ECA 520D000-1987 Sectional Specification for Toggle Paddle and Rocker Switches of Certified Quality《已质量认证的专用扳钮、短浆和摇杆开关空白部分规范》.pdf

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ECA 520D000-1987 Sectional Specification for Toggle Paddle and Rocker Switches of Certified Quality《已质量认证的专用扳钮、短浆和摇杆开关空白部分规范》.pdf_第1页
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ECA 520D000-1987 Sectional Specification for Toggle Paddle and Rocker Switches of Certified Quality《已质量认证的专用扳钮、短浆和摇杆开关空白部分规范》.pdf_第2页
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ECA 520D000-1987 Sectional Specification for Toggle Paddle and Rocker Switches of Certified Quality《已质量认证的专用扳钮、短浆和摇杆开关空白部分规范》.pdf_第3页
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ECA 520D000-1987 Sectional Specification for Toggle Paddle and Rocker Switches of Certified Quality《已质量认证的专用扳钮、短浆和摇杆开关空白部分规范》.pdf_第4页
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ECA 520D000-1987 Sectional Specification for Toggle Paddle and Rocker Switches of Certified Quality《已质量认证的专用扳钮、短浆和摇杆开关空白部分规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、EIA 520D000 87 3234600 0073536 T = O O O O Cu u I w ci 0 EIA SPEC I F I CAT ION ANSVEIA- 520OOO- 1987 APPROVED: APRIL 10, 1987 - Sectional Specif ication for Toggle, Paddle and Rocker Switches of Certified Quality EIA-520D000 SEPTEMBER 1987 ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT EI

2、A 520D000 87 = 3234b00 0073537 I NOTICE EIA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers end purchasers, facilitating interchangeability end improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecti

3、ng and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Pub- lications shall not in any respect preclude any member or non-member of EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publications, nor shall the exi

4、stence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than EIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by EIA without regard to whether or not their adoption may involve pat

5、ents on articles, materials, or processes. By such action, EIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Recem- mended Standard or Publication. Published by ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION Engineering Department 2001 Eye S

6、treet, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 Copyright 1987 ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION All rights reserved PRICE: $8.00 Printed in U.S.A. EIA 520D000 87 3234600 0073538 3 EIA-52PD SECTIONAL SPECIFICATION FOR TOGGLE, PADDLE AND ROCKER S.WITCHES OF CERTIFIED QUALITY This EIA Sectional Specification has b

7、een coordinated with the work of the IEC 48C Subcommittee on Electromechanical Switches. i /,- i) 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.0 3.1 3.2 4.0 4.1 EIA 520D000 87 m 3234600 0073539 5 m EIA-52D CONTENTS SECTION ONE - SCOPE AND OBJECT Scope Object SECTION TWO - GENERAL Related Documents Unit

8、s and Symbols Term i no og y Preferred Values Marking Deta il Spec if ication SECTION THREE - QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES Qualification Approval Procedures Quality Conformance Inspection SECTION FOUR - TEST METHODS AND REQUIREMENTS Voltage Proof Appendix A - Terminology - ii Page 1 1 1 5 5 8 12 12

9、 13 (i EIA 520D000 87 323Vb00 00735VO L W EIA-520DBQB Page 1 SECTIONAL SPECIFICATION FOR TOGGLE, PADDLE AND ROCKER SWITCHES OF CERTIFIED QUALITY (From Standards Proposal No. 1811, formulated under the cognizance of the EIA P-13.2, Working Group on Slide, Rocker and Toggle Switches.) 1.0 SECTION ONE

10、- SCOPE AND OBJECT 1.1 Scope This Sectional Specification relates to the toggle, paddle and rocker operated family of special-use electro- mechanical switches of certified quality. These families of switches are for use in electrical or electronic equipment, including switches to control power suppl

11、y voltage. These switches are not intended to be used in electrical distribution systems. Switches covered by this Specification have a rated voltage not exceeding 500 volts, and a rated current not exceeding 25 amperes (dc or rms values) . 1.2 Object The object of this Specification is to: a) presc

12、ribe applicable preferred ratings and character is tics; b) select the appropriate tests which may be applicable to this family of switches; and c) prescribe general performance requirements for these switches. Test severities and performance requirements prescribed in Detail Specifications referrin

13、g to this Sectional Specification shall be equal to or greater than those specified herein; degradations are not permitted. EIA 520D000 A? 3234600 0073541 3 W E IA-52 OD000 Page 2 200 SECTION TWO - GENERAL 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Related Documents The following documents of the issue in effect form a part o

14、f the Specification to the extent specified hereinr EIA-5200000 Generic Specification for Special-Use El ec t r omec han is al Switches Of Certified Quality. Units and Symbols The requirements of EIA-5200000 shall apply. Terminology Terminology shall be in accordance with the issue in effect of the

15、following publication: EIA-5200000 Generic Specification for Special-Use Switches of E 1 ec t r om echa n i c a 1 Cer tif lied Quai i ty . Terminology peculiar to the toggle, slide or rocker operated switch families is defined in Appendix A. P r e fe r r ed Va 1 ue s 2.4.1 Rated Voltage: The followi

16、ng voltage ratings are preferred for switches with rated voltages above 50 volts: 125, 250, 277, 440, and 4861. Por logic level rated switches, the preferred voltage is 5 volts dc. For low level. rated switches, the preferred voltage is 30 millivolts dc. 2.4.2 Rated Current: The following current ra

17、tings are preferred: 1.0 ampere or less - manufacturers option above 1.0 ampere - in 1.0 ampere increments EIA 520D000 87 m 3234600 0073542 5 m EIA-520D000 Page 3 2.4.3 2.4.4 Low Temperature Rating: The following low temperature rating (lower temperature category) are preferred: -103 -25 C High Temp

18、erature O -4 0,C -55 c Rating : The following high temperature ratings (upper temperature category) are preferred: O 55 .c 70 C O 85,C 100-c 125C 2.5 Marking The marking requirements of EIA-5200000 shall apply. 2.6 Detail Specification Detail Specifications shall be derived from the relevant Blank D

19、etail Specification and shall contain all required information. Detail Specifications shall not specify requirements inferior to those of the Generic or Sectional Specifications. When more severe requirements are included, they shall be listed in the Detail Specification and indicated in the test sc

20、hedules, for example by an asterisk . The Detail Specification shall contain the complete techn ical requ i remen ts f o r inspect i on, i nc 1 ud ing the quality conformance test schedule. If the technical requirements of the Generic and/or Sectional Specification relative to inspection are not ent

21、irely suitable (either for technical reasons or for special applications) to the component described in the Detail Specification, the Detail Specification shall clearly set out the various amendments which are to be made in these requirements. EIA 520DOOO 87 3234600 0073543 7 EIA-520D000 Page 4 2.6.

22、1 Outline Drawing and Dimensions There shall be an illustration of the switch as an aid to easy recognition and for comparison with other types of switches. The illustration shall preferably be an orthographic projection, with at least two views using third angle projection. The dimensional limits n

23、ecessary for mounting and interchangeability shall be prescribed. Al 1 dimensions shall. be stated in millimeters, with the equivalent inch dimensions given in parentheses. It shall be noted whether the original dimensions are in inches or millimeters. 2.6.2 Mounting The method of mounting for norma

24、l use shall be spec i fi e . 2.6.3 Electrical Ratings The rated voltage(s) and the rated current(s) shall be specified. 2.6.4 Functional Operation The switching circuitry, the actuator function (detent, self-return, etc.) and any other electrical non-swi tching operation (lamps I . solenoids, etc .)

25、 shall. be completely described. 2.6.5 Operating Character istics The total travel and the operating force shall be stated, 2.6.6 Special Characteristics Any special characteristics (sealing, altitude ratings, etc.) shall be listed when they are considered necessary to adequately specify the switch

26、for design and application purposes. EIA 520D000 87 3234600 0073544 9 = EIA-520D000 Page 5 3.0 O O SECTION THREE - QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES 3.1 Qualification Approval Procedures Qualification approval procedures shall be as prescribed by EIA-5200000 and the following: a) The tests required for

27、qualification approval are prescribed in Table I herein. b) Test specimens shall be as specified in the Detail Specification, and shall be representative of the range of product described in it. EIA 520D000 83 = 3234600 0033545 O E IA- 52 0D(aD Page 6 TABLE 1: Qualification Approval Test Sequence M

28、or D or t.s. t.d. g.d. - ND - WS - Test Test Method and Group Number GKOU A 3 v i s ua1 Ex am ina t ion Dimensions Gauging Mass Functional Oper at ion Switch Resistance Switch Resistance Actuator Grounding Insulation Resistance Vol tage Proof Altitude Vo1,tage Proof Operating Characteristics 1-1 1-2

29、 1-3 1-4 1-5 2-1 2-2 2-4 2-5 3-2 1-6 3-1- M NB M ND ws ND ws ND M ND ws ND ws ND ws ND ws ND M ND ws ND ws ND Solder ab i 1 i ty Strength of Terminations Strength of Actuator Over 1 oad . Electrical Endurance Temperature Rise Voltage Proof Sealing 11-1 6-4 6-1 9-1 8 i31 4-1 3-1 14 M D M B M B ws D M

30、 D M D M ND ws D 1 Group c Thermal Shock Accelra t ion Vibration Shock Hum id i ty Opera t i ng Chair ac ter i s t ics Vol tage Proof Panel Seal Sealing 10-2 5-1 5 -3 5-2 10-1 1-6 3-1 13-1 14 ws ws WS ws ws WS WS ws ws ND D D D D MD NB D D 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 Group D 1 Strength of Mounting Bushing 6-

31、2 Strength of Screw Mounting 6-3 Immersion in Sovents 15-1 Random Vibration 5-4 Operating Character istics 1-6 Voltage Proof 3-1 ws D 4 0 WS D 4 0 ws D 4 0 ws B 4 1 ws ND 4 1 WS ND 4 1 EIA 520D000 87 323YbOO 00735Yb 2 Test Method and Group O Group E Capacitance Con tact Bounce Mechanical Endur ance

32、Capacitance Operating Characteristics Panel Seal Sealing Group F Salt Spray Group G Fungus Resistance Group H Corrosive Gases Group J F1 ammab il i ty Group K Fluid Resistance 17-1 1-7 7-1 17-1 1-6 13-1 14 10-4 10-3 10-5 16-1 15-2 ws ws ws ws ws ws ws ws ws ws ws WS Test M or Number WS - Key : M = m

33、andatory test WS = when specified test D = destructive test ND = non-destructive test D or ND - ND ND D ND ND D D D D D D D tos. - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 EIA-520D000 Page 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t.s. = minimum quantity of test specimens t.d. = maximum permissible number of defective units per test

34、g.d. = maximum permissible number of defective units per group Notes: il = As a minimum, there shall be two separate test specimens for each electrical rating; but, in no case, shall there be less than four test specimens total 121 = The appropriate electrical endurance test(s) shall be selected bas

35、ed upon the specified electrical ratings 31 = The appropriate electrical endurance test(s) shall be selected based upon the specified electrical and O tempera ture ratings EIA 520D000 87 3234b00 0073547 4 EIA-520D0BD Page 8 3.2 Quality Conformance Inspection Quality conformance inspection shall be a

36、s prescribed by EIA-5200000 and the following requirements: a) Lot-By-Lot Inspection Test: The lot-by-lot inspection tests are prescribed in Table II herein. The sequence of tests is optional, unless otherwise specified by the Detail Specification. b) Periodic Inspection Tests: The periodic inspecti

37、on tests are prescribed in Table III herein. EIA 520D000 87 = 3234600 0073548 b EIA-520D000 Page 9 TABLE II Lo t-By-Lo t In spec t ion Tests Test Methods and Test Test Groups (Test Frequency) .No . Acceptance Tests Group A (lot-by-lot) Visual Examination 1-1 Major Minor Functional Operation 1-5 Swit

38、ch Resistance 2-1 Vol tage Proof 3-1 Operating Characteristics 1-6 Assessments Levels D or Lev e 1 I1 CI1 i 1 ND IL AQL ND ND ND ND ND I II s3 s3 53 1.5 4.0 4.0 1.5 1.0 2.5 Assessment level C per paragraph 3.4 in EIA-5200000, with the listed Inspection Levels (IL) and Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)

39、, is the minimum acceptable level. Additional, higher levels can be developed, as required for specific Detail Speci fica t ions . EIA 520D000 87 = 3234b00 O073549 EIA-520B000 Page 10 TABLE III Per iodic Test Methods and Test Groups (Test Frequency) Group X (every 12 months) Visual Examina tion Dime

40、n s i 01-1s Opera ti ng Character i stics Switch Resistance Insulation Resistance Solder ab il i ty Strength of Terminations Strength of Actuator Overloa Electrical Endurance Temperature Rise Voltage PKQOf Group B (every 36 months) Over 1 oad Electrical Endurance Temperature Rise Vol tage Proof Seal

41、ing Group C (ev,ery 36 months) Thermal Shock Accel er at is n Vibration Shock Hum id i ty Operating Charas ter istics Voltage Proof Panel Seal Sealing inspection Tests Test No. 1-1 1-2 1-6 2-2 2-5 11-1 6-4 6-1 9-1 8 4-1 3-1 .9-1 8 4-1 3-1 14 10-2 5-1 5-3 5-2 10-1 1-6 3-1 13-1 14 Group D (every 36 mo

42、nths) Strength of Mounting Bushing 6-2 Strength of Screw Mounting 6-3 immersion in Solvents 15-1 Random Vi bra ti on 5-4 Oprat ing Character istics 1-6 Voltage PE-QOE 3-1 D or ND ND ND ND ND ND D D D D D D ND D D D ND D ND D D ND D ND ND D D D D D D ND ND t.s. 2 2 2 2 4 n.a. nea. n.a. 4 1 4 1 i4 1 i

43、4 1 14 1 i4 1 4 1 i4 1 i4 1 4 n.a. n.a. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 n.a. n.a. n.a. 4 4 1 EIA 520D000 87 = 323Yb00 0073550 Y EIA-520D000 Page 11 Test Methods and Test Groups (Test Frequency) Group E (every 36 months) Capacitance Contact Bounce Mec han i c a 1 Endurance Capacitance Operating Character ist ics P

44、anel Seal Sealing Group F (every 36 months) Salt Spray Group G (every 36 months) Fungus Resistance Group H (every 36 months) F1 ammab i 1 i ty Group K (every 36 months) Fluid Resistance Key: D ND t.s. t.d. g.d. n.a. NOTES: i i31 4 1 i51 Test No . 17-1 1-7 7-1 17-1 12-1 13-1 14 D or ND ND ND D ND ND

45、D D Level “CIt 151 t.s. t.d. g.d. 3 10-5 D n.a. 10-4 D n.a. 16 15-2 n.a. n.a. = destructive test = non-destructive test = minimum number of test samples = maximum permissible defective units per test = maximum permissible defective units per group = testing is not applicable if no changes have been

46、made to the design or manufacturing process The resilient and hermetic seal tests may be performed as in- process inspections, and the acceptance inspection may then be limited to the watertight test for gross leaks. The electrical endurance test shall be limited to the maximum current raing at stan

47、dard atmospheric conditions The appropriate electrical endurance test(s) shall be selected based upon the specified electrical ratings. The quality of test specimens shall be the same as required for qualification approval tests. Assessment level C per paragraph 3.4 in EIA-5200000, with the listed I

48、nspection Levels (IL) and Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) , is the miniinum acceptable level. Additional, higher levles can be developed, as required for specific Detail Specifications. /-7 EIA 520D000 87 i 3234b00 0073551 b EIA-520D000 Page 12 , 4.0 TEST METHODS & REQUIREMENTS This section supplemen

49、ts the test methods and requirements of EIA-5200000. 4.1 Voltage Proof The testing shall be per test 3-1 of EIA-5200000. The following details shall apply: Switch Voltage Rating Voltage Proof Test Voltage less than 50 volts no less than 250 volts 50 to 250 volts 1000 volts ac greater than 250 volts 500 volts a6 EIA 520D000 87 m 323YbOO 0073552 8 m EIA-520D000 Page 13 APPENDIX A Toggle, Paddle and Rocker Terminology The following terminology is common to these switches. Toggle Switch: A switch manually operated by moving a projecting lever thro


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