EN 14725-2003 en Space engineering Verification《航天工程 检定》.pdf

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1、BRITISH STANDARD AEROSPACE SERIES BS EN 14725:2003 Space engineering Verification The European Standard EN 14725:2003 has the status of a British Standard ICS 49.140 BS EN 14725:2003 This British Standard, was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 22 Decembe

2、r 2003 BSI 22 December 2003 ISBN 0 580 43129 0 National foreword This British Standard is the official English language version of EN 14725:2003. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee ACE/68, Space systems and operations, which has the responsibility to: A list

3、 of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references The British Standards which implement international or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Catalogue under the section entitled “International Standard

4、s Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Search” facility of the BSI Electronic Catalogue or of British Standards Online. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standard do

5、es not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. aid enquirers to understand the text; present to the responsible international/European committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed; monitor related international and European deve

6、lopments and promulgate them in the UK. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page, pages 2 to 148, an inside back cover and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. Amendments

7、 issued since publication Amd. No. Date CommentsEUROPEANSTANDARD NORMEEUROPENNE EUROPISCHENORM EN14725 December2003 ICS49.140 Englishversion SpaceengineeringVerification RaumfahrttechnikVerifikation ThisEuropeanStandardwasapprovedbyCENon1October2003. CENmembersareboundtocomplywiththeCEN/CENELECInter

8、nalRegulationswhichstipulatetheconditionsforgivingthisEurope an Standardthestatusofanationalstandardwithoutanyalteration.Uptodatelistsandbibliographicalreferencesconcernings uchnational standardsmaybeobtainedonapplicationtotheManagementCentreortoanyCENmember. ThisEuropeanStandardexistsinthreeofficia

9、lversions(English,French,German).Aversioninanyotherlanguagemadebytra nslation undertheresponsibilityofaCENmemberintoitsownlanguageandnotifiedtotheManagementCentrehasthesamestatusasthe official versions. CENmembersarethenationalstandardsbodiesofAustria,Belgium,CzechRepublic,Denmark,Finland,France,Ger

10、many,Greece, Hungary,Iceland,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Malta,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Slovakia,Spain,Sweden,SwitzerlandandUn ited Kingdom. EUROPEANCOMMITTEEFORSTANDARDIZATION COMITEUROPENDENORMALISATION EUROPISCHESKOMITEEFRNORMUNG ManagementCentre:ruedeStassart,36B1050Brussels 2003CEN Allrightsofe

11、xploitationinanyformandbyanymeansreserved worldwideforCENnationalMembers. Ref.No.EN14725:2003EEN14725:2003(E) 2 Contents page Foreword. 11 1 Scope . 12 2 Normativereferences . 12 3 Terms,definitionsandabbreviatedterms .13 3.1 Termsanddefinitions. 13 3.2 Abbreviatedterms . . 14 4 Verificationprocess

12、16 4.1 Introduction . 16 4.2 Verificationobjectives. . 17 4.3 Verificationprocesslogic 17 4.3.1 General. 17 4.3.2 Verificationprocessflow . 17 4.3.3 Verificationapproach . 17 4.3.4 Verificationclose- out . 18 4.4 Verificationmethods 18 4.4.1 General. 18 4.4.2 Test. 18 4.4.3 Analysis . 19 4.4.4 Revie

13、w- of- design 19 4.4.5 Inspection 19 4.5 Verificationlevels . 19 4.6 Verificationstages . . 20 4.6.1 General. 20 4.6.2 Qualification 20 4.6.3 Acceptance 21 4.6.4 Pre-launch 21 4.6.5 In- orbit 21 4.6.6 Post- landing . 21 5 Verificationstrategy . 22 5.1 Preparation 22 5.2 Requirementsclassification .

14、. 22 5.2.1 Requirementsidentification. 22 5.2.2 Requirementsdocumentation . 22 5.2.3 Requirementcharacteristics. . 22 5.2.4 Requirementcriticality . 23 5.2.5 Requirementsnottobetracked 23 5.2.6 Requirementcategories . 23 5.2.7 Requirementstraceability. . 23 5.2.8 Verificationmatrix. 23 5.3 Selection

15、ofmethods,levelsandstagesofverification. 25 5.3.1 General. 25 5.3.2 Selectionofverificationmethod . 25 5.3.3 Selectionofverificationlevel . . 25 5.3.4 Selectionofverificationstages . 25 5.3.5 Additionalrulesforselection 25 5.4 Selectionofmodels . . 26 5.4.1 Numberandtypeofmodels. 26 5.4.2 Modelphilo

16、sophydefinition . . 26 5.4.3 Modelapplicability. . 26EN14725:2003(E) 3 5.5 Verificationbytest .27 5.5.1 General .27 5.5.2 Testprogrammedefinition . 27 5.5.3 Integrationflow 27 5.5.4 Integrationtests. 27 5.5.5 Re- integrationtests .27 5.5.6 Testversusverificationstages. .28 5.5.7 Testversusverificati

17、onlevels . 28 5.5.8 Testmatrices. .28 5.6 Verificationbyanalysis .28 5.6.1 General .28 5.6.2 Analysisprogrammedefinition. .28 5.6.3 Verificationanalysiscriteria .28 5.6.4 Analysisversusverificationstages. 29 5.6.5 Analysisversusverificationlevels. .29 5.6.6 Analysismatrices . .29 5.7 Verificationbyr

18、eview- of- design 29 5.7.1 General .29 5.7.2 Review- of- designprogrammedefinition . 29 5.7.3 Review- of- designversusverificationstages . 30 5.7.4 Review- of- designversusverificationlevels . 30 5.7.5 Review- of- designmatrices . 30 5.8 Verificationbyinspection .30 5.8.1 General .30 5.8.2 Inspectio

19、nprogrammedefinition. 30 5.8.3 Inspectionversusverificationstages . 30 5.8.4 Inspectionversusverificationlevels. 30 5.8.5 Inspectionmatrices. 30 5.9 Re- flightverification . 31 5.9.1 Re- flightverificationprogramme . .31 5.9.2 Re- flightverificationactivities 31 6 Verificationimplementation . 31 6.1

20、 Generalaspects. 31 6.2 Verificationresponsibilities. .32 6.2.1 Assignmentofresponsibility .32 6.2.2 Verificationcontrolboard(VCB) 32 6.2.3 Testreadinessreview(TRR)andposttestreview(PTR)32 6.2.4 Nonconformancereviewboard(NRB). 32 6.2.5 Verificationresponsibilitiesdocumentation. 33 6.3 Verificationpl

21、anning . 33 6.3.1 Establishmentofplanningactivity 33 6.3.2 Verificationplanningcontent . 33 6.3.3 Phasingwithprojectlifecycle . 33 6.3.4 Verificationplanningdocumentation . .33 6.4 Verificationtools 34 6.4.1 General .34 6.4.2 Toolsvalidation .34 6.4.3 Groundsupportequipment(GSE) .34 6.4.4 Softwareva

22、lidationfacility(SVF) .36 6.4.5 Simulators 36 6.4.6 Softwaretoolsforverificationbyanalysis . 36 6.4.7 Integrationandtestfacilitiesandequipment . 36 6.5 Verificationexecutionandcontrol .37 6.5.1 Monitoring 37 6.5.2 Verificationdatabase. 37 6.5.3 Re- verification 37 6.5.4 Verificationexecutionevidence

23、. 37 6.5.5 Verificationclose- out 38 6.5.6 Testeffectiveness 38EN14725:2003(E) 4 6.5.7 Verificationlessonslearnt . 38 6.6 Verificationdocumentation 38 6.6.1 Documentationsteps . 38 6.6.2 Verificationdocuments 41 6.6.3 Otherdocuments . . 43 AnnexA (normative) Verificationdocuments . 44 AnnexB (inform

24、ative) Verificationguidelines. 45 B.1 Modelandmodelphilosophydefinitionguidelines 45 B.1.1 Introduction . 45 B.1.2 Modelsdescription . 45 B.1.3 Modelphilosophiesdescription 49 B.1.4 Hardwarematrix. . 56 B.2 Specifictailoringguidelines . . 59 B.3 Re- verificationreviewguidelinesforre- flight . . 63 B

25、.4 Verificationactivitiesguidelines . 65 B.4.1 General. 65 B.4.2 PhaseA. . 65 B.4.3 PhaseB. . 65 B.4.4 PhaseC. . 66 B.4.5 PhaseD. . 66 B.4.6 PhaseE . . 67 B.4.7 PhaseF . . 67 B.4.8 Verificationflow . . 67 B.5 Typicalverificationteamresponsibility . 70 B.5.1 Teamresponsibity . . 70 B.5.2 Relationship

26、withengineering. 70 B.5.3 Relationshipwithproductassurance&qualitycontrol . 71 B.5.4 Relationshipwithprojectmanagement 71 AnnexC (normative) VerificationmatrixDocumentrequirementsdefinition(DRD) 72 C.1 Introduction . 72 C.2 Scopeandapplicability. . 72 C.2.1 Scope . 72 C.2.2 Applicability. 72 C.3 Ref

27、erences. 72 C.3.1 Glossaryanddictionary. 72 C.3.2 Sourcedocument. . 72 C.4 Definitions,abbreviationsandsymbols . 72 C.4.1 Definitions 72 C.4.2 Abbreviations 73 C.5 Descriptionandpurpose. . 73 C.6 Applicationandinterrelationship. . 74 C.7 Verificationmatrixpreliminaryelements . 74 C.7.1 Title. 74 C.7

28、.2 Titlepage . 74 C.7.3 Contentslist . . 74 C.7.4 Foreword 74 C.7.5 Introduction . 74 C.8 Content. 75 C.8.1 Scopeandapplicability. . 75 C.8.2 References. 75 C.8.3 Definitionsandabbreviations. . 76 C.8.4 Verificationentries 76 AnnexD (normative) Assembly,integrationandverification(AIV)planDocumentreq

29、uirements definition(DRD). 78 D.1 Introduction . 78 D.2 Scopeandapplicability. . 78 D.2.1 Scope . 78EN14725:2003(E) 5 D.2.2 Applicability .78 D.3 References .78 D.3.1 Glossaryanddictionary. .78 D.3.2 Sourcedocument . .78 D.4 Definitions,abbreviationsandsymbols 79 D.4.1 Definitions 79 D.4.2 Abbreviat

30、ions.79 D.5 Descriptionandpurpose . .80 D.6 Applicationandinterrelationship . .81 D.7 AIVplanpreliminaryelements . 81 D.7.1 Title .81 D.7.2 TitlePage 81 D.7.3 ContentsList. .81 D.7.4 Foreword 81 D.7.5 Introduction82 D.8 Content .82 D.8.1 Scopeandapplicability. 82 D.8.2 References .82 D.8.3 Definitio

31、nsandabbreviations . .83 D.8.4 Verificationsubject 83 D.8.5 Verificationapproach. .83 D.8.6 Modelphilosophy 83 D.8.7 Verificationstrategy . .84 D.8.8 Assemblyintegrationandverificationprogramme .84 D.8.9 AIVtools . 86 D.8.10 Verificationcontrolmethodology . .86 D.8.11 Documentation.86 D.8.12 Organiz

32、ationandmanagement 86 AnnexE (normative) Verificationcontroldocument(VCD)Documentrequirementsdefinition (DRD).94 E.1 Introduction94 E.2 Scopeandapplicability. 94 E.2.1 Scope 94 E.2.2 Applicability .94 E.3 References .94 E.3.1 Glossaryanddictionary. .94 E.3.2 SourceDocument. .94 E.4 Definitions,abbre

33、viationsandsymbols 95 E.4.1 Definitions 95 E.4.2 Abbreviations.95 E.5 Descriptionandpurpose . .95 E.6 ApplicationandInterrelationship . .96 E.7 VCDpreliminaryelements 96 E.7.1 Title .96 E.7.2 Titlepage 96 E.7.3 Contentslist. 96 E.7.4 Foreword 96 E.7.5 Introduction96 E.8 Content .97 E.8.1 Scopeandapp

34、licability. 97 E.8.2 References .97 E.8.3 Definitionsandabbreviations . .98 E.8.4 Verificationsubject 98 E.8.5 Verificationcontroldocumentsheets .98 AnnexF (normative) TestspecificaitonDocumentrequirementsdefinition(DRD) 101 F.1 Introduction101 F.2 Scopeandapplicability. 101 F.2.1 Scope 101EN14725:2

35、003(E) 6 F.2.2 Applicability. 101 F.3 References. 101 F.3.1 Glossaryanddictionary. 101 F.3.2 SourceDocument . 101 F.4 Definitions,abbreviationsandsymbols . 102 F.4.1 Definitions 102 F.4.2 Abbreviations 102 F.5 Descriptionandpurpose. . 102 F.6 Applicationandinterrelationship. . 102 F.7 Testspecificat

36、ionpreliminaryelements . . 103 F.7.1 Title. 103 F.7.2 Titlepage . 103 F.7.3 Contentslist . . 103 F.7.4 Foreword 103 F.7.5 Introduction . 103 F.8 Content. 103 F.8.1 Scopeandapplicability. . 103 F.8.2 References. 104 F.8.3 Definitionsandabbreviations. . 104 F.8.4 Requirementstobeverified. 105 F.8.5 Te

37、stapproach. . 105 F.8.6 Testdescription 105 F.8.7 Testfacility . . 105 F.8.8 Testsequence . 105 F.8.9 Pass/failcriteria . 105 F.8.10 Testdocumentation. . 105 F.8.11 Testorganization 106 AnnexG (normative) TestprocedureDocumentrequirementsdefinition(DRD) . 107 G.1 Introduction . 107 G.2 Scopeandappli

38、cability. . 107 G.2.1 Scope . 107 G.2.2 Applicability. 107 G.3 References. 107 G.3.1 Glossaryanddictionary. 107 G.3.2 Sourcedocument. . 107 G.4 Definitions,abbreviationsandsymbols . 108 G.4.1 Definitions 108 G.4.2 Abbreviations 108 G.5 Descriptionandpurpose. . 108 G.6 Applicationandinterrelationship

39、. . 108 G.7 Testprocedurepreliminaryelements. 109 G.7.1 Title. 109 G.7.2 Titlepage . 109 G.7.3 Contentslist . . 109 G.7.4 Foreword 109 G.7.5 Introduction . 109 G.8 Content. 109 G.8.1 Scopeandapplicability. . 109 G.8.2 References. 110 G.8.3 Definitionsandabbreviations. . 110 G.8.4 Requirementstobever

40、ified. 111 G.8.5 Testarticle . 111 G.8.6 Testset- up . 111 G.8.7 GSErequired . 111 G.8.8 Testequipmentandinstrumentation 111 G.8.9 Testfacility . . 111 G.8.10 Testconditions . 111 G.8.11 Documentationrequired . . 111 G.8.12 Participantsrequired 111EN14725:2003(E) 7 G.8.13 Testconstraintsandoperation

41、s 112 G.8.14 Step- by- stepprocedure . .112 AnnexH (normative) TestreportDocumentrequirementsdefinition(DRD)113 H.1 Introduction113 H.2 Scopeandapplicability. 113 H.2.1 Scope 113 H.2.2 Applicability .113 H.3 References .113 H.3.1 Glossaryanddictionary. .113 H.3.2 Sourcedocument . .113 H.4 Definition

42、s,abbreviationsandsymbols 114 H.4.1 Definitions 114 H.4.2 Abbreviations.114 H.5 Descriptionandpurpose . .114 H.6 Applicationandinterrelationship . .115 H.7 Testreportpreliminaryelements .115 H.7.1 Title .115 H.7.2 Titlepage 115 H.7.3 Contentslist. 115 H.7.4 Foreword 115 H.7.5 Introduction115 H.8 Con

43、tent .116 H.8.1 Scopeandapplicability. 116 H.8.2 References .116 H.8.3 Definitionsandabbreviations . .117 H.8.4 Testresults .117 H.8.5 Anomalies.117 H.8.6 Conclusions .117 AnnexI (normative) AnalysisreportDocumentrequirementsdefinition(DRD)120 I.1 Introduction120 I.2 Scopeandapplicability. 120 I.2.1

44、 Scope 120 I.2.2 Applicability .120 I.3 References .120 I.3.1 Glossaryanddictionary. .120 I.3.2 Sourcedocument . .120 I.4 Definitions,abbreviationsandsymbols 120 I.4.1 Definitions 120 I.4.2 Abbreviations.121 I.5 Descriptionandpurpose . .121 I.6 Applicationandinterrelationship . .121 I.7 Analysisrepo

45、rtpreliminaryelements .122 I.7.1 Title .122 I.7.2 Titlepage 122 I.7.3 Contentslist. 122 I.7.4 Foreword 122 I.7.5 Introduction122 I.8 Content .123 I.8.1 Scopeandapplicability. 123 I.8.2 References .123 I.8.3 Definitionsandabbreviations . .124 I.8.4 Analysisapproach. 124 I.8.5 Assumptions124 I.8.6 Ana

46、lysistechniquedescription .124 I.8.7 Analysisresults .124 I.8.8 Conclusions .124 AnnexJ (normative) ReviewofdesignreportDocumentrequirementsdefinition(DRD)127 J.1 Introduction127EN14725:2003(E) 8 J.2 Scopeandapplicability. . 127 J.2.1 Scope . 127 J.2.2 Applicability. 127 J.3 References. 127 J.3.1 Gl

47、ossaryanddictionary. 127 J.3.2 Sourcedocument. . 127 J.4 Definitions,abbreviationsandsymbols . 127 J.4.1 Definitions 127 J.4.2 Abbreviations 128 J.5 Descriptionandpurpose. . 128 J.6 Applicationandinterrelationship. . 129 J.7 RODreportpreliminaryelements. . 129 J.7.1 Title. 129 J.7.2 Titlepage . 129 J.7.3 Contentslist . . 129 J.7.4 Foreword 129 J.7.5 Introduction .


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