ECA 452-1978 Fixed Film Resistors-High Resistance High Voltage《固定薄膜电阻-高电阻 高电压》.pdf

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ECA 452-1978 Fixed Film Resistors-High Resistance High Voltage《固定薄膜电阻-高电阻 高电压》.pdf_第1页
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1、- / - ELA 452 78 U 3234600 0075993 4 U 3 EiEEiE9 ANSVEIA RS-452-78 Approved April 10, 1978 - EIA STANDARD FIXED FILM RESISTORS - HIGH RESISTANCE/HIGH VOLTAGE s-452 APRIL 1978 Engheering Department CLECTWONRC BNDUSTRiifS ASSOCIAllON - I I 1 EIA 452 78 3234hOO 0075994 h W IL 1 NOTICE EIA engineering s

2、tandards are designed to serve the public interest throu eliminating mis- ment of products, and assistin the purchaser in selectin and obtaining wi& minimum delay the clu e any member or non-member of &IA from manufacturhg or selling products not conformin to such standards, nor shali the existence

3、of such standards preclude their voluntary use by those o er than EIA members whether the standard is to be used either domestioally or hternatiody. Recommended standards are adopted by EM without regard to whether ur not their adoption may involve patents on articles, materiais, or processes. By su

4、ch action, EIA doea not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the recommended standards. understandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchan ea * ility and improve- pro er product for his particu f ar need, Ex

5、istence of suc a standards shall not in any respect pre- a x This EIA Recommended Standard is considered to have international standardization implications, but the IEC activity has not progressed to the point where a valid comparison between the EIA Recommended Standard and the IEC Recom- medation

6、can be made. Published by . EaLECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION Engineering Department 2001 Eye Street, N. W., Waehington, D. C, 20006 P - : -I=-) f Q Electronic IndurrMea Assocletion 1979 AU righta reserved PRICE: $7.80 Printed in U.S.A. - e RS452 Page 1 FIXED FILM REITOR - HIGH RESHTANCE/HIGH VOLTA

7、GE (From EIA Standards Proposal No. 1267, formulated under the cognizance of ELA Working Group P-l. 2 on Precision Film.) 1. SCOPE This Standard describes requirements for a fixed film type resistor distinguished, in general, by its high resistance value and its ability to operate at high voltage le

8、vek. This Standard is intended as a guide for commercial users of this type resistor. 2. TY LE AND CHARACTER%T%C 2.1 Type Designations The type designation shall be as follows: F - - IC 10MO HR04 STY LE TEMPERATURE ,COEFFICIENT RESISTANCE TOLERANCE - 2.2 Style The style shall be identified by the le

9、tters HR and a hvo digit number. The letters HR to signify resistor of type covered by this tandard. Odd numbers (05,04, etc.) identify Axial Lead reshrs. Even numbers (04,06, etc.) identify Flat Radial Lead resistors. 1) 2.3 Tuimperature Coefficient The temperahire coefficient shall be identified b

10、y a single letter as follows: TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT SYMBOL T. C. PPM/OC T.C. %/OC IC 100 D f 300 f: .o1 4 .O3 2.4 Resistance The resistance value shall be identified by a three digit number and a letter designating the multiplier. The letter “IC” denotes the decimal point for qoint for mega, milli

11、ons of ohms. thousands of ohms. The letter “M” denotes the decimal DESIGNATION OF RESISTANCE VALUES DESIGNATION VALUE 1 1LOO 1,000 ohms look 100,000 ohms 10m0 10,000,000 ohms 1 o 1LO 10,000 ohms lm00 1,000,000 ohms 100m 100,000,000 ohms -. 2.5 Tolerance The reference tolerance shall be identified by

12、 a single leter as follows: RESISTANCE TOLERANCE SYMBOL TOLERANCE F G J K 1% 2% 5% 10% The tighter tolerances may not be available in the high ohmic values. 2.6 Size and Characteristics The style, wattage, dimensions, rated ambient temperature, resistance value and maximum continuous working voltage

13、 shall be in accordance with Table I. 2.7 Standard Values The standard dues for every decade shall follow the sequence demonstrated for the “10 to 100” decade in Table II. 2.8 Supplementary Insulation The larger styles of these resistois have maximum centinous working voltage ratingis in excess of i

14、nsulation capability of their protective encapsulation. Supplementary insulation and/or special mounting arrangements must be provided by user. 3. DEFUW”ON% 3.1 Wattage Power rating is based on continuous fuil load operation at rated ambient temperature of 70C. For operation at higher ambient temper

15、atures, resistors shall be derated in accordance with 3.1.1. 3.1.1 DERATING CURVE FOR HIGH AiMI3IENT TEMPERATURE 100% of Full Loa 50 O O 50 70 100 150 Ambient Ternperahire OC In no cse shali the maximum continuous working voltage be exceeded. /- e - mm mn INCHES I - INCHES .o3 1 .78 Ei6 14.22 .o92 .

16、8 I 4 .Q9 25.40 .o53 1.35 9 .OB 26.92 ,062 1 .Ei7 1.42 2&45 4 .5B 39.62 .o75 4.91 .115 3.42 4 .$I 46.89 .I40 3s 2.88 52.32 1, 3.2 V&qe / , RS452 page 3 ri f f., 25 HR 04 HR O8 HIt 12 HR 16 HR 20 1. .O 10 .53 1 .O6 .7Li h0Q 15th 2.0 10 1 .O6 1 .O6 .75 lm00 PJh 3 .o 19 1.06 1.56 1.12 amo0 301m 2.0 26

17、.56 2.06 1.61 %moo 301m 41 .o 20 %.O6 2.004 1.61. 1mOQ 499m RS-452 Pap 4 ELA 452 78 E 3234688 llQ7577i 3 W 1 MAX. WATTAGE WORKING BODY LENGTH BODY LEAD DU. MAX. BW. STD. STY LE AT 70C kV HR 07 .5 1.0 .34 .% .134 .O32 - MIN. I - HR 11 1.5 4.0 .90 I .20 .32O ,032 . MR15 3 .O 18.0 1.90 2.2% .329 .O32 H

18、R 19 5.0 15.0 2.98 3 .ao 320 .Q32 TABLE 16 INCHES illM ,022 ,o2 ,025 31 ,031 I79 .O32 .Q 1 ,040 1 .o2 ,134 3.40 .320 8.93 ,340 8.64 - - INCH ES ,Ei4 .90 1 .o0 4.20 1 .go 2.26 2.90 3.20 mm 13.72 22.88 25.48 30.48 48.26 56.88 73.66 81.28 - ALT. .055 .025 ,040 ,040 - RES. RES. MIN. LUX. 2koo 2omo 2k 10

19、0m 4lcO2 301m C_ 6ko4 499m 5% 1% 2% 10.0 10 10.2 10.5 40.7 11.0 11 11.3 14.5 11.8 12.1 12.4 12.7 13.8 13 13.3 13.7 94.0 14.3 14.7 15.0 15 15.4 15.8 - 16 16.2 12 - TABLE II STANDARD RESISTANCE VALUES SHQWN FOR 10 TQ 100 DECADE Fi ESISTANCE TOLERANCE 5% 1% 2% 16.5 16.9 17.4 17.8 18.2 18.7 19.1 19.6 20

20、.0 20.6 21.0 21.5 22.1 22.6 23.2 23.7 24.3 24.9 25.5 26.1 26.7 - - - I8 20 22 24 40. - 5% 1% 2% - 27.4 28.0 28.7 29.4 30. I 30.9 31 .6 32.4 33.2 34.0 34.8 35.7 36.6 37.4 38.3 39.2 40.2 - - - - 27 30 33 36 39 .go/, 1% 2% - 41.2 42.2 43.2 44.2 45.3 46.4 47.5 48.7 49.9 51.1 52.3 53.6 - - - 56.2 57.6 59

21、.1 60.4 61.9 - 43 47 51 56 62 5% 1% 2% 63.4 84.8 66.5 68.1 69.8 71.5 73.2 75.0 76.8 78.9 80.6 82.5 84.5 86.6 88.7 9Q.9 93.1 95.3 97.8 - - 6% 75 82 91 3.2.1 voltage specified in Table I. In no case shall the rated voltage be greater than the applicable maximum continuous working EIA 452 78 W 3234680

22、0876800 Ca .- RS-452 Page 6 4. MARKING Resistors shall be typographically marked. Resistors shall be marked as a minimum using the manufacturers name, trademark or code symbol, tolerance symbol, style, temperature characteristic symbol and the four digit resistance designation as follows: LINE INFOR

23、MATION EXAMPLE 1 Style & Temperature Characteristic MR07D 2 Four Digit Resistance IOmO 3 MPR & Tolerance XXXG I_p_ 5. STANDARD TESTS NOTE: Testing these resistors involve voltages that are lethal. Adequate safety precautions must be observed. 5.1 Standard Ted Conditions 5.1.1 Temperature, Pressure a

24、nd Humidity Unless otherwise specified herein, all measurements and tests shall be made or referred to a temperature of 23O +4!, -OC , at ambient barometric pressure and at less than 80% relative humidity. 5.1.2 Precautions Adequate precautions shall be taken during inspection to prevent condensatio

25、n of niokture on resistors, except cluiing the moisture resistance and temperature cycling tests. Precautions shall also be taken to prevent damage by heat when soldering resistor leads to terminals. Also, precautions to minimize test fixture and cabling shunt leakage must be taken. 5.2 Test Procedu

26、re 5.2.1 Vsual and Mechanical Inspection Resistors shall he Ldpacted to certify that the design, construction, physical dimensions, marking and worlunanship are in accordance with the applicable requirements. 5.2.2 J2tC Resistance The method employed for the measurement of resistance shall be such t

27、hat the combined inherent errors of the measuring instruments shall not exceed 0.10 of the tolerance of part being measured. Measurements of resistance shall be made by using a dc potential applied for as short a time as practicable, and in no case for more than five seconds, in order that the tempe

28、rature of the resistance element shall not rise appreciably &ring memirement. The voltage specified shall be applied across the terminals of the resistor under test. (See 8 ., 5.2.3 a Measuring Apparatus The same measuring instrument shall be used for any one test, but not necessar

29、ily for all tests. DC RESISTANCE TET VOLTAGES RESISTANCE (OHM) 10 to 98.8 incl. 100 to 988 incl. 1,000 to 9,880 incl. 10,000 to 98.800 incl. 100,000 or Higher RS452 Page 7 MAXIMUM TEST VOLTAGES - - - 1 Volt 3 Volts 10 Volts 30 Volts 100 Volts Test Voltage Voltage used during measurements of

30、resistance shall not exceed the test voltage specified. The test voltage chosen, whether it be the maximum or a lower voltage which would &ill provide the sensitivity required, shall be applied across the terminals of the resistor. This same voltage shall be used whenever a subsequent resistance mea

31、surement is made. Temperature The dc resistance test specified in 5.2.2 shall be pei-foimed at 23+4,-00C . For all other tests, unless otherwise specified herein, the temperature at which subsequent and find resistance measurements are made in each test shall be vithink2c of the temperature

32、at which the initial resistance measurement was made. Thermal Shock Procedure Resistors shall be tested in accordance with Method 11 of RS-186. The following details and exceptions shall apply. Mounting Resistors shall be mounted by means other than soldering. 5j2.3.1.2 Measurement

33、 Before Test DC resistance shall be measured as specified in 5.2.2. Test Condition Test Condition A shall be used, except that the extreme high temperature shall be 105 + 3OC. Measurement After Test Within three hours after completion of the final cycle and as soon as the resisto

34、rs, stabilize at room temperature, dc resistance shall again be measured as specified in 5.2.2. RS-452 Page 8 Examination After Test Reeistors shall be examined for evidence of mechmical damage. Requirement As a result of the test, the units tested shall not show a change in excem

35、of 2 2% 5.2.4 Temperature CoefSicient of Resistance 5.2.!.1 Procedure Following a resistance measurement at 23OC, the resistors shall be maintainad for 15 minutes to 30 minutes at the following ambient temperatures of 105OC, 2 2% C. At the end of the time period, the resistance shall be measured at

36、the temperature maintained during the period. The temperature coefficient of resistance, referred to a reference temperature of 23%, shall then be computed as follows: r- TC = AR x 100 E x At Where TC = Temperature Coefficient in percent per. degree calsiu. R = Resistance at reference temperature R

37、= Change in resistance at test temperature from resistance at reference temperatuie. t = Difference between test and reference temperature in degree Celsius (OC) Requirement As a result of the test, the Temperature Coefficient shall be within the specified requirement in 2.2. 5.2.5 D ielec

38、tiic t re ngth Test Procedure Resistors shall be tested in accordance with Method 4 of EIA Standard RS-186. The following details and exceptions shall apply. Special Preparation Axial-lead resistors shall be lightly clamped in the trough of a 9QC metallic V-block of such size that

39、the body of the resistor does not extend beyond the extremities of the block. The resistor leads shd be so positioned that the distance between the resistor leads and any point of the V-bloclc is not less than the radius of the resistor minus the radius of the lead wire. Radial-lead resistors shall

40、be encircled by a band of aluminum Boil approximately 1/3 as wide as body length and wrapped with copper wire. Measurement Before Test DC resistance shall be measured as specified in 5.2.2. - - - - RS452 Page 9 Test Condition Sea level pressure shall be used. Mugaitude

41、of Test Voltage Test voltage to be 1 % times maximum working voltage but, in no case, more than 5kV. Nature ofPotential An alternating current (ac) supply at commercid-line frequency (not more than 100 Ha) and waveform shd be used. Points of Application Test Voltage The points of

42、 applicationshall be between the resistor terminals connected together and the V-Block for axial lead resistors or the foil retaining wrap for radial lead. (See Tables 1A and 1B.) Measurement After Test DC resistance shall be measured as specified in 5.2.2. Examination After Test

43、 Resistors shall be examined for evidence of mechanical damage, arching, and breakdown. Requirement As a result of the test, the units tested shall not show a change in excess of - i%, nor evidence of arcing or voltage breakdown. 4- 5.2.6 Insulation Resistance Test Procedure Resistor

44、s shall be tested in accordance with Method 13 of EU. Standard RS-186. The following details and exceptions shall apply. Special Preparation As specified in Test Potential A test potential of 500 volts shall be used. Points of Measurements Between the resisto

45、r terminal connected together and the V-Block or foil. RS452 Pag 10 5.2.7 5.2.8 Requirement As a result of the test, the insulation resistance of the units tested shd be not less than 10,000 megohms. Moisture Resistance 5.2,7.1 Procedure Resistors shall be tested in accordance with Method 2

46、of EU Standard RS-186. The following details and exceptions shall apply. Resistors shall be soldered by their leads to rigid mounts or terminal lug. The spacing of the mounts or terminal lu shall be such that the length of each resistor lead is approximately 3/8 ” (9.53 mm) , when measured

47、 from the edge of the supporting terminal to the resistor body. At the end of the initial drying period, dc resistance shall be meamred as specified in 5.2.2. Loading Voltage is not required. Resistors shall be subjected to 10 continuous cycles. Upon completi

48、on of step 6 of the final cycle, the resistors shall be removed and held at room conditions for a period of 1 % to 4 hours, after which the Insulation Resistance (5.2.6) and dc resistance (5.2.2) shall be measured. Requirement As a result of the test, the units tested shall not show a dc res

49、istance change in excess of insulation resistance shall be 10,000 megohms minimum. Load Llife Test 5%. The Procedure Resistors shall be tested in accordance with Method 12 of EIA Standard RS-186. The following * details and exceptions shall apply. . I- - RS-452 Page 11 Method of Mounting Resistors shdl be mounted and soldered on lightweight termiaiah. Resistors shd be so arranged hi. the temperatme of any one resistor dl not appreciably influence the temperature of any other resistor. There shd be no u


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