ECA 186-7E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 7 Vibration Fatigue Test (Low Frequency 10 to 55 Hertz)《无源电子元件测试 方法7 振动疲劳测试(低频 10到55 Hz)》.pdf

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ECA 186-7E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 7 Vibration Fatigue Test (Low Frequency 10 to 55 Hertz)《无源电子元件测试 方法7 振动疲劳测试(低频 10到55 Hz)》.pdf_第1页
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ECA 186-7E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 7 Vibration Fatigue Test (Low Frequency 10 to 55 Hertz)《无源电子元件测试 方法7 振动疲劳测试(低频 10到55 Hz)》.pdf_第2页
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ECA 186-7E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 7 Vibration Fatigue Test (Low Frequency 10 to 55 Hertz)《无源电子元件测试 方法7 振动疲劳测试(低频 10到55 Hz)》.pdf_第3页
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ECA 186-7E-1978 Passive Electronic Component Parts Test Methods for Method 7 Vibration Fatigue Test (Low Frequency 10 to 55 Hertz)《无源电子元件测试 方法7 振动疲劳测试(低频 10到55 Hz)》.pdf_第4页
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2、ASSOCIATION EIA L86-7E 78 H 3234600 0028609 b H NOTICE EIA engineering standards are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating mis- understandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecti

3、ng and obtaining with mini- mum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such standards shall not in any respect preclude any member or non-member of EIA from manufacturing or sell- ing products not conforming to such standards, nor shall the existence of such standards preclud

4、e their voluntary use by those other than ETA members whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Recommended standards are adopted by EIA without regard to whether or not their adop- tion may involve patents on articles, materials, or processes. By such action, EIA do

5、es not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the recommended standards. This Standard contains the major technical contents of International Electrotechnical Com- mission Publication 68-2-6, Test Fc: Vibration (Sinusoidal). It differ

6、s from IEC Publication 68-2-6 by specifying a single test with closely controlled conditions. These differences are well knownto the U.S. Committee of Experts for the International. Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee 50 and resolution of these differences will be sought in future meetin

7、gs of TC-50. Published by EaLECTRQNIC I NDUSTRI ES AS$OCIATiON Engineering Department 2001 Eye Street, N, W., Washington, D. C. 2OOOfi 8 Electronic Industrieu AMoolation 1979 All righb reserved PRICE: $3.00 EIA 18b-7E 78 3234600 002b10 2 RS-186-7E Page 1 STANDARD TEST METHODS FOR PASSIVE ELECTRONIC

8、COMPONENT PARTS METHOD 7 VIBRATION FATIGUE TEST (LOW FREQUENCY, 10 TO 55 HERTZ) (From EIA Standard RS-186-D and Standards Proposul No. 1271 formulated under the cognizance of the EIA P-9 Committee on Test Methods and Procedures) INTRODUCTION This Test Method forms a part of the EIA Standard RS-186 w

9、hich contains test guidance, definitions and standard test conditions. 1. 2. 3. 3.1 3.2 PURPOSE This vibration fatigue test is performed for the purpose of determining the ability of component parts and their mountings to withstand vibration in the low frequency range of 10 to 55 Hertz. As it is . n

10、ot practical to test components for vibration under actual operating conditions, this set of accelerated laboratory tests was devised to simulate vibration conditions m6re severe than those normally encoun- tered in fixed, land mobile, and marine installations. A component part is considered to be f

11、aulty if during or after vibration testing it exhibits objectionable operating characteristics, noise wear, physi- cal distortion or degradation of mechanical properties which would result in the unit not meetmg the performance requirements of the applicable individual specification. APPARATUS The v

12、ibration fatigue testing machine shall provide simple harmonic motion. It shall be equipped with an automatic cycling device which increases and decreases the frequency of vibration automatically and uniformly within the range 10 to $5 Hertz, completing the cycle in the interval of one minute. This

13、cycle shall be repeated for the duration of the test period. The displacement or excursion may be fixed at the required level or may be adjustable. A work table with either vertical or horizontal movement may be used with adapter fixtures for mounting components in each of three mutually perpendicul

14、ar directions. PROCEDURE Mounting - Prior to vibration testing, the measurements, observations or tests specified in the individual specification shall be made. The specimens shall be mounted as specified in the individual specification using suitable mounting fixtures which are free from resonances

15、 within the test frequency range. The components being tested shall be vibrated in accordance with the requirements of the test type speci- fied in the applicable individual specification. The vibration input shall be calibrated over the frequency range on the mounting fixture close to the support p

16、oints of the specimen. If required, this test shall be made under electrical load conditions or with test load fixtures, Calibration - To insure that the vibration is sinusoidal and of the specified amplitude, the vibration input shall be monitored on the mounting fixture in the proximity of the sup

17、port points of the EIA l8b-7E 78 m 3234600 0028bll 4 m 5 RS-186-7E Page 2, specimen. The harmonic frequencies shall be analyzed, at this same monitoring point, to five times the driven frequency or 5 KHz whichever is less. This must be done to prevent destructive accelera- tion forces above the test

18、 frequency range and/or vibration amplitudes below the specified limits at the fundamental frequency. The harmonic distortion limits shall be specified in the individual test standard but in no case shall the total RMS harmonic content exceed 25%. Maximum transverse motion, defined as vibration in a

19、ny direction other than along the driven plane, shall not exceed 25% of the required amplitude. 3.3 Test Conditions: (210% Tolerance Allowed) Type I Test Type II Test Type III Test Frequency Range 10-55 10-55 10-55 Traverse Sweep 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute Duration 360 min. %O min. 120 min. (6 hrs.)

20、 (4 hrs.) (2 hrs.) Vibration Direction Deflection or Amplitude Total Displacement or Total Excursion Nominal Acceleration at Highest Frequency 120 minutes in each of 3 mutually perpendicular directions 0.03 inch (.762 mm) 0.06 inch (1.524 mm) 10 g 80 minutes in each of 3 mutually perpendicular direc

21、tions 0.03 inch (.762 mm) 0.06 inch (1.524 mm) 10 g 40 minutes in each of 3 mutually perpendicular directions 0.015 inch (.381 mm) 0.030 inch (.762 mm) 5g 4. SUMMARY The following details shall be specified in the individual component standard: 4.1 Special mounting means, if required. 4.2 Electrical load conditions or test load conditions, if required. 4.3 Measurements or observations before and after vibration. 4.4 Test condition type number.


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