EN ISO 14680-3-2006 en Paints and varnishes - Determination of pigment content - Part 3 Filtration method《色漆和清漆 颜料含量的测定 第3 部分 过滤法》.pdf

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EN ISO 14680-3-2006 en Paints and varnishes - Determination of pigment content - Part 3 Filtration method《色漆和清漆 颜料含量的测定 第3 部分 过滤法》.pdf_第1页
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EN ISO 14680-3-2006 en Paints and varnishes - Determination of pigment content - Part 3 Filtration method《色漆和清漆 颜料含量的测定 第3 部分 过滤法》.pdf_第2页
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EN ISO 14680-3-2006 en Paints and varnishes - Determination of pigment content - Part 3 Filtration method《色漆和清漆 颜料含量的测定 第3 部分 过滤法》.pdf_第3页
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EN ISO 14680-3-2006 en Paints and varnishes - Determination of pigment content - Part 3 Filtration method《色漆和清漆 颜料含量的测定 第3 部分 过滤法》.pdf_第4页
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EN ISO 14680-3-2006 en Paints and varnishes - Determination of pigment content - Part 3 Filtration method《色漆和清漆 颜料含量的测定 第3 部分 过滤法》.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS EN ISO 14680-3:2006 BS 3900-A28:2000 Incorporating amendment no. 1 to BS 3900-A28:2000 (renumbers the BS as BS EN ISO 14680-3:2006) Paints and varnishes Determination of pigment content Part 3: Filtration method This European Standard EN ISO 14680-3:2006 has the status of a Briti

2、sh Standard ICS 87.060.10 BS EN ISO 14680-3:2006 This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Sector Committee for Materials and Chemicals, was published under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on 15 July 2000 BSI 2007 ISBN 0 580 36144 6 Nationa

3、l foreword This British Standard was published by BSI. It is the UK implementation of EN ISO 14680-3:2006. It is identical to ISO 14680-3:2000. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee STI/10, Test methods for paints. A list of organizations represented on this co

4、mmittee can be obtained on request to its secretary. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standard cannot of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Amendments issu

5、ed since publication Amd. No. Date Comments 16871 28 February 2007 Renumbers the BS as BS EN ISO 14680-3:2006EUROPEANSTANDARD NORMEEUROPENNE EUROPISCHENORM ENISO146803 February2006 ICS87.060.10 EnglishVersion PaintsandvarnishesDeterminationofpigmentcontentPart 3:Filtrationmethod(ISO146803:2000) Pein

6、turesetvernisDterminationdelateneurenpigment Partie3:Mthodeparfiltration(ISO146803:2000) BeschichtungsstoffeBestimmungdesPigmentgehaltes Teil3:Filtrationsverfahren(ISO146803:2000) ThisEuropeanStandardwasapprovedbyCENon16January2006. CENmembersareboundtocomplywiththeCEN/CENELECInternalRegulationswhic

7、hstipulatetheconditionsforgivingthisEurope an Standardthestatusofanationalstandardwithoutanyalteration.Uptodatelistsandbibliographicalreferencesconcernings uchnational standardsmaybeobtainedonapplicationtotheCentralSecretariatortoanyCENmember. ThisEuropeanStandardexistsinthreeofficialversions(Englis

8、h,French,German).Aversioninanyotherlanguagemadebytra nslation undertheresponsibilityofaCENmemberintoitsownlanguageandnotifiedtotheCentralSecretariathasthesamestatusast heofficial versions. CENmembersarethenationalstandardsbodiesofAustria,Belgium,Cyprus,CzechRepublic,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France, G

9、ermany,Greece,Hungary,Iceland,Ireland,Italy,Latvia,Lithuania,Luxembourg,Malta,Netherlands,Norway,Poland,Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,Slovenia,Spain,Sweden,SwitzerlandandUnitedKingdom. EUROPEANCOMMITTEEFORSTANDARDIZATION COMITEUROPENDENORMALISATION EUROPISCHESKOMITEEFRNORMUNG ManagementCentre:ruedeSta

10、ssart,36B1050Brussels 2006CEN Allrightsofexploitationinanyformandbyanymeansreserved worldwideforCENnationalMembers. Ref.No.ENISO146803:2006:E Foreword The text of ISO 14680-3:2000 has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35 “Paints and varnishes” of the International Organization for Standard

11、ization (ISO) and has been taken over as EN ISO 14680-3:2006 by Technical Committee CEN/TC 139 “Paints and varnishes“, the secretariat of which is held by DIN. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at th

12、e latest by August 2006, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by August 2006. According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Cze

13、ch Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Endorsement notice The text of ISO 14680-3:2000

14、has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 14680-3:2006 without any modifications. EN ISO 14680-3:2006Referencenumber ISO14680-3:2000(E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 14680-3 Firstedition 2000-04-01 PaintsandvarnishesDeterminationof pigmentcontent Part3: Filtrationmethod Peintures et vernis Dtermination de la

15、teneur en pigment Partie 3: Mthode par filtration EN ISO 14680-3:2006ii iii Contents Foreword.iv 1 Scope1 2 Normativereferences1 3 Termanddefinition.1 4 Principle2 5 Apparatus.2 6 Reagentsandmaterials2 7 Sampling.2 8 Procedure.3 9 Expressionofresults3 10 Precision.3 11 Testreport4 EN ISO 14680-3:200

16、6iv Foreword ISO(theInternationalOrganizationforStandardization)isaworldwidefederationofnationalstandardsbodies(ISO memberbodies).TheworkofpreparingInternationalStandardsisnormallycarriedoutthroughISOtechnical committees.Eachmemberbodyinterestedinasubjectforwhichatechnicalcommitteehasbeenestablished

17、has therighttoberepresentedonthatcommittee.Internationalorganizations,governmentalandnon-governmental,in liaisonwithISO,alsotakepartinthework.ISOcollaboratescloselywiththeInternationalElectrotechnical Commission(IEC)onallmattersofelectrotechnicalstandardization. InternationalStandardsaredraftedinacc

18、ordancewiththerulesgivenintheISO/IECDirectives,Part3. DraftInternationalStandardsadoptedbythetechnicalcommitteesarecirculatedtothememberbodiesforvoting. PublicationasanInternationalStandardrequiresapprovalbyatleast75%ofthememberbodiescastingavote. Attentionisdrawntothepossibilitythatsomeoftheelement

19、softhispartofISO14680maybethesubjectof patentrights.ISOshallnotbeheldresponsibleforidentifyinganyorallsuchpatentrights. InternationalStandardISO14680-3waspreparedbyTechnicalCommitteeISO/TC35, Paints and varnishes, SubcommitteeSC9, General test methods for paints and varnishes. ISO14680consistsofthef

20、ollowingparts,underthegeneraltitle Paints and varnishes Determination of pigment content: Part 1: Centrifuge method Part 2: Ashing method Part 3: Filtration method EN ISO 14680-3:2006 1 PaintsandvarnishesDeterminationofpigmentcontent Part3: Filtrationmethod 1 Scope ThispartofISO14680isoneofaseriesof

21、standardsdealingwiththesamplingandtestingofpaints,varnishes andrelatedproducts. Itspecifiesamethodfordeterminingthepigmentcontentofpaintsinwhichpotassiumhydroxidesolutionisadded tocoagulatethepigmentandtheresultingsolidsfilteredoff.Themethodisparticularlyapplicabletocoating materialscontainingcarbon

22、black,veryfinelydividedsilicondioxide,veryfinelydividedtitaniumdioxide,organic pigmentsorpolymerdispersions.Itisnotapplicabletomanywater-dilutablepaintsbecausethewholebinderwill coagulatewhenthepotassiumhydroxidesolutionisadded. Thepigmentcontentofcoatingmaterialscanalsobedeterminedbyacentrifugemeth

23、od(seeISO14680-1)orby anashingmethod(seeISO14680-2). 2 Normativereferences Thefollowingnormativedocumentscontainprovisionswhich,throughreferenceinthistext,constituteprovisionsof thispartofISO14680.Fordatedreferences,subsequentamendmentsto,orrevisionsof,anyofthesepublications donotapply.However,parti

24、estoagreementsbasedonthispartofISO14680areencouragedtoinvestigatethe possibilityofapplyingthemostrecenteditionsofthenormativedocumentsindicatedbelow.Forundated references,thelatesteditionofthenormativedocumentreferredtoapplies.MembersofISOandIECmaintain registersofcurrentlyvalidInternationalStandard

25、s. ISO1513:1992, Paints and varnishes Examination and preparation of samples for testing. ISO15528: 1) , Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes Sampling. 3 Termanddefinition ForthepurposesofthispartofISO14680,thefollowingtermanddefinitionapply. 3.1 pigmentcontent,determinedbyfi

26、ltration theproportionbymassofsolidparticleswhichisleftbehindasaresidueonfiltrationunderspecifiedconditionsin theproductundertest NOTE Itincludespigments,extendersandothersolidconstituentsoftheproduct. 1)Tobepublished.(RevisionofISO842:1984andISO1512:1991) EN ISO 14680-3:20062 4Principle Afterithasb

27、eendilutedwithsolventandasolutionofpotassiumhydroxideinmethanolhasbeenadded,atest portionoftheproductundertestisfilteredusingaglassfiltercruciblecontainingabedoffilteringaid.Thesolids removedbyfiltrationaredriedandweighed.Inthecaseofcompletelysolublebinders,thepigmentcontentis calculatedfromthemasso

28、fthesolidsandthatofthetestportion. 5 Apparatus Ordinarylaboratoryapparatusandglassware,togetherwiththefollowing: 5.1 50mlwide-neckconicalflask,withconicalsocketandfittingpolytetrafluoroethylenestopper.Theconical socketshallnotbegreased. 5.2 G3glassfiltercrucible(poresize15 mto40 m). 5.3 Suctionflask

29、,withfilteradapterandrubberseal. 5.4 5mlsafetypipette. 5.5 50mlmeasuringcylinder. 5.6 Dryingoven,withforcedventilation,capableofbeingmaintainedat(105 2)C.Theairflowshallbe horizontal. WARNINGAtthetemperatureused,organicsolventcanformexplosivemixtureswithair.Itistherefore importantthatthesolventvapou

30、rconcentrationintheovenisnotallowedtoexceedavalueatwhichan explosioncouldoccur. Forrefereetests,ovensofthesamedesignshallbeusedbyallparties. 5.7 Analyticalbalance,capableofweighingto0,001g. 5.8 Desiccator. 6 Reagentsandmaterials 6.1 Filteringaid,forexamplediatomaceousearth. 6.2 Potassiumhydroxidesol

31、utioninmethanol,c(KOH)=1mol/l. 6.3 Methanol,analyticalgrade. 6.4 Suitableorganicsolvent. 7 Sampling Takearepresentativesampleoftheproducttobetested,asdescribedinISO15528. Examineandprepareeachsamplefortesting,asdescribedinISO1513. EN ISO 14680-3:2006 3 8 Procedure 8.1 Preparationofglassfiltercrucibl

32、e Suspend10goffilteringaid(6.1)in150mlofdistilledwater.Pourthesuspensionintotheglassfiltercrucible(5.2) andremovethewaterbysuction.Drytheglassfiltercruciblewiththebedoffilteringaidfor1hat(105 2)Cin thedryingoven(5.6),cooltoroomtemperatureinthedesiccator(5.8)andweightothenearest0,001g. 8.2 Determinat

33、ionofpigmentcontent Carryoutthetestinduplicate. Weigh1gto2gofsample(m 2 )tothenearest0,001gintotheconicalflask(5.1)andaddimmediately20mlofa suitableorganicsolventfromthemeasuringcylinder(5.5).Then,usingthesafetypipette(5.4),add1,5mlof methanolicpotassiumhydroxidesolutiontothecontentsoftheflaskandclo

34、seitwiththestopper. After5min,filterthecontentsoftheflaskintotheweighedglassfiltercrucible(m 1 )preparedasdescribedin8.1. Rinseanyresidueintheflaskintothecrucibleusing20mlofasuitableorganicsolventfromameasuringcylinder, thenwashthesolidsonthefilterwithmethanoluntiltheyarefreeofalkali.Drytheglassfilt

35、ercrucibletoconstant massintheovenat105C,coolittoroomtemperatureinthedesiccatorandweightothenearest0,001g(m 3 ). 9 Expressionofresults Calculatethepigmentcontentasapercentagebymassusingthefollowingequation: Pigmentcontent= mm m 31 2 100 where m 1 isthemass,ingrams,ofthepreparedglassfiltercrucible; m

36、 2 isthemass,ingrams,ofthetestportion; m 3 isthemass,ingrams,ofthepreparedglassfiltercrucibleandthesolids. Ifthetworesults(duplicates)differbymorethan0,5%(relativetothemean),repeattheproceduredescribedin clause8. Calculatethemeanoftwovalidresults(replicates)andreportthetestresulttothenearest0,1%byma

37、ss. 10Precision 10.1Repeatability,r Thevaluebelowwhichtheabsolutedifferencebetweentwosingletestresults,eachthemeanofduplicates, obtainedonidenticalmaterialbyoneoperatorinonelaboratorywithinashortintervaloftimeusingthe standardizedtestmethodmaybeexpectedtoliewitha95%probabilityis0,5%. 10.2Reproducibi

38、lity,R Thevaluebelowwhichtheabsolutedifferencebetweentwotestresults,eachthemeanofduplicates,obtainedon identicalmaterialbyoperatorsindifferentlaboratoriesusingthestandardizedtestmethodmaybeexpectedtolie witha95%probabilityis1%. EN ISO 14680-3:20064 11Testreport Thetestreportshallcontainatleastthefol

39、lowinginformation: a) alldetailsnecessarytoidentifytheproducttested; b) areferencetothispartofISO14680(ISO14680-3); c) theorganicsolventused; d) theresultofthetestasindicatedinclause9,includingtheindividualvaluesandthemeanvalue; e) anydeviationfromthetestmethodspecified; f) thedateofthetest. EN ISO

40、14680-3:2006 blankBS EN ISO 14680-3:2006 BS 3900-A28:2006 BSI 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL BSI British Standards Institution BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards. It presents the UK view on standards in Europe and at the international level. It is

41、incorporated by Royal Charter. Revisions British Standards are updated by amendment or revision. Users of British Standards should make sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions. It is the constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services. We would be grateful if

42、 anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this British Standard would inform the Secretary of the technical committee responsible, the identity of which can be found on the inside front cover. Tel: +44 (0)20 8996 9000. Fax: +44 (0)20 8996 7400. BSI offers members an individual updating

43、service called PLUS which ensures that subscribers automatically receive the latest editions of standards. Buying standards Orders for all BSI, international and foreign standards publications should be addressed to Customer Services. Tel: +44 (0)20 8996 9001. Fax: +44 (0)20 8996 7001. Email: orders

44、bsi-. Standards are also available from the BSI website at http:/www.bsi-. In response to orders for international standards, it is BSI policy to supply the BSI implementation of those that have been published as British Standards, unless otherwise requested. Information on standards BSI provides a

45、wide range of information on national, European and international standards through its Library and its Technical Help to Exporters Service. Various BSI electronic information services are also available which give details on all its products and services. Contact the Information Centre. Tel: +44 (0

46、)20 8996 7111. Fax: +44 (0)20 8996 7048. Email: infobsi-. Subscribing members of BSI are kept up to date with standards developments and receive substantial discounts on the purchase price of standards. For details of these and other benefits contact Membership Administration. Tel: +44 (0)20 8996 70

47、02. Fax: +44 (0)20 8996 7001. Email: membershipbsi-. Information regarding online access to British Standards via British Standards Online can be found at http:/www.bsi- Further information about BSI is available on the BSI website at http:/www.bsi-. Copyright Copyright subsists in all BSI publicati

48、ons. BSI also holds the copyright, in the UK, of the publications of the international standardization bodies. Except as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 no extract may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission from BSI. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of impleme

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