1、470 49 CFR Ch. VI (10110 Edition) 639.33 that the procurement continues to be cost-effective. FTA shall be notified of any such event. 639.33 Management of leased assets. Each recipient must maintain an in-ventory of capital assets acquired by standard FTA project management guidelines. PART 640CRED
2、IT ASSISTANCE FOR SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS AUTHORITY: Secs. 1501 et seq., Pub. L. 105 178, 112 Stat. 107, 241, as amended; 23 U.S.C. 181189 and 315; 49 CFR 1.51. 640.1 Cross-reference to credit assist-ance. The regulations in 49 CFR part 80 shall be followed in complying with the requirements
3、 of this part. Title 49, CFR, part 80 implements the Transpor-tation Infrastructure Finance and In-novation Act of 1998, secs. 1501 et seq., Pub. L. 105178, 112 Stat. 107, 241. 64 FR 29753, June 2, 1999 PART 655PREVENTION OF ALCO-HOL MISUSE AND PROHIBITED DRUG USE IN TRANSIT OPER-ATIONS Subpart AGen
4、eral Sec. 655.1 Purpose. 655.2 Overview. 655.3 Applicability. 655.4 Definitions. 655.5 Stand-down waivers for drug testing. 655.6 Preemption of state and local laws. 655.7 Starting date for testing programs. Subpart BProgram Requirements 655.11 Requirement to establish an anti- drug use and alcohol
5、misuse program. 655.12 Required elements of an anti-drug use and alcohol misuse program. 655.13 Reserved 655.14 Education and training programs. 655.15 Policy statement contents. 655.16 Requirement to disseminate policy. 655.17 Notice requirement. 655.18655.20 Reserved Subpart CProhibited Drug Use 6
6、55.21 Drug testing. 655.22655.30 Reserved Subpart DProhibited Alcohol Use 655.31 Alcohol testing. 655.32 On duty use. 655.33 Pre-duty use. 655.34 Use following an accident. 655.35 Other alcohol-related conduct. 655.36655.40 Reserved Subpart ETypes of Testing 655.41 Pre-employment drug testing. 655.4
7、2 Pre-employment alcohol testing. 655.43 Reasonable suspicion testing. 655.44 Post-accident testing. 655.45 Random testing. 655.46 Return to duty following refusal to submit to a test, verified positive drug test result and/or breath alcohol test re-sult of 0.04 or greater. 655.47 Follow-up testing
8、after returning to duty. 655.48 Retesting of covered employees with an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or great-er but less than 0.04. 655.49 Refusal to submit to a drug or alcohol test. 655.50 Reserved Subpart FDrug and Alcohol Testing Procedures 655.51 Compliance with testing procedures requirements
9、. 655.52 Substance abuse professional (SAP). 655.53 Supervisor acting as collection site personnel. 655.54655.60 Reserved Subpart GConsequences 655.61 Action when an employee has a verified positive drug test result or has a confirmed alcohol test result of 0.04 or greater, or refuses to submit to a
10、 test. 655.62 Referral, evaluation, and treatment. 655.63655.70 Reserved Subpart HAdministrative Requirements 655.71 Retention of records. 655.72 Reporting of results in a management information system. 655.73 Access to facilities and records. 655.74655.80 Reserved Subpart ICertifying Compliance 655
11、.81 Grantee oversight responsibility. 655.82 Compliance as a condition of finan-cial assistance. 655.83 Requirement to certify compliance. AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 5331; 49 CFR 1.51. SOURCE: 66 FR 42002, Aug. 9, 2001, unless otherwise noted. VerDate Mar2010 10:10 Dec 13, 2010 Jkt 220218 PO 00000 Frm 00480 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220218.XXX 220218wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-