1、BRITISH STANDARDBS EN60404-4:1997Magnetic materials Part 4: Methods of measurement of d.c. magnetic properties of magnetically soft materialsICS 29.030 +A2:2008BS EN 60404-4:1997 +A2:2008Incorporating corrigendum October 2014BS EN 60404-4:1997+A2:2008ISBN 978 0 580 88185 5Amendments/corrigenda issue
2、d since publicationAmd. No. Date Comments13937 20 November 2002 Implementation of IEC amendment 1:2000 with CENELEC endorsement A1:200230 June 2009 Implementation of IEC amendment 2:2008 with CENELEC endorsement A2:200831 October 2014 Formula corrected in subclause 3.6.1This British Standard was pub
3、lished under the authority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 15 May 1997 The British Standards Institution 2014. Published by BSI Standards Limited 2014National forewordThis British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 60404-4:1997+A2:2008. It is identical with IEC 60404-4:1995, inc
4、orporating amendments 1:2000 and 2:2008. It supersedes BS EN 60404-4:1997 which is withdrawn.The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in the text by tags. Tags indicating changes to IEC text carry the number of the IEC amendment. For example, text altered by IEC a
5、mendment 1 is indicated by .The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee ISE/108, Magnetic Alloys and Steels.A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary.The publication does not purport to include all the necessary
6、 provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.EUROPEAN STANDARDNORME EUROPENNEEUROPISCHE NORMICS 29.030Descriptors: Magnetic materials, iron and steel, magneticproperties, methodsofmeasure
7、ment of d.c., ringmethod,permeameter method, calibrationEnglish versionMagnetic materials Part4: Methodsof measurement of d.c. magnetic propertiesof magnetically soft materialsMatriaux magntiques Partie 4: Mthodesdemesure en courant continu des proprits magntiques des matriaux magntiquement doux lac
8、ierMagnetische WerkstoffeTeil 4: Verfahren zurMessung dermagnetischen Eigenschaften von weichmagnetischen Werkstoffen im Gleichfeld This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 1996-12-09.national standard without any alteration.Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such na
9、tionalstandards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to anyCENELEC member.This European Standard exists inthree official versions (English, French,German). A version in any other language made by translation under theresponsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language an
10、d notified to theCentral Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.CENELEC members are the nationalelectrotechnical committees of Austria,Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland a
11、ndUnited Kingdom.CENELECEuropean Committee for Electrotechnical StandardizationComitEuropen de Normalisation ElectrotechniqueEuropisches Komitee fr Elektrotechnische NormungCentral Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B-1050 Brussels 1997 CENELEC Al l rights of exploitation in any form and by any means
12、reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.November 2008EN 60404-4:1997+A2RegulationsCENELECthe status of amembers are bound to comply withthe CEN/CENELECInternalwhich stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard Ref. No. EN 60404-4:1997 E(IEC60404-4:1995)(CEI60404-4:1995) (IEC60404-4:1995
13、)2ForewordThe textof the International Standard IEC404-4:1995,prepared by IEC TC68, Magnetic alloys and steels, was submitted to the formal voteand was approved by CENELEC as EN60404-4 on1996-12-09 without any modification.The followingdates werefixed:Annexesdesignated “normative” are part of the bo
14、dyof the standard.Annexes designated “informative” are given forinformation only.In this standard, Annex A and Annex ZA arenormative and AnnexB and AnnexC are informative.Annex ZA hasbeen added by CENELEC.Endorsement noticeThe textof the International Standard IEC404-4:1995 was approvedby CENELEC as
15、 a European Standardwithout any modification.Foreword to amendment A1The text of the amendment 1:2000 to the International Standard IEC60404-4:1995, prepared by IEC TC68, Magnetic alloys and steels, was submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure and was approvedby CENELEC as amendment A1 to EN6040
16、4-4:1997 on2001-12-01 without anymodification.The following dates were fixed:Endorsement noticeThe text of amendment 1:2000 to the InternationalStandard IEC60404-4:1995 was approved byCENELEC as an amendment to theEuropean Standard without any modification.latest date by which theEN has to beimpleme
17、ntedat national level bypublication of an identical national standardor byendorsement (dop) 1997-12-01latest date by which thenational standards conflicting with the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 1997-12-01latest date by which theamendment has to beimplemented atnationallevel by publication ofaniden
18、tical national standardor by endorsement (dop) 2002-12-01latest date by which thenational standards conflicting with the amendment have to bewithdrawn(dow) 2004-12-01The following dates were fixed:Endorsement noticeStandard IEC60404-4:1995 was approved byCENELEC as an amendment to theEuropean Standa
19、rd without any modification.amendment has to beimplemented atnationallevel by publication ofanidentical national standardor by endorsementlatest date by which thenational standards conflicting with the amendment have to bewithdrawnForeword to amendment A2The text of document 68/363/CDV, future amend
20、ment 2 to IEC 60404-4:1995, prepared by IEC TC68, Magnetic alloys and steels, was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote latest date by which theand was approvedby CENELEC as amendment A2to EN60404-4:1997 on2008-11-01. (dop) 2009-08-01(dow) 2011-11-01The text of amendment2:2008 to the Internatio
21、nalBS EN 60404-4:1997+A2:2008 BSI 20093ContentsPageForeword 21Scope and object 42Normative references43Determination of the magneticcharacteristics by the ring method43.1Object43.2General 43.3Effect oftemperature on the measurements43.4Test specimen 53.5Windings 53.6Methods of measurement by the rin
22、g method 63.6.1 Magnetic field strength3.6.2Magnetic flux density 63.6.3Connection of apparatus63.6.4Determination of normalmagnetization curve73.6.5Determination of a completehysteresis loop73.6.6Determination of remanentflux density 93.6.7Determination of coercive field strength93.7Uncertainty by
23、the ring method 94Determination of the magneticcharacteristics by the permeameter method94.1Object94.2Principle of the permeameter94.3Test specimen 104.4Methods of measurement by the permeameter method104.4.1 Measurement of magnetic field strength 104.4.2 Measurement of magnetic flux density 114.4.3
24、 Connection of apparatus124.4.4 Determination of the normalmagnetization curve124.4.5Determination of a completehysteresis loop134.4.6Determination of remanentflux density 134.4.7 Determination of coercivefield strength 13Page4.5Uncertaintyby the permeametermethod145Test report 14Annex A (normative)
25、 Calibration ofsearch coils 20Annex B (informative) Methods ofcalibrating the fluxintegrator21Annex C (informative) Requirementsfor the J-compensated coilsystem24Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publicationswiththeir corresponding European publications25BS EN 60404-4:1997+A
26、2:2008 BSI 200941 Scope and objectThis part of IEC60404specifies the methods of measuring the d.c.magnetic properties of magneticallysoft materials iron and steel in aclosedmagnetic circuit using either the ring or the permeameter methods. The ring method is suitable for usewith laminated or solid r
27、ing specimens as well as ringspecimensproduced by sintering.Two methods are used:a) theringmethod, particularlyfor magnetic field strengthsof up to10kA/m;b) thepermeameter methodfor magnetic field strengths in the range1kA/m to 200kA/m.NOTE The measurement of coercivity inanopen magnetic circuit is
28、specified inIEC60404-7.2 Normative referencesThe followingnormativedocumentscontain provisionswhich, through referencein this text, constituteprovisions of this part of IEC60404. At the time of publication,the editions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and partie
29、s toagreements based on this part ofIEC 60404 are encouraged to investigate the possibility ofapplyingthemost recent editions of the normativedocuments indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currentlyvalid International Standards.IEC 60404-7:1982, Magnetic materials Part 7: Me
30、thod of measurement of the coercivity ofmagnetic materials in an open magnetic circuit.IEC 60404-8-2:1985, Magnetic materials Part 8: Specifications for individual materials Section 2: Specification for cold-rolled magnetic alloyed steel strip delivered in the semi-processed state.IEC 60404-8-3:1985
31、, Magnetic materials Part 8: Specifications for individual materials Section3:Specification for cold-rolled magnetic non-alloyed steel strip delivered in the semi-processed state.IEC 60404-8-4:1986, Magnetic materials Part 8: Specifications for individual materials Section 4: Specification for cold-
32、rolled non-oriented magnetic steel sheet and strip.IEC 60404-8-6:1986, Magnetic materials Part 8: Specifications for individual materials Section6:Soft magnetic metallic materials Amendment 1 (1992).IEC 60404-8-7:1988, Magnetic materials Part 8: Specifications for individual materials Section 7: Spe
33、cification for grain-oriented magnetic steel sheet and strip Amendment 1 (1991).IEC 60404-8-8:1991, Magnetic materials Part 8: Specifications for individual materials Section8:Specification for thin magnetic steel strip for use at medium frequencies.3 Determination of the magnetic characteristics by
34、 the ring method3.1 ObjectThis clause describes the ring method used to obtain the normal magnetization curveand the hysteresisloop.3.2 GeneralThis method is used particularly for magnetic field strengths of up to10kA/m. However, if care is taken toavoid heating the test specimen,this method maybe u
35、sed athigher magneticfield strengths.3.3 Effect of temperature on the measurementsCare shall be takento avoidunduly heating the test specimen. The measurements shall be made at anambient temperature of (23 5) C.The temperature of the test specimen shall not exceed50 C which shall be monitored by mea
36、ns of a temperaturesensor.For materials which are particularly temperature sensitive, product standards may define lower or highertest specimen temperatures.BS EN 60404-4:1997+A2:2008 BSI 200953.4 Test specimenThe testspecimenisa homogeneous unwelded ring of rectangular or circular cross-section. Th
37、e cross-sectional area of the ring isdetermined by the product dimensions, uniformity of magnetic properties,instrumentation sensitivityand space required for the testwindings. Usually the cross-sectional area isintherange of 1022Care shall be taken in the preparation of the test specimen to avoid w
38、ork hardeningor heating of the material which might affect the magnetic characteristics. The testspecimencan be prepared by turning and finished by light grinding with sufficient coolant toprevent heating the material. The edges of the rings shall bedeburred.The dimensions of the test specimen shall
39、 be determined by measuring the outside and inside diameters ofthe ring together with the height or diameter using a suitable micrometer or vernier gauge. Themeancross-sectional area shallbecalculatedwith an uncertainty of 0,5% or better.The mean magnetic path lengthofthe test specimenshallalso be c
40、alculated with an uncertainty of0,5% or betterfrom the relationship:3.5 WindingsBefore winding, a connection shall bemade to the core inorder tocheck subsequentlythe insulation ofthe windings, a temperature sensor shall beattached tothe test specimen and then the ring shall be overlaidwith a thin la
41、yer of insulating material.Firstly, a secondary winding of insulated copper wire shallbe wound evenly round the core. The dimensions of the secondarywinding shall be determined and the mean cross-sectional area, Ac, of the secondarywinding shall be calculated.A magnetizing windingof wire capable of
42、carrying the maximum magnetizing current and of a sufficientnumber ofturnsto producethe maximum required magnetic field strength shall be evenly wound in one or more layers on the core. The magnetizing winding can consistof:a)a large number of turns of a single conductor applied closelyand uniformly
43、 round the whole ring; orb) a smaller number of turns of a multicore cable applied closely and uniformly round the whole ring;theendsof the conductor in the individualcores beinginterconnectedto give the effect of one multilayerwinding; orc)an arrangement of rigid, or part rigid and part flexible, c
44、onductors which can be opened to admit the ring (carrying the secondary winding and insulation) and then closed to form a uniformly wound toroidround the ring.(2)wherel is the mean magnetic path length oftest specimen, in metres.l Dd+2-=#$mm to200mm .To reduce the effect of radial variation of the m
45、agnetic field strength, the ring shall have dimensionssuch that the ratioof theouter to inner diameter shall be no greater than 1,4and preferably less than1,25. If the ratio approaches the value 1,4,there will be a greater radial variation in the magneticfield strength.For a stackof laminations or a
46、 toroidal wound core, the cross-sectional area of the testthe manufacturer. The cross-sectionalarea shall be calculated from the following equation:)(2dDmA+=(1) where A is the cross-sectionalarea of the test specimen, in square metres; D is the outer diameterof the test specimen, in metres; #specime
47、n shallbe calculated from the mass, densityand the value of the inner and outer diameter of the ring. Thedensity can be the conventional density for the material supplied byBS EN 60404-4:1997+A2:2008 BSI 2009d is the inner diameter of the test specimen, in metres; m is the mass of the test specimen,
48、 in kilograms; is the density of the material, in kilograms per cubic metre.$6If necessary, the wound ring is immersed in an oil bath or subjectedto an air blast in order to cool it.NOTE Ifthe above arrangements areused witha uniformly distributed secondary winding, anerror, whichmay be present in a
49、ny ring test, is liable to be magnified andto becomeofconsiderable importance. This errorarises because,in winding a ringspecimentoroidally,aneffective circularturn of diameter equal tothe mean diameter of thering isproduced.The flux between the effectivemutually inductive circular turns of themagnetizing winding and secondary winding, associated withflux parallel