ETSI EG 201 367-1999 Intelligent Network (IN) Number Portability Task Force (NPTF) IN and Intelligence Support for Service Provider Number Portability (V1 1 1)《智能网(IN) 号码便携性任务组(NPT_1.pdf

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ETSI EG 201 367-1999 Intelligent Network (IN) Number Portability Task Force (NPTF) IN and Intelligence Support for Service Provider Number Portability (V1 1 1)《智能网(IN) 号码便携性任务组(NPT_1.pdf_第1页
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ETSI EG 201 367-1999 Intelligent Network (IN) Number Portability Task Force (NPTF) IN and Intelligence Support for Service Provider Number Portability (V1 1 1)《智能网(IN) 号码便携性任务组(NPT_1.pdf_第2页
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ETSI EG 201 367-1999 Intelligent Network (IN) Number Portability Task Force (NPTF) IN and Intelligence Support for Service Provider Number Portability (V1 1 1)《智能网(IN) 号码便携性任务组(NPT_1.pdf_第3页
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ETSI EG 201 367-1999 Intelligent Network (IN) Number Portability Task Force (NPTF) IN and Intelligence Support for Service Provider Number Portability (V1 1 1)《智能网(IN) 号码便携性任务组(NPT_1.pdf_第4页
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ETSI EG 201 367-1999 Intelligent Network (IN) Number Portability Task Force (NPTF) IN and Intelligence Support for Service Provider Number Portability (V1 1 1)《智能网(IN) 号码便携性任务组(NPT_1.pdf_第5页
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1、EG 201 367 v1.1.1 (1999-02) ETSI Guide Intelligent Network (IN); Number Portability Task Force (NPTF); IN and Intelligence Support for Service Provider Number Po rtab il i ty STDaETSI EG 201 3b7-ENGL 1999 m 3400855 037b729 i99 2 EG 201 567 V1.l.l (199902) Reference DEWNA-061501 (cnoOOicq.PDF) Kevwor

2、ds portability, IN, architecture, management ETSI Postal address F-O6921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE Office address 650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Anpolis Valbonne - FRANCE Siret No 348 623 562 00017 - NAF 742 C Association a but non luciatif enregisre la Sous-Prfecture de Grasse (06) No 7803/8

3、8 Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 O0 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16 internet secretariat 9 etsi .f r Individual copies of this ETSI deliverable can be downloaded from http:/ If you find errors in the present document, send your comment to: No part may be reproduced except as authorized by wr

4、itten permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in ail media. Q European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1999. AU rights reserved. ETSI STDmETSI EG 201 3b7-ENGL L999 3400855 037b730 400 m 3 EQ 201 567 V1.l.l (199942) Con tents Intellectual property Rights

5、7 Foreword 7 1 Scope 8 1.1 Purpose 8 2 References 8 3 Definitions and abbreviations 9 3.1 Definitions . 9 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.1.7 3.1.8 3.1.9 Donor Exchange . 9 Donor Network . 9 Geographic Number (GN) 9 Network Operator . 9 Non Geographic Number (NGN) . 9 Number Translation Functi

6、on . 9 Network Intelligence TI) 9 Geographic Number Portability (GNP) 9 Non Geographic Number Portability (NGNP) . 9 3.1.10 Intelligence . 10 3.1.11 Intelligent Network (IN) . 10 3.1.12 Service Provider Portability for Geographic Numbers . 10 3.1.13 3.1.14 Service Provider Portability for Pan-Europe

7、an Services 10 3.1.15 Serving Exchange (SE) 10 3.1.16 Serving Network (SN) 10 3.1.17 Direct Dial In (DDI) - Variable Number Leng th 10 3.1.18 Masquerade (“spoofing“) . 10 3.1.19 Unauthorized access . 11 3.1.20 Eavesdropping 11 3.1.21 Replay of information 11 3.1.22 Repudiation 11 3.1.23 Forgery . 11

8、 3.1.24 Denial of service 11 3.2 Abbreviations . 11 4 General assumptions and Requirements on Intelligence support for NP . 12 4.1 Objectives 12 4.2 Requirements on Intelligence in the network to support NP 12 Service Provider Portability for Non-geographic Numbers (NGNP) . 10 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.4.

9、1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.5 High Level Arclutectures and Solutions for Np 13 General information . 13 Generic Functional modelling of a solution for NP . 13 Generic Network Architecture for management of NF data 14 Generic Routeing and Addressing requirements to support NP . 15 Transfer of Routeing Info

10、rmation . 15 15 Routeing Numbers 15 Routeing loop detection . 15 Generic Signalling Requirements to support NP . 15 Calling Party information . 6 Service Provider Portability of Geographic Numbers . 16 6.1 General Information . 16 6.2 IN support for Service Provider Portability of Geographic Numbers

11、 16 6.3 IN Trigger Conditions, circuit related signalling to Geographic Numbers 17 6.3.1 General Information . 17 6.3.2 IN trigger per NP solution 17 High level NP solution “Onward Routeing“ . 17 ETSI STD.ETSI EG 201 3b-ENGL 1999 = 3400855 037b73L 347 6.3.3 6.

12、3.3.2 6.4 6.4.1 6.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.6 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.6.3 6.6.4 6.6.5 4 EQ 201 367 V1.l . 1 (1 999-02) High level NP solution “Dropback 17 High level NF solution “Query on Release“ . 17 High level NF solution “All Call Query“ 17 Network Location for

13、IN Trigger . 17 IN Triggers in an Originating network . 17 IN Triggers in a Transit network 17 IN Triggers in a Donor Network . 18 IN Trigger in Recipient Network 18 IN Trigger Conditions, Non-circuit related signalling to Geographic Numbers 18 General Information . 18 General Information . 18 IN CS

14、l . 19 IN CS1 Punctional Entity Architecture supporting generic Functional modelling of NP . 19 IN cs2 . 20 IN CS2 Functional Entity Architecture supporting generic Functional modelling of I“ . 20 IN CS2 Physical Entity Architecture supporting generic Architecture for NP . 20 Information flows for G

15、NF when IN architecture is used 21 General infomation . 21 nward Routeing by donor LE combined with a second queq in Recipient Network 21 Query on Release (QoR), from donor, combined with a second query in Recipient Network . 26 All call query in Originating Network combined with a new query in Reci

16、pient Network 28 Evaluating IN Capability Sets supporting NP of Geographic Numbers . 18 IN CS1 Physical Entity Architecture supporting generic Architecture for NP . 20 Dropback from donor LE combined with a second query in Recipient Netwo rk . 24 7 Service Provider Portability of Non-Geographic Numb

17、ers . 30 7.1 General information . 30 7.2 7.3 IN Trigger Conditions, circuit related signailing to Non-Geographic Numbers 31 7.3.1 General information . 31 7.3.2 IN trigger per NP solution 31 High level NF solution “Onward Routeing“ . 31 High level NP solution “Dropback 31 Hi

18、gh level NF solution “Query on Release“ . 31 High level NF solution “All Call Query“ 31 7.3.3 Network Location for IN Trigger . 31 IN Triggers in an Originating network . 31 IN support for Service Provider Portability of Non-Geographic Numbers 30 IN Triggers in a Transit netw

19、ork . 32 IN Triggers in a Donor Network . IN Trigger in Recipient Network . 7.4 IN Trigger Conditions. Non-circuit related signalling to Non-Geographic Numbers 32 7.4.1 General Information 7.5 Evaluating IN Capability Sets supporting NF of Non-Geographic Numbers . 32 7.5.1 General In

20、formation . 32 7.5.2 IN cs1 . 33 IN CS1 Functional Entity Architecture supporting generic Functional modelling of 33 IN CS1 Physical Entity Architecture supporting generic Architecture for NF . 34 7.5.3 IN cs2 . 34 IN CS2 Functional Entity Architecture supporting generic Func

21、tional modelling of 34 IN CS2 physical Architecture supporting generic Architecture for NP 34 7.6 Information flows for NGNP when IN architecture is used . 34 7.6.1 General Information . 34 7.6.2 Calls to National Non Geographic Nbe rs 35 Onward Routeing by Donor combined with NGN Se

22、rvice execution in Recipient 35 Dropback from Donor combined with NGN Service execution in Recipient . 38 Query on Release (QoR), from Donor, combined with NGN Service execution in Recipient . 40 All call query in Originating Network combined with NGN Service execution in Rec

23、ipient . 42 8 Management Aspects . 43 8.1 Database Management . 43 8.2 IN structured NP management architecture . 44 ETSI STD-ETSI EG 201 3b7-ENGL 3999 3400855 037b732 5 283 m EG 201 367 Vl.l.l (199942) 8.2.1 General information . 44 8.2.2 Number Portability Management Requirements 44 9 44 9.1 Inter

24、action Requirements for an IN structured NF solution . 45 9.2 Restrictions 45 10 Interconnect 45 10.1 Between IN Structured Networks 45 10.1.1 Onward Routeing . 45 Routeing Aspects 45 10.1.2 Commercial Aspects . 45 10.1.3 Dmpback 46 Routeing Aspects 46 Commercial Aspects .

25、 46 10.1.4 Query on Release . 46 Routeing Aspects 46 Commercial Aspects . 46 10.1.5 Routeing Aspects 47 10.1 S.2 Commercial Aspects . 47 10.2 Between IN and Non IN Structured Networks . 47 10.2.1 Onward Routeing . 47 Non IN Originating Network 47 Non IN D

26、onor Network 47 Non IN Recipient Network . 47 10.2.2 Non IN Originating Network 47 Non IN Donor Network 47 Non IN Recipient Network . 47 10.2.3 Query on Release . 48 Non IN riginating Network 48 Non IN Donor Network 48 Non IN Recipient N

27、etwork . 48 10.2.4 All cail Query . 48 Non IN Originating Network 48 Non IN Donor Network 48 Non IN Recipient Network . 48 10.3 Network integrity . 48 11 Security aspects for an IN structured NP solution . 48 11.1 Security 48 11.2 Number Portability specific issues . 49 11

28、.2.1 Onward Routeing Method 49 Security vulnerabilities . 49 Counter measures 49 11.2.2 Call dropback and Query on Release . 50 Call dropback . 50 Security vulnerabilities . 50 Countermeasures . 50 Query on Release 51 Security vulnerabil

29、ities . 51 Countermeasures . 51 11.2.3 All cail Query method 52 Security Vulnerabilities . 52 Countermeasures . 52 11.3 Database Security 52 11.3.1 Threats to Database security . 53 11.3.2 Proposed counter measures 54 11.4 Conclusions 54 Interaction with Services and an IN

30、 structured NP solution . All call Query . 47 Dmpback 47 6 EO 201 367 V1.l.l (1999-02) 12 Centralized / National Number Portability Database . 55 56 History STD-ETSI EG 201 3b7-ENGL 1999 3400855 037b734 05b = 7 EG 201 567 V1.l.l (199942) I n t e I lec t ua I Property Rights IPRs essential or potenti

31、ally essential to the present document may have been declared to ETSI. The information pertaining to these essential ERS, if any, is publicly available for ETSI members and non-members, and can be found in SR O00 314: ”Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs); Essential, orpotentially Essential, IPRs not

32、fred to ETSI in respect ofETSI standards”, which is available free of charge from the ETSI Secretanat. Latest updates m available on the ETSI Web server (http:/ Pursuant to the ETSI IPR Policy, no investigation, inchding IPR searches, has been cded out by ETSI. No guarantee can be

33、given as to the existence of other IPRs not referenced in SR O00 314 (or the updates on the ETSI Web server) which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document. Foreword This ETSI Guide (EG) has been produced by ETSI Technical Committee Network Aspects (NA). E TSI STDOETSI EG 201

34、 367-ENGL 1979 W 3400855 0376735 T92 - 8 EO 201 367 V1.l.l (1 999-02) 1 Scope The present document covers network intelligence requirements, takiig account of current and emerging Intelligent Network Standards, in order to assess the ability of Intelligence and an Intelligent Network to support Geog

35、raphic and Non-Geographic number portability. The study will focus on a review of IN Capability Sets 1,2 and identify any desirable enhancements to support number portability under IN CS3. The report will recognize that an IN solution can provide high functionality with fairly high throughput or tra

36、ffic handling capability but Number portability may oniy require relatively low functionality. It should also be noted that IN Capabilities might exist in Originating, Donor, Transit or Recipient Networks. The report takes account of the requirement to minimize additional costs and avoid extended ca

37、ll Set-up times. Siling aspects are outside the scope of the present document. 1.1 Purpose The purpose of the present document is to provide scope guidance toward the following stages of the Number Portability Standards process. 2 References The following documents contain provisions which, through

38、reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document. o References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific. 0 For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply. 0 Por a non-specific reference, the latest

39、 version applies. 0 A non-specific reference to an ETS shall also be taken to refer to later versions published as an EN with the same TR 101 119: “Network Aspects (NA); High level description of number portability“. TR 101 118: “Network Aspects (NA); High level network architecture and solutions to

40、 suppor number portability“. TR 101 122: “Network Aspects (NA); Numbering and addressing for Number Portability“. TR 101 073: “Number portability for pan-European services“. TR 102 081: “Network Aspects (NA); Signalling Requirements for Number Portability“. Void. Void. Void. ETS 300 741: “Electromag

41、netic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectmMagnetic Compatibility ITU-T Recommendation 4.1214: “Distributed functional plane for intelligent network CS-1“. ITU-T Recommendation 4.1215: “Physical plane for intelligent network CS-1“. ITU-T Recommendation Q.1218: “Interface Recommendat

42、ion for intelligent network CS-1“. standard for wide-area paging equipment“. ETSI STD-ETSI EG 201 3b7-ENGL 1999 W 3400855 037b73b 929 W 9 EO 201 367 V1.l.l (199942) u31 -T Recommendation 4.1224: “Distributed functional plane for Intelligent Network Capability Set 2“. ITU-T Recommendation 4.1225: “Ph

43、ysical plane for Intelligent Network Capability Set 2. ITU-T Recommendation 4.1228: “Interface Recommendation for Intelligent Network Capability Set 2. 1141 i51 3 3.1 Defin itions and abbreviations Def i nit ions For the Generic Number Portability definitions please refer to Number Portability Task

44、Force reports: TR 101 119 i and TR 101 118 2, TR 101 122 3 and TR 102 081 5. 3.1.1 Donor Exchange A Donor Exchange is the initial Exchange where a number was located before ever being ported. 3.1.2 Donor Network A Donor Network is the initial Network where a number was allocated by the NPA before ev

45、er being ported. 3.1.3 Geographic Number (GN) A Geographic Number (GN) is a Directory Number from that part of the national numbering scheme that is used to identify fixed line terminations. Prior to Number portability these numbers are geogmphical in that sense that they convey the location of the

46、customer. 3.1.4 Geographic Number Portability (GNP) See Service Provider Portability for Geographic Numbers. 3.1.5 Network Operator A Network Operator is an entity that operates public telecommunications network in order to mute calls. 3.1.6 Non Geographic Number (NGN) Non-geographic Number (NGN) is

47、 a Directory number that is not a Geographic Number. A Non-geographic Number does not imply the Geographic location of the customer. 3.1.7 Non Geographic Number Portability (NGNP) See Service Provider Portability for Non Geographic Numbers. 3.1.8 Number Translation Function Number Translation Functi

48、on is the function whereby a number (Routeing or Called Party), is translated to a destination number, possibly according to special conditions such as time of day, in order that calls can be completed. 3.1.9 Network Intelligence (NI) The generic ability of a network to provide intelligence. STDaETS

49、I EG 201 3b7-ENGL 1799 3Y00855 037b737 865 10 EG 201 367 V1 .1.1 (199902) 3.1 .lo Intelligence Intelligence is a network capability having the ability to dynamically effect call control and route calls according to an incoming number to a recipient network address. This is achieved by reference to a database to obtain, for example, a users profile, or time of day requirements. Intelligence can be provided by an Intelligent Network which has specified standard Interfaces between Service Control Functions, Switching Functions, Specialized Resource Functions

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