EN 13126-8-2006 en Building hardware Requirements and test methods for windows and doors height windows - Part 8 Tilt&Turn Tilt-First and Turn-Only hardware《建筑五金件 窗和落地窗的要求和试验方法 第8部.pdf

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EN 13126-8-2006 en Building hardware Requirements and test methods for windows and doors height windows - Part 8 Tilt&Turn Tilt-First and Turn-Only hardware《建筑五金件 窗和落地窗的要求和试验方法 第8部.pdf_第1页
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EN 13126-8-2006 en Building hardware Requirements and test methods for windows and doors height windows - Part 8 Tilt&Turn Tilt-First and Turn-Only hardware《建筑五金件 窗和落地窗的要求和试验方法 第8部.pdf_第2页
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EN 13126-8-2006 en Building hardware Requirements and test methods for windows and doors height windows - Part 8 Tilt&Turn Tilt-First and Turn-Only hardware《建筑五金件 窗和落地窗的要求和试验方法 第8部.pdf_第3页
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EN 13126-8-2006 en Building hardware Requirements and test methods for windows and doors height windows - Part 8 Tilt&Turn Tilt-First and Turn-Only hardware《建筑五金件 窗和落地窗的要求和试验方法 第8部.pdf_第4页
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EN 13126-8-2006 en Building hardware Requirements and test methods for windows and doors height windows - Part 8 Tilt&Turn Tilt-First and Turn-Only hardware《建筑五金件 窗和落地窗的要求和试验方法 第8部.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 13126-8:2006Building hardware Requirements and test methods for windows and doors height windows Part 8: Tilt present to the responsible international/European committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep UK interests informed; monitor relate

2、d international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK.Summary of pagesThis document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page, pages 2 to 22, an inside back cover and a back cover.The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the documen

3、t was last issued.Amendments issued since publicationAmd. No. Date CommentsEUROPEAN STANDARDNORME EUROPENNEEUROPISCHE NORMEN 13126-8February 2006ICS 91.190 Supersedes CEN/TS 13126-8:2004 English VersionBuilding hardware - Requirements and test methods for windowsand doors height windows - Part 8: Ti

4、lt grade 5: 25 000. 4.4 Mass (3 third digit) The following grades shall be established in accordance with 4.4 of EN 13126-1:2006: 050, 060, 070, 080, 090, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190 and 200 4.5 Fire resistance (4 fourth digit) One grade shall be identified in accordance with 4.

5、5 of EN 13126-1:2006: grade 0 : no requirements. 4.6 Safety in use (5 fifth digit) One grade shall be identified in accordance with 4.6 of EN 13126-1:2006: grade 1: The hardware shall conform to the requirements of parts 1 and 8 from this standard. 4.7 Corrosion resistance (6 sixth digit) Hardware s

6、hall conform in accordance with 5.7 of this European Standard and 4.7 of EN 13126-1:2006 to the grades listed in EN 1670, whereby grade 3 is the minimum requirement. 4.8 Security (7 seventh digit) No marking is required for the category of security in accordance with 4.8 of EN 13126-1:2006. EN 13126

7、-8:2006 (E) 7 4.9 Applicable part (8 eighth digit) The eighth digit shows “8” indicating the part of the standard which was used for testing the Tilt 1 550 mm wide x 1 400 mm high (window mass 130 kg); 900 mm wide x 2 300 mm high (balcony door size). The stated sizes are test sizes only. They do not

8、 relate to the maximum sizes to which a window may be fabricated. The manufacturer shall ensure, in accordance with the appropriate documentation, that for larger than recommended test-specimens the forces on the hardware do not exceed the test specimen forces. 4.11 Example of classification for Til

9、t grade 5: 25 000 cycles (+ 1 %) (Turn-Only hardware). 5.4 Admissible tolerances 5.4.1 Sash operation tolerance The horizontal force in the vicinity of the sash support-component shall not exceed 120 N in order to close the sash from the turn-position. 5.4.2 Handle operation tolerance In conjunction

10、 with a counteracting force of 2010+N per locking point: maximum torque applied to the handle shall not exceed 10 Nm; maximum force applied to the handle shall not exceed 100 N. EN 13126-8:2006 (E) 12 5.4.3 Locking point variable tolerance Before and after the durability test, the distance “X” betwe

11、en the frame surface and the sash-overlap-begin shall be measured in conjunction with a counteracting force of 2010+N per locking point. The results shall not differ by more than 1 mm (see Figure 3). 12xKey 1 frame 2 sash X measurement Figure 3 Measurement of locking point variable tolerance 5.5 Res

12、istance to additional loading During and after the additional loading test, the sash shall remain on its hinges. NOTE It is not necessary for the sash to operate during and after the additional loading test. 5.6 Minimum closing device resistance The closing device shall withstand a minimum of 25 Nm.

13、 Upon completion of this exerted torque, the closing device shall operate. 5.7 Corrosion resistance Hardware shall conform to the grades listed in EN 1670, whereby grade 3 is the minimum requirement. For zinc galvanized surfaces on iron or steel the specified thickness of 12 m (class 3) or 16 m (cla

14、ss 4) is not necessary if other surface protection methods are used to conform to the requirements (minimum time to formation of white corrosion products) of ISO 4520:1981 (m = micrometre). Unless a test report can be provided by the manufacturer, the hardware shall be tested in accordance with EN 1

15、670. NOTE The evaluation of the corrosion resistance is limited to the essential areas (as a rule, the visible surfaces of the installed hardware). Exempt from the corrosion resistance evaluation are: - rivet locations; - locations of later processing (for example: cleaved surfaces that result from

16、cropping the hardware components, millings etc.); - non surface-treated parts/surfaces, provided they are not in the visible vicinity of the hardware (for example: screw guide-holes made of zinc die-cast etc.); - welding joints and their immediate surroundings. EN 13126-8:2006 (E) 13 5.8 Resistance

17、to other additional tests After the additional reveal- and rebate-hindrance test the sash shall not drop. The hinges (scissor stay with stay bearing and corner pivot rest with sash hinge) shall still demonstrate a connection between the sash and the frame. NOTE It is not necessary for the sash to op

18、erate. 6 Test equipment The Tilt sample B corrosion tests (hardware set); sample C retained for reference control (hardware set). NOTE 1 Sample B should only be necessary if no test report can be supplied from the manufacturer regarding the testing of the hardware component or set in accordance with

19、 EN 1670. NOTE 2 Sample C should be retained by the test institute for the duration of the validity of the test report. 7.2 Stability of hinge The results of the tests shall be submitted by the hardware manufacturer by a self declaration with supporting documentation to the test house in accordance

20、with 5.2.2. 7.3 Durability test Tilt 15 000 times Lock; 15 000 times Turn (100 mm); 15 000 times Lock. For both Tilt sash movement into the tilt position (or turn position 100 mm); sash movement back to the closed position, hardware to be locked; sash movement into the turn position 100 mm (or tilt

21、position); sash movement back into the closed position, hardware to be locked. The durability tests shall be performed at a rate of 250 250+cycles/h in accordance with 8.2 of EN 13126-1:2006, except in the case of a manufacturer choosing the option of specifying a lower testing speed, e.g. to avoid

22、any friction-material overheating. In this case the test report shall specify the testing-speed and the reasons for using the lower speed. During the durability test, the test specimen shall be operated by use of a window-handle. The connection of the manipulator-rig (see Figure A.1 Annex A) to the

23、window-handle is to be set up in such a way, that only torque during closing, and tractive force during opening occur, which correspond to the strain in practice. Tilt position The sash is moved into the scissors-stay final-position (stopped by the stay arm/s allowing normal vibration to occ

24、ur) through the test rig with a velocity of 0,50 m/s ( 10 %), which shall be 5 mm before reaching the final tilted position. A spring-revert of the sash in the tilted position shall be possible e.g. before the test sash reaches its maximum tilt position the pneumatic cylinder is released (valves ope

25、n). The succeeding movement shall commence after approximately 3 s. Turn position (100 mm) The handle side of the sash shall be moved approximately 100 mm away from the frame in the turn-position. Closed position The sash shall be stopped coming from both the tilt position as from th

26、e turn position, at a distance of 3 mm 1 mm from the final closed position (measured in the vicinity of the handle). A 20 N counter force shall EN 13126-8:2006 (E) 15 be exerted on every locking point. The sash is brought to the end (locked) position by turning the window-handle. The counter force o

27、f 20 N shall be valid for the entire duration of the test. Lubrication and adjustment The hardware shall be installed in the test specimen by the hardware manufacturer in accordance with Clause 6 of this European Standard and 7.1 of EN 13126-1:2006. The hardware is lubricated in accordance w

28、ith the installation and product information (initial lubrication). NOTE Before beginning the test, the smoothness of the test specimen should be checked by the testing institute, and if deemed appropriate, carries out adjustments according to the manufacturers specifications. In this case the sash

29、is supposed to close freely (force-free). Adjustment of the test specimen is repeated during the endurance test after every 5 000 test cycles if required. Also after every 5 000 test cycles, lubrication by the test institute may be repeated on all built-in and accessible sliding - and locking areas,

30、 unless, the manufacturer has specified the hardware as maintenance-free. Acceptance criteria The acceptance criteria shall be based upon completing a minimum of 15 000 cycles. After the durability test, the 20 N counter force is maintained. The acceptance criteria as mentioned in 8.4 of EN

31、13126-1:2006, in conjunction with the following shall be observed: test specimen shall be capable of functioning in the operating end positions (turning, tilting and closing); sash shall operate to a tolerance in accordance with 5.4.1; handle shall be operated in accordance with 5.4.2; locking point

32、 variable tolerance shall be in accordance with 5.4.3. 7.3.3 Turn cycles (into 90 turn position) Before beginning the 90 turn position test, the test specimen is adjusted by the test house in accordance with the manufacturers regulations. The sash is moved into the 90 turn position by the test rig.

33、The striking force occurs at a suitable location on the sash. In this test the sash is stopped approximately 50 mm before its final closed position. The 90 turn position test shall be performed at a rate of 250 250+cycles/h in accordance with 8.2 of EN 13126-1:2006, except in the case of a manufactu

34、rer choosing the option of specifying a lower testing speed, e.g. to avoid any friction-material overheating. In this case the test report shall state the testing-speed and the reasons for using the lower speed. The number of cycles relating to the test sizes in accordance with 4.10 shall be as foll

35、ows: 5 000 cycles for test size 1 300 mm wide 1 200 mm high (window mass 130 kg); 5 000 cycles for test size 1 550 mm wide 1 400 mm high (window mass 130 kg); 10 000 cycles for test size 900 mm wide 2 300 mm high (balcony door size). EN 13126-8:2006 (E) 16 7.3.4 Acceptance criteria The acceptance cr

36、iteria is based upon completing a minimum of 5 000 (10 000) cycles. After carrying out the 90 turn position test, the 20 N counter force is maintained. The acceptance criteria as specified in 8.4 of EN 13126-1:2006, in conjunction with the following shall be observed: test specimen shall be capable

37、of functioning in the operating end positions (turning, tilting and closing); sash operation tolerance in accordance with 5.4.1 shall be observed. 7.3.5 Additional loading test - 1 000 N The sash is rotated into the 90 turn position and an additional vertical force of 1 000 N is applied near the win

38、dow-handle and is maintained for 5 min. In accordance with 5.5, during and after the additional loading test, the sash shall not drop. The hinge (scissor stay with stay bearing and corner pivot rest with sash hinge) shall still demonstrate a connection between the sash and the frame. NOTE It is not

39、necessary for the sash to operate during and after the additional loading test. 7.3.6 Reveal test for hardware without turn-restrictor General A turn restrictor shall be used if the mechanism does not allow the sash to touch the reveal. Test setup Refer to Figure 4 for test setup inf

40、ormation on the reveal test. EN 13126-8:2006 (E) 17 Dimensions in millimetres 12030R 5150018062045032=10kg10kgKey 1 rigid metal 2 let the sash swing to a halt 3 deflection of reveal (turn-restrictor) Figure 4 Reveal test for hardware without turn-restrictor Test implementation To test the ha

41、rdware during the reveal test, measure the sash from one position, 450 mm from the end position (= position of the sash in the reveal), through which a falling test mass of 10 kg accelerates. The test mass shall be connected by a cable to the test specimen near the window-handle. The cable length sh

42、all be selected so that the test mass comes to a halt 20 mm before the sash reaches its final position and collides with the obstacle. After every test the sash shall be left to swing to a halt. The specimen shall be tested 3 times. Acceptance criteria In accordance with 5.8, after the addit

43、ional reveal test the sash shall not drop. The hinge (scissor stay with stay bearing and corner pivot rest with sash hinge) shall still demonstrate a connection between the sash and the frame. EN 13126-8:2006 (E) 18 NOTE It is not necessary for the sash to operate after the reveal test. 7.3.7 Test f

44、or hardware with turn-restrictor When using hardware with a turn-restrictor, the sash shall be held in a variable final turning position by the turn-restrictor. NOTE For this reason the sash should be held in the final turning position by the turn-restrictor independent of the reveal as specified in

45、 Then the simulated reveal as shown in the Figure 4 is not used for this test. The turn restriction is tested in a similar manner as specified in 7.3.6, however the dropping of the sash shall be measured from one position, 200 mm from the end position (= final turning position of the turn-r

46、estrictor), through which a falling test mass of 10 kg accelerates. 7.3.8 Rebate-hindrance test Test setup Refer to Figure 5 for test setup information on the rebate-hindrance test. Dimensions in millimetres 8020200310kg10kg200211501850R 25124525Key 1 hindrance 2 let the sash swing to a halt

47、 3 obstruction end position Figure 5 Rebate hindrance test EN 13126-8:2006 (E) 19 Test implementation To test the hardware during the rebate-hindrance test, measure the sash from one position, 200 mm before the end position (= position of the sash at the rebate-hindrance), through which a fa

48、lling test mass of 10 kg. The test mass shall be connected by a cable to the test specimen near the window-handle. The cable length shall be selected so that the test mass comes to a halt 20 mm before the sash reaches its final position and collides with the obstacle. After every test the sash shall

49、 be permitted to swing to a halt. The specimen shall be tested 3 times. Acceptance criteria In accordance with 5.8, after the additional rebate-hindrance test the sash shall not drop. The hinges (scissor stay with stay bearing and corner pivot rest with sash hinge) shall still demonstrate a connection between the sash and the frame. NOTE It is not necessary for the sash to operate after the rebate-hindrance test. 7.4 Durability test Turn-Only hardware In accordance wi

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