ECA EIA-743-1999 Usable Screen Dimensions for Monochrome Display Tubes《单色显象管可使用屏幕尺寸》.pdf

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1、 STD-EIA EIA-743-ENGL 1999 m 323LlbUU Ub255b 5b II EIA STANDARD Usable Screen Dimensions for Monochrome Display Tubes EIA-743 AUGUST 1999 ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ALLIANCE Electronic Components, Assemblies, Equipment WB,s; DB,s = rc = screen comer radius (arc) rt = top (bottom) radius (arc) rv = screen

2、 side radius (arc) vertical displacement of the center of R, outside face comer radius (arc) height, width, and diagonal, respectively with subscripts “B“ for bulb and “S“ for maximum usable screen STDSEIA EIA-743-ENGL 2779 3239b00 Ob25579 bb2 I. Y R Y w, D, DB re ci c, 128.78 95.99 27.18 216.28 281

3、.86 342.14 375.21 10.74 257.56 191.97 (5.070) (3.779) (1.070) (8.515) (11.097) (13.470) (14.772) (0.423) (10.140) (7.558) - E IA-743 Usable Screen Dimensions for Monochrome Display Tubes Page 5 rc. = 27.18 - 0.5 (375.21 - 342.14) = 10.64 mm 1.070 - 0.5 (14.772 - 13.470) = 0.419 in b, = 0.5 (216.28)

4、- (95.99 + 10.74) = 1.41 mm 0.5 (8.515) - (3.779 + 0.423) = 0.055 in b, = 0.5 (281.86) - (128.78 + 10.74) = 1.41 iim 0.5 (11.097) - (5.070 + 0.423) = 0.055 h c, = 2x 128.78 = 257.56 mm 2 x 5.070 = 10.140 in c, = 2x95.99 = 191.98mm 23.779 = 7.558 in ri = 0.5 (1.41) + (257.56)* = 5,881.66 mm 8 x 1.41

5、8 x 0.055 0.5 (0.055) + (10.140)? = 233.708 in r,? = 0.5 (1.41) + (191.9812 = 3,268.11 mm 8 x 1.41 = 0.5 (0.055) + (7.558)? = 129.853 in 8 x 0.055 r, = 5,881.66+ 10.74 = 5,892.40 mm 233.708 + 0.423 = 234.131 in rv = 3,268.11 + 10.74 = 3,278.85 mm 129.853 + 0.423 = 130.276 in EIA-743 Usable Screen Di

6、mensions for Manochrome Display Tubes Page 6 3.3 Screen area The screen area is calculated by using one quadrant of the area encompassed by the screen boundary as determined above. This quadrant is then divided into four small areas for ease of Calculations as shown in figure 3. t Y 4 Figure ?creen

7、area E IA-743 Usable Screen Dimensions for Monochrome Display Tubes Page 7 4 Calculations for bulb dimensions Angies are determined from equations 12 to 14 and sector and screen areas are given by equations 15 to 19. = -I( ;) Y = 90“ - (a + ) Area1 = A, = A, - A: 2 I I A, = OSr, cc A, = 0.5rtcos Q:

8、AreaII = A, = A, - Ai 2 l I A, = OSr, p A, = 0.5rvcos AreaIU = A, = 0.5rc2y STD-EIA EIA-743-ENGL 1997 3234b00 Ob25577 371 m EIA-743 Useable Screen Dimensions for Monochrome Display Tubes Page 8 hIV = A,= y = A, = 4(A, + A, + A, + AN) EXAMPLE-Calculations for the bulb J118% (EM 380) are as follows: a

9、 = sin“ 5.070 = sili 0.02090 = 1.198 = 0.0209radians 234.131 = sin- 3.779 = sin- 0.02646 = 1.516 = 0.0264radians 142.833 y = 90“ - (a+ )= 87.286“ =1.5234radians cosa = 0.99978 cos = 0.99965 4 = OS (242,949)* x 0.02091 - 0.5(5.070 x 242.526 x 0.99978) = 616.803 - 614.668 = 2.135 sqin = 0.5 (143.256)2

10、 x 0.0264J - OS (3.779) x 142.833 x 0.999651 = 270.894 - 269.788 = 1.106sqin A, = OS (0.423)2 x 1.52341 = 0.136 sqin &= 5.070 x 3.779 = 19.160 sqin A, = 4(2.135 + 1.106 + 0.136 = 19,160) = 90.148 sq in or 90 sq in EIA Document Improvement Proposal Signature: If in the review or use of this document,

11、 a potential change is made evident for safety, health or technical reasons, please fill in the appropriate information below and mail or FAX to: Date: Electronic Industries Alliance Engineering Department - Publications Office 2500 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201 FAX: (703) 907-7501 Document No. D

12、ocument Title: Submitters Name: Telephone No.: FAX No.: e-mail: Address: Urgency of Change: inmediate: 0 At next revision: u Problem Area: a. Clause Number and/or Drawing: c. Reason/Rationale for Recommendation: FOR EIA USE ONLY Responsible Committee: Chairman: Date comments forwarded to Committee Chairman: STD=EIA EIA-793-ENGL 1999 M 323Lib00 Ob25599 L4Li Electronic Industries Alliance


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