ECA TEP 123-1962 Glossary of Terms Used in the Description of Glass Components and of Their Defects《用于描述Glass元件及其缺点的术语表》.pdf

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ECA TEP 123-1962 Glossary of Terms Used in the Description of Glass Components and of Their Defects《用于描述Glass元件及其缺点的术语表》.pdf_第1页
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ECA TEP 123-1962 Glossary of Terms Used in the Description of Glass Components and of Their Defects《用于描述Glass元件及其缺点的术语表》.pdf_第5页
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2、ering Department 2001 Eye Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20006 EIA TEP123 62 3234b00 0007971 b I !lhe following terms are used in the glass industry to describe glase component parts, characteristics and defects. Note: For dimensional limits refer to specific product specifl- cations. ADHEREI) GLA

3、SS Small glass particles fused to the glass surface (See Loose C)lass). AIR LINE An elongated gaseous inclusion in tubing or cane. ANNEAL To prevent or remove objectionable stresses in glassware by controlled cooling techniques . ANNEALINC) POINT The temperature at which internal stress is substanti

4、ally relieved in i5 minutes In a piece of glass having a thickness of approximately Imm. (For test procedure see ASTM Test Method C336). BLEMISHES, DIMENSION OF Unless otherwise specified, limits of size of a blemish are for maximum dimension of the blemish. BLISTER (Bubble ) A gaseous inclusion, di

5、fferentiated from a seed by its larger size. BODY - That portion of a bulb that lies above the CD line. (Body = Side + Top) Applied to cathode ray tube bulbs. the face and neck. BOSS The slightly tapered protuberance on a molded flare which is uaually ground off to form an opening to which current c

6、onductors or an exhaust tubing may be sealed by the tube manufacturer. That section of the bulb between In sealed units this may-be referred to as a funnel. - BOW OR CAMRIB Longitudinal curva ture in tubing or cane . EIA TEP123 62 3234600 0007972 8 = -2- 9 BRUISE (Bruise-Check) (Bulb) A fissure whic

7、h is usually half-moon or of a similar irregular con- figuration and has no glass removed from the surface. iridescent under bright light. It is (Caused by impact). A hollow glass enclosure or envelope for an electronic device. BULB NOMIENCLATURE Bulbs are designated by a code number as, for example

8、, T28D2. 1. 2. 3. 4, The first letter (T) indicates the type of bulb (SITISTIGIGTI J,C, etc.) The following number (28) indicates the major diameter in eighths of an inch. Thenext letter (D) indicates a specific design that differs .from the other “28 bulbs in dimensions above the CD line, Tlie fina

9、l number (2) distinguishes bulbs that are alike in the above three respects but which are different in features below the CD line. Ref. hericanstandard Nomenclature for Glass Bulbs C79.1 1948 American Standards Association. BULB, ONE PfECE Applied to cathode ray tube bulbs. which the top, body an ne

10、ck are molded in one piece. A hand or machine blown unit in BULB SIZE Sizes of bulbs are designated by a number Indicating the design dimensions,in eighths of an inch or fractions of eighths, of the major diameter of that part of the -bulb above the CD line. a bulb 1-5/16“ in diameter is known as si

11、ze 10-1/2. Bulb slzea are qpecified to the nearest 1/32“, for example8-3/4. Thus, WLLS EYE As applied to oscillograph bulbs. ing portion of the bulb. BULLS EYE TP Lens effect ocouring at the cloaed end of an item. A lens effect occurlng in the view- 4 An appearance on the top ,of a bul$ that is sugg

12、estive of the shape of a butterfly. .- - CAMBER LICCI Bee Bowe EIA TEP123 62 m 3234600 0007973 T m I , -3- CANE Solid glass rod. CARBONIZED MOW) OR PLNGER MARK (Pressed Ware) Very minute irregularities disturbing the intended surface. - CD LINE An arbitrary reference line at the junction of the neck

13、 and body at the end from which the bulb is blown. CHECK A fissure in the glass which does not extend through the thickness. CHILL WRINKLE A rippled or wavy surface. CHIPPED Depression or irregularity on a glass surface caused by the unintentional removal of glass (as in flaking). CHIPPED AND BRUISE

14、D (Cut Tubing) A depression or irregularity on the cut surface caused by the un,nten- tional removal of glass (as In flaking) where only part of the thickness is removed. Bruised A fissure which is usually half-moon or of a similar irregular configura- tion and has no glass removed from the surface.

15、 bright, light e It is iridescent under CORD A narrow band of glass havinga visibly different index of refraotion and other propertierj differing from the surrounding glass. CRACK A fissure In the glass extending through the thickness. - CULLET The portion of the neck on a bulb that is cut off and d

16、iscarded at the time of sealing by the tube manufacturer. - _I_ - ENGTH Vertical distance from outside center of top or dome of bulb to line where wall thickness of bulb is to be measured. Applied to cathode ray bulbs : (a) FOR BODY WALL: (b) POR NECK WALL: Distance from outside center of bulb face

17、to line where bulb wall is to be measured. Distance from outside center of bulb face to line where neck wall is to be measured. MOLJ) MARK Marks on the surface of glass caused by: Imperfections in the forming equipment. b Identification marks in the forming equipment. MOLMARKED, TOP Top surface of b

18、ulb contains spiral-like undulations. MOLD RING A circumferential identation on the glass surface. MOLD SEAM (Mold Match Line) A molded line on the glam surface. (Resulting from the joint of mold parts ) . MOLDED GLASS Glass which is formed in a mold, as distinct from cast, blown, rolled, drawn or o

19、ff hand ware. NECK - The portion of a bulb that lies between the CD line and the cut-off Neck = Stem + Blare. NECK FLAT A bulb whose neck contour Is irregular due to flattenlng. - -I L- EIA TEP123 62 m 3234b00 0007978 9 m -8- NEXK TWISTED A bulb with twisted undulations in the neck or shoulder - a c

20、ondition due to twisting in the mold. O.D. CLASS OR SIZE (Tubing and Cane) A fiurnerical designation representing a nomlnal outside diameter used to identify a specific outside diameter range of tubing and cane. OIL SPOT (Pressed Ware) A spot usually circular and hazy with mottled surface. by the re

21、duction of oil to carbon on the molding equipment). (Usually caused OUT- OF-ROUND A variation from a true circular cross section. PFLESSED GLASS Glassware formed by pressure between a mold and a plunger. referred to as “molded glass“). (Sometimes QUALITY AREA Applied to cathode ray tube bulbs. A cir

22、cular or rectangular area, concentric with the center of the bulb face, over which the optical quality is important. REFElU3NCE LINE The position ,on the bulb funnel where a specific gauge will seat. Applied to cathode ray tube bulbs. That area of relatively small radius between the bulb face and th

23、e side wall. It is in general centered about the greatest diameter of the bulb. RUST, ROUGE or SCALE - Cathode Ray Bulbs Small particles of contamination adhered to or embedded in the surface of the glass. Particles of carbon or metallic substances adhered to or ehbeded in the glass, usually red or

24、black. SCRATCH A shallow line abrasion, EIA TEP123 62 3234600 0007979 O -9- SCWF A series of shallow abrasions leaving a matte or ground surface. SCUM (Pressed Ware) Undissolved or devitrified batch appearing as millcy blotches in the glass. SEALED BODY - NECK UNIT Applied to cathode ray tube bulbs.

25、 section and tubing neck section sealed together. SEALED TOP UNIT Composed of a blown face and body Applled to cathode ray tube bulbs. panel) and body sealed together. intermediate neck section. Composed of a face plate (pressed The body may include the short SEAIED TOP - NECK UNIT Applied to cathod

26、e ray tube bulbs. neck, all three parts, sealed together. SEALING AREA That area which is “softened“ during the assembly operation in forming a “sealed unit“. Composed of face plate, body and SEALING LINE The circumferential line that marks the nominal location at which the bulb Is sealed off by the

27、 tube manufacturer. SEALING ZONE Any portion within which a seal is made by the tube manufacturer. - SEED (Bubble) A small gaseous inclusion. for dimensional sizes ) . (Refer to specific produot specification SHEAR MARK A scar appearing on the surface of the glass. cooling action of the cutting shea

28、rs). (Reaulting from the SHOULDER The abrupt change to a larger diameter from a smaller diameter. SIDINff OR STREAK (See wall Variation) - EIA TEP123 b2 M 3234b00 O007980 7 M . -10- SIDE OF BULB !lhe portion between the major diameter and the CD Line. SLACK BLOW -An area on a bulb that has not been

29、fully blown to the design contour. SOFT GLASS Usually a glass of relatively low viscosity at elevated temperatures and havi g a high linear coefficient of expansion (Usually above 85 x ,O? per OC over the range OC to 300oC). ._SOFTENING POINT The temperature at which glass will deform readily under

30、Its own weight. (Por test procedure see ASTM Test Method C338). I I_ SPEW (Pressed Ware) A streak of finely divided foreign material or small seeds in the glass or on the surface. STEM The portion of a bulb that lies between the body and flare. STONE An Irregular opaque mass embedded In the glass. S

31、TRAIN An Internal deformity caused by tensile and/or compressive forces existing Within the glass. STRAIN POINT The highest temperature from which glass can be cooled rapidly temperature at which the glass has an apparent viscosit poises. (For test procedure see ASTM Test Method C336. without impart

32、ing permanent strains of appreciable magnitude, lP5 STREAK (See Wall Variation) STRIA A cord of low Intensity, (Generally of Interest only In optloa glasses) a a a EIA TEP123 b2 3234600 0007981 9 m -11- BUCK Up (Pressed Ware) A distortiorior deviation from the Intended contour of the glass, (Resulti

33、ng from the movement of the glass when the plunger is removed.) The portion of a bulb above the mador design diameter. POP SUNK IN Contour of top of bulb is uneven. WILL Area on a pressed item which has not been fully filled up to the destgned contour. VISCOSITY Refer to Annealing Point, Softening P

34、oint, Strain Point and WorMng Point WALL CORRUGATED Visible undulations in the wall of the bulb. WALL VARIATION (Streak or Siding) Variation in wall thickness in anyone cross section. WARP Distortion from a true plane or line. WEATHERINQ Decomposition of the surface of the glass. from attack by atmo

35、spheric element). WORKING POINT The temperature at which glass is soft enough for working by most of the (to on methods. (A white residue resulting The temperature at which the glass has a vicolty of 10 Ipm poises. EIA TEPL23 62 m 3234600 0007982 O m -12- BULB CaMPONENT PARTS Outline of GlossarS; of

36、 glass bulb terms B Longitudinal axis of the bulb FIi), y- -. r . . I . EIA TEPL23 b2 m 3234600 0007983 2 m -13- Top Stem I i Huaeuring Length Outline of gloeeary of glass bulb terms Bulb Bib I i Blb I Neck FIG. II - Neck L FIQ. III Sealing “0 Measuring brigth EIA TEP123 62 = 3234600 0007984 4 T , B

37、ULB CMPO.“! PAKPS Outline of Glossary of glass bulb terms BlowaBLb . Assembed Bulb iCI Maxillnlln t Diameter -Quality 4J Area Mecreurins Length for Bulb Body 1 CD Line c- - t I Neck 3ealng %-D CD Line C Splice Li nef Measuring Length for neck wall (Sealing Length) Sealing I Zone - -.LI-.- / Bow 1 Ne

38、ck - 1- EIA TEP123 62 m 3234600 0007985 b m -15- BULB CONENT PARTS Outline of Gloesary of ase bulb terme - Ueeable screen area of completed bulb when viewed parallel to tb bulb axis. - Area on panel through which the luminout3 pattern is Mold Match Line - Ridge around panel which le detemine8 by th6

39、 max- elone , Skirt - Area on panel between the mol matoh line and eplioe. - Deformsd ame where two &ara parte imum outside w-1 dinrSa- ,- are sealed together. efemnce Line - Line deterariimd by a gruge (with a epQcified contour) which Sits around the funnel. neck section.- - Line, perpendicular to

40、the bulb axis, gassing through the JUnCtiOn of the straight and ourved seo.- tions of the mck. The center of curvature (radius) ir on thie lb, made by a tube manufaetmi?. - Line at which etem eeal Ls k section cut-off in the =nu- factuzwrb( gun eatling operation, lare - Sectioq at open end of bulb wra th0 - diameter is increased by flaring. Bulb parti pot inclubsd on above drawing: Coptaot Button -A metal button sealed into the funnel for the purgosq of Wing electrical aonnnation . FI. V


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