EN ISO 8780-5-1995 en Pigments and Extenders - Methods of Dispersion for Assessment of Dispersion Characteristics - Part 5 Dispersion Using an Automatic Muller《颜料和稀释剂 色散特性评定用色散方法 第.pdf

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EN ISO 8780-5-1995 en Pigments and Extenders - Methods of Dispersion for Assessment of Dispersion Characteristics - Part 5 Dispersion Using an Automatic Muller《颜料和稀释剂 色散特性评定用色散方法 第.pdf_第1页
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EN ISO 8780-5-1995 en Pigments and Extenders - Methods of Dispersion for Assessment of Dispersion Characteristics - Part 5 Dispersion Using an Automatic Muller《颜料和稀释剂 色散特性评定用色散方法 第.pdf_第2页
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EN ISO 8780-5-1995 en Pigments and Extenders - Methods of Dispersion for Assessment of Dispersion Characteristics - Part 5 Dispersion Using an Automatic Muller《颜料和稀释剂 色散特性评定用色散方法 第.pdf_第3页
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EN ISO 8780-5-1995 en Pigments and Extenders - Methods of Dispersion for Assessment of Dispersion Characteristics - Part 5 Dispersion Using an Automatic Muller《颜料和稀释剂 色散特性评定用色散方法 第.pdf_第4页
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EN ISO 8780-5-1995 en Pigments and Extenders - Methods of Dispersion for Assessment of Dispersion Characteristics - Part 5 Dispersion Using an Automatic Muller《颜料和稀释剂 色散特性评定用色散方法 第.pdf_第5页
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1、CEN EN*ISO*B780- 5 95 3404589 OLLLLL3 352 Pigments and extenders - Methods of dispersion for assessment dispersion characteristics of Part 5. Dispersion using an automatic muller The European Standard EN Is0 87805 : 1995 has the status of a Britishstandard 35 EN Is0 3780-5 : 1995 CEN EN*ISO*8780- 5

2、95 3404589 OLLL114 299 BS3483:PartD5: 1991 *. National foreword This Part of BS 3483 has been prepared under the direction of the Pigments, Paints and Varnishes Standards Policy Committee. It is identical with IS0 8780-5 : 1990 Pigments and extenders - Methods of dispersion for assessment of dispers

3、ion characteristics - Part 5 : Dispersion using an automatic muller, published by the International Organization for Standardization (IN). in 1994 the European committee for Stanmon (o accepted Iso87-5: 1990 as European fhndard ENIso87S-6: 1995. As a consequence of implementing the European Standard

4、 this Bnsh Standad is renumbered as BsENISO8“4 and any reference to i3S3483: PartD5 should be read as a refe- to BEN Iso 878-6. 4 Cross-references international standard IS0 842 : 1984 IS0 8780-1 : 1990 -1SO8781-1 : 1990 IS0 8781-2 : 1990 IS0 8781-3 : 1990 pigments of medium binder demand - pigment

5、concentration 40 Oh (m/m); pigments of high binder demand - pigment con- centration 25 Oh (m/m). Procedure If there are no water-cooled plates. take care that the temperature during the dispersion operation does not rise by more than 10C. Pre-condition new muller plates by milling a pigment in a sui

6、table binder (system) for 1 O00 revolutions with a load applied to the plates. Remove and dis- card the paste. Before use, check that the surfaces of each plate have an even, opaque appearance and are free from score marks and polished areas. 8.1 Dispersion Weigh out agreed amounts of the binder sys

7、tem (clause 5) and pigment. The amounts weighed depend on the size of the muller plates. If the paste exudes from the edges of the plates during dispersion, the amount of the mill base shall be reduced appropriately. If the criterion for assessing the dispersion charac- teristics is to be the evalua

8、tion of the development of tinting strength (see IS0 8781-l), the masses of the pigment and of the binder system shall be de- termined to within 0.5%. For other methods of as- sessment (for example fineness of grind, see IS0 8781-2, and change of gloss, see IS0 8781-3), wider tolerance ranges may be

9、 agreed on. Place the binder system in the centre of the lower plate of the automatic muller (4.1). Sprinkle the pigment into the binder and mix together, using the minimum effort, with the aid of the spatula (4.2). Distribute the paste at several points at a distance of about 35 mm from the centre

10、of the lower plate or spread it in the form of a ring with an internal di- ameter of 40 mm and an external diameter of 100 mm. NOTE 2 site shape as a pattern beneath the lower plate. It is advisable to lay a paper ring of the requi- Clean the spatula as much as possible by wiping it on the face of t

11、he upper plate of the muller. Close the plates of the muller and grind the mixtiire under an agreed load at an agreed rotational fre- quency and for an agreed number of revolutions in several successive stages (for example 50, 100, 200 and 400 revolutions, as shown in figure 1). Mid-way through each

12、 stage (for example afler 25, 75. 150 or 300 revolutions), and at the end of each stage, homogenize the mill base by scraping together with the spatula. mixing (using minimum effort) and re- distributing it as described above. Take a test por- tion at the end of each stage as agreed. 2 CEN ENX(ISO*8

13、78O- 5 95 3404589 OLLLLLS 870 IS0 8780-51 990(E) 1; 1st stage 2nd stope 3rd stage 4th stage A A A A r I Y Y Y Y I;iil O O O I I I I O 25 50 75 fQQ 150 200 300 400 Numher of revulutions Key : o homogenize x homogenize and take a test portion as agreed. Figure 1 - Example of grinding schedule When mor

14、e than two test porlions, or a test portion amounting to 15% of the paste, have been taken, repeat the procedure on fresh mill base mixtures for each grinding stage. information: g Test report The test repod shall contain at least the following 8.2 Stabilization a) all details necessary to identify

15、the product If necessary, for example if the mill base is not sta- ble enough, stabilize each test portion afer its re- moval from the mill base by adding, for example, more binder and/or special additives. The procedure shall be agreed on between the interested parties. tested; b) a reference to th

16、is part of IS0 8780; c) the items of supplementary information referred to in annex A; d) any deviation from the procedure specified: e) the date(s) of the test 3 CEN EN*ISO*8780- 5 75 3404589 OLLLL20 592 IS0 8780-51 990(E) f Annex A (normative) R eq u red supplement a ry information The items of su

17、pplementary information listed in this annex shall be supplied as appropriate to enable the method to be carried out. The information required should preferably be agreed between the parties and may be derived, in pari or totally, from an international or national standard or other document related

18、to the product under test. a) Type and complete details of the automatic b) Binder system (see clause 5) c) Composition of the mill base (see clause 7) and its temperature (see clause 8). d) Dispersion conditions (load on the muller plates, and rotational frequency and number of revol- utionc of the

19、 plates) (see 8.1). e) Stabilization procedure (see 8.2). muller (see 4.1). 4 CEN EN*IS0*8780- 5 95 3404587 OLLLL2L 429 Page 3 EN Is0 8780.5 : 1995 Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their relevant European publications This European Standard incorporates by

20、 dated or undateci reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate piaces in the text and the pubiicaons are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publicatons apply to this European Standar

21、d oniy when incorporated in it by amenment or Mon. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments). hblicrtion Year Is0 8781-1 1990 Is0 8781-2 1990 Is0 87813 1990 Is0 8780.1 1990 ltie EN Year pigmatsanda?endem-Methodsofassessmatof EN IS0 8781-1

22、 1995 dispersion chamteristics Part I: Assessment fmm .!he change in tinting stwngth of cdou.riadpigments pigments and a?endem- Methals of assessment of EN IS0 8781-2 1995 dispersion chamteristics Part2:Assessmatfmmthechangeinfiofgrind pigments and a?endem-Methods of assessment of EN Is087813 1995 d

23、.ispersion chamteristics Part 3: Assessment fmm the change in gbss pigmats and extmm - Methods of dispersion for ENIS8780-1 1995 c1ssess1)2ent of d.ispersion chamteristics Part I: Intrauctm Publication(s) referred to See national foreword. BS 3483 : Part D5 : 1991 IS0 8780-5 : 1990 This British Stan

24、dard, having been prepared under the direction of the Pigments, Paints and Varnishes Standards Policy Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Board and comes into effect on 30 April 1991 o SI 1991 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee refer

25、ence PVCI I Draft for comment 86152357 DC ISBN O 580 19538 4 9104 - 3- 0.7k- B CEN EN*ISO*87O- 5 95 3404589 OlllL23 2TL 88 *. Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Pigments, Paints and varnishes Standards Policy Committee (PVC-

26、) to Technical Committee PVCI1, upon which the following bodies were represented: Aluminium Powder and Paste Association British Cement Association British Railways Board Chemical Industries Association Oil and Colour Chemists Association Paintmakers Association of Great Britain -td. Titanium Pigmen

27、t Manufacturers Technical Committee Zinc Development Association c ! Amendments issued since publication I Amd. No. 1 Date BSI, 2 Park Street, London WlA 2BS BSI, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MK14 6LE PVCI 1 CEN EN*IS0*8780- 5 95 3404589 0111124 138 I AMD 8526 P Amendment No. 1 published and effectiv

28、e from 16 August 1995 to BS 3483 : Part D5 : 1991 Methods for testhg pigments for paints Part D6. Methods of dispersion for assessment of dispersion characteristics using an automatic muller NOTE. The European Committee for Standardhon (0 has accepted Iso87806: 1990 as a European Standard desae as E

29、N IS0 878-6 : 1995. This amendment implements EN IS0 8-5 : 1995 as a British standard in the Bs ENseries. Implementation of European Standard Front page Delete the outside front page and subsiiute the attached. AMD 862WAngaet 1!%5 _- National foreword At the end of paragraph 1 insert the following p

30、aragraph In 1994 the European commiaee for standardization (CEN) accepted Is0 87806: 1990 as European standard EN Iso78-5: 1996. As a consequence of implementing the bpean standanl this British Standmi is renumbend as ESENISO87805 and any reference to BS 3483: Fart D5 tic muller (Is0 878-!j : 1990)

31、pigments et matires de charge - Mhodes de pigmente und Fullstoffe - Dispeemerfahren ispersion pour valuer ia djspemibilit - zur Beurteilung des Dispergierverhaltens - Partie 5 Dispersion laide dune broyeuse Teil 5 Dispergieren mit einer aumaque plateaux Teller-Farbenausreibmaschine (Is0 87803 : 1990

32、) (JSO 87803 : 1990) This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1994-10-17. CEN members are bound to compiy with the CENKENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard Upto-date lists and bibliographical references co

33、ncerning such national standads may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. This European Standard erssts in three official versions (English, bnch, German). A version in any other ianguage made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own

34、language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official vemions. CEN membem are the nationai standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, ireiand, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherhs, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and U

35、nited Kingdom without any alteraton. European Committee for Standardization Comit Europen de Normalisati on Europaisches Komitee fr Normung Centrai Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brume18 O 1995 Au rights resewed of reproduction and communication in any form and by any means reserved in ail

36、countries to CEN and its membem Ref. No. EN is0 87803 : 1995 E - CEN EN*IS0*8780- 5 75 3404589 OLLLL27 947 II Page 2 EN Is0 87806 : 1995 ? (- Foreword This European Standard has been taken over by Technical Committee CENAC 298, Figments and extenders, hm the work of Iso/M: 35, Pains and varnishes, o

37、f the inemationai oganization for Staneon (Ise). This European Standard sha be given the status of a nationai standard, either by publication of an identicai text or by endomement, at the htest by September 1995, and conflicting nafionai sandards shall be withdrawn at the latest by September 1995. A

38、ccording to the CEWCENELEC internai Regulatom, the following counries are bound to implement this EuropeanStanWAAustria,Belgium,Denmark, Finiand, France, Germany, Greece, Iceiand, Ireland, Itaiy, Luxembourg, Netherians, Norway, Portugal Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. NOTE. Nonnative

39、references to intemationai publications are given in annex ZA (nonnative). CEN EN*IS0*8780- 5 95 3404589 OLLLL28 883 B Page 3 EN IS0 87806 : 1995 Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their relevant European publications This European Standard incorporates by d

40、ated or unated reference, provisions from other publications. “hese nonnative rvferences are cited at the appropriate piaces in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these pubiications appiy to this European Standard

41、 oniy when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest eition of the publication &erred to appiies (including amendments). Publication Year ltie EN Year ISO 8781-1 1990 Figmen&and-Methodsofassessmentof EN IS0 8781-1 1995 d.ispersion chamcimistics Part 1: Asesmmtfnm

42、z the change in tinting shmgh of cdouralpigments dispersiancharactens . tics Part 2: w.tnn the change inf2naess of grind d2spersion characteristics Part 3: Assessmatfnmz the change in gloss assmsmmt of d.ispersiOn characteritics Part 1 : Int7odudzon IS0 8781-2 1990 Figmen&and-Methodsofassof ENISO8781-2 1995 ISO 87813 1990 Figmentsandexhdem-Methodsofass-tof ENISO87813 1995 ISO 8780-1 1990 Figmen& and txknem- Methods of dispersian for ENISO8780-1 1995


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