2、areplaced clauseorsubclause;-additional annexes are lettered AA, BB,etc.NOTE 2The following print types are used:- requirements:inroman type;- testspecifications:initalictype; -notes:insmall roman type.Words in bold in the text are defined in Clause3.When adefinitionconcerns an adjective, theadjecti
3、ve and the associatednoun are also in bold.Thereare no specialnational conditions causingadeviation from this European Standard, other thanthoselistedinAnnex ZA toEN 60335-1.Thereare no national deviations from this EuropeanStandard, other than those listedinAnnex ZB toEN 60335-1.EN 50416:2005 - 2-F
4、orewordThis European Standardwas prepared by the Technical Committee CENELECTC61, Safety ofhousehold andsimilar electrical appliances.It covers safety aspectswhichare related to conveyordishwashing machines.Afirst draft was submitted to the UniqueAcceptanceProcedureinJuly2003.Due to anegativeadvicef
5、rom the MD Consultant,receivedduring theongoing UAP, CENELECTC61agreedinits meetinginAthens in November 2003toreview thedraft.Anad-hoc meeting between theMD consultant and theWGresponsible forEN50416 in March 2004 resolved allconcerns of the MDConsultant.Aseconddraft was submitted to the formal vote
6、 andwas approved by CENELECasEN50416 on2004-12-07.Thefollowing dates werefixed: latest datebywhich the EN has to be implementedat nationallevel by publication of an identicalnationalstandardorbyendorsement (dop) 2005-09-01 latestdatebywhich the national standards conflictingwith the EN have to be wi
7、thdraw dow) 2007-12-01This standardhas tobe used in conjunction with EN 60335-1, Household andsimilar electricalappliances SafetyPart1:General requirements,whichisreferred to as Part1.It wasestablishedon thebasis of the 2002 edition of that standard. Amendments and revisionsofPart1have also to betak
8、en into account and thedates when such changes becomeapplicablewillbestated in therelevantamendment or revision of Part 1.This standard, supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses of Part1,soas to convert it intothe European Standard: Safety requirements forcommercial electric conveyor dishwa
9、shingmachines.When aparticularsubclause of Part1is not mentionedin this standard, that subclauseapplies as faras is reasonable. When thisstandardstates“addition“, “modification“or“replacement“, the relevanttext ofPart 1 is tobeadapted accordingly.This EuropeanStandardhas been prepared underamandate
10、given to CENELECby theEuropeanCommissionand theEuropeanFreeTrade Association andcoversessentialrequirements ofEC Directive98/37/EEC. SeeAnnex ZZ.NOTE 1The following numbering system is used:-subclauses, tables and figures that are numbered starting from 101 are additional to thoseinPart 1;- unlessno
11、tes are in anew subclauseorinvolve notes in Part 1, they are numbered startingfrom101, including thoseinareplaced clauseorsubclause;-additional annexes are lettered AA, BB,etc.NOTE 2The following print types are used:- requirements:inroman type;- testspecifications:initalictype; -notes:insmall roman
12、 type.Words in bold in the text are defined in Clause3.When adefinitionconcerns an adjective, theadjective and the associatednoun are also in bold.Thereare no specialnational conditions causingadeviation from this European Standard, other thanthoselistedinAnnex ZA toEN 60335-1.Thereare no national d
13、eviations from this EuropeanStandard, other than those listedinAnnex ZB toEN 60335-1.BS EN 50416:2005+A1:2015EN 50416:2005+A1:2015(E) - 2 -This European Standard applies in conjunction with EN 60335-1:2012 and its amendments, which is referred to in this document as “Part 1”. This European Standard
14、supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses of Part 1 as indicated in the text.BS EN 50416:2005+A1:2015EN 50416:2005+A1:2015(E)- 3 -EN 50416:2005/A1:2015 (E) 3 European foreword This document (EN 50416:2005/A1:2015) has been prepared by CLC/TC 61 “Safety of household and similar electrical app
15、liances“. The following dates are fixed: latest date by which this document has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2016-08-10 latest date by which the national standards conflicting with this document have to be withdrawn (dow
16、) 2018-08-10 Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CENELEC and/or CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the E
17、uropean Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s). For the relationship with EU Directive 2006/42/EC, see informative Annex ZZ, which is an integral part of this document. NOTE 1 The following numbering system is used: subclauses, tabl
18、es and figures that are numbered starting from 101 are additional to those in Part 1; unless notes are in a new subclause or involve notes in Part 1, they are numbered starting from 101, including those in a replaced clause or subclause; additional annexes are lettered AA, BB, etc. NOTE 2 The follow
19、ing print types are used: requirements: in roman type; test specifications: in italic type; notes: in small roman type. Words in bold in the text are defined in Clause 3. When a definition concerns an adjective, the adjective and the associated noun are also in bold. Foreword to amendment A1- 3- EN
20、50416:2005Contents Introduction.51Scope62Normativereferences .63Definitions .74General requirement.75General conditions for the tests86Classification.87Marking andinstructions.88Protection againstaccess to live parts .99Starting of motor-operatedappliances.910 Powerinput and current1011 Heating1012
21、Void13 Leakage current andelectricstrength at operating temperature1014 Transient overvoltages .1115 Moistureresistance.1116 Leakagecurrent andelectricstrength 1217 Overload protection of transformers and associated circuits .1218 Endurance.1219 Abnormal operation 1220 Stabilityand mechanical hazard
22、s.1421 Mechanical strength1522 Construction1523 Internalwiring1824 Components1825 Supplyconnection and external flexible cords.1826 Terminals forexternal conductors 1927 Provisionfor earthing1928 Screws and connections.1929 Clearances,creepage distances and solidinsulation1930 Resistance to heat and
23、 fire.1931 Resistance to rusting 2032 Radiation, toxicityand similar hazards .20Annex AA (normative) Detergent andrinsingagent21Annex BB (normative) Ageing test for elastomeric parts 23AnnexCC(normative) Requirements to avoidbacksiphonage 25Annex ZZ (informative) Coverage of EssentialRequirements of
24、 EC Directives.28Bibliography28BS EN 50416:2005+A1:2015EN 50416:2005+A1:2015(E) - 4 -13141415151616161618192024242425252525252626272931677891010101313BS EN 50416:2005+A1:2015EN 50416:2005+A1:2015(E)- 5 -Annex DD (normative) Noise 34Annex ZE (informative) Specific additional requirements for applianc
25、es and machines intended for commercial use 37Annex ZF (informative) Criteria applied for the allocation of products covered by standards in the EN 60335 series under LVD or MD .37Annex ZZ (informative) Coverage of Essential Requirements of EU Directives .38Bibliography .38Figure 101 Splash apparatu
26、s .26Figure 102 Off-limits for persons using cardiac pacemakers .26Figure CC.101 Arrangement for the determination of maximum and critical water level for dynamic backflow preventer .26Figure CC.102 Backsiphonage test .27Figure DD.101 Microphone positions for determining the emission sound pressure
27、level .34-5-EN50416:2005IntroductionThis EuropeanStandardhas been prepared to provideameans of conforming to essentialsafetyrequirements of the MachineryDirective 98/37/EC. Other requirements and other EU Directives maybe applicable to the machines falling within thescope of this standard.Pressurize
28、d components incorporatedinmachines within thescope of this standardare pressureequipment whichisclassified no higher than categoryIof thePressure Equipment Directive.According to Article1,item 3.6 of the Pressure Equipment Directive this equipment is excluded fromits scope.Therequirements of Annex
29、CC of this standarddonot support arelevantERof the MachineryDirective 98/37/EC.BS EN 50416:2005+A1:2015EN 50416:2005+A1:2015(E) - 6 -EN 50416:2005/A1:2015 (E) 4 1 Modification to Foreword Replace the first paragraph after the application dates by the following: This European Standard applies in conj
30、unction with EN 60335-1:2012 and its amendments, which is referred to in this document as “Part 1”. This European Standard supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses of Part 1 as indicated in the text. 2 Modification to Introduction Replace the text of the Introduction by the following: This
31、European Standard has been prepared to provide a means of conforming to essential safety requir ents of he Machi y Directive 2006/42/EC. Other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the machines falling within the scope of this European Standard. This European Standard is a produc
32、t family standard dealing with the safety of commercial electric conveyor dishwashing machines and takes precedence over horizontal and generic standards covering the same subject. This European Standard recognizes the level of protection against hazards such as electrical, mechanical, thermal, fire
33、 and radiation of commercial electric conveyor dishwashing machines when operated as in normal use taking into account the manufacturers instructions. It also covers any reasonably foreseeable misuse of the machinery and takes into account the way in which electromagnetic phenomena can affect the sa
34、fe operation of commercial electric dishwashing machines. A commercial electric conveyor dishwashing machine that complies with the text of this European Standard will not necessarily be considered to comply with the safety principles of the standard if, when examined and tested, it is found to have
35、 other features that impair the level of safety covered by these requirements. This European Standard takes into account the requirements of HD 60364-1 as far as possible so that there is compatibility with the wiring rules when the machinery is connected to the supply mains. However, national wirin
36、g rules may differ. Pressurized components incorporated in machines within the scope of this European Standard are pressure equipment that is classified no higher than category I of the Pressure Equipment Directive (93/68/EU). According to Article 1, item 3.6 of the Pressure Equipment Directive, thi
37、s equipment is excluded from its scope. The requirements of Annex CC of this European Standard do not support a relevant ESHR of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. 3 Modification to Clause 1 Scope Delete NOTE 103. 4 Modification to Clause 2 Normative references Delete EN ISO 12100-1:2003 and EN ISO
38、 12100-2:2003. Replace EN 954-1:1996 by: EN ISO 13849-1:2008, Safety of machinery Safety-related parts of control systems Part 1: General principles for design (ISO 13849-1:2006) EN 50416:2005 - 6-1ScopeThis clauseofEN 60335-1isreplaced by the following.This European Standard deals with thesafetyofe
39、lectrically operated conveyor dishwashingmachines forwashing plates,dishes, glassware, cutleryand similar articles(e.g. trays,food containers),withorwithout means forwater heatingorforcedhot air drying, not intended forhousehold use, their rated voltage being not more than 250Vforsingle-phasemachine
40、s connectedbetween onephaseand neutral and 480V forother machines. Thesprayingpressure shall notexceed 1MPa.NOTE 101 Thesemachinesare used forexample in restaurants, canteens, hospitals,and commercialenterprisessuchasbakeries,butcheries,etc.NOTE 102 Examples of such machines are flight typedishwashe
41、rs, rackconveyor dishwashers.Thesemachines aredesigned to be connected to hot and/or cold water supply.NOTE 103 Requirements to avoidbacksiphonage of non-potablewater into the public watersupplyare specifiedinAnnex CC.Machines making useofsteam or hot water forheating purposes arealsowithin thescope
42、 of thisstandard.This standarddoes not apply tomachines whichare moveable,gas heating appliances which arepart of conveyor dishwashing machines,machines intendedfor disinfection,machines intended to be used on boardofsea-goingvessels and aircraft,machinesdesignedexclusivelyfor industrialpurposes,for
43、 example machines used in thefoodindustryfor cleaning receptacles that serveaspackagingfor final products (e.g.bottle-cleaningmachines), andmachines usedinmanufacturingprocesses,separately driven transport devices not confinedin themachine,machinesintended to be used in locations wherespecial condit
44、ions prevail, such as the presenceof acorrosive or explosiveatmosphere(dust, vapour or gas).2 NormativereferencesThis clauseofEN 60335-1isapplicable except asfollows.Addition:EN 563:1994+A1:1999, Safety of machineryTemperatures of touchable surfaces Ergonomicsdata toestablish temperaturelimit values
45、 for hot surfacesEN 954-1:1996, Safety ofmachinery Safety related parts ofcontrol systemGeneralprinciples fordesignEN 50242:1), Electricdishwashersfor household useMethods formeasuring theperformance 1)In preparation. EN 50416:2005 - 6-1ScopeThis clauseofEN 60335-1isreplaced by the following.This Eu
46、ropean Standard deals with thesafetyofelectrically operated conveyor dishwashingmachines forwashing plates,dishes, glassware, cutleryand similar articles(e.g. trays,food containers),withorwithout means forwater heatingorforcedhot air drying, not intended forhousehold use, their rated voltage being n
47、ot more than 250Vforsingle-phasemachines connectedbetween onephaseand neutral and 480V forother machines. Thesprayingpressure shall notexceed 1MPa.NOTE 101 Thesemachinesare used forexample in restaurants, canteens, hospitals,and commercialenterprisessuchasbakeries,butcheries,etc.NOTE 102 Examples of
48、 such machines are flight typedishwashers, rackconveyor dishwashers.Thesemachines aredesigned to be connected to hot and/or cold water supply.NOTE 103 Requirements to avoidbacksiphonage of non-potablewater into the public watersupplyare specifiedinAnnex CC.Machines making useofsteam or hot water forheating purposes arealsowithin thescope of thisstandard.This standarddoes not apply tomachines whichare moveable,gas heating appliances which arepart of conveyor dishwashing machines,machines intendedfor disinfection,machines intended to b