ECMA TR 70-2004 Ecma Product-related Environmental Declaration (3rd Edition)《ECMA产品相关环境声明(第3版)》.pdf

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1、 ECMA TR/703rdEdition / June 2004 Ecma Product-related Environmental Declaration Technical Report ECMA TR/70 3rdEdition / June 2004 Ecma Product-related Environmental Declaration Ecma International Rue du Rhne 114 CH-1204 Geneva T/F: +41 22 849 6000/01 IW Tr-70.doc 28.07.2

2、004 15:43 . Brief history Increased interest of public and institutional customers in environmental information stimulated the definition of product-related environmental attributes. The Ecma General Assembly of December 1995 established Technical Committee 38 (TC38) to this end. TC38 membership inc

3、ludes experts from Information, and (tele) Communication Technology (ICT) and Consumer Electronics (CE) companies and organisations. This Technical Report catalogues product parameters related to the ENVIRONMENT. Product data declarations and specifications should contain these parameters. This edit

4、ion addresses comments from users and users organisations, as well as recent regulatory changes. Annex A lists, for a range of products, attributes that a declaration should contain, and a template declaration. Annex B shows a spreadsheet version of Annex A and is available here on the Ecma Internat

5、ional website. In fond memory, Ecma dedicates the 3rd edition of this TR to Mr. Tony Ellerton who sadly passed away during its development. With great passion for the subject and with a perfectly aligned skill set, Mr Ellerton was instrumental in drafting this and previous editions. This Ecma Techni

6、cal Report has been adopted by the General Assembly of June 2004. Table of contents 1 Scope 1 2 References 2 2.1 Ecma International 2 2.2 ISO 2 2.3 IEC 2 2.4 CEN/CENELEC 2 2.5 European Union (EU) 2 2.6 International agreements 3 2.7 Sweden 3 2.8 United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)

7、 3 3 Definitions 4 3.1 Chemical emissions 4 3.2 Environment 4 3.3 Energy using modes 4 3.3.1 Operational mode 4 3.3.2 Inactive modes (energy saving modes) 4 3.3.3 OFF mode 4 3.3.4 No load mode 4 3.4 Hazardous substances and preparations 4 3.5 Noise emissions 4 3.6 Supplier 4 3.7 Upgradeability 4 4 A

8、cronyms 5 5 Information to customers and users 6 5.1 Product information/description 6 5.2 Extension of product lifetime 6 5.3 Power consumption 6 5.4 Electromagnetic emissions 6 5.5 Noise emissions 7 5.6 Chemical emissions 7 5.7 Hazardous substances and preparations 7 5.8 Batteries 8 5.9 Product pa

9、ckaging 8 - i - 5.10 Documentation materials handling 8 5.10.1 Paper 8 5.10.2 Other media 9 5.11 End of life information 9 5.11.1 Product take back information 9 5.11.2 Disassembly 9 5.12 Additional information sources 9 Annex A (informative) - Declaration of product environmental attributes (Word f

10、ormat) 11 Annex B (informative) - Declaration of product environmental attributes (Spreadsheet format) 17 - ii - 1 Scope This Technical Report (TR) presents the terms and format of the Ecma Product-related Environmental Declaration. SUPPLIERS use this standardised format to declare environmental att

11、ributes of products to customers. This TR identifies and describes environmental attributes and associated measurement methods related to information and communication technology and consumer electronic products according to known regulations, standards, guidelines and currently accepted practices.

12、The report is also applicable to products used as subassemblies, components, accessories and/or optional parts. The report addresses product-related attributes, not the manufacturing processes and logistic aspects. The environmental attributes include, but are not limited to data on: power consumpti

13、on; emissions; materials; product packaging; batteries; and end of life management. Although the attributes are listed without differentiation between product categories, it should be recognized that not all attributes necessarily apply to each product category. The documented sample declarations in

14、 Annex A may serve as guidance for the proper application of this Technical Report. 2 References 2.1 Ecma International ECMA-74 Measurement of Airborne Noise Emitted by Information Technology and Telecommunications Equipment, 8thedition (ISO 7779) (2003) ECMA-109 Declared Noise Emission Values of In

15、formation Technology and Telecommunications Equipment, 4thedition (ISO 9296) (1996) ECMA-328 Detection and Measurement of Chemical Emissions from Electronic Equipment (2001) ECMA-341 Environmental design considerations for electronic products (2002) 2.2 ISO ISO 3741:1999 Acoustics - Determination of

16、 sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Precision methods for reverberation rooms ISO 3744:1994 Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane ISO 3745:2003 Acoustics

17、- Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Precision methods for anechoic and hemi-anechoic rooms ISO 7779:2002 Acoustics - Measurement of airborne noise emitted by information technology and telecommunications equipment, the 2002 edition is aligned with ECMA-74 7t

18、hedition. ISO 7779:2004 will be the equivalent of ECMA-74 8thedition, 2003 ISO 9296:1988 Acoustics - Declared noise emission values of computer and business equipment ISO 11469:2000 Plastics - Generic identification and marking of plastics products ISO 11690:1996 Acoustics - Recommended practice for

19、 the design of low-noise workplaces containing machinery ISO 14001:1996 Environmental management systems - Specification with guidance for use 2.3 IEC IEC 62087:2002 Methods of measurement for the power consumption of audio, video and related equipment 2.4 CEN/CENELEC EN 50392:2004 Generic standard

20、to demonstrate compliance of electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz 300 GHz) 2.5 European Union (EU) 89/336/EEC EMC Directive 91/157/EEC Directive on batteries and accumulators 93/86/EEC Marking of batteries 94/62/EEC

21、 Packaging Directive 97/129/EC Council Decision on establishing the identification system for packaging material 98/101/EC Amendment to the battery Directive 2002/96/EC Directive on Wastes from Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) 2002/95/EC Directive on the restriction of use of hazardous subst

22、ances (RoHS) - 2 - 1999/519/EC Council Recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (0Hz to 300GHz) 2.6 International agreements The 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer (September 1997 version) 2.7 Sweden MPR II 1990:8/10

23、Statens Mt och Provningsrd. (Swedish measurement and test council) The Sveriges Ackrediteringsanstalt (SWEDAC) (the Swedish Board for Technical Accreditation) is the currently responsible for this activity TCO Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees, TCO or Tjnstemnnens Central Organisation

24、ICNIRP International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection supported by World Health Organization of the United Nations 2.8 United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Energy Star MOU Memoranda of Understanding for energy efficient products - 3 - 3 Definitions For the purposes o

25、f this Technical Report the following definitions apply. 3.1 Chemical emissions Chemical substances released from a product and measured under predefined testing conditions as defined in ECMA-328. 3.2 Environment Surroundings in which an organisation operates, including air, water, land, natural res

26、ources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelation. (ISO 14001) 3.3 Energy using modes 3.3.1 Operational mode A state in which the device performs its normal duties. 3.3.2 Inactive modes (energy saving modes) Inactive modes such as sleep, idle, deep sleep and stand-by are states in which the equip

27、ment is connected to an electrical supply and is ready to resume operational mode through the use of remote control or another external or internal signal. 3.3.3 OFF mode The mode with the lowest power consumption when the device is connected to an electrical supply. 3.3.4 No load mode The mode in w

28、hich external power supplies or chargers are connected to an electrical supply, but are not connected to electrical or electronic equipment for which they have been designed. 3.4 Hazardous substances and preparations Substances and preparations which are explosive, oxidising, extremely flammable, hi

29、ghly flammable, flammable, very toxic, toxic, harmful, corrosive, irritant, carcinogenic, mutagenic, toxic to reproduction, sensitising or dangerous to the ENVIRONMENT (as governed by existing national, regional and international legislation). 3.5 Noise emissions Airborne sound radiated into the ENV

30、IRONMENT from a defined source (machine or equipment) (ISO 11690). 3.6 Supplier The party that supplies the product, process or service. It may be a manufacturer, distributor, importer, assembler, service organisation, etc. 3.7 Upgradeability The capability of increasing the capacity of existing fea

31、tures in the product. - 4 - 4 Acronyms CFC chlorofluorocarbons CRT cathode ray tube EMC electromagnetic compatibility EPS expanded polystyrene HCFC hydrogenated chlorofluorocarbons ICNIRP International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection LCD liquid crystal display MPR Statens Mt och Prov

32、ningsrd. (Swedish measurement and test council) PBB polybrominated biphenyl PBDE polybrominated diphenyl ether PCB polychlorinated biphenyl PCN polychlorinated naphtalene PCT polychlorinated terphenyl TBT Tributyl Tin TBTO Tributyl Tin Oxide TCO Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees, Tjnst

33、emnnens Central Organisation (TCO) VCR video cassette recorder VOC volatile organic compounds - 5 - 5 Information to customers and users The following information should be included in a suppliers declaration, as far as this is relevant to the specific product categories. A set of examples is given

34、in Annex A, but this does not limit the scope of this Technical Report. 5.1 Product information/description The following, at the minimum, should be provided where applicable: type of product; brand name; model number; supplier; weight and dimensional characteristics (e.g. metric units). Where appli

35、ed, the appropriate environmental policies, management systems and/or environmental programmes should be declared. 5.2 Extension of product lifetime The design considerations of the basic unit, which allow the product features and product capability/profile to be enhanced, should be listed. The foll

36、owing should be declared: UPGRADEABILITY (as defined in clause 3.7); availability of spare parts for the product after end of production in years; availability of service for the product after end of production in years. The service warranty/policy offered by the supplier should be listed. If spare

37、part and service availability is restricted, restrictions should be listed. 5.3 Power consumption Power consumption in watts (rms) for ENERGY USING MODES (as defined in clause 3.3) appropriate to the product shall be documented in the declaration. Some example modes are: off mode, no load, inactive

38、modes and operational modes. If a product allows multiple levels of energy saving modes, these should be listed in the product declaration. Measurement should be performed using the procedure specified by the Energy Star programme for the appropriate product. IEC 62087:2002 should be used for TV set

39、s. When suppliers do not follow the above-mentioned protocols, they shall identify the applied test protocols in the designated section of the product declaration. 5.4 Electromagnetic emissions The declaration should include a statement of compliance with emission requirements, listing the applicabl

40、e legislation and standards referring to human exposure to electromagnetic fields for example: ICNIRP levels as documented in European council recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields 1999/519/EC; - 6 - prEN 50392 Generic standard to demonstrate co

41、mpliance of electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz 300 GHz) NOTE The standard that details the related measuring methods is in preparation. Public perception and increased requests from customers related to electromag

42、netic field emissions which emanate from CRT type computer monitors led to the Swedish guideline MPR II - 1990:8 for Band I and II ranges in both electric and magnetic fields, as well as electrostatic fields. A declaration should be made, as appropriate, to electromagnetic near-field emissions which

43、 emanate from CRT type computer monitors are referring to human exposure to electromagnetic fields. Limits are defined, for example, in MPR II or TCO. 5.5 Noise emissions NOISE EMISSION (as defined in clause 3.5) information for relevant products shall be provided as declared A-weighted sound power

44、levels, LWAdand A-weighted emission sound pressure levels, LpAmfor the operational and idle modes, and the modes should be specified. LWAdis a statistical maximum value to account for product variation and lab-to-lab variations and is typically about 0,3 - 0,4 bels greater than the average A-weighte

45、d sound power level, LWA. ECMA-109 and ISO 9296 specify how to determine and verify LWAd. For the sound pressure level, whether the location is operator or bystander position shall be declared. The position of the unit whether table-top or floor standing, shall be declared. Sound power measurements

46、should be made according to standards ISO 3741, ISO 3744 or ISO 3745. If a specific standard for the product is available, this standard should be used for measurements, e.g. for IT and telecommunication equipment, ECMA-74 (ISO 7779). The results shall be declared according to ECMA-109 (ISO 9296:198

47、8). 5.6 Chemical emissions Chemical emissions rates (VOC and ozone) and dust emissions rates shall be reported in mass per time unit for all products based on the electrostatic process (e.g. printer, copier, fax). Measurements shall be made according to standard ECMA-328 (2001). 5.7 Hazardous substa

48、nces and preparations A declaration of the absence / presence (for concentrations exceeding the natural background levels) shall be made for at least the following HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND PREPARATIONS (as defined in clause 3.4): a) substances and preparations covered by general limitations asbestos

49、; azo Colorants - for textiles and leather in skin contact; mercury and mercury compounds with the exception of discharge lamps that require mercury for proper operation; CFCs, HCFCs; PCBs; PCTs and PCNs. b) substances and preparations covered by limitations in plastic mechanical parts and housings cadmium and cadmium compounds; short chain chlorinated paraffines; lead or lead compounds; PBB, PBDE. - 7 - c) substances and preparations covered by limitations in paints, coatings or colouring agents cadmium


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