EN 13318-2000 en Screed Materials and Floor Screeds - Definitions《找平材料和地板找平层 定义》.pdf

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EN 13318-2000 en Screed Materials and Floor Screeds - Definitions《找平材料和地板找平层 定义》.pdf_第1页
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EN 13318-2000 en Screed Materials and Floor Screeds - Definitions《找平材料和地板找平层 定义》.pdf_第5页
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1、STD-BSI BS EN 13318-ENGL 2000 Lbf4bb BRITISH STANDARD Screed material and floor screeds - Definitions I887436 749 = iS EN 33182000 The European Standard EN 133182000 has the status of a British Standard ICs 01.040.91; 91.060.30 I NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW

2、 STD*BSI BS EN 13318-ENGL 2000 W Lb24hb9 0887437 685 BS EN 133182000 direction of the Sector Amd.No. Committee for Building and Civil Engineering, was published under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on 15 December 2000 O BSI 12-2000 National foreword Date Comments This

3、 British Standard is the official English language version of EN 133182000. The UK participation in its preparation was entnisted by Technical Committee BM, Plastering, rendering, dry lining, screeds and in situ floorings, to Subcomittee WW6, Screeds and in situ floorings, which has the responsibili

4、ty to: - aid enquirers to understand the text; - present to the responsible European committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed; - monitor related internationai and European developments and promulgate them in the UK. A list of organiza

5、tions represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references The British Standards which implement international or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled “International Standar

6、ds Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Find” facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard

7、 does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a kont cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page, pages 2 to 14, an inside back cover and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last

8、issued. ISBN O 580 36768 1 STDOBSI BS EN 133LB-ENGL 2000 1624669 0887438 511 EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 13318 NORME EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORM June 2000 ICs 01.040.91; 91.060.30; 91.100.10 English version Screed material and floor screeds - Definitions Matriau pour chape et chapes - Terminologie Estrichmrt

9、el und Estriche - Begriffe This European Standard was approved by CEN on 13 May 2000. CEN members are bound to comply with the CENKENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists a

10、nd bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsib

11、ility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherl

12、ands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. EUROPEAN COMMlTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMITE EUROPEEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPISCHES KOMITEE FR NORMUNG Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart, 36 8-1050 Brussels O 2000 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means res

13、erved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN 13318:2000 E STD-BSI BS EN 133LB-ENGL 2000 D Lb24bb9 0887439 458 Page 2 EN 13318:2000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Summary Foreword Scope Basic Terms Materials - Products Types of screeds Characteristics of screed material Characteristics of screed as la

14、id Construction features Construction elements Construction - Finishing Miscellanous Verzeichnis Vorwort Anwendungsbereich Grundbegriffe Baustoffe - Produkte Estrichbauarten Eigenschaften der Estrichmrtel Eigenschaften der Estriche Konstruktionsdetails Bauelemente Oberfichenbearbeitung Verschiedenes

15、 Sommaire Avant-propos Domaine dapplication Termes de base Matriaux - Produits Types de chapes Caractristiques des matriaux pour chapes Caractristiques des chapes finies Dtails constructifs lments de construc- tion Travaux de finition Divers Page 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 Il 11 - STD*BSI BS EN 1331-ENGL 2000 L

16、b24bb9 0887440 L7T 1 Domaine dapplication Cette norme europenne dfinit les termes qui sont utiliss en relation avec la fabrication et la mise en uvre des produits pou1 chapes et des chapes. Ces termes sappliquent toutes les normes prpares par le TC 303. Foreword his European Standard has been separe

17、d by Technical Committee :EN/TC 303 “Floor screeds and n-situ floorings in buildings “, the ecretariat of which is held by )IN. %is European Standard shall be riven the status of a national tandard, either by publication of Ln identical text or by indorsement, at the latest by lecember 2000, and con

18、flicting iational standards shall be vithdrawn at the latest by lecember 2000. iccording to the CENKENELEC .nternal Regulations, the national ;tandards organizations of the ollowing countries are bound to mplement this European Standard: 4ustria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Se

19、rmany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, taly, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. his European Standard contains ir a Informative Annex an alpha- betical index in all three languages 1 Scope This European Standard defines terms, which are used in th

20、e production and application of screed material and floor screeds. The terms are valid for all standards prepared by TC 303. Vorwort liese Europische Norm wurde rom Technischen Komitee :EN/TC 303 “Estriche im 3auwesen“ erarbeitet, dessen Zekretariat vom DIN gehalten wird. liese Europische Norm mu de

21、n Status einer nationalen Norm xhalten, entweder durch Verffentlichung eines identischen Iextes oder durch Anerkennung lis Dezember 2000 und etwaige mtgegenstehende nationale Vormen mssen bis Dezember 2000 zurckgezogen werden. Entsprechend der CEN/CENELEC- Seschftsordnung sind die nationalen Normung

22、sinstitute der folgenden Lnder gehalten, diese Europische Norm zu bernehmen: Belgien, Dnemark, Deutschland, Finnland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Irland, Island, Italien, Luxemburg, Niederlande, Norwegen, sterreich, Portugal, Schweden, Schweiz, Spanien, die Tschechische Republik und das Vereinigte Kni

23、greich. Dieser Europische Norm enthlt im Informativen Anhang ein in der jeweiligen Sprache abgefasstes alphabe ti sc h geordnetes Stichwortverzeichnis 1 Anwendungsbereich Dieser Europische Norm legt die Begriffe fest, die im Zu- sammenhang mit der Herstellung und Ausfuhrung von Es- trichmrtel und Es

24、trichen ge- braucht werden. Diese Begriffe gelten fr alle vor TC 303 erarbeiteten Normen Page 3 EN 13318:2000 Avant-propos .a prsente norme europenne a t labore par le Comit echnique CEN/TC 303“Chapes lans la construction“ dont le ecrtariat est tenu par le DIN. 3ette norme europenne devra ecevoir le

25、 statut de norme iationale, soit par publication lun texte identique, soit par mtrinement, au plus tard en Icembre 2000, et toutes les iormes nationales en :ontradidon devront tre .etires au plus tard en dcembre !000. Selon le Rglement Intrieur du IENKENELEC, les instituts de iormalisation nationaux

26、 des ?ays suivants sont tenus de nettre cette norme europenne :n application: Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Danemark, Espagne, Finlande, France, Grce, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Luxembourg, Norvge, Pays- Bas, Portugal, Rpublique Tchque, Royaume-Uni, Sude et Suisse. Cette norme europenne comporte pou

27、r chacune des langues une annexe informative qui donne la liste des termes par ordre alphabtique. Page 4 EN 13318:20 2. Basic Terms Grundbegriffe English Base Building element which provides the support for a screed. Screed Layer or layers of screed material laid in situ, directly onto a base, bonde

28、d or unbonded, or onto an intermediate layer or insulating layer, to obtain one or more of the following purposes : - to obtain a defined levei; - to carry the final flooring; - to provide a wearing surface. NOTES Traditionally in the UK and Ireland, screeds used as wearing surfaces were called topp

29、ings or in-situ flooring. The German term “Estrich“ has been used for screed material as well as for hardened screed. In German Swiss, screeds are also called “Unterlagsbden“ Bitumen emulsion cement screed Screed where the binder consists of a bitumen emulsion and a hydraulic rement. Cementitious sc

30、reed Screed where the binder consists of B cement. Polymer modified cementitious screed Screed where the binder consists of i cement and which is modified by be addition of polymer dispersion ir re-dispersible polymer powder. Deutsch Tragender Untergrund Bauteil, das alle Lasten aus dem Estrich aufn

31、immt. Estrich Schicht oder Schichten aus Estrich- mrtel, die auf der Baustelle direki auf dem Untergrund, mit oder ohne Verbund, oder auf einer zwischen- liegenden Trenn- odei Dmmschicht verlegt wird, um einen oder mehreren dei nachstehenden Funktionen zu erfllen: - eine vorgegebene Hhenlage zu - ei

32、nen Bodenbelag aufzunehmen; - unmittelbar genutzt zu werden. ANMERKUNGEN Traditionell werden im UK und Irland Nutzestrich “toppings“ oder “in-situ flooring“ genannt. Der deutsche Begriff “Estrich“ be- zeichnet bisher sowohl den Es- trichmrtel, ais auch das fertige Bauteil. Estriche werden in der Sch

33、weiz auch Unterlagsbden genannt erreichen; Bitumenemulsionsestrich Estrich, dessen Bindemittel aus Bitumenemulsion und Zement be- steht. Zementestrich Estrich, dessen Bindemittel aus Zement besteht. Kunsthanmodifuierter Zement- estrich Estrich, dessen Bindemittel aus Zement besteht und der als Zusat

34、z- stoff Kunstharzdispersion oder dis- ?ergierbare Kunstharze enthlt. Termes de base Franais support Elment de construction de 1; structure porteuse du btiment, qu reoit ia chape. Chape Couche (ou couches) de matriai pour chape mise(s) en place in situ directement sur le support incorpore, adhrente(

35、s) ou nor adhrente(s), ou sur des couche! intermdiaires ou isolantes, afin dc raliser un ou plusieurs des objectif: suivants: - atteindre un niveau dtermin; - recevoir le revtement de so - servir de sol fini. NOTES Dans le UK et en Irlande les chape: utilises comme sols finis taieni traditionnelleme

36、nt dsignes pai “toppings“ ou “in-situ flooring.“ Jusquici en Allemagne le terme “Estrich“ dsignait aussi bien le matriau pour chape que la chape proprement dite. En Suisse allemande les chapes soni “Unterlag sbden“ dfinitif; galement dsignes Pa Chape base dmulsion de bi- tume Chape dont le liant est

37、 constitu dune mulsion de bitume et dun ciment hydraulique. Chape base de ciment Chape dont le liant est constitu dun ciment. Chape base de ciment modifi par des polymres Chape dont le liant est constitu dun ciment et dont la composition :st modifie par laddition de poly- mres en dispersion ou en po

38、udre apte se disperser. 2.10 - 2.11 - 2.12 Revtement de sol Couche suprieure dun sol, utilise comme couche dusure et de finition. Rsine synthtique Liant base de polymres organi- ques ractifs, un ou plusieurs composants, qui ragit la temp- rature ambiante. 2.13 - 2.14 ;creed where the binder consists

39、 of nagnesium oxide and an aqueous olution of magnesium chloride. Page 5 EN 13318:2000 Estrich, dessen Bindemittel aus Ma- gnesiumoxid und einer wssrigen Lsung aus Magnesiumsalz besteht. Ragnesite screed I Magnesiaestrich I Chape base de magnsie TOTE Magnesite screeds having a lensity I 1600 kg/m3 a

40、re called Steinholzestrich“ in Germany and xylolithes“ in French. iynthetic resin screed heed based on synthetic resin as he binder where a flowing or tro- wellable composition is converted n situ to a solid layer by a chemical ,eaction of the synthetic resin. ANMERKUNG Magnesiaesuich mit einer Rohd

41、ichte I 1600kg/m3 wird in Deutschland Steinholzestrich genannt und Calcium sulfate screed Screed where the binder is calcium sulfate. NOTE Anhydrite screeds are made from anhydrite binder. Mastic Asphalt screed Screed where the binder is bitumen. Cementitious hard aggregate screed Cementitious scree

42、d where the ag- gregates are hard aggregates. Hard aggregate wearing screed Heavy duty wearing screed which incorporates hard abrasion resistant aggregate. NOTE Traditionally in UK called granolithic concrete flooring. Lightweight screed Screed where the hardened dry density after 28 days is less th

43、an 1400 kg/m3. Flooring Uppermost layer of a floor that is designed to provide a wearing sur- face. Synthetic resin A reactive organic polymer binder for a flooring system comprising one or more components which react at ambient temperature Xylolithe“ auf franet retarding admixture Idmixture which d

44、elays the begin- hing of setting of screed material. Chape non adhrente Chape non adhrente son support. dditive vlaterial added to a screed material o modify the chemical and/or phy- ;cal properties. VOTE The contents by volume lave to be taken into account in mix iesign. Reinforcement Bars, wires,

45、meshes or fibres within :he screed. uisulating material Material placed within a flooi structure to provide either acoustic and/or thermal insulation. Curing compound Product applied to a newly laic screed to reduce loss of moisture bj evaporation. Bonding agent Fluid material, used separately o mix

46、ed with binder to form a slurry applied as a thin layer to improvc adhesion of a screed to a base. Note: In Germany the bondini agents are also called “Haftbrcke“ Lightweight aggregate Aggregates having a particl density not exceeding 2000 kg/m or a loose bulk density nc exceeding 1200kg/m. 4. Types

47、 of screeds 4.1 - 4.2 Monolithic screed Cementitious screed laid onto the still plastic surface of a fresh concrete base. Bonded screed Screed which is bonded to the base. qengerer Susatzmittel fr Estrichmrtel zur Jerzgerung des Erstarrens. Zusatzs toff hoff, der dem Estrichmrtel zuge- ;eben wird, u

48、m auf chemischem indoder physikalischem Wege Ei- ;enschaften zu verndern. 4NMERKUNG Sein Volumentanteil ist bei der Rezeptur LU beachten. Bewehrung Stahlstbe oder -drahte, Bewehr- ungsmatten oder Fasern, die in Estri- che eingebettet sind. _ Dmmmstoff Materialien, die in einer Fuboden- konstruktion

49、zur Schall- undoder Wrmedmmung verlegt werden. Nachbehandlungsmi ttel Produkt, das bei frisch verlegten Estrichen aufgebracht wird, um den Feuchtigkeitsverlust beim Austrock- nen zu vermindern, Haftbrckenmittel Flssiges Material, das allein ode1 zu Mrtel vermischt als Haftbrckc verwendet und in einer dnner Schicht aufgebracht wird, um der Verbund des Estrichs mit dem Un. tergrund zu verbessern. Anmerkung: H


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