ECA 498AA00-1992 Blank Detail Specification for Keyboard Switches.pdf

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1、I . a O O 4 U Q) aD I w 0 a a EIA 49AA00 92 3234600 0503030 4T W Reproduced By GLOBAL ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS Thr Permission of EIA Unda RWty Agrcemcnt ANSI/ IA-498 AA 00-#Y APPROVED: Fhrurry 7, 1992 EIA S P ECI FI CATI ON Blank Detail Specification for Keyboard Switches EIA-498AA00 APRIL 1992 ELECTRO

2、NIC IN DUSTRI ES ASSOCIATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Amoved kor Use in The NECQ System EIA Y98AA00 92 m 323Yb00 0503033 33Y m NOTICE EIA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilit

3、ating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or non- member of EIA from manufacturi

4、ng or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publications, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than EIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. 4 a Recommended Standards and

5、Publications are adopted by EIA without regard to whether their adoption may involve patents on articles, materials, or processes. By such action, EIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Recommended Standard or Publica

6、tion. This EIA Specification is considered to have International Standardization implication, but the International Electrotechnical Commission activity has not progressed to the point where a valid comparison between the EIA Specification and the IEC document can be made. This Specification does no

7、t purport to address all safety problems associated with its use or all applicable regulatory requirements. It is the responsibility of the user of this Specification to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations before its use. (Fr

8、om Standards Proposal No. 2733 formulated under the cognizance of P-i 3.3 Subcommittee on Sensitive, Pushbutton and Keyboard Switches) O Published by ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION Engineering Department 2001 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C. 26 PRICE: Please refer to the current Catalog

9、of EIA it shall include as a minimum the information needed for listing on the Qualified Products List. See Appendix A. (7) .A circuit diagram or short description of the circuit(s). (8) information on the typical construction (when (9) Application(s) covered and/or assessment leve electrical applic

10、able) . (10) An outline drawing containing the maximum enclosure dimensions. When spacing permits, the drawing nay include detailed dimensions also. The drawing shall comply with 2.6.1 of the Sectional Specification. Paragraph 2.8 of the detail specification shall proviae the appropriate information

11、 for the tests in the Generic ana 3ectional specifications. Values shall be stated for the ratings and characteristics which are mandatory. EIA 498AA00 92 323qbOO 0503035 T8T W lational Standards Organization Electronic Industries Association 2001 Eye Street N. W. Washington, D.C. 20006 Generic Spec

12、if ication Humber Electronic components of assessed quality in accordance with EIA-4980000 Outline Drawing - Maximum envelope Dimensions EIA-498M00 Page 3 Detail Specification Humber Blank Detail Specification 498AA00 Product Description Electrical Circuit Typical Construction Apgicaton/As#cs8ment t

13、eve1 I i Information on the availability of components qualified to this specification is given in the Qualified Products List EIA 49BAA00 92 m 3234b00 050303b 95b m EIA-498AA00 page 4 I#TRODUcTI The complete requirements for the switches described herein shall consist of this Detail Specification a

14、nd the current issues of EIA-4980000, “Generic Specification for Keyboard Switches of Certified Quality,“ and EIA-498A000, “Sectional Specification for Full and Short Stroke Keyboard Switches of Certified Quality.“ 1. SCOPE AN OBJECT 1.1 Scope The (applicable modifiers to described subfamily of keyb

15、oards) keyboards of certified quality covered by this detail specification A. have maximum enclosure dimensions of (maximum B. have a maximum rated voltage of highest C, have a maximum rated current of (highest D. (Other). length, width, and height dimensions). rated voltage or subfamily). rated cur

16、rent of subfamily). 1.2 Object The object of this detail specification is to provide all information required for the identification, quality assessment, and certification of these keyboards. The information, contained herein or by reference, is complete and sufficient for inspection purposes. 3. GE

17、BERAL 2.1 Type Designation Switches covered by this Detail Specification shall be described by the following in the order shown: number for this Detail Specification. Example of Type Designation: (The Detail Specification shall completely define the part numbering system), 2.2. Marking The marking o

18、f the switch and package shall be in accordance with the requirements of 2.5 of the Generic Specification. (Insert the details of marking on the switch and on the package, including any special marking requirements) . The related documents, units, symbols, terminology, standard values, preferred val

19、ues, and markings are prescribed in Section TWO Of EIA-4980000. I 2.4 2.3 3.6 2.7 EIA 498AA00 i? = 3234600 0503037 852 W EIX- b) (Insert the number and edition of the Detail Specification); and c) When certified records of released lots are required, include “CERTIFIED RECORDS REQUIRED“. Certified R

20、ecords of Released Lot (insert the information required by 3.4.1 of the Generic Specification.) Safety Consierations The user shall consider the suitability of the switch with regard to any safety requirements applicable to the equipment. Common Features (The common features of this keyboard switch

21、type shall be given preferably using an oblique drawing.) Dimensional Parameters (The necessary information shall be given with respect to the mountinq and the switch dimensions. See 2.6.1 of the Sectionai Specification.) Rating and Characteristics 2.8.1 Ratings Altitude Slectricai - power - logic l

22、evel - low level F 1 ammab i 1 i ty Fluid resistance Fungus resistance Icing Noisture Resistance (insert maximum altitude or not applicable) (1, -A (insert vaiues) ( insert “5 V, 10 mA“ or insert not applicable) (insert “30 mV, 10 mA“ or insert not applicable) (insert applicable or not applicable) (

23、insert appiicable or not applicable) (insert applicable or not applicable) (insert applicable or not applicable) (insert applicable or not applicable) EIA 498AA00 92 3234b00 0503038 799 EIA-498AA00 Page 6 Random vibration Salt spray Sand and dust Sealing Shock Temperature Thermal Shock Vibration (in

24、sert A.S,D. spectrum level, frequency and test duration; or insert not applicable) (insert test duration or insert not: appiicable) (insert applicable or not applicable) (insert seal grade or not applicable) (insert acceleration and g value, or insert not applicable) - OC to _ C (insert values) (ins

25、ert low and high temperature, or insert not applicable) (insert acceleration, g value and frequency range; or insert not applicable 1 2.8,2 Characteristics Actuator grounding (insert maximum resiscance or Altitude voltage proof (insert value of test voltage Capacitance (insert maximum value or Conta

26、ct bounce (insert maximum duration or EM1 shielding (insert minimum attenuation or insert not applicable) or insert not applicable) insert not applicable) insert not applicable) insert no applicable) Endurance - electrical - logic leve - low level - (insert test type) (insert cycies of operation and

27、 any other required test details) (insert cycles of operation or insert not applicable) (insert cycles of operation or insert not applicable) - mechanical End stops - (insert test type) (insert cycles of operation or insert not applicable) (insert torque value or insert not applicable) immersion in

28、cleaning solvents (insert applicable or not applicable) Insulation resistance (insert minimum resistance or insert not applicable) Lamp circuit resistance (insert maximum resistance or insert not applicable) Low temperature operation (insert applicable or not applicable) Mass (insert maximum value)

29、r. _ -. - a EIA 49BAA00 92 M 3234600 0503039 625 A Operating characteristics Overload Resistance to soldering heat Robustness of - actuator - mounting bushing - screw mounting - termination Solderability Stray lights Sunlight readability Switch resistance - specified current Temperature rise Voltage

30、 proof EIA-4981W00 Page 7 (insert values) (insert applicable or not applicable) (insert applicable or not applicable) (insert force or torque value) (insert torque value or insert not applicable) (insert torque value or insert not applicable) (insert force value) (insert applicable or not applicable

31、) (insert applicable or not applicable) (insert contrast racio or not applicable) (insert maximum resistance or insert not applicable) (insert “30C max. I 1 (insert value of test voltage) 2.0 QUALITY ASSESSHEBIT PROCEDURES The quality assessment procedures are prescribed in Section Three qf EIA-4980

32、00 and are supplemented by the following information. 3.1.1 Qualification Approval Inspection Tests: The qualification approval inspection tests are prescribed herein for the qualification of the entire subfamiiy of keyboarcis covered by this Detail Specification. EIA 4BAAOO 92 m 3234600 0503040 347

33、 m EIA-498AA00 Page 8 3.4.6 Lot-by-Lot Inspection Tests: The lot-by-lot inspection tests are prescribed in herein. (If the sequence of tests is not optiona detail specification shall specify the mandatory sequence). (See Appendix A,) 3.4.7 Periodic Inspection Tests: The periodic inspection tests are

34、 also prescribed II herein. (See Appendix A,) Table II , the est in Table 4. TEST METHODS AND REQUIREMENTS The test methods and requirements are prescribed in Section Four of EIA-498000 and are supplemented by the following information. (See instruction. As a minimum, the detail specification shall

35、prescribe all details of tests required by the basic test methods, RS-448 etc., for the following tests.) 4.4 Visual Ex.amination 4.5 Dimension Examination 4.7 Voltage Proof 4.9 Robustness of Terminations 4.10 Solderability (for solder terminals only) 4.11 Mechanical Endurance with Electrical Load 4

36、.12 Temperature Rise 4,23 Operating Characteristics 4.24 Overload 4.27 Actuator Strength Table I - Qualification Approval Inspection Tests Table II - Lot-by-Lot and Periodic Inspection Tests h - - FIX-498AOO Page 9 EIA 498AA00 92 3234600 0503043 283 = L APPEHIX A QUALITY COIEORMABTCE IISPECTIOI TEST

37、 SCHEDULE a TEST 3ETHODS AND GROUPS TEST NO. ID“ OR ASSESSMENT LEVELS (TEST FREQUENCY) I N D LEVEL “C“ IL AQL ACCEPTAMCE TESTS GROUP A (LOT-BY-LOT) Visual examination 4.4 ND Electrical circuitry 4.29 ND ?.la jor Hinor switch resistance 4.a ND PERIODIC TESTS GROUP B (EVERY 6 MWF“TE) Operating charact

38、eristics 4.6 ND Solderability 4.10 D Terminal Strenuth 4.13 D Logic levei endurance 4.14 D Contact bounce 4.19 ND GROUP C (EVERY 6 MOTES) Thermal Chock Visual examination Voltage proof GROUP D (EVERY 36 MOLQTHS) Reyualification (See Table I) 4.15 D 4.4 ND 4.9 ND D EIA 49AA00 92 3234600 0503042 LIT a

39、 EIA STANDARD AND SPECIFICATION NUMBERING STANDARD A document that establishes engineering and technical requirements for processes, procedures, practices and methods that have been decreed by authority or adopted by consensus. Standards may also be established for selection, application and design

40、criteria for material. Standards and other documents not in the specification format use only the IA basic numbering system as follows: EIA-I 23 Original Standard EIA-123-1 Addendum to Original Standard EIA-123-A First Revision of original Standard incorporating all Addenda SPECIFICATION A document

41、prepared specifically to facilitate procurement which clearly and accurately describes the essential technical requirements for purchased material. Procedures necessary to determine that the requirements for the purchased material covered by the specification have been met shall also be referenced o

42、r included. EIA Specifications use the following system: EIAI23AAA - Standard or Generic Specification Standard Prefix for all Numbers Sectional Specification Designator Blank Detail Specification Designator 3 A I Detail Specification Designator EIA I230000 EIA 123A000 EIA 123AAOO EIA 123AAM EIA 123

43、OOAA is a Generic Specification is a Sectional Specification is a Blank Detail Specification is a Detail Specification is a Detail Specification for which no Sectional or Blank Detail Specification was issued. NOTES: 1 Some older specifications may not have been converted to this numbering system. 2. See EP-11 “Guide for the Preparation of Specification Using IECQ-System Format,“ for more detail.


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