1、A EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUR0PE”E EXJROP- NORM EN 22244 November 1992 UDC 621.798.1 : 620.165.7 Descriptors: Packing, complete and ed packages, transport packing, impact tests, pendulum, inclined planes English version Packaging - Complete, fJled xansport packages - Horizontal impact tests (horizon
2、tal or inched plane test - Pendulum test) (Is0 2244 : 1985) Emballages - Emballages dexpdition complets et pleins - Essais de choc horizontal (essai sur plan Verpackung - Versandfertige Packstucke - , Horizontale Sto3pnifung (waagerechte oder schiefe Ebene -Pendel) horizontal ou inclin - Essai au pe
3、ndule) (Is0 2244 : 1985) (Is0 2244 : 1985) This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1992-1M. CEN members are bound to comply with the CENICENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving thic European Standard the status of a national standard without any aiteration. Up-to
4、-date iists and bibliographical references conceniing such nationaf standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, Gem). A version in any other ianguage made by translation under the
5、 responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the officiai versions. CEN members are the nationai standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
6、Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. CEN European Committee for Standardization Comit Europen de Normalisation Europisches Komitee fr Normung Centrai Secretariak rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels O 1992 Copyright reserved to CEN members Ref. No. EN 22244 : 1992 E A Page
7、 2 CEN EN+22244 92 3404589 0042892 898 . EN 22244 : 1992 Forewor In 1991, Is0 2244 : 1985 Padcaging - cmm, fU pendulum test) was Submitt to the CEN Primary Questionnaire prOCedUre. Foliowing the positive resuit of the CEN/CS Proposai Is0 2244 : 1985 was submitted to the Formai Vote. The result of th
8、e Fonnal Vote was positive. This European Standard shaii be given the status of a nationai stanard, either by pubfication of an identicai text or by endorsement, at the latest by May 1993, and the latest by May 1993. Amorcling to the CEN/CENELEC Intenial Regulations, the foilowing counlries are boun
9、d to implement this European StanM Austria, Beigium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Itaiy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom contlicting national standards shall be withdrawn at _ - - CEN EN*22244 92 m 3404589 0042893
10、724 m BS 4826 : Part 5 : 1986 British Standard Complete, filled transport packages Part 5. Method for determination of resistance to horizontal impact 1 Scope and field of application This International Standard specifies methods of horizontal im- pact testing (horizontal or inclined plane test and
11、pendulum test) on a complete, filled transport package. The test may be performed either as a single test to investigate the effects of horizontal impact or as part of a sequence of tests designed to measure the ability of a package to withstand a distribution system that includes a horizontal impac
12、t hazard. The impact surface shall be sufficiently rigid not to deflect more than 0,Z mm when a load of 160 kg/cm* is applied anywhere on the surface. In addition, the apparatus shall meet the requirements and tolerances specified in clause 7. 4.2 Optional interposed hazards, to be used when it is r
13、e- quired to concentrate the impact in a particular area of the test package. 2 References I SO 2206. Packaging - Complete, filied transport packages - Identification of parts when testing. IS0 2233, Packaging - Complete, filled transport packages - Conditioning for testing. The dimensions, material
14、 and location of the interposed hazard shall be carefully specified. Example: A steel beam with a length of 200 mm and a cross- sectionof100if 1)mm x 1(f llmmwithroundededgesof radius 5 i 0,l mm, placed centrally in the impact surface (4.11. 4.3 Impact testing apparatus: Types of apparatus that may
15、be used are described in 4.3.1, 4.3.2 and 4.3.3. 3 Principle Applying a horizontal velocity to the test package and bringing it to a halt by impact with a vertical impact surface. The at- mospheric conditions, the horizontal velocity and the attitude of the package are predetermined. Particular cond
16、itions of im- pact may be simulated by placing appropriately profiled inserts between the impact surface and the impacting face or edge of the test package. 4 Apparatus 4.3.1 Inclined plane tester, consisting of the following items: Two-rail steel track, inclined at loo to the horizon- tal.
17、The distance along the incline shall be graduated at inter- vals of 50 mm. (See figure 1.) Rolling carriage or dolly: The surface friction be- tween the rolling carriage/dolly and the test package shall be such that during movement from rest to impact the package will not move in relation to
18、 the carriage, but such that upon im- pact the package will move freely. 4.1 Impact surface, which should be either Impact surface (or bumper), meeting the specifi- cations of 4.1, placed at the bottom of the track with its face perpendicular to the direction of movement of the carriage a) a
19、 plane inclined to the vertical at 10 f lo (for the in- clined plane test), or b) pendulum test). a plane vertical to within 1“ (for the horizontal or doh the track. NOTES 1 A mitabla impact surface comprises a number of heavy timbers mounted horizontally across the face of the structure such that t
20、he op- tional interposed hazard 14.2) can be fitted easily when required. The dimensions of the impact Surface shall be greater than those of the impacting face, Or Selef.ted Part, Of the test package. 1 CEN ENx22244 92 m 3404589 0042894 660 m BS 4826 : Part 5 : 1986 Two-rail steel track Figure 1 -
21、Inclined plane tester 2 It is recommended that the bumper be made in such a way that the carriage can travei underneath it for about 100 mrn so that the packae impacts the bumper before the camage stops. 3 The apparatus should preferably be equipped with a device to pre- wnt the carriage from reboun
22、ding after the impact. Either a spring damper or an oil damper may be incorporated into such a device. 4 The track and the wheels shall be kept clean. 5 The wheel bearings shall be regularly lubricated. Roller bearings are recommended. 4.3.2 Horizontal plane tester, consisting of the following i tem
23、s : Two-rail steel track fixed in the horizontal plane. Rolling carriage or dolly which can be mechanically driven in such a manner that its velocity is known at the mo- ment of impact. The surface friction between the rolling car- riage/doliy and the package shall be such that durin
24、g move- ment from rest to impact the test package will not move in re- lation to the carriage, but such that upon impact the package will move freely. Impact surface (or bumper), meeting the specifi- cations of 4.1, at one end of the track with its face perpen- dicular to within lo to the di
25、rection of movement of the carriage along the track. 4.3.3 Pendulum apparatus, consisting of a rectangular piat- form suspended at each corner by steel rods or ropes so that in its rest position the front edge just touches the impact surface that meets the specifications of 4.1. The suspension syste
26、m shall be such that it moves freely and its path is not obstructed when the test package is mounted on the platform. (See figure 2.) For certain types of package, such as carboys, it my be suf- ficient to suspend the test package from a cingle rod or rope. In both instances the suspension system sh
27、all not impart a rotary movement to the test package. / / / / /” / WI 8 / P Steel rods or ropes v -t-“: Test package Figure 2 - Pendulum apparatus 4.4 Impact measuimg apparatus. if required, on the car- riage, allowing measuring and recording of the peak deceler- ation and impact velocity. 5 Package
28、 preparation The test package shall nomially be filled with its intended con- tents. However, simulwed or dummy contents may be used, on condion that the dimensions and physical properties of such contents shall be as close as possible to those of the intended contents. CEN EN+22244 92 W 3404589 004
29、2895 5T7 W Ensure that the test package is closed normally, as if ready for distribution. If simulated or dummy contents are used, ensure that the normal method of closure is still employed. BS 4826 : Part 5 : 1986 Set the carriage in motion along the steel track at a velocity predetermined to give
30、the desired impact velocity on the impact surface ( 7.3 Procedure for pendulum test 6 Conditioning The package shall be conditioned in accordance with one of the conditions described in IS0 2233. 7 Procedure Whenever possible the test shall be carried out in the same at- mospheric condition
31、s as used for conditioning, where this is critical to the material or application of the package. In other circumstances, the test shall be carried out in atmospheric con- ditions which are as near as practicable to those used for condi- tioning. The velocity at impact shall be within I 5 % of the p
32、redeter- mined horizontal velocity. When the impact is on a face or edge, the test package shall strike the impact surface so that the angle between the face or edge and the plane of the impact surface is less than 2O. When the impact is on an edge of a parallelepipedal package, the attitude of the
33、package at impact shall be such that the angle between a set surface of the package and the impact sur- face is within * 5O or * 10 % of the predetermined angle, whichever is the greater. 7.1 Procedure for inclined plane test Place the test package on the carriage in an attitude that will ensure tha
34、t it strikes the impact surface ( in the desired position. Whenever possible the package shall not project beyond the edges of the carriage. Raise the carriage to that height up the incline ( ) which corresponds with the desired impact velocity, then release it. 7.2 Procedure for hori
35、zontal plane test Place the test package on the carriage ( as described in 7.1. Place the test package on the rectangular platform (see 4.3.3 and figure 21 so that the impacting face or edge just touches the impact surface. Raise the pendulum by pulling out the platform to the distance from
36、the impact surface appropriate to the velocity required, then release it. 8 Test report The test report shall include the following information: a) reference to this International Standard; b) number of replicate packages tested; c) full description of the package, including dimensions, structural a
37、nd material specifications of the package and its fittings, cushioning, blocking, closure or reinforcing ar- rangements; d) description of contents - if simulated or dummy con- tents were used, full details shall be given; e) gross mass of package and mass of contents, in kilograms; f) relative humi
38、dity, temperature and time of conditioning; temperature and relative humidity of test area at time of test; whether these values comply with the requirements of IS0 2233; g) attitude in which the package wastested, using the method of identification given in IS0 2206; h) velocity at impact, and if r
39、equired, the peak deceler- ation: ji position and description of interposed hazard, if used; ki type of apparatus used; mi International Standard; ni assist in correct interpretation; p) date of the test; q) signature of tester. any deviations from the test method described in this a record of results, with any observations which may 3