EN ISO 4536-1995 en Metallic and Non-Organic Coatings on Metallic Substrates - Saline Droplets Corrosion Test (SD Test)《金属基质上的金属和无机物涂层 盐液滴腐蚀试验(SD试验)(ISO 4536-1985)》.pdf

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EN ISO 4536-1995 en Metallic and Non-Organic Coatings on Metallic Substrates - Saline Droplets Corrosion Test (SD Test)《金属基质上的金属和无机物涂层 盐液滴腐蚀试验(SD试验)(ISO 4536-1985)》.pdf_第1页
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EN ISO 4536-1995 en Metallic and Non-Organic Coatings on Metallic Substrates - Saline Droplets Corrosion Test (SD Test)《金属基质上的金属和无机物涂层 盐液滴腐蚀试验(SD试验)(ISO 4536-1985)》.pdf_第2页
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EN ISO 4536-1995 en Metallic and Non-Organic Coatings on Metallic Substrates - Saline Droplets Corrosion Test (SD Test)《金属基质上的金属和无机物涂层 盐液滴腐蚀试验(SD试验)(ISO 4536-1985)》.pdf_第3页
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EN ISO 4536-1995 en Metallic and Non-Organic Coatings on Metallic Substrates - Saline Droplets Corrosion Test (SD Test)《金属基质上的金属和无机物涂层 盐液滴腐蚀试验(SD试验)(ISO 4536-1985)》.pdf_第4页
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EN ISO 4536-1995 en Metallic and Non-Organic Coatings on Metallic Substrates - Saline Droplets Corrosion Test (SD Test)《金属基质上的金属和无机物涂层 盐液滴腐蚀试验(SD试验)(ISO 4536-1985)》.pdf_第5页
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1、CEN EN*IS0*453b 95 3404587 0104308 620 BRITISH STANDARD Metallic and non-organic coatings on metallic substrates - Saline droplets corrosion test (SD test) The European Standard EN IS0 4536 : 1994 has the status of a British Standard BS EN IS0 E36 : 1995 _ . - “ CEN EN*IS0*453b 95 3q04589 Ol04310 28

2、9 = BS 5466 : Part 9 : 1986 Contents National foreword Committees responsible Page Inside front cover Back cover Method O. Introduction 1 1. Scope and field of application 1 2. References 1 3. Principle 1 4. Test solution 2 5. Apparatus 2 6. Test specimens 2 7. Method of exposure of test specimens 2

3、 8. Procedure 2 National foreword This Part of BS 5466 has been prepared under the direction of the Surface Coatings (other than Paints) Standards Committee. It is identical with IS0 4536-1985 Metallic and non-organic coatings on metallic substrates - Saline droplets corrosion test (SD test), which

4、has been prepared, with the active participation of the United Kingdom, by Subcommittee 107, Metallic and other non-organic coatings, of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It is intended to publish further Parts as the international work progresses. In 1994 the European Commit

5、tee for Standardization 4 CEN) accepted IS0 4536 : 1985 as European Standard EN Is0 4536 : 1994. As a consequence of implementing the European Standard this British Standard is renum bered as BS EN Is0 4536 : 1995 and any reference to 5466 : Part 9 should read as a reference to BS EN IS0 4536: 1995.

6、 Terminology and conventions. The text of the international standard has been approved as suitable for publication as a British Standard without deviation. Some terminology and certain conventions are not identical with those used in British Standards; attention is drawn especially to the following.

7、 Wherever the words International Standard appear. referring to this standard, they should be read as Part of BS 5466. The comma has been used as a decimal marker. In British Standards it is current practice to use a full point on the baseline as the decimal marker. In British Standards it is curren

8、t practice to use the symbol L for litre rather than I, and to use the spelling sulphur etc., instead of sulfur, etc. Page 9. Duration of tests 3 10. Treatment of test specimens after test 3 11. Evaluation of results 3 12. Test report 3 Table Composition of test solution 2 Figures 2. Photographs ill

9、ustrating the intensity of spraying 1. Hand-operated atomizer 4 required (actual size) 4 Cross-references International standard Corresponding British Standard IS0 4540-1980 BS 5466 Methods for corrosion testing of metallic coatings Part 6 : 1982 Rating of results of corrosion testing on electroplat

10、ed coatings cathodic to the substrate (Identical) The Technical Committee has reviewed the provisions of IS0 483-1966, to which reference is made in 5.1, and has decided that it is acceptable for use in conjunction with this standard. The British Standard related to IS0 483 is BS 3718 : 1964 Laborat

11、ory humidity ovens (non-injection type). When used as described in 5.1, BS 3718 will give the same results as IS0 483 and is therefore suitable for use in this connection. The Technical Committee has also reviewed the provisions of IS0 1462-1973, to which reference is made in clause 11, and ha5 deci

12、ded that it is acceptable for use in conjunction with this standard. The British Standard related to IS0 1462 is BS 3745 : 1970 The evaluation of results of accelerated corrosion tests on metallic coatings. When used as described in clause 9, BS 3745 will give the same results as IS0 1462 and is the

13、refore suitable for use in this connection. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations, CEN EN*ISO*453b 75 3404589 OL043LL LL5 A EUROPEAN STANDARJD NORME EUROPENNE EuROP suitable spray-heads of this type are available commercially. 2 The compressed a

14、ir used for spraying shall be thoroughly filtered and free from traces of oil. 6 Test specimens 6.1 Select the number and type of test specimens, their shape and their dimensions according to the specification for the product or coating being tested. NOTE - The simultaneous exposure of control speci

15、mens for which the correlation between the test and service life has been established is often useful. 6.2 Unless otherwise specified, clean the test specimens before testing. Choose the method of cleaning appropriate to the nature of the surface and of the contaminants. Do not use abrasives on conv

16、ersion coatings; for metallic coatings, the only permitted abrasive is a paste of pure magnesium oxide. Do not use solvents that are corrosive or which may deposit either corrosion-promoting or protective films. Take care to ensure that the test specimens are not recontaminated after cleaning by car

17、eless handling or in any other way. 6.3 If the test specimens are cut from a larger coated article, carry out the cutting in such a way that the coating is not damaged, especially in the area adjacent to the cut. Unless otherwise specified, protect the cut edges adequately by coating them with a sui

18、table medium that is stable under the conditions of the test, such as paint, wax or tape. Take care to avoid contamination by swarf during cutting. 7 Method of exposure of test specimens 7.1 Place the test specimens on the standsi or supportis) (5.2) so that contact does not occur between individual

19、 specimens and so that test solution (clause 4) cannot run off from one test specimen on to another. 7.2 The surfaces to be tested may be inclined at any angle to the horizontal, provided that a pattern of discrete droplets of solution, as described in 8.1, can be produced on them by spraying and re

20、tained on them for the necessary period. The limitation on the angle of inclination imposed by this require- ment depends to some extent on the nature of the surface being tested but is often negligible. 7.3 When the standis) or supports) are placed in the cabinet, the test specimens shall not come

21、into contact with the walls of the cabinet or with any vessels placed therein to maintain the desired relative humidity. 8 Procedure 8.1 Lightly spray the test specimens with the test solution from the atomizer nozzle see 5.3) so as to cover the entire surface to be tested with discrete droplets of

22、solution. The spraying shall not be so heavy that the droplets coalesce to form a continuous film of solution on the surface. The size and distribution of droplets required are illustrated in figure 2. If the droplets coalesce at the first spraying, wash off and dry the test specimen before re-spray

23、ing. t 2 CEN EN*ISO*453b 95 = 3404589 0104315 860 BS 5466 : Part 9 : 1986 When articles of complex shape are tested, it will usually be necessary to arrange for them to be supported in more than one position so that spray can be directed conveniently at all surfaces to be tested and so that the drop

24、let pattern can be seen. It may be difficult (see top row of figure 2) to see the droplet pattern on some surfaces because of their roughness or colour. In such instances, it is advantageous to make a trial spraying on a surface such as that of clean, smooth metal, glass or plastics material on whic

25、h the droplets are easily seen and then to repeat with the surface to be tested the action seen to produce the required pattern. 8.2 Immediately after spraying, place the test specimens on the stands) (5.2) in the test cabinet (5.1) maintained at the specified relative humidity and temperature, taki

26、ng precautions against sudden changes or local differences of temperature. 8.3 At least once during each working day, remove the test specimens from the cabinet and record the progress of any corrosion that has occurred. Minimize the time occupied by the inspection and do not allow the droplets to d

27、ry out. Do not disturb accumulations of salts and corrosion products. If at any inspection the droplets are seen to be diminishing in size or number, respray the test specimens to restore the droplet pattern specified in 8.1 9 Duration of tests The period of test shall be as designated by the specif

28、ication for the coating or product being tested. Recommended periods of exposure are 2; 6; 24; 48; 96; 240; 480 and 720 h. 10 Treatment of test specimens after test At the end of the test period, remove the test Specimens from the cabinet and clean and examine them in the manner specified for the co

29、ating or product tested. Usually, before the test specimens are examined, it will be necessary to remove residues of spray solution from their surfaces, taking care to avoid disturbance of corrosion products. A suitable method is to rinse or dip the test specimens gently in clean running water at a

30、temperature not exceeding 40 OC and then to dry them im- mediately in a stream of compressed air at a pressure of 170 to 200 kPa.“ It is advantageous to allow ferrous test specimens to dry for 0.5 to 1 h before rinsing, in order to reduce the risk of removing corrosion products. If the method to be

31、used for evaluation of the results of the test depends on the number, size or distribution of individual cor- roded areas, then corrosion products may be removed to the extent necessary to make possible the observations required. 11 Evaluation of results Criteria for evaluation of the results of the

32、 test will usually be given in the specification for the coating or product tested. For most applications of the test, only the following need to be considered : a) the appearance after test; b) products; the appearance after removal of superficial corrosion c) the number and distribution of corrosi

33、on defects, i.e. pits, cracks, blisters, etc. These may conveniently be ash by methods such as that specified in IS0 1462 or in IS0 4540: d) the time elapsing before the first signs of corrosion were observed. 12 Test report 12.1 The test report shall indicate the outcome of the test ac- cording to

34、the criteria for evaluation of the results prescribed for the test. Report the result obtained for each test specimen and, when appropriate, the average result for a group of replicate test specimens. The test report may, if required, be accompanied by photographic records of the tested specimens. 1

35、2.2 The test report shall contain information about the con- duct of the test. This information may vary according to the purposes of the test and to the directions prescribed for it, but a general list of the details likely to be required is as follows: a) the specification of the basis material te

36、sted; b) the type(s) of coating(s), with (an) indications) of its (their) surface finishes); c) the number of test specimens of each coating or pro- duct subjected to the test; d) the dimensions and shape of the test specimens, and the nature and area of the surface tested; e) the preparation of the

37、 test specimens, including any cleaning treatment applied and any protection given to edges or other special areas; f) the method used to clean the test specimens after the test with, when appropriate, an indication of the loss of mass resulting from the cleaning operation; g) the composition of the

38、 test solution and the frequency of spraying during the test: h) the relative humidity in the test cabinet; i) the test temperature; j) the duration of the test: k) the character of any test panels placed in the cabinet expressly to check the correctness of the operating con- ditions and the results

39、 obtained with them. * 1 kPa = 103NIrn2 3 i CEN EN*IS0*453b 95 3404589 OL043Lb 7T7 BS 5466 : Part 9 : 1986 .-e. Figure 1 - Hand-operated atomizer Top row: Badly defined droplet pattern, Bottom row: Clearly defined droplet pattern al Light spray b) Medium spray c) Heavy spray (too linle) (correct) (t

40、oo much) Figure 2 - Photographs illustrating the intensity of spraying required (actual size) 4 A- CEN EN*ISO*453b 95 3404589 0104317 b33 = EN IS0 4536 : 1995 Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their relevant European publications This European Standard inco

41、rporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These nonnative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this Eur

42、opean Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments). Publication Year Title EN/HD Year EO 483 Plastics - Small enclosures for conditioning and testing at relative humidities main

43、ktined by aqeuous solutions IS0 1462 1973 Metallic coatings - Coatings other than those anodic to the EN IS0 1462 1995 basis metal - Method for the evaluation of the results IS0 4540 Meac coatings - Coatings cathodic to the substrate - Rating of electroplated test specimens subjected to corrosion te

44、sts 1988 1980 CEN EN*IS0*453b 75 3404587 01043L8 57T O Publications referred to See national foreword. CEN EN*ISO*Y53b 95 3404589 OL043L9 406 Arnd. No. This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Surface Coatings (other than Paints) Standards Committee, was published under

45、 the authority of the Board of BSI and comes into effect on 31 December 1986. O British Standards Institution, 1986 ISBN O 580 15579 X British Standards Institution Incorporated by Royal Charter, BSI is the independent national body for the preparation of British Standards. It is the UK member of th

46、e International Organization for Standardization and UK sponsor of the British National Committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission. Beyond the production of standards, BSI offers specialist services including the provision of information through the BSI Library and Standardline Datab

47、ase, Technical Help to Exporters, and other services. Advice can be obtained from the Enquiry Section. BSI, Milton Keynes MK14 6LE. Telephone 0908 320066. Copyright Users of British Standards are reminded that copyright subsists in all BSI publications. No part of this publication may be reproduced

48、in any form without the prior permission in writing of BSI. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the Date of issue r BS 5466 : Part 9 : 1986 IS0 4536- 1985 standard, of necessary details such as symbols and size, type or grade designations. Enquiries should be addressed

49、 to the Publications Manager, British Standards Institiition, Linford Woocl. Milton Keynes MK14 6LE. The number for telephone enquiries is 0908 320033 and for telex 825777. Contract requirements A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their corrxt application. Revision of British Standards British Standards are revised, when necessary. by the issue either of amendments or of revised editions. It is important that users of British Standards should ascertain that the


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