1、U 3404583 O357786 523 U Specification for BS EN 122002 : 1995 Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components Blank detail specification Radio frequency coaxial connectors The European Standard EN 122002 : 1993 has the status of a British Standard Copyright Copyright subsists in al
2、l BSI publications and no part may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BSI. This does not preclude the free use. in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details such as symbols and size, type or grade designations including use by iucorporation into
3、computer programs, but where these details are reproduced including without limitation in printed form. in computer programs or in any other form whatsoever, the permission in writing of BSI must be obtained and if granted wiii be on terms including royalty, before the product is sold. licensed or o
4、therwise exploited for commercial gain. This does not preclude the reproduction and free use of the pro forma pages in the course of preparing BS EN detail specifications. Enquiries should be addressed to the Copyright Manager, British Stindards Institution. 389 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 4AL (T
5、el: 0181 996 7070; Fax: 0181 996 7047). British Standards Institution 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL 95 10-7-0.04k-B Product code 00632553 EPU46 3404583 0357787 4bT BS EN 122002 : 1995 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to T
6、echnical Committee EPL/46, Cables, wires, waveguides, RF connectors and accessories for communications and signalling, upon which the following bodies were represented: British Cable Makers Confederation British Telecommunications plc Federation of the Electronics Industry Ministry of Defence Societ
7、y of British Aerospace Companies Ltd The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard through subcommittees: AEA Technology BEAMA Electrical Cables and Conductor Accessory Manufacturers Association National Supervising Inspectorate (BSI-PC) Society of Cable Television Engin
8、eers 3404583 0357788 3Tb = BS EN 122002 : 1995 National foreword This British Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee EPL/46, and is the English language version of EN 122002 : 1993 Blank detail specification, Radio Frequency Coaxial Connectors, prepared by CECCNG 22 RF Connectors and publ
9、ished by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) Electronic Components Committee (CECC). This standard lists the ratings, characteristics and inspection requirements which shall be included as mandatory requirements in any detail specification for this type of connector
10、. Detail specifications shall conform to the requirements of this blank detail specification and BS CECC O01 1 1 Rule of Procedure II. Specifications Part 4 : 199 1 Regulations for CECC detail specifications. The British Standard which implements the CECC Rules of Procedure is BS 9000 General requir
11、ements for a system for electronic components of assessed qualify Part 2 : 199S) Specification for the national implementmon of the CECC system. Cross-references Publication referred to Corresponding British Standard CECC 22000/1 CECC 22000/II CECC 22000/III CECC 00109 BS CECC 22000 : 1993 Harmonize
12、d system of quality assessment for electronic components. Generic specification. Radio j-equency coaxial connectors (Parts I, II and III) BS CECC O0109 : 1991 Rule of Procedure 9. Certified test records IEC 96 BS 23 16 Specification for radio frequency cables ) in preparation Compliance with a Briti
13、sh Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. 1 EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORM EN 122 002 March 1993 UDC Supersedes CECC 22 002 Issue 1 : 1991 Descriptors: Quality, electronic components, coaxial connectors English version Blank Detail Specification: Radio
14、 Frequency Coaxial Connectors Spcification particulire cadre: Connecteurs coaxiaux pour frquence radiolectrique Vordruck fr Bauartspezifi kat ion: Hochf requenz-Koaxial- S tec kverbi nder This European Standard was approved by the CENELEC Electronic Components Committee (CECC) on 13 August 1992. CEN
15、ELEC members are bound to comply with CENKENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibfiographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on appli
16、cation to the General Secretariat of the CECC or to any CENELEC member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CECC
17、General Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium. Denmark, Finland. France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland. Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Noway. Portugal, Spain. Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kin
18、gdom. The membership of the CECC is identical. with the exception of the national electrotechnical committees of Greece, Iceland and Luxembourg. CECC CENELEC Electronic Components Committee Comit des Composants Electroniques du CENELEC CENELEC- Komitee fr Bauelemente der Elektronik General Secretari
19、at: Gartenstr. 179, W- 6000 FrankfuWMain 70 1993 Copyright reserved to CENELEC members Ref. No. EN 122 002 : 1993 E 3404583 0357790 T54 = EN 122 002 : 1993 PREXMBULE Le Comit des Composants Electroniques du CENELEC CECC) est compos des pays membres du Comit Europen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
20、(CENELEC) qui participent au Systme harmonis dassurance de la qualit des composants lectroniques. Le Systme a pour but de faciliter les changes internationaux par Iharmoni- sation des spcifications et procdures dassurance de la qualit des composants lectroniques et par loctroi dune Marque. ou dun Ce
21、rtificat. de Conformit internationalement reconnus. Les composants produits suivant ce Systme sont alors acceptables dans tous les pays membres sans essais supplmentaires. Cette Norme Europenne at prpare par le Goupe de Travail 22 du CECC. Connecteurs HF. Le texte du projet bas sur le document prEN
22、I22 002 a t soumis au vote formel ensemble avec le rapport de vote circul comme document CECC(Secrtariat)3 I6 1 et a t approuv par le CECC sous EN I22 002 le I 3 aot 1992. Les dates suivantes ont t fixes: - date limite dannonce de lEN au niveau national (doa) 1993-03-27 - date limite de publication
23、dune nom naiionale identique (dop) 1993-09-27 date limite de la diclaration de la disuetude de Ia nom naiionale 199349-27 - dair limite de retrait des normes nationales coniciuelles (daw) 2003-03-27 FOREWORD The CENELEC Electronic Components Committee (CECC) is composed of those member countries of
24、the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) who wish to take part in a harmonized System for electronic components of assessed quality. The object of the System is to facilitate international trade by the harmonization of the specifications and quality assessment procedures
25、 for electronic components. and by the grant of an inteniatiOM1ly recognized Mark. or Certificate. of Conformity. The components produced under the System are thereby acceptable in all member countries without further testing. This European Standard was prepared by CECC WG 22. RF Connectors. The tex
26、t of the draft based on document prEN I22 002 was submitted to the formal vote; together with the voting repon. circulated 3s document CECC(Secretariat)3 161. it was approved by CECC as EN 122 002 on 13 August 1992. The following dates were fixed: - latest dare of announce- ment of the EN I nationd
27、level (doa) 1993-03-27 - latest date of publication of an identical national - laiest date of decluation standard (dop) 1993-09-27 of national standuds obsolescen 1993-09-27 - latest date of withdrawal of conflicting national standards (dow) 2003-03-27 VORBEMERKUNG Das CENELEC-Komitee fr Bauelemente
28、 der Elektronik (CECC) besteht aus den Mitgliedslndern des Europaischen Komitees fr Elektrotechnische Normung (CENELEC). die sich an einem harmonisierten Gtebestatigungssystem fur elektronische Bauelemente bereilipcn wollen. Ziel des Systems ist es. den internationalen Handel zu erleichtern durch Ha
29、rmoni- sientng der Normen und Gtebc- statigungssystem fr elektronische Bauelemente und durch die Erteilung eines international anerkannten Konformitits- Zeichens oder einer Konformitats- bescheinigung. Die entsprechend den Fesr- legungen dieses Systems hergestellten Bau- elemente sind deshalb in all
30、cn Mitgliedslndern ohne weitere Prufung . annehmbar. Diese Europaische Norm uurde on Jcr CECC-Arbeitspppe WG 22. HF- Steckverbinder. erstellt. Der Text dieser Spezifikation uurdc 31s Schriftstck prEN I22 O02 zur Abstimmung borgelegt. Er wurde zusammen mit dcm Abstimmbericht CECC(Sekretariat)3 I61 vo
31、mCECCangenommenundam 13. August 1992 zur Verffentlichung als EN 122 002 freigegeben. Nachstehende Daten wurden festgclegt: - sptesus Datum der Ankndigung der EN auf nationaler Ebene ffentlichung einer identi- schen naionalen Nom (dop) 1993-09-27 - rplestes Datum fur die Verdlscrklinng der nationalen
32、 Norm 1993-09-27 Ziehung entgegensiehender (doa) 1993-03-27 - spaiesies Datum der Ver- - pdtesies Datum fr die Zunick- nationaler Normen OW) 2003-03-27 - Il - EN 122 O02 : 1993 INCTRUCTIOWC WUR LA PREPARATION DES SPECIFICATIONS PARTICULIERES Les chiffres indlquh entre crochets sur les pages 1 et 2 c
33、orrespondent aux indications suivantes qui doivent ttre donnes: Identification de la spCcification partirulibre (DS). Nom de lorganisme National rie Normalisation SOUS lautorit duquel la spcification particulire est publie et, si applicable, lorganisme auprbs duquel la DS peut etre obtenue. Le symbo
34、le du CECC et le numro assign par le Secrtariat Gnral du CECC la spcification particulibre. Le numro et la rfrence ddition de la spCcification gnrique ou intermdiaire CECC appropris; le numro national de rfrence si diffrent. Si diffrent du numCro CECC. le numro national de la spcification particulib
35、re. la date ddition et toutes autres informations exigCes Dar le systbme national, avec les numeros de modification. Introduire la dsignation du modle (de connecteur). dans la case au-dessous du logo CECC, avec des caractbres chiffres de hauteur approximative 9 mm. Identification du composant SI Les
36、 informations suivantes doivent etre fournies: Modle: Dsignation du modle ou numro de modle du connecteur. La mthode de raccordement du cble/fil au conducteur central et au conducteur extcrieur: Par suppression des mentions inutiles. ParticularitCa et nsrquage: Exemple: comprend P la fois un joint d
37、tanchit et de panneau. asse: La masse maximale en grammes, arrondie au nombre supcrieur entier le plus proche. Si plusieures variantes (ayant diffbrentcs masses) sont incluses, indiquer la maase maximale de chaque variante sparment. rol Prkiser le niveau dassurance, IimpCdance caractristique et la c
38、atgorie climatique. 171 Dessiner le connecteur, indiquer les cotes dencombrement et le percage du panneau. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATIMI OF DETAIL SPECIFICATION The numbers between square brackets on pages 1 and 2 correspond to the following indications which shall be given: Identification of the det
39、ail spec i f ication ( OS 1 The name of the National Standards Institution under whose authority the DS is published and. if applicable, the organization from whom the DS is available. The CECC symbol and the number allotted to the DS by the CECC General Secretariat. The number and issue number of t
40、he CECC generic or sectional specification as relevant: also national reference if different. If different from the CECC number, the national number of the DS, date of issue and any further information required by the national system, together with any amendment numbers. In the box below the CECC lo
41、go enter the series designation in characters/ digits of approximately 9 mm height. Identification of the component SI Enter the following details: Style: The style designation or model number of the connector. The method of cable/uire attachent to the centre and outer conductor: By deletion of inap
42、plicable options given. Special fenhires and markings: Example: Fitted with both panel and barrier seals. Llass: The maximum mass in grams, rounded upwards to the nearest whole number. If several variants (having differing mass) are included, list the maximum mass of each variant separately. SI Ente
43、r details of assessment level, characteristic impedance and climatic category. 7 A reproduction of the outline drawing and panel piercing details shall be provided. A)nreICum;B)I a DIE VORBERESIIMG y0)I BAUARTSPEZIFIKATIMN Unter den auf Seite 1 und 2 in eckigen Klammern stehenden Hinweiszshlen sind
44、folgende Angaben einzu tragen : Angaben zur Bauartspezifikation (DS) Name der nationalen Nonen- organisation, unter deren Befugnis die Bauartspezifikation herausgegeben wird und soweit zutreffend, die Organisation, bei der die Bauartspezifikation bezogen werden kann. Das CECC-Zeichen und die vom CEC
45、C-Ceneralsekretariat fur die Bauartspezifikation erteilte Nummer. Nummer und Ausgabenummer der zutreffenden CECC-Fachgrund- oder Rahmenspezifikation, dazu Angaben Uber nationale Spezifikationen, soweit anders numeriert. Die nationale Nummer der Bauartspezifikation, sofern von der CECC-Nummer verschi
46、eden, Ausgabedatum, sowie alle weiteren Angaben, die die nationale Organisation fur erforderlich hlt, dazu die Nummern vorhandener Erglnzungen. Die Serienbezeichnung ist mit Buchataben/Ziffern von annhernd 9 mm Hhe in das Kstchen unterhalb des ECC-Zeichens einzutragen. Angaben zum Bauelement 51 Folg
47、ende Einzelheiten sind einzutragen: Beufori: Bezeichnung der Steckverbinderbauform oder Variante des Steckverbinders. Methode der Kabel-brr. Drehtbefestigung fr den Innen- und AuBenleiter: Wenn eine Methode nicht anwendbar ist. mu dies durch Streichen des entsprechenden Wortes gekenn- zeichnet werde
48、n. Besonderheiten und KeMzeich- nungen: Beispiel: Mit Einbaudichtung und Lngsdich- tung. - revetements ou finition de protect ion ; - dtails des diffhrentes collerettes de fixation ayant des trous lisses ou taraudbs: - dbtails des diffrents futs ou 91 Le bornes souder des composants monter sur circu
49、its de micro- lectronique. Liste des caractristiques les plus importantes du connecteur, en accord avec les exigences du 3.1 de la SS. Les diffrences par rapport aux exigences minimales doivent tre clairement prcises. Les parametres non applicables doivent Ctre indiqus par na. texte de SI et 6 devrait convenir pour ienregistriment dans la CECC O0 200 Registre des AgrCments ou dans la CECC O0 3W. Les informati