ECA 337-1967 Glass Coated Thermistor Beads and Thermistor Beads in Glass Probes and Glass Rods (Negative Temperature Coefficient) General Spec for《有玻璃涂层的热电阻珠和玻璃针及玻璃棒中的热电阻珠的一般规范》.pdf

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ECA 337-1967 Glass Coated Thermistor Beads and Thermistor Beads in Glass Probes and Glass Rods (Negative Temperature Coefficient) General Spec for《有玻璃涂层的热电阻珠和玻璃针及玻璃棒中的热电阻珠的一般规范》.pdf_第1页
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ECA 337-1967 Glass Coated Thermistor Beads and Thermistor Beads in Glass Probes and Glass Rods (Negative Temperature Coefficient) General Spec for《有玻璃涂层的热电阻珠和玻璃针及玻璃棒中的热电阻珠的一般规范》.pdf_第2页
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ECA 337-1967 Glass Coated Thermistor Beads and Thermistor Beads in Glass Probes and Glass Rods (Negative Temperature Coefficient) General Spec for《有玻璃涂层的热电阻珠和玻璃针及玻璃棒中的热电阻珠的一般规范》.pdf_第3页
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ECA 337-1967 Glass Coated Thermistor Beads and Thermistor Beads in Glass Probes and Glass Rods (Negative Temperature Coefficient) General Spec for《有玻璃涂层的热电阻珠和玻璃针及玻璃棒中的热电阻珠的一般规范》.pdf_第4页
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ECA 337-1967 Glass Coated Thermistor Beads and Thermistor Beads in Glass Probes and Glass Rods (Negative Temperature Coefficient) General Spec for《有玻璃涂层的热电阻珠和玻璃针及玻璃棒中的热电阻珠的一般规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、.- . O # Y EIA 337 b7 3234b00 00b5b84 7 USAS C8 3.2 8-1 96 8 Approved July 24, 1968 USA STANDARDS INSTITUTE EIA STANDARD h m m ur General Specification for I w Glass Coated Thermistor Beads and Thermistor Beads in Glass Probes and Glass Rods (Nega ti v e Temp er a tu r e Co eff i c i e n t) 4 - Y RS

2、-337 Engineering Department ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION - . -. EIA 337 b 3234600 00b5b5 9 NOTICE EIA engineering standards are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating mis- understandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improve- ment o

3、f products, and assisting the purchaser in selectin and obtaining with minimum delay the clude any member or non-member of EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such standards, nor shall the existence of such standards preclude their voluntary use by those other than EIA membe

4、rs whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Recommended standards are adopted by EIA without regard to whether or not their adoption may involve patents on articles, materials, or processes. By such action, EIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor

5、does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the recommended standards. proper product for his particular need. Existence of suc % standards shall not in any respect pre- Published by ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION Engineering Department 2001 Eye Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 200

6、06 0 Electronic industries Association 1967 AU rights reserved Price $2.00 c3 EIA 337 67 W 323LibOO 0065686 O W RS-337 Page 1 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR GLASS COATED THERMISTOR BEADS AND THERMISTOR BEADS IN GLASS PROBES AND GLASS RODS (NEGATIVE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT) (From Standards Proposal 929 fo

7、rmulated under the cognizance of the P-l. 6 Working Group on Thermistors) 1. GENERAL 1.1 Scope This specification covers glass coated thermistor beads and thermistor beads in glass probes and glass rods. 1.2 Classification 1.2.1 . Type Designation The type designation shall be in the following form:

8、 TBXO1 5 04( example) TBX02 TBGO 1 TBG02 Style Zero-Power Resistance 49(example) Resistance Ratio Style The style is identified by the two-letter symbol TB followed by a one-letter symbol G or X and then a two-digit number. The two-letter symbol TB identifies Thermistor beads and the one-let

9、ter symbol following TB identifies the Thermistor bead in a glass envelope (G) or just the glass coated Thermistor bead (X). The two-digit number iden- tifies the size and configuration of the Thermistor. Zero-Power Resistance The specified nominal Zero-Power Resistance value is expressed in

10、 ohms at the Standard Reference Temperature of 25C and is identified by a three-digit number. The first two digits represent significant figures, and the last digit specifies the number of zeros to follow. Resistance Ratio The specified resistance ratio shall be: Zero-Power Resistance at 25C

11、 Zero-Power Resistance at 125C and is identified by a two-digit number. _- - - _ EIA 337 67 m 3234b00 0065687 2 m -.-I- J . AIR CHAMBER (T-50C) f4 - r RS-337 Page 2 2. DEFINITIONS AND TEST METHODS The thermistor definitions and test methods shall be in accordance with EIA Standard RS-275 “Thermistor

12、 Definitions and Test Methods” or latest revision thereof, except as modified herein. 2.1 Mounting Fixtures Beads (Styles TBX) shall be gripped by clips mounted on 1/8” brass rods. The clips shall grip the leads 1/4” 2 1/16” from body. 2.2 Thermal Time Constant Test Procedures Thermistor beads in gl

13、ass probes and glass rods (Styles TBG) shall have their thermal times constant measurement made according to the following test procedure: 2.2.1 Test Circuit The test. circuit shall be: O“ 2.2.2 Preparation of Test Specimen Determine RT in an ambient of T and T-50C. in an ambient of T.632 wh

14、ere T 632 = T-31.6”C. T.632 Determine R a temperature TS632. Set bridge for null with the zero-power resistance value RT measured at .632 Submerge the entire Thermistor in a temperature controlled bath at tem- perature T in a liquid of low viscosity of 1 centistoke. The mediu

15、m must not be sub- ject to surface evaporation when the Thermistors are removed. EIA 337 67 323QbOO 0065688 4 RS-337 Page 3 Locate a still air test chamber over the liquid bath. This chamber must have a volume of at least 1,000 times the Thermistor body and test fixture combined, and must be

16、 maintained at a temperature T-50C. With a controlled drive mechanism or other means, lift the Thermistors from the bath into the air chamber at a uniform speed of 2 2 1/4“ per second. of the liquid bath. The vertical travel of the Thermistor shall be 4 +_ 1 inches from the surface S

17、tart measuring time at the instant the Thermistor bead (contained in the glass probe or glass rod) leaves the surface of the bath. Note the time from this instant to the time when the bridge null is reached. Record this time - this is the time constant of the Thermistor (Style TBG). 2.3 Test

18、 Conditions Unless otherwise specified herein, or in the individual specification, all measurements and tests shall be made at temperatures of 15C to 35“C, at air pressure of 650 to 800 millimeters of mercury., and rela- tive humidity of 45 percent to 75 percent. 3. CHARACTERISTICS 3.1 Zero-Power Re

19、sistance The zero-power resistance of the thermistor shall be measured at the standard reference temperature of 25“C, and the specified zero-power resistance shall have a tolerance of k 20%. 3.2 Resistance Ratio zero-power resistance at 25C zero-power resistance at 125C The resistance ratio - shall

20、be measured and the specified resistance ratio shall have a tolerance of 2 20%. 3.3 Standard Reference Temperature The standard reference temperature shall be 25C 0.025“C. 3.4 Maximum Operating Temperature The maximum operating temperature shall be 200C for Style TBX and 275C for Style TBG. 3.5 Diss

21、ipation Constant The dissipation constant shall be measured in accordance with paragraph 2. The dissipation constant shall have the minimum value as specified. 3.6 Thermal Time Constant The thermal time constant shall be measured in accordance with paragraph 2. The specified thermal time constant sh

22、all have the minimum value as specified. .- _- - - EIA 337 67 ? 3234600 0065687 b ? ReferenceTemperature(“C) Zero-Power Resistance Tolerance It % I Stvie TBX RS-337 Page 4 -55 -15 O 25 50 75 100 125 200 275 50 34 32 20 32 34 37 40 50 - 3.7 Zero-Power Resistance Temperature Characteristic The zero-po

23、wer resistance temperature characteristic shall be measured in accordance with paragraph 2. The specified zero-power resistance at the reference temperature shall be within the tolerance specified in Table I. Table I Style TBG 50 34 32 20 32 34 37 40 50 60 The tolerance on all temperatures except 25

24、C shall be 2 0.05“C. 4. PERFORMANCE CHARACERISTICS 4.1 Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 4.1.1 Test Procedure When the Thermistor is tested in accordance with EIA Standard RS-186-B*, Method 4, using the mounting methods of paragraph 4.1.2, it shall withstand a test voltage of 500 volts AC for two minu

25、tes between shorted leads and metal plate or metallic V-block which is in contact with the body of the Thermistor. The test voltage shall be raised from zero to the specified voltage as uniformly as possible, at a rate of approximately 100 volts per second, and lowered at the same rate after testing

26、. 4.1.2 Mounting Method Style TBX When the Thermistor bead is tested, it shall be spring loaded to a metal plate by a con- tact to the plate. Style TBG When the Thermistor bead in a glass probe or glass rod is tested it shall be set in a metallic V-block. 4.2 Low and High Temperature

27、 Storage 4.2.1 Low Temperature Storage When the Thermistor is stored at a temperature of -60C for 24 hours, the zero-power -0“ c resistance of the Thermistor shall not have changed more than 0.5%. “Or latest revision thereof - - EIA 337 67 3234600 0065690 2 . RS-337 Page 5 4.2.2 High Temperature Sto

28、rage When the Thermistor is stored at the maximum operating temperature for 1 O0 hours, the zero- power resistance at 25C and 125C of the Thermistor shall not have changed more than 0.5%. 4.3 Thermal Shock The Thermistor shall be subjected to the following test condition. There shall be no evidence

29、of mechanical damage at the conclusion of this test and the zero-power resistance shall not have changed more than 0.5%. +O“ c -5C The Thermistor shall be preconditioned by being immersed in water at a temperature of 100C for a minimum of 15 seconds. Immediately upon conclusion of the preconditionin

30、g time, the Therm- The Thermistor shall remain at the -0C istor shall be transferred to water at a temperature of 0C low temperature for a minimum of 5 seconds, and then be transferred to water at a temperature of 100C+. The Thermistor shall remain at the high temperature for a minimum of 15 seconds

31、. Transfer time between baths shall be less than 3 seconds. The duration of this test shall be 5 com- plete cycles. 4.4 Moisture Resistance When the Thermistor is tested in accordance with EIA Standard RS-186-B*, Method 2, moisture re- sistance (cycling), under no load and with no polarization volta

32、ge, the zero-power resistance at 25C and 125C shall not have changed more than 1%. O 4.5 Terminal Strength 4.5.1 Direct Load When the Thermistor is subjected to the specified pull test along the axis of the leads, and the pull is gradually applied in a room ambient and held for a minimum period of 3

33、0 seconds, there shall be no evidence of physical damage and the zero-power resistance shall not have changed more than 1%. Style Pull Test TBG 450 grams maximum TBXO1 , TBX02 25 grams maximum TBX03, TBXO4 5 grams maximum TBXOS, TBXO 2 grams maximum 4.6 Effect of Soldering When the Thermistor is tes

34、ted in accordance with EIA Standard RS-186-BX, Method 10, Effect of Soldering, using Severity 270“C, the zero-power resistance shall not have changed more than 0.5%. “Or latest revision there05 RS-337 Page 6 4.7 Shock EIA 337 67 3234600 0065691 4 When the Thermistor is tested in accordance with MIL-

35、STD 202l3, Method 2093, Shock Medium Im- pact, the zero-power resistance shall not have changed more than 0.5%. 4.8 Vibration When the Thermistor is tested in accordance with MIL-STD 202l3, Method 204& Vibration, High Frequency, Test Condition Dy the zero-power resistance shall not have changed more

36、 than 0.5%. 4.9 Solderability I The solderability tests are not applicable to this specification, however, the manufacturer shall certify that the terminals are solderable, if required. 4.10 Load Life -5C at the maximum When the Thermistor is operated for 1000+ 48 hours in an air ambient of 25“C+1 p

37、ower rating in a circuit and mounting as outlined in the test method for Dissipation Constant in ac- cordance with paragraph 2, Definitions and Test Methods, the zero-power resistance at 25C and 125C shall not have changed more than 5.0%. 4.1 1 High Temperature Life After storage of Thermistors at t

38、heir maximum operating temperature for 1000 2 48 hours, the zero- power resistance at 25C and 125C shall not have changed more than 2%. 4.12 Derating Curves for High Temperature Operation STYLE TBG STYLE TBX PERCENT OF MAXIMUM POWER T TEX01 TEX02 80 TEX03 THROUGH TEX06 60 Il ! A 25 1 O0 200 AMBIENT

39、TEMPERATURE IN “C T 25 1 O0 200 275 i EIA 337 67 m 3234b00 OObSbq2 b m RS-337 Page 7 4.13 Marking The Thermistor packages shall be marked with the following information: 4.13.1 Type Designation (Paragraph 1.2. I ) 4.13.2 Manufacturers name, trademark, or EIA source code GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR THE

40、RMISTOR BEADS, GLASS COATED STYLE TBX PT-IR WIRE Style No. FIGURE 1 Fig. No. TBXO 1 TBX02 TBX03 TBX04 TBXOS TBXO6 D _c .TO D (max.) .o50 .O50 .O 18 .O 18 .O07 .O07 FIGURE 2 L Lead Lead Diameter Length (rnax.) (Min.) .O06 114 .O06 114 .O025 114 .O025 114 .O008 114 .O008 114 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope Thjs sp

41、ecification covers the detail requirement for Style TBX glass coated bead Thermistors. 2. REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Requirements Requirements shall be in accordance with this EIA Standard and as specified herein. - EIA 337 b7 W 3234600 00b5b3 8 W RS-337 Page 8 2.2 Design and Construction The Thermistors shal

42、l be of the design, construction and physical dimensions specified in Figure 1 or Figure 2. I ohms 2.3 Maximum Operating Temperature The maximum operating temperature shall be 200C. - +% 2.4 Zero-Power Resistance 50 34 The zero-power resistance shall be ohms, 20% at the standard reference temperatur

43、e of -55 -15 25C. 34 37 40 2.5 Resistance Ratio 75 1 O0 125 shall be - + 20%. zero-power resistance at 25C zero-power resistance at 125C The Resistance Ratio - 2.6 Zero-Power Resistance Temperature Characteristics shall be: Reference Temperature (“ c I 32 50 2.7 Dissipation Constant The dissipation

44、constant in milliwatts per degree Centigrade shall have a minimum value of 2.8 Thermal Time Constant The thermal time constant in seconds shall have a maximum value of temperature differential. when tested over a 50C 3.0 Performance Characteristics Performance characteristics shall be in accordance

45、with this EIA Standard. EIA 337 67 9 3234600 0065694 T 9 RS-337 Page 9 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THERMISTOR BEADS IN GLASS PROBES AND GLASS RODS STYLE TBG DUMET LEADS TINNED I FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 Style No. Fig. No. TBGO 1 TBG02 TBG03 TBG04 TBGO5 TBGO6 TBG07 TBG08 TBG09 2 2 2 A (max.) .loo .loo . 1 O0

46、 .loo .O60 . 1 O0 . 1 O0 .loo .O60 B c+ 1/16) 2 1 SO .25 .250 ,200 .375 .187 .187 C (Min.) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 .o 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 .o Lead Dia. .o12 2 .o02 .o12 2 o02 .o12 2 .o02 .o12 2 ,002 .O08 2 .O01 .o12 2 .o02 .o12 2 .o02 .o12 1: .o02 .O08 2 .O01 - 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope This specification covers the de

47、tail requirement for Style TBG Thermistor beads in glass probes and glass rods. 2. REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Requirements Requirements shall be in accordance with this EIA Standard and as specified herein. 2.2 Design and Construction The Thermistors shall be of the design, construction and physical dimension

48、s specified in Figure 1 or Figure 2. 2.4 Maximum Operating Temperature The maximum operating temperature shall be 275C. -._ EIA 337 67 3234600 0065695L x RS-337 Page 10 2.4 Zero-Power Resistance The zero-power resistance shall be ohms 2 20% at the standard reference temperature of 25C. 2.5 Resistanc

49、e Ratio zero-power resistance at 25C The Resistance Ratio - shall be - + 20%. zero-power resistance at 125C 2.6 Zero-Power Resistance Temperature Characteristic shall be: Reference Temperature 2.7 Dissipation Constant The dissipation constant in milliwatts per degree Centigrade shall have a minimum value of 2.8 Thermal Time Constant The thermal time constant in seconds shall have a maximum value of temperature differential. when tested over a 50C a 3.0 Performance Characteristics Performance characteristics shall


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