DOT MIL-R-82404 A-1969 RIBBON SERVICE CAP (BAND)《军帽勋表(丝带绑扎)》.pdf

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DOT MIL-R-82404 A-1969 RIBBON SERVICE CAP (BAND)《军帽勋表(丝带绑扎)》.pdf_第1页
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1、MILITAl3Y GPISCiPICATION RIBBON, SEBVICE CA2 (BAND) 1. SCOPZ 1*1 Scope.- This specification covers requirements fol: the ribbone to be used as bands on caps worn by Coast Guard enlisted per8onnel. 2. mwccABm DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following specifications and standards of the iseue in efzect on date of i

2、nvitation for bids form a part of this specificatim O SPECIFICA!CIONS Zedera1 UU-P-SGO - Paper, Kraft Wrapping, CCC-T-1.91 - Textile Test Biiethods. PPP-B-566 = Boxes, Folding, Paperboard, PPP-B636 - Boxes, Piber, PPP-B-676 - Boxee, Set-up, Paperboard. PPP-2- 6 - Tape; Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, W

3、aterproof, Por Packaging and Sealing. fEzz%z7 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS -/.T PAGES - - - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-82404A 84 777770b 04082b7 7 W STANDAKDS AUlitaPy ldIL-STD-105 - Sampling krocedures and !?ables for Inspection

4、 by Attributes and appendix thereto. M1i1-STD-129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage. 2.2 Other publica%ions.- The following clocunent foms a part of this apecfiication. indicated, the Lssue in effect on dab of invitation for .bids shall apply. Unless thomvise Standard Color Card of America (Copies

5、should be obtained from the Color Card Association of the United Statea,.Ino., 200 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016). 3. REQUI!rS 3.1 Sample.- Gamples axe furnished as a guide only. Variations from this specification may appear ia, the sample, in Which case this specification shall govern. E

6、xcept for suoh variations, the design, quality and woslkmanship, in all respects not covered by thie BpecficaEop, shall beequal to the sample (seo 6.2). 2 , e Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-Zq04A = 7777706 0408270 3 3.2 Preprod

7、uction sample approval.- Unless otherwise specified, before production is commenced, the contractor shall submit for approvd TO the oontracting offioer, R finished ribbon conforming to the requirements of design, construction, and workrmamhip of this BPeclfication (see 6.2). 3.3 Material 3.3.1 Yarn.

8、- The yarns shall be first quality, continuous filament, free Prom any adulterants or weighting material and shall conform to requirements specified in 3e3.1.1 and 3.3. le 2. 3.3mlel Ground yarn.- The warp, selvage and filling Yam shall be rolotion - dyed rayon, .lo0 denier with a minimum of 25 fila

9、ments, 12 to 18 turis per inch, IS twist and solution-dyed black to match Cable No. 65018 of the Standard Color Card of America, 3e3.i.2. Leaend yarn.- Phe filling yarn for legend shall be bright rayon, 2O denier with a minimum of 40 filaments, 2 to 5 turns per inch, “S“ or iiZ1i twist and vat-dyed

10、gold to match Cable No. 70157 of the Standard Color Card of America. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-82404A 84 7777706 0408273 5 H MIL-R-82404A(CG) 3.4 Construction 3.4.1 Weave Ground weave.- The ground weave shall be

11、a plain weave and shall contain, when finished, 380 ends per inch and a minimum of 74 picks per inch. The selvages shall be double plain. weave w1.t;h.a minimum of 6 double ends in each selvage. Leaend weave.- The legend weave shall be in-ber- woven into the ground wave with a 12-end fillin

12、g satin weave, using a counter of 7. not less than a-total of 392 picks. 9?he legend aha21 be oonstructed with 3.,4.2 width.- The width shall be 14/2 (+ -. 1/16) inches, including selvages, 3.4.3. Length.- The ribbon shaI.1 be not lese thaa 27 inches long. Each .ribbon hall be straight cut with ends

13、 perpendicular to the selvage edge. 3.4.4 Legend.- The legend W. S. OOAST GUARD“ shall be The in gold oolorsd block letters 1/2 (2 1/16) inch high. left edge of the 1eL.t;er itUT“ ijhall measure g (+ - 1/26) inches from the left endof the finished ribbon. The right edge of the letter 4 Provided by I

14、HSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-“D“ shall measure 24-1/8 ribbon. inch from either edge of the selvage. (+ 1/16) inchas from the left end of the finished - The top and bottom edges of the lettering shall measure 1/2 (2 1/16) (see figure 1). 304.401

15、 Fiare.- The figure is furnished for information purposes only. To the extent of inconsistencies between %his specification. and .the figure, the specificazion shall- govern, 3.5 Colorfastness.- The ribbons shall show fastness to crocking, salt water, perspiration, wet dry cleaning and light equal t

16、o or better than the sample of reference when tested as specified in 4040 When no sample or reference is available, the ribbon shall show good fastness to crocking, salt water, perspiration, wet dry cleaning and 1ight.when tested Eis speoified in 4.4. 3.6 Workmanship.- The quality of manufacture sha

17、ll be controlled to guarantee conformity with ehe standard of workmanship established in this speCiiication. 40 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 General,. The quality assurance provisions contained in this epeci2ica$on are appiickible to intipection Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or ne

18、tworking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-82404A 4 777770b 0408273 7 W IL-R-8240rcA( a) Quality assurance provisions for componenljs or materials described shall be in accordance with this spsci- fication and with subsidiaw specifications referoncod herein to the extent applicaljlo, exce

19、pt thae this speci- Eicatkon shall govern in event of oontlich 4.1.1 Contractors inspection responsibi1itX.- Unless otherwise specified herein, tho aupplSer iB responsible for the perforname of all inspection sequiremmts prior to submission for Government inspection and acceptance. Xxcopt as otherwi

20、se specified, the supplier may utilize his own faciities or any other commercial laboratouy acceptable to the Government. examination and tests shall be kept complete and made available to the Government as specified in the contrac* or order,. Inspection records of the 4.2 2re-acceptance inspection

21、4.2.3 Preproduction inspection.- When required, inspec- tion and tosting of ehe preproduction sample shall be per- formed by the GovemenL inspected for compliance wi%h requiremenix of design, con- struction,.finish and workmanship. Finished ribbons shall be 4.3 Inopectlon for acceptance.- Determinat

22、ion of acceptability of the end litem. wi%h regard tw inspection required herein, ahall be in accordance with the psovisione of Standard MIt=Sl?D-105 and appendix, 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. MIL-R-8240LIA 8LI 7777706 040827LI

23、 O xIL-ti-82404A( CC) 4.3.1 Inspection of components.- The yarn shall be inspected as shown in Table I. The unit of product shall be one cone or spool of each denier and colr specified. For each characteristic listed in Table I, the acceptable quality level shall be 4.0 test failure6 per hundred uni

24、ts and the inspection level shall be L-1, Table VI1 of appendix to Standard MIL-STD-105. Table 1.- Characteristics I Color Black. Gold Qaterial identificatior Black Gold Denier .i/ BlacE Gold Bilament count (main) Black Gold Twist Black Gold !i!urnB per inch Black Gold Inspection of components Parag

25、raph qui r om.en t Test Me th o d Vimal Visual 1500 1500 4010 4010 i5ic Visual Visual 4050 4-050 w52 4052 - Iiesults Sample Reported As pass or fui1 pass or fail pass OP fail pass or fail pass or fail nearest whole nwiber nearest whole number nearest whole number nearest whole numb er puss or fail p

26、ass or fail Unit 1 1 1 I. 1 5 5 - 2 a 1 1 20 20 7 _c3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-8240VA 84 797770b 0408275 2 W iiIIL-li-82404A( CG 1/ - Denier shall be calculated as followc: Denier = weight of specim.en in grams x 9000 eng

27、th of specimen inmeters 4.3.2 Inspection of end item.- The ribbon shall be inspected to detormine confomoszce with the requirmenta of this specification. - Defects found during this inspection shall be classified in ac.cordance with the list shown herein. The defects listsd in shal

28、l be counted regardless of their proximity to each other, except where two or more defects represent a single condition of the ribbon, in which cas0 only the more serious defect shall be counted. The wit of product shall be one ribbon. The Government reervos the right to classify as a defect any dep

29、arture from this .-specification not specifically listed (soe . 4. Classification of defects ,torial def eots Manufacturing defects such as holes, floats, brolcon threads, slugs, slough- Offs, strealrs or other clearly notice able aff ecting serviceability or appearance, Workmansh

30、ip defects Cut, “car, or abrasion. 2ioticoablu mend or repair. Notxiceable spots or stains. Design (Legend) Any detail not conforming to item s arnpl e. 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-2404A 4 - 7797906 0408276 i-I AYThtilBUIL

31、XS U IlhXD Il BTmT Design (Legend) Lettering not gold. Background not black. Mis-shaped or distorted design, affecting appearance. Edges Cu%, torn, or broken selvage edge. Loopy or stringy selvage edge. EXiges not straight. Shade Noticeably off ahade. Dimensional inspection.- The unit of

32、 product for this inspection shall be one ribbon. Dl!JW.l!S less than more than AduSUHE Width of ribbon 1-7/16 1-9/16 Lettering from either edge of the selvage 7/16 9/16 Left edge of the letter ihLJlpo from from the left end e .ch finished ribbon . 17-15/16 18-1/16 Right edge of ehe letter “D“ froy

33、level shall be 4.0 test failures per hundred units and the inspection level shall be L-1, $able VI1 of appendix to Standard MIL-STD-105. The unit of product, tho sample unit for test, shall be 8 finished ribbons from the lot. Teats shall be conducted in accordance with the methods prescribed in spec

34、ification CCC-2-191 and supplementary apeciiicatiaslisted in 2.1 and as specified in Table 11. 1.0 * o Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Requirement Characteristics paragraph Method Reported as Weavo Ground Selvage Legend Viual

35、pass or fail Visual- pass or fail. 3.4.L.2 Visual pass or fail Count- Ground Selvage Lagend ?Teares t :r!iiol e nurab er Nearest whole number Noarese whole number 5040 5050 5050 Coiorfastness to: Wet dry cleaning 3.5 5622 good, fair or poor Salt waker 3.5 5632 good, f

36、air or poor Crockin -.I/ 3.5 5GSl good, fair or poor Light 3.5 5660 good, fair or poor Perspiration 2/ 3.5 scsa good, fair or poor L/ - Delete or by a combination of metal stitxhng the botl;oxn. flaps and sealing the tog flaps with an adhesive (glue). 14 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

37、or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-82404A 4 7777906 0408282 T 5.2.3 Level C.- Ribbons packaged as specified in 5.1.2 shall be packed in a manner which will insure acceptance and aaf e delivesy ai; destination. Shipping oontainers shall conform. to the Conso1i.dated Brei.- !Ch

38、e .following frsfom.ation shall be legibly printed, stencilled or stamed on the open-end paper wrapper specified in 5.l.l.l.l: LO each Bibbon, Band Name of contractor Xate and number o%.contract Number of this spe.Cification Stock nurnber Contracting Office U. So COAST GUARD 6. NOTES fL1 Intended ys

39、e.- Eibbons covered by this spec- iXZcation are intended for use as cap bands. 6.2 Ordering data.- Procurement documents should apecify the following: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-02404:A( CG ) ) (b) (c) (ci) Levels of packag

40、ing and packing required (see 5. Title, number and date of this specification Availability of sample (see 3.1 and 6.3) Requirements for preproduction sam.ple (see 3.2) and 5.2) NOTICE. When Government drawings, specifications, or other data are used for any purpose other than in connection with a de

41、finitely related Government procurement operation, the United States Goverment thereby incurs no responsibilLty nor any obligation whatsoever; and the fact that the Govern- ment may have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data is not to be regar

42、ded by implication or otherwise a8 in any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use, or sell ally patented invention that may in any way be related theqeto, Preparing Activity: U, 8, Coast Guard Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4 .- MIL-R-8240qA 4 m 777770b 0408284 3 MIL-R- 82404A(CG), 6 i. = ,a m =# &= -8- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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