aug. 28, 2001 174.750 Incidents involving leakage. (a) In addition to the incident report-ing requirements of 171.15 and 171.16 of this subchapter, the carrier shall also notify the offeror at the earliest practicable moment following any inci-dent in which there has been breakage, spillage, or

3、suspected radioactive con-tamination involving Class 7 (radio-active) materials shipments. Transport vehicles, buildings, areas, or equipment in which Class 7 (radioactive) materials have been spilled may not be again placed in service or routinely occupied until the radiation dose rate at every acc

4、essible surface is less than 0.005 mSv per hour (0.5 mrem per hour) and there is no significant removable radio-active surface contamination (see 173.443 of this subchapter). (b) The package or materials should be segregated as far as practicable from personnel contact. If radiological advice or ass

5、istance is needed, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) should also be notified. In case of obvious leakage, or if it appears likely that the inside container may have been dam-aged, care should be taken to avoid in-halation, ingestion, or contact with the Class 7 (radioactive) material. Any loose Cl

6、ass 7 (radioactive) materials should be left in a segregated area and held pending disposal instructions, from qualified persons. Amdt. 17426, 41 FR 16092, Apr. 15, 1976, as amended by Amdt. 17442, 48 FR 10245, Mar. 10, 1983; Amdt. 17461, 51 FR 34987, Oct. 1, 1986; Amdt. 17465, 53 FR 38274, Sept. 29

7、, 1988; Amdt. 17468, 55 FR 52684, Dec. 21, 1990; Amdt. 17480, 60 FR 50332, Sept. 28, 1995 PART 175CARRIAGE BY AIRCRAFT Subpart AGeneral Information and Regulations Sec. 175.1 Purpose, scope and applicability. 175.3 Unacceptable hazardous materials shipments. 175.8 Exceptions for operator equipment a

8、nd items of replacement. 175.9 Exceptions for special aircraft oper-ations. 175.10 Exceptions for passengers, crew-members, and air operators. 175.20 Compliance and training. 175.25 Notification at air passenger facili-ties of hazardous materials restrictions. 175.26 Notification at cargo facilities

9、 of haz-ardous materials requirements. 175.30 Inspecting shipments. 175.31 Reports of discrepancies. 175.33 Shipping paper and notification of pilot-in-command. Subpart BLoading, Unloading and Handling 175.75 Quantity limitations and cargo loca-tion. 175.78 Stowage compatibility of cargo. 175.88 Ins

10、pection, orientation and securing of packages of hazardous materials. 175.90 Damaged shipments. Subpart CSpecific Regulations Applica-ble According to Classification of Ma-terial 175.310 Transportation of flammable liquid fuel; aircraft only means of transpor-tation 175.501 Special requirements for

11、oxidizers and compressed oxygen. 175.630 Special requirements for Division 6.1 (poisonous) material and Division 6.2 (in-fectious substances) materials. 175.700 Special limitations and require-ments for Class 7 materials. 175.701 Separation distance requirements for packages containing Class 7 (radi

12、o-active) materials in passenger-carrying aircraft. 175.702 Separation distance requirements for packages containing Class 7 (radio-active) materials in cargo aircraft. 175.703 Other special requirements for the acceptance and carriage of packages con-taining Class 7 materials. 175.704 Plutonium shi

13、pments. 175.705 Radioactive contamination. 175.706 Separation distances for undevel-oped film from packages containing Class 7 (radioactive) materials. 175.900 Handling requirements for carbon di-oxide, solid (dry ice). AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 51015128, 44701; 49 CFR 1.45 and 1.53. SOURCE: 71 FR 14604,

14、 Mar. 22, 2006, unless otherwise noted. VerDate Mar2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00724 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:49X49220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-715 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety

15、 Admin., DOT 175.8 Subpart AGeneral Information and Regulations 175.1 Purpose, scope and applica-bility. (a) This part prescribes requirements that apply to the transportation of hazardous materials in commerce aboard (including attached to or sus-pended from) aircraft. The require-ments in this par

16、t are in addition to other requirements contained in parts 171, 172, 173, 178, and 180 of this sub-chapter. (b) This part applies to the offering, acceptance, and transportation of haz-ardous materials in commerce by air-craft to, from, or within the United States, and to any aircraft of United Stat

17、es registry anywhere in air com-merce. This subchapter applies to any person who performs, attempts to per-form, or is required to perform any function subject to this subchapter, in-cluding(1) Air carriers, indirect air carriers, and freight forwarders and their flight and non-flight employees, age

18、nts, subsidiary and contract per-sonnel (including cargo, passenger and baggage acceptance, handling, loading and unloading personnel); and (2) Air passengers that carry any haz-ardous material on their person or in their carry-on or checked baggage. (c) This part does not apply to air-craft of Unit

19、ed States registry under lease to and operated by foreign na-tionals outside the United States if: (1) Hazardous materials forbidden aboard aircraft by 172.101 of this sub-chapter are not carried on the aircraft; and (2) Other hazardous materials are carried in accordance with the regula-tions of th

20、e State (nation) of the air-craft operator. 175.3 Unacceptable hazardous mate-rials shipments. A hazardous material that is not pre-pared for shipment in accordance with this subchapter may not be offered or accepted for transportation or trans-ported aboard an aircraft. 175.8 Exceptions for operato

21、r equip-ment and items of replacement. (a) Operator equipment. This sub-chapter does not apply to (1) Aviation fuel and oil in tanks that are in compliance with the installation provisions of 14 CFR, chapter 1. (2) Hazardous materials required aboard an aircraft in accordance with the applicable air

22、worthiness require-ments and operating regulations. Items of replacement for such materials must be transported in accordance with paragraph (a)(3) of this section. (3) Items of replacement (company material (COMAT) for hazardous ma-terials described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section must be trans

23、ported in ac-cordance with this subchapter. When an operator transports its own replace-ment items described in paragraph (a)(2), the following exceptions apply: (i) In place of required packagings, packagings specifically designed for the items of replacement may be used, provided such packagings p

24、rovide at least an equivalent level of protection to those that would be required by this subchapter. (ii) Aircraft batteries are not subject to quantity limitations such as those provided in 172.101 or 175.75(c) of this subchapter. (b) Other operator exceptions. This sub-chapter does not apply to (

25、1) Oxygen, or any hazardous mate-rial used for the generation of oxygen, for medical use by a passenger, which is furnished by the aircraft operator in accordance with 14 CFR 121.574 or 135.91. For the purposes of this para-graph, an aircraft operator that does not hold a certificate under 14 CFR pa

26、rts 121 or 135 may apply this excep-tion in conformance with 14 CFR 121.574 or 135.91 in the same manner as required for a certificate holder. See 175.501 for additional requirements ap-plicable to the stowage of oxygen. (2) Dry ice (carbon dioxide, solid) in-tended for use by the operator in food a

27、nd beverage service aboard the air-craft. (3) Alcoholic beverages, perfumes, co-lognes, and liquefied gas lighters car-ried aboard a passenger-carrying air-craft by the operator for use or sale on the aircraft. Liquefied gas lighters must be examined by the Bureau of Ex-plosives and approved by the

28、Associate Administrator. (4) A tire assembly with a serviceable tire, provided the tire is not inflated to VerDate Mar2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00725 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:49X49220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted witho

29、ut license from IHS-,-,-716 49 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition) 175.9 a gauge pressure exceeding the max-imum rated pressure for that tire, and the tire (including valve assemblies) is protected from damage during trans-port. A tire or tire assembly which is unserviceable or damaged is forbidden from air t

30、ransport; however, a damaged tire is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter if it contains no ma-terial meeting the definition of a haz-ardous material (e.g., Division 2.2). 71 FR 14604, Mar. 22, 2006, as amended at 72 FR 55693, Oct. 1, 2007 175.9 Exceptions for special aircraft operatio

31、ns. This subchapter does not apply to the following materials used for special aircraft operations when applicable FAA operator requirements have been met, including training operator per-sonnel on the proper handling and stowage of the hazardous materials carried: (a) Hazardous materials loaded and

32、 carried in hoppers or tanks of aircraft certificated for use in aerial seeding, dusting spraying, fertilizing, crop im-provement, or pest control, to be dis-pensed during such an operation. (b) Parachute activation devices, lighting equipment, oxygen cylinders, flotation devices, smoke grenades, fl

33、ares, or similar devices carried during a parachute operation. (c) Smoke grenades, flares, and pyro-technic devices affixed to aircraft dur-ing any flight conducted as part of a scheduled air show or exhibition of aeronautical skill. The aircraft may not carry any persons other than re-quired flight

34、 crewmembers. The affixed installation accommodating the smoke grenades, flares, or pyrotechnic devices on the aircraft must be approved for its intended use by the FAA Flight Stand-ards District Office having responsi-bility for that aircraft. (d) Hazardous materials are carried and used during ded

35、icated air ambu-lance, fire fighting, or search and res-cue operations. (e) A transport incubator unit nec-essary to protect life or an organ pres-ervation unit necessary to protect human organs, carried in the aircraft cabin, provided: (1) The compressed gas used to oper-ate the unit is in an autho

36、rized DOT specification cylinder and is marked, labeled, filled, and maintained as pre-scribed by this subchapter; (2) Each battery used is of the non-spillable type; (3) The unit is constructed so valves, fittings, and gauges are protected from damage; (4) The pilot-in-command is advised when the u

37、nit is on board, and when it is intended for use; (5) The unit is accompanied by a per-son qualified to operate it; (6) The unit is secured in the aircraft in a manner that does not restrict ac-cess to or use of any required emer-gency or regular exit or of the aisle in the passenger compartment; an

38、d, (7) Smoking within 3 m (10 feet) of the unit is prohibited. (f) Hazardous materials which are loaded and carried on or in cargo only aircraft, and which are to be dispensed or expended during flight for weather control, environmental restoration or protection, forest preservation and pro-tection,

39、 fire fighting and prevention, flood control, or avalanche control pur-poses, when the following requirements are met: (1) Operations may not be conducted over densely populated areas, in a con-gested airway, or near any airport where carrier passenger operations are conducted. (2) Each operator sha

40、ll prepare and keep current a manual containing operational guidelines and handling procedures, for the use and guidance of flight, maintenance, and ground per-sonnel concerned in the dispensing or expending of hazardous materials. The manual must be approved by the FAA Principal Operations Inspecto

41、r as-signed to the operator. (3) No person other than a required flight crewmember, FAA inspector, or person necessary for handling or dis-pensing the hazardous material may be carried on the aircraft. (4) The operator of the aircraft must have advance permission from the owner of any airport to be

42、used for the dispensing or expending operation. (5) When dynamite and blasting caps are carried for avalanche control flights, the explosives must be handled VerDate Mar2010 15:30 Dec 30, 2010 Jkt 220213 PO 00000 Frm 00726 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:49X49220213.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150Provided by IHSNot for

43、ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-717 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT 175.10 by, and at all times be under the con-trol of, a qualified blaster. When re-quired by a State or local authority, the blaster must be licensed and the State or lo

44、cal authority must be iden-tified in writing to the FAA Principal Operations Inspector assigned to the operator. 175.10 Exceptions for passengers, crewmembers, and air operators. (a) This subchapter does not apply to the following hazardous materials when carried by aircraft passengers or crewmember

45、s provided the require-ments of 171.15 and 171.16 (see para-graph (c) of this section) and the re-quirements of this section are met: (1) (i) Non-radioactive medicinal and toilet articles for personal use (includ-ing aerosols) carried in carry-on and checked baggage. Release devices on aerosols must

46、 be protected by a cap or other suitable means to prevent inad-vertent release; (ii) Other aerosols in Div. 2.2 (non-flammable gas) with no subsidiary risk carried in checked baggage only. Re-lease devices on aerosols must be pro-tected by a cap or other suitable means to prevent inadvertent release

47、; and (iii) The aggregate quantity of these hazardous materials carried by each person may not exceed 2 kg (70 ounces) by mass or 2 L (68 fluid ounces) by vol-ume and the capacity of each container may not exceed 0.5 kg (18 ounces) by mass or 500 ml (17 fluid ounces) by vol-ume. (2) One packet of sa

48、fety matches or a lighter intended for use by an indi-vidual when carried on ones person or in carry-on baggage only. Lighter fuel, lighter refills, and lighters containing unabsorbed liquid fuel (other than liq-uefied gas) are not permitted on ones person or in carry-on or checked bag-gage. (3) Imp

49、lanted medical devices in hu-mans or animals that contain haz-ardous materials, such as a heart pace-maker containing Class 7 (radioactive) material or lithium batteries; and radiopharmaceuticals that have been injected or ingested. (4) Alcoholic beverages containing: (i) Not more than 24% alcohol by vol-ume; or (ii) More than 24% and not more than 70% alcohol by volume when in un-opened retail packagings not exceeding 5 liters (1.3 gallons)


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