EN 45510-4-3-1999 en Guide for Procurement of Power Station Equipment - Part 4 Boiler Auxiliaries - Selection 3 Draught Plant《发电站设备的采购指南 第4部分 锅炉辅助设备 第3节 鼓风机设备》.pdf

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EN 45510-4-3-1999 en Guide for Procurement of Power Station Equipment - Part 4 Boiler Auxiliaries - Selection 3 Draught Plant《发电站设备的采购指南 第4部分 锅炉辅助设备 第3节 鼓风机设备》.pdf_第1页
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EN 45510-4-3-1999 en Guide for Procurement of Power Station Equipment - Part 4 Boiler Auxiliaries - Selection 3 Draught Plant《发电站设备的采购指南 第4部分 锅炉辅助设备 第3节 鼓风机设备》.pdf_第2页
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EN 45510-4-3-1999 en Guide for Procurement of Power Station Equipment - Part 4 Boiler Auxiliaries - Selection 3 Draught Plant《发电站设备的采购指南 第4部分 锅炉辅助设备 第3节 鼓风机设备》.pdf_第3页
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EN 45510-4-3-1999 en Guide for Procurement of Power Station Equipment - Part 4 Boiler Auxiliaries - Selection 3 Draught Plant《发电站设备的采购指南 第4部分 锅炉辅助设备 第3节 鼓风机设备》.pdf_第4页
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EN 45510-4-3-1999 en Guide for Procurement of Power Station Equipment - Part 4 Boiler Auxiliaries - Selection 3 Draught Plant《发电站设备的采购指南 第4部分 锅炉辅助设备 第3节 鼓风机设备》.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARD Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 4: Boiler auxiliaries - Section 3: Draught plant The European Standard EN 45510-43: 1999 has the status of a British Standard ICs 27.060.30; 27.100 BS EN 455 10-4-3: 1999 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY

2、 COPYRIGHT LAW BS EN 46510-43:1999 direction of the Engineering Sector Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on 15 September 1999 Amd. No. O BSI 09-1999 I I Date Comments National foreword This British Standard is the English language version o

3、f EN 4551-4-31999. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee E-120, Power engineering steering committee, which has the responsibility to: - aid enquirers to understand the text, - present to the responsible European committee any enquiries on the interpretation, o

4、r proposais for change, and keep the UK interests informed; - monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references The British Standards which impleme

5、nt international or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled “hternalional Standards Correspondence Index“, or by using the “Find“ facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. A British Standard does not purport

6、to include ali the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover

7、, the EN title page, pages 2 to 16, an inside back cover and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. ISBN O 680 32506 7 STD-BSI BS EN V55LO-9-3-ENGL 1999 M Lb2VbbS 079950b 7Lb EUROPEAN STANDARJD NORME EUROPENNE EuRopAIscHE NORM E

8、N 4551043 April 1999 ICs 23.120; 27.040; 27.100 English v - secondary air fans, forced draught fans and induced draught fans; - flue gas recirculating fans and flue gas booster fans; - modulating dampers and shut-off dampers; - divertem and guide vanes; - lined and unlined flues and ducts; - thedaco

9、ustic insulation and cladding. The equipment covered by this gui - any allocation of responsib.ilit.ieS which are detmmimd by the contract. This guide does not prescribe the arrangement of the documents in the enquiry. cmcuy with o#lt?r hents of the systems; NOTE As a comprehasive Eumpean environmen

10、tal policy is stiU in preparation, this gum does not address the environmental implications of the equipment. 2 Normative references This guide for procurement incolpomtes by date or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative refwma are cited in the appropriate places in

11、the text and the publications are listed hereafter For dated referma, subsequent amRndments to or reviswns of any of these publications apply to this guide ery when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated refermes, the latest edition of the publication rmd to applies. EN IS0 9001, Q

12、uality systems - Model for quality assumme in design, develqtnnent, production, installation and s - geological, e.g. seismic conditions and characteristics of subso (e.g. caverns, gliding stratifications, load-bearing capability of subsoils); -geographic, e.g. elevation, influence of local topograp

13、hy and structures; - hydmlogical, e.g. jooding and tides. 4.3 Equipment task The spectfication should describe in geneml terms the function, task or role of the equipment to be purchased, e.g. whether it is part of a nao power genemting plant, a modiif.ication to an existing power generating plant,

14、or replacement equipment. Where appmpiate, the specwcation should define the function and the Imown limitations, gang, in the equipment connected to that which is being suppie, so that the equipment may avoid imposing adverse conditions or the supplier may suggest modgicatwns to connected equipment

15、which would mure satisfmtory operation. 4.4 Equipment to be purchased The specification may define the equipment tgpe or arrangement to be purchased, for example: - the fan type (either axial or centrifugd fan); - the number of fans (for any particular application); - the motor drive type. The speci

16、fication may define any preferences with regard to the grouping of systems; for example the fan lubricating system could be included with the fan so as to ensure system completeness and to enable works fan testing. O BSI 09-1999 STD-BSI BS EN V5510-V-3-ENGL 1119 = 3b2qbb7 0777532 TLT Page 7 EN 45510

17、43:1999 The speciflcaton may also define prefmes for equipment types (or give infomtion) regarding compatibility with existing equipment, required. The specification should define the intmded methods or local practice for maintenance, inspection and operation. The specification should define require

18、ments with regard to the geneml appearance of the equipment (e.g. dimensions, shape or colour) to meet local planning requirements or spix5jT.c criteria, where such NOTE Attention is drawn to European, national ador local legislation which may place restrictions in this area. 4.6 Control and instrum

19、entation The specification should define the general requimts for the control and instrumentation system, the leuel of operator intervention allowed or reguired, interntion with other control systems, loccized contml loops, commonality and redundancg NOTE Guidance on the procurement of control and i

20、nstrumentation systems for power stations, inclwiing advice on interifaces, can be foun in EN 45510-8-1. requirements - accessories for handling and maintenance system; - spare parts such as bearings or seals; - site activities such as storage, transport and insaiiation; - commissioning and performa

21、nce tests; - documentation of equipment or system details, operation and maintenance manuals. If the purchaser wishes to have a contmct for control and instrumentation sepamte frm the equipment supply contract, the specification may require the supplier to provide information on aU the necessary inr

22、kt-j-mes (e.g. all instsumentation tapping points and insmments, inclucling their signai outputs, etc., provided within the extent of supply). In addition, provision may need to be made in the contract to ensure the availaoility of information necessaq to auoW a satisfactory control system to be obt

23、ained. For mample, this may include a requirement for coopemtm between the purchaser and supplier. Alternatively the specification may define the technical information on equipment chamteristics to be provided by the supplier and the programme for its deliveq. If the purchaser wishes to have a contr

24、act for electrkal systems, electrical equipment, cables, etc. separate from the equipment supply contract, the specification may require the supplier to provide information on aU the necessary interfaces (electrical loads, shqft heights, motor speeds and direction of rotation, terminal boxes, etc.).

25、 Provision may need to be made in the contract for cooperation between purchaser and supplier for sys.em(s) to be dewlopedl or the Specification my - obligations, e.g, opemtional staff shifi patterns; - restrictions, e.g. process waste disposal. 7.2 Manning levels The specification should - loss of

26、power supplies or cooling systems; - emergency shutdown using dampers; - large pressure changes induced by other equipment; - unscheduled operation or error resuiting in opening or closure of dampers; - abnormal wind or ice loading extenial to the flues and ducts. The specification should interpret

27、these incidents in terms of variations of the physical parameters at the terminal points. in some cases these abnormal conditions may be avoided by modifications outside the suppliers equipment. This may be covered by an option in the tender. O BSI 09-1999 STD=BSI BS EN 95510-4-3-ENGL 1777 LL24Lb9 0

28、799514 892 Page 9 EN 4551W.1999 7.7 Further operational requirements The specification should provide infomation on the required flexibility and controiiabiity of the draught plant during transient operation. For flexibility this may comprise time related variations of load or gas flow. For controll

29、ability the limits on operating parameters should be stated. A particularly important requirement is the need to maintain furnace pressure within a mow range to avoid damage to the furnace wail and boiler stsucture. 8 Life expectancy 8.1 Design life 8.1.1 General This should be a spdfic period which

30、 takes into account the anticipated operating regime and recammended maintenunce and Wiu broadly equute to the stated operating hours (see 7.4). The specification should define the design life of components which may be subject to periodic replacemert. The supplier should define limitations on equip

31、ment life, if any, and these should be included in the tender evaluation pmcess. 8.1.2 Number of start-up and shut-down cycles number of cycles to which the equipment WU be subjected; for example, with fans, this wiii be a function of the number of plant starts (see 7.6) and may be derived by the pu

32、rchaser from experience of operating power plant. 8.1.3 Equipment for monitoring remaining life The specmation may reguest pmposaLs for mitoring the remaining life of cmpomts which are suect to fatigue, wear, erosion and/or corrosion. In sm cases spec if? requirements may be statgd. 8.2 Components r

33、equiring periodic maintenance The specwcation should request the supplier to proviale a Schedt.de of compmts which require periodic maintenance or replacement. This should include the frequency of these operations. This schedule should indude estirnates of mintenance man-hours and cost of components

34、. The supplier should identif9 those maintenance repl,acemmt operations which require shut-down of the pcess more freqmy than ule planned maintenunce specification should include an estimate of the shut-dom. 9 Performance requirements 9.1 Duty The specification should define the peflormance targets

35、for the equipment at defined operating points and at other defined Conditions. These may include efficiency and margins at fuu load operation and availability. The specification my ako define the jmxbility requiremmts over the fuU range of opemtirq conditions. The specification should define the flo

36、w rates of air and flue gas entering the fans, pressures, temperatures and the required pressure rise. The specification may define the minimum number of fans required for each function. The specification may provide either a) the gas flow, constituents and particulate concentration; or b) a fuel sp

37、ecification and the exces oxygen levels at the entry to the induced draught and gas recirculating fans so #at the supplier may derive the constituents and other characteristics of the flue gas. The supplier should provide flow and pressure characteristics of the fan, together with efficiencies and f

38、an power consumption, and should define the basis on which these figures were derived (e.g. witnessed site tests, witnessed works tests or model tests in laboratory). 9.2 Performance The specification muy define the operating points and other defined conditions at which the equipment performance req

39、uirements are to be demonstmted immediately after commissioning and/or at other points in the life of the equipment. NOTE Performance tests are sometimes conducted onsite and my be carried out at conditions diffrent from the opemting point. The results may require scaling according to agreed rules,

40、for example IS0 5801 for fans. Where appropriate, correction curves should be provided by the supplier to interpret tests which are not carried out at the defined operating condition. 9.3 Equipment margins 9.3.1 General The spec6fication should identvy required equipment margins. For draught plant t

41、hese margins will normaiy be included to cover uncertainties in performance requirements and to ensure aerodynamic stabiity under ali operating conditions. 9.3.2 Performance margins Margins may be applied to compensate for uncertainty in the fan operating conditions resuiting from cross-leakage thro

42、ugh the regenerative airheaters or air ingress through the boiler casing or deterioration of turbine heat rate. They may also comprise specification of component design or manufacturing tolerances. For example, boiler fans are normally specified to a design tolerance. The fan design flow should be d

43、efined in terms of the fan flow margin as follows: qd = qmm (1 + kq) where qd is the fan design flow; q, is the flow at the boiler continuous maximum operating condition; kq is the fan flow margin. O BSI 09-1999 STD-BSI BS EN Y5510-4-3-ENGL 1199 D 1bZqbbS 0799535 729 Page 10 EN 4651W.1999 The fan de

44、sign pressure (or head) should be defined in terms of the pressure (or fim head) margin (%) as follows: Pd= Pma,(1+kp) where pd is the fan design pressure; p, is the pressure at continuous maximum operating condition; Icp is the fan pressure margin. The fan pressure margin $ can be defined using the

45、 fan flow margin as follows: Icp = function (kq2, Icf) where I$ is the fouling allowance. In fixing the increase in pressure, the specification may, if appropriate, include margins for fouling of air heaters or operation with reduced number of burners. The specification should also define how the ma

46、rgins will be used in the tender evaluation to dow the supplier to optimize the type and size of fans to be offered The margins specified should be appropriate for the life expectancy of the equipment, for example, allowance has been made for changes of fuels articuiariy caiorific due and sulfur con

47、tent), boiler leakage (both ingress and cross-leakage) and sootblowing. The specification should defme any particulas requirements in relation to margins required for control purposes (referred to as a control mgin). For example, in an air-leadsfuel system an increase in load may demand temporariy m

48、ore air than normally required for combustion at that load 9.3.3 Aerodynamic stability The specification may define a preference for the margin between the operating point and the instability limit. If the supplier does not adopt this preference, operathg experience or laboratory data jwtifying this

49、 decision should be provided The specification may require that any fan opemtes with aerodynamic stability over its required operating range when operated done or in parallel with its associated fan. This may include transient operating states such as load changes, start-up and shutdown. For centrifugal fans, for a particular guide vane setting, the flow corresponding to the specified operating points should be higher than the flow correspondmg to the instabdity limit. NOTE Current good practice is to provide a flow margin of at least 10 % for this purpose. For


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