EN 61248-4-1997 en Transformers and Inductors for Use in Electronic and Telecommunication Equipment Part 4 Sectional Specification for Power Transformers for Switched Mode Power Su.pdf

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1、BRITISH STANDARD Tkansformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment Part 4. Sectional specification for power transformers for switched mode power supplies (SMPS) on the basis of the capability approval procedure The European Stanard EN 612184 : 1997 has the status of a

2、 British Standard ICs 29.180 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW 7 m n BS EN 61248-4 : 1997 1906 IEC 61248-4 : BS EN 61248-4 : 1997 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Electrotechnical Sector Board, was published under the authori

3、ty of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 15 November 1997 O BSI 1997 National foreword This British Standard is the English language version of EN 612484 : 1997. It is identical with IEC 612484 : 1996. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Conunittee EPY51, ii-

4、ansfonners, inductors, magnetic components and ferrite materials, which has the responsibility to: - aid enquirers to understand the text; - present to the responsible intedonaUEuropean committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed - monit

5、or related intedonal and European developments and promulgate them in the UK, A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. From 1 January 1997, all IEC publications have the number 60000 added to the old number. For instance, IEC 27-1 has been re

6、numbered as IEC 60027-1. For a period of time during the change over from one numbering system to the other, publications may contain identifiers fi-om both systems. Cross-references Attention is drawn to the fact that CEN and CENELEC Standards normally include an annex which lists normative referen

7、ces to international publications with their corresponding European publications. The British Standards which implement these international or European publications may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled International Standasds Correspondence Index, or by using the Fi

8、nd faciiity of the BSI standards Electronic Catalogue. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside b) a capability approved manufacturer of SMPS power transformers wishing to prepare s

9、pecifications for his own products which are within the scope of his capability approval. NOTES 1 The detail specification should take the form of the BOS shown in clause 5, particularly in respect of the front page format and, in principle. in respect of the presentation of the inspection requireme

10、nts. 2 Unless otherwise specified, all the tests shown in the BOS. with the exception of the no-load loss test giyen in annex A. are taken from IEC 1007. Those shown ynderlined concern operating characteristics of fundamental importance, and it is strongly recommended that these are selected by the

11、specification writer. STD.BSI BS EN bL2Li8-4-ENGL 1777 Lb24bb7 b58784 527 E Page 6 EN 61248-4 : 1997 for inclusion in the detail specification. The tests shown in plain type are listed for the convenience of the specification writer, and tests should be selected from them according to the particular

12、 application of the component. 3 The specification writer may specify tests and sampling levels different from, less than, or additional to those given in the BOS. 3.1 General 3.1.1 IEC 1007 are required, these shall be fully specified in the detail specification. Where additional tests of a type no

13、t defined or invoked in this specification or 3.1.2 by the addition of the notation “(D)“. Any tests considered as being destructive shall be so denoted in the test schedule NOTE - The use of this notation is not illustrated in the BOS. 3.1.3 Tests shall be grouped in the schedule according to the l

14、evel of sampling required and, unless otherwise indicated (see 4.1 b), in the order of testing required. Where 1 O0 % testing is not required, inspection levels and acceptable quality levels shall be selected from IEC 410. 3.1.4 The completed detail specification shall be allocated a component ident

15、ity number and issue status by the originator. NOTES 1 This number is chosen by the originator (manufacturer or customer) within his own system. It is thus not rubject to any external rules or codification. 2 In the special case of a manufacturers detail specification for a standard catalogue item w

16、hich the manufacturer wishes to be listed in IEC QC 001004, the national committee will allocate an appropriate number from its register. 3.1.5 A number allocated by the component manufacturer shall be additionally included in the detail specification comprising this specification number, his factor

17、y identification code letters, and a unique number within his registration system, for example QC 260300/PQR/1 234. NOTE - After a detail specification has been allocated the manufacurers reference number in accordance with 3.1.5, it is to be considered a contractual part of the order. Copies of all

18、 such detail specifi- cations are to be. retained by the manufacturers chief inspector. 3.2 Ratings and characteristics 3.2.1 Ratings In the case of customer-originated detail specifications, customer and manufacturer agreement shall be obtained on the ratings to be ascribed to the component in the

19、detail specification. These ratings shall not exceed the scope of the manufacturers capability approval (see also 1.12 of IEC 1248-1). STD-BSI BS EN b1248-LI-ENGL 1777 m Lb24bb9 b58785 4b5 H Page 7 EN 61248-4 : 1997 3.2.2 Characteristics A customer shall prescribe in the detail specification any cha

20、racteristic required for a compo ne nt . 3.3 Outline drawings and winding schematic diagram 3.3.1 The detail specification shall incorporate a drawing of the transformer showing important features, such as those dimensions affecting interchangeability, restrictions on mounting, and marking requireme

21、nts. , 3.3.2 The detail specification shall incorporate a schematic diagram showing all windings, screens, taps and phasings, and giving termination identification. 3.4 3.4.1 Information essential for correct system operation Tolerances shall be given where applicable. 3.4.2 istics, shall be specifi

22、ed in an annex attached to the detail specification. The type of drive and output, together with the required output and load character- NOTE - This information is essential since the design of this component is intimately bound up with the configuration and characteristics of the circuit in which i

23、t is incorporated. 4 inspection requirements to be listed fn the detail specification 4.1 Conformance inspection The detail specification shall incorporate the following notes: a) sampling inspections shall be carried out in accordance with IEC 410, normal inspection ; b) tests in a group may be car

24、ried out in any order, except where otherwise indicated (see 3.1.3); c) components submitted to any tests marked (O) may not be released under IEC 1248-1 capability approval (D = destructive); d) the values given for measurement limits are absolute values: measurement un- certainty is to be taken in

25、to account. 4.2 Design verification The tests to be detailed under this heading are those which the specification writer con- siders to be inappropriate to lot-by-lot release, but appropriate to the verification of new and original designs. Accordingly, they are to be performed only when specificall

26、y so stated in the order, and the detail specification shall carry a statement to this effect. STD-BSI BS EN bL248-4-ENGL LI97 m Zb24bb9 Ob5878b 3TL m Page 8 EN 61248-4 : 1997 . If design verification is required, the number of specimens and the requirement that there shall be no failures shall be s

27、tated in the detail specification. NOTE - Two specimens should normally be provided, unless otherwise stated. 5 Detail specification The BDS which follows, when completed in accordance with clause 3, shall form the rele,- vant detail specification. NOTE - The front page of the BOS has been based upo

28、n the need for a customers detail specification. Where a manufacturers detail specification is required, some changes will be necessary, but the basic for- mat should be retained. STD-BSI BS EN b124B-q-ENGL 1997 W Lb24bb9 b58787 238 D Specification available from: I Page 9 EN 61248-4 : 1997 ISSUE ST

29、ATUS DATE SMPS POWER TRANSFORMER BRIEF TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1) Core type and type of construction 2) Range of core sire, maximum voltage, frequency range For detail dimbnsions and schematic diagram, see sheets 5 and 6. IECQ Register of approvals (QC 001005. Part 2, Section 1) Rules for variants % A

30、dditional capability Manufacturer Address Capability approval No. Oc 260300lPQW1234 Manufacturers reference number (Continued on page 19) STD-BSI BS EN bL2YB-LI-ENGL 1777 E 1b24bbS Ob58788 174 D SMPS power transformer according to IEC 1248-4 (QC 260300) RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS (see 3.2 of IEC 12

31、48-4) Page 10 EN 61248-4 : 1997 ISSUE STATUS DATE I - Vibration (sinusoidal) (see IEC 68-2-6) Bump (see IEC 68-2-29) Winding function I-Shock (see IEC 68-2-27) Winding 1 2 3 4 I 1 Solderability (see IEC 68-2-20) I Robustness of termination (see IEC 68-2-21) Type of converter Operating frequency - Ou

32、tput power Peak working voltage (Continued on page 21) STD-BSI BS EN bL248-4-ENGL 1997 = Lb2qbbS b58787 O00 W Voltage regulation Temperature rise Surface temperature Magnetic influence (compass safe distance) Fire hazard Page 11 EN 61248-4 : 1997 As required 4.4.14 As required 4.4.15 As required 4.4

33、.16 As required As reauired 4.5.16 Blank detail specification (continued) Sheet 3 (of 6) 1 Originators component identity number Short-term endurance (load run) As required 4.6.1 SMPS power transformer according to IEC 1248-4 (QC 260300) ISSUE STATUS INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS (see notes) DATE

34、 Performance requirements and conditions of test TEST . IEC 1007 reference I IL I AQL I SAQL I I I See 4.2.2 of IEC 1007 1 I I f TESTS ON COMPLETED COMPONENTS I 100 % 100 % bulation resistance standard atmomherel afauamn (if a screen is specified) 100 % A test is made to confirm the

35、presence of safety screens using the capacitance test for screens (see of IEC 1007) II I 0,25 4.2 Visual insoect io II I 0.25 4.3 Procedure 1 or3 Test voltage and frequency, including tolerances, to be specified Effective inductance and Voltaae transformation miQ pha

36、se te St mlaritvl DC windino res stance 4.4.17 (Continued on page 23) - - STD-BSI BS EN bL248-4-ENGL 2997 E Lb24bb9 b58770 822 SMPS power transformer according to IEC 1248-4 (QC 260300) INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS (see notes) ISSUE STATUS DATE IL TEST IEC 1007 Performance requirements reference

37、and conditions of test Leakage inductance L, Voltage unbalance No-load loss Continuity Insulation resistance s4 1 % s4 1 % s1 1 % si 1 % s1 1 % No-load current Resistance unbalance I s1 1 % s1 1 % Seif-capacitance Interwinding capacitance Inherent self-resonance Voltage-time product rating (distribu

38、ted capacitance) s1 s1 Sl s1 Magnetic radiation (if specified) s1 1 % Page 12 EN 61248-4 : 1997 Blank detail specification (continued) Sheet 4 (a. Originators component identity number I I TESTS ON COMPLETED COMPONENTS (continued) As in annex A of IEC 1248-4 The insulation resistance

39、 shall be measured immediately after conditioning: that is, after the maximum winding temperature has been maintained for 6 h or more, or after two measurements of winding resistance at interval of 30 min give the same result, whichever is the lesser period 1%

40、 1% 1% 1% 4.4.12 1 Capacitance test for screens 1 1 x Magnetic shielding 1% Acoustic noise NOTES 1 Sampling inspection is to be carried out in accordance with IEC 410, normal inspection. 2 Tests in a group may be carried out in any order, except wh

41、ere otherwise indicated (see 3.1.3 of IEC 1248-4). 3 Components submitted to any tests marked (D) may not be released under IEC 1248-1 (QC 260000) capability approval. 4 The values given for measurement limits are absolute values: measurement uncertainty is to be taken into account. (Continued on pa

42、ge 251 -_ STD-BSI BS EN bL2q8-4-ENGL 1797 Lb2qbbS Ob58771 7b7 Page 13 EN 61248-4 : 1997 Blank detail specification (continued) Sheet 5 (of 6) Originators component identity number Signal transformer according to IEC 1248-4 (QC 260300) ISSUE STATUS OUTLINE DRAWING SCHEMATIC I DATE Drawing in accordan

43、ce with IS0 128 and IS0 129 Dimensions in mm Third angle projection Drawing (see 3.3.1 of IEC 1248-4): as a minimum position to be indicated Marking: Type designation Manufacturers name or trade mark Production lot number or date code Schematic diagram (see 3.3.2 of IEC 1248-4): (Continued on page 2

44、7) STD-BSI BS EN bL248-4-ENGL 1997 m Lb24bb9 Ob58772 bT5 = Page 14 EN 61248-4 : 1997 Blank detail specification (concluded) Sheet 6 (of “, Originators component identity number SMPS power transformer according to 1248-4 (QC 260300) I ISSUE STATUS OUTLINE DRA WING SCHEMATIC (continusd) DATE Informati

45、on relevant io operation Give here the type of drive and output, together with the required output and load characteristics, plus all other available information affecting the operation of the transformer, for example the circuit, including types of semiconduc- tor and lirnitinri device parameters.

46、STD-BSI BS EN bL248-LI-ENGL I777 111 Lb24bbS Ob58773 531 111 Page 15 EN 61248-4 : 1997 Annex A (normative) Measurement of no-load loss A.1 Purpose To verify that the core materials are of the required quality and correctly assembled, and that there are no. short-circuited winding and/or screen paths

47、. The following procedures are designed to measure the no-load loss of components energized from a variety of sources having periodic waveforms. NOTES 1 2 particularly where pulse waveforms are used for energization. These procedures supplement of IEC 1007 and are based upon the principles o

48、f 11.2 of Modem equipment may allow higher accuracy than can be achieved with the methods given below. IEC 367-1. A.2 Bridge method A.2.1 Procedure This method is only suitable for components operating from sinusoidal voltage or current sources. A.2.1.1 Preliminary balance of bridge Using the bridge

49、 circuit shown in figure A.l, set the generator to the prescribed voltage and frequency (see A.2.3). Tune the band-pass filter together with the null detector for maximum sensitivity. With the switch S open and C, set to a minimum, initially balance the bridge circuit by adjustment of the bridge elements C2 and 3 to obtain a null reading on the detector. STD-BSI BS EN bL248-4-ENGL 1797 = Lb24bb7 Ob5877Li q78 W Page 16 EN 61248-4 : 1997 LP RP Figure A.l - Brldge clrcuit for no-load loss measurement Final balance of bridge Connect t


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