ECA 520AA00-1988 Blank Detail Specification for Special-Use Pushbutton Switches of Certified Quality.pdf

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1、a O O a a O cv v) I E u 1- EIA 520AA00 BB W 3234600 0073333 3 9 -. 7- ANSI/ EIA-52 OAAO 0-198 7 APPROVED: SEPTEMBER 25, 1987 EIA SPEC I F ICAT ION Blank Detail Specification for Special-Use Push button Switches of . Certified Quality EIA-520AA00 APRIL 1988 ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION ENGINEERI

2、NG DEPARTMENT I . EIA 520AA00 BA W 3234600 0073332 5 NOTICE EIA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the

3、purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Pub- lications shall not in any respect preclude any member or non-member of EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publication

4、s, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than EIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by EIA without regard to whether or not their adop

5、tion may involve patents on articles, materials, or processes. By such action, EIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Recom- mended Standard or Publication. Pub liched by ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION Engineering

6、Department 2001 Eye Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 Copyright 1988 ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION All rights reserved - - - Printed in U.S.A. I EIA 520AA00 88 3234600 0073333 7 EIA-520AA00 BLANK DETAIL SPECIFICATION FOR SPECIAL-USE PUSHBUTTON SWITCHES OF CERTIFIED QUALITY TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa

7、ragraph Page INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 SECTION ONE - GENERAL DATA 5 2.0 INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS 10 APPENDIX A . 11 EIA 520AA00 88 W 3234600 0073334 9 EIA-520AA00 Page 1 BLANK DETAIL SPECIFICATLON SPECIAL-USE PUSHBUTTON SWITCHES OF CERTIFIED QUALITY (From Standards Proposal No. 1834, formulated under the co

8、gnizance of the EIA P-13.3 Working Group on Non-Sensitive Pushbutton and Keyboard Switches.) INTRODUCTION A Blank Detail Specification is a supplementary document to the Sectional Specification and contains requirements for style, layout and minimum content of Detail Specifications. Detail Specifica

9、tions not complying with these requirements shall not be considered as being in accordance with the certification system nor shall they so be described, In the preparation of a Detail Specification, the content of Sub-clause 2.6 of the Sectional Specification shall be taken into account. A Detail Sp

10、ecification shall cover a particular type of pushbutton switch construction and may include several styles for that type. It is preferable that all styles of a particular type of pushbutton switch construction be contained in a single Detail Specification wherever. possible. Different types shall no

11、t-be contained- in the same 0 Detail Specification. The Detail Specification shall state directly, or by reference to other documents, all information necessary to completely describe all interchangeability parameters for that type of pushbutton switch, including any styles, and to ensure conformanc

12、e thereof with all requirements for quality assessment. Pages 4 through 10 illustrate a Detail Specification. The numbers be- tween brackets correspond to the following information which shall be inserted in the position indicated. Identification of the Detail Specification i The standards organizat

13、ion under whose authority the Detail Specification is drafted. Z The number of the Detail Specification, date of issue, and any further information required by the standard organization. 31 41 The number and issue of the Sectional Specification. 51 The number and issue of. the IEC Blank Detail The n

14、umber and Issue of the Generic Specification. Specification. _ EIA 520AA00 BB = 3234b00 0073335 O EIA-520AAOO Page 2 Identification of Switch 61 A short description of the type of pushbutton switch which shall include as a minimum the information needed for listing on the Qualified Products List. Se

15、e Appendix A. 71 A circuit diagram or short description of the electrical circuit (s) . 81 Information on the typical construction (when applicable). 9 Application(s) covered and/or assessment level. lo An outline drawing containing the maximum enclosure dimensions. When space permits, the drawing m

16、ay also include detailed dimensions. The drawing shall comply with Sub-clause 2.6.1 of the Sectional Specification. See Appendix A. Rating and Characteristics il Sub-clause 1.9 shall provide the appropriate information for the tests in the Generic and Sectional Specification. Values shall be stated

17、for the following ratings and characteristics which are mandatory: - electrical endurance - electrical ratings - mass - operating characteristics - robustness of actuator - robustness of terminals - voltage proof Values shall be stated for the following characteristics when the following conditions

18、exist (mandatory if applicable) : - altitude voltage proof when an altitude rating is - gauging when gauging dimensions are declared. - logic level endurance when a logic level rating is - low level endurance when a low level rating is - immersion in cleaning solvents when terminals are declared. de

19、clared. declared. declared suitable for PC mounting. EIA 520AA00 88 m 323VbOO 0073336 2 m L EIA-520AA-00 Page 3 - low temperature operation when the low temperature - overload when the electrical ratings exceed 6 volts - robustness of mounting bushing when the switch is - robustness of screw mountin

20、g when the switch is - solderability when the terminals are declared to be - temperature rise when intended for use under the All other ratings and characteristics are optional. Ratings and characteristics that are not applicable shall be listed as not applicable. rating is lower than OC. and 0.5 am

21、pere. intended to be mounted by a threaded bushing. intended to be mounted by screws. solderable. National Electrical Code. EPA 520AA00 88 W 3234600 0073337 4 W EIA-520AA00 Page 4 c11 Oonorlc Spocificrtiocr Numbor Rlootronlo oonponontr M are quallty b) have a maximum rated voltage of (insert the hig

22、hest c) have a maximum rated current of (insert the highest rated voltage only); and rated current only.) 1.2 Type Designation Switches covered by this Detail Specification shall be described by the following in the order shown: a) The number for this Detail Specification. Example of Type Designatio

23、n: (The Detail Specification shall completely define the part numbering system). 1.3 Marking The marking of the switch and package shall be in accordance with the requirements of Sub-clause 2.5 of the Generic Specification. (Insert the details of marking on the switch and on the package, including a

24、ny special marking requirements), EIA 520AA00 88 3234b00 0073339 B EIA-520AA00 Page 6 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Ordering Information Orders for switches covered by this Specification shall contain the following information as a minimum: a) The applicable part number per Sub-clause 1.2; b) (Insert the

25、number and edition of the Detail Specification) ; and include “CERTIFIED RECORDS REQUIRED“. c) When certified records of released lots are required, Certified Records of Released Lot (Insert the information required by Sub-clause 3.4.1 of the Generic Specification.) Safety Cons iderations The user s

26、hall consider the suitability of the switch with regard to any safety requirements applicable to the equipment. Common Features (The common features of this pushbutton switch type shall be given.preferably using an oblique drawing.) Dimensional Parameters (The necessary information shall be given wi

27、th respect to the mounting and the switch dimensions. See Sub-clause 2.6.1 of the Sectional Specification.) Rating and Characteristics 1.9.1 Ratings Altitude (insert maximum altitude or not applicable) Electrical - power - V, - A (insert values) - logic (insert “5V, 10 mA“ or level insert not applic

28、able) - low level (insert “30 mV, 10 mA“ or insert not applicable) Flammab il i ty (insert applicable or not applicable) EIA-52OAAOO Page 7 Fluid resistance (insert applicable or not applicable) Fungus resistance (insert applicable or not appl icabl e) Icing (insert applicable or not applicable) Moi

29、sture Resistance (insert applicable or not applicable) Random vibration (insert A.S.D. spectrum level, frequency and test dcration; or insert not applicable) Salt spray Sand and dust Sealing Shock Temperature Thermal shock Vibration (insert test duration or insert not applicable) (insert applicable

30、or not applicable) (insert seal grade or not applicable) (insert acceleraton and g value, or insert not applicable) Oc to OC (insert (insert low and high temperature, or insert not applicable) (insert acceleration, g value and frequency range; or insert nct applicable) 1.9.2 Characteristics Ac tua t

31、or grounding (insert maximum resistance or insert not applicablc) Altitude voltage proof (insert value of test voltage or insert not applicable) EIA S20AA00 88 3234b00 0073343 b = EIA-520AA00 Page 8 Capacitance Contact bounce EM1 shielding Endurance - electrical - (insert test type) - logic level -

32、low level - mechanical - (insert test type) End stops Immersion in cleaning solvents Insulation resistance Lamp circuit resistance Low temperature operat ion Mass Opera t ing characteristics Overload (insert maximum value or insert not applicable) (insert maximum duration or insert not applicable) (

33、insert minimum attentuation or insert not applicable) (insert cycles of operation and any other required test details) (insert cycles of operation or insert not applicable) (insert cycles of operation or insert not applicable) (insert cycles of operation or insert not applicable) (insert torque valu

34、e or insert not applicable) (insert applicable or not appl icab le) (insert minimum resistance or insert not applicable) (insert maximum resistance or insert not applicable) (insert applicable or not a p p 1. i c ab 1 e ) (insert maximum value) (insert values) (insert applicable or not applicable) E

35、IA 52RAA00 8 H 3234b00 0073342 H Resistance to soldering heat Robustness of - actuator - mounting bushing - screw mounting - termination So lderab il i ty Stray lights Sun1 ight readability Switch resistance - specified current Temperature rise Voltage proof EIA-520AA00 Page 9 (insert applicable or

36、not app 1 icab le) (insert force or torque value) (insert torque value or insert not applicable) (insert torque value or insert not applicable) (insert force value) (insert applicable or not applicable) (insert applicable or not applicable) (insert contrast ratio or nc t app 1 icab le) (insert maxim

37、um resistance or insert not applicable) (insert f130 max . (insert value of test voltage) EIA 520AA00 88 m 3234600 0073343 T EIA-520AA00 Page 10 2.0 SECTION TWO - INSPECTION REOUIREMENTS INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Qualification Approval inspection requirements shall be in accordance with (insert ap

38、propriate reference). 2.2 Quality Conformance Inspection requirements are prescribed in (Table II of the Sectional Specification or, if different, Table I herein) for lot-by-lot inspections and in (Table II of the Sectional Specification or, if different, Table II herein) for periodic inspection. Fo

39、r visual examination, the clarification of major and minor defects shall be (insert description of defects), (insert Tables I and II, if needed) EIA 520AA00 88 m 3234600 0073344 L m i EIA- 5 20AA00 Page 11 APPENDIX A Titles of Detail Specifications following sequence: Illumination-Denote as Illumina

40、ted. shall be derived in Illuminated and/or the Non- Basic Identifier-Denote as either (A) Pushbutton Switch, or (B) Non-Sensitive Pushbutton Switch. Mounting Hole-Denote the basic hole size required for mounting the switch. Poles-Denote the specified number of poles. Current Ratings-Denote the spec

41、ified current ratings. Sealing-Denote the sealing capability of sealed switches only. P EXAMPLES : Illuminated and Non-Illuminated Pushbutton Switches, .750“ Square Mounting, One and Two B Poles, .O01 to 10 Amperes. (Non-Sealed Switch) EIA-520AA00 Paqe 12 EIA 520AA00 BA 3234b00 0073345 3 TYPICAL EXA

42、MPLE OF DRAWINGS AND DIMENSIONS THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION a4AV I 1 r- II THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION REmUYENED PANEC CUT-OUT OL.= ?OCERANCED DIMENSKW. MAX. : MAXfMM ALLOWABLE OIYENSION. 4 I Standard or Generic Specification Indicator Standard Prefix for all Numbers Sectional Specification Designator :- - Bl

43、ank Detail Specification Designator EIA 520AA00 BB m 3234b00 O073346 5 m EIA STANDARD AND SPECIFICATION NUMBERING STANDARD e A document that establishes engineering and technical requirements for processes, procedures, practices and methods that have been decreed by authority or adopted by consensus

44、. Standards may also be established for selection, application and design criteria for material. Standards and other documents not in the specification format use only the EIA basic numbering system as follows: EIA-123 Original Standard EIA-123-1 Addendum to the Original Standard EIA-123-A First Rev

45、ision of original Standard incorporating all Addenda SPECIFICATION A document prepared specifically to facilitate procurement which clearly and accurately describes the essential technical requirements for purchased material. Procedures necessary to determine that the requirements for the purchased

46、material covered by the specification have been met shall also be referenced or included. EIA Specifications use the following system: o EIA 1230000 is a Generic Specification EIA 123A000 is a Sectional Specification EIA 123AA00 is a Blank Detail Specification EIA 123AAAA is a Detail Specification EIA 12300AA is a Detail Specification for which no Sectional or Blank Detail Specificationwas issued NOTES 1. Some older specifications may not have been converted to this numbering system. 2. See EP-11, “Guide for the Preparation of Specifications Using IECQ-System Format,“ for more detail.


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