ETSI ES 201 658-1999 Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) Digital Advanced Wireless Service (DAWS) Logical Link Control (LLC) Service Description《陆地集群无线电(TETRA) 数字高级无线业务(DAWS) 逻辑链路控制(.pdf

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ETSI ES 201 658-1999 Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) Digital Advanced Wireless Service (DAWS) Logical Link Control (LLC) Service Description《陆地集群无线电(TETRA) 数字高级无线业务(DAWS) 逻辑链路控制(.pdf_第1页
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ETSI ES 201 658-1999 Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) Digital Advanced Wireless Service (DAWS) Logical Link Control (LLC) Service Description《陆地集群无线电(TETRA) 数字高级无线业务(DAWS) 逻辑链路控制(.pdf_第2页
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ETSI ES 201 658-1999 Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) Digital Advanced Wireless Service (DAWS) Logical Link Control (LLC) Service Description《陆地集群无线电(TETRA) 数字高级无线业务(DAWS) 逻辑链路控制(.pdf_第3页
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ETSI ES 201 658-1999 Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) Digital Advanced Wireless Service (DAWS) Logical Link Control (LLC) Service Description《陆地集群无线电(TETRA) 数字高级无线业务(DAWS) 逻辑链路控制(.pdf_第4页
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ETSI ES 201 658-1999 Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) Digital Advanced Wireless Service (DAWS) Logical Link Control (LLC) Service Description《陆地集群无线电(TETRA) 数字高级无线业务(DAWS) 逻辑链路控制(.pdf_第5页
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1、STDmETSI ES 201 b58-ENGL 1999 3400855 042LLL2 8T1 ETSI ES 201 658 1.1.1 (1999-07) Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Digital Advanced Wireless Service (DAWS); Logical Link Control (LLC) service description STD-ETSI ES 201 658-ENGL 1999 3400855 0421113 738 m 2 ETSI ES 201 658 Vl.l.l (199947) Referenc

2、e DES/TETRA-04034 (fcoOOicp.PDF) Keywords data, TETRA Postai address F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE Office address 650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis Valbonne - FRANCE Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 Fax: +33 4 93 5 47 16 Siret No 348 823 562 00017 - NAF 742 C SaU-PdfeCtU de Grase (06) No 78W88

3、 Associaaon but non lucratif enregistre la Internet secretariata Individual copies of this ETSI deliverable can be downloaded from If you find errors in the present document, send your comment to: CoDvrlabt Notific8tion No part may be reproduced except as aut

4、horized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media. 8 European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1999. All rights reserved. ETSI _ STD.ETS1 ES 201 b58-ENGL L999 3400855 042LLL4 674 3 ETSI ES 201 658 W.l.l (19994i) Contents Intellectual

5、 Property Rights . 5 Foreword 5 1 SCO pe 6 2 References . 6 3 Definitions and abbreviations 6 3.1 Definitions . 6 3.2 Abbreviations . 7 4 Introduction 7 5 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.3 Registration Services . 8 Base station registration . 8 Mobile station registration . 9 Cell selection

6、9 Registration 9 Service inteMption 9 Intra-network hand-over . 10 Inter-network hand-over . 10 De-registration . 10 6 Transport Services . 11 6.1 Link layer address resolution . 11 6.2 Packet classification . 11 6.3 Traffic measurement, policing, and shaping 11 7 Admission Control Services 12 7.1 R

7、eservation creation procedu re 12 7.2 Reservation deletion pocedure 13 1.3 Reservation modification procedure, resource increase . 13 7.4 Reservation modification procedure, resource decrease 13 8 Service Primitives 14 8.1 Primitive Definitions 14 8.1.1 LLC-transfer-request . 14 8.1.2 LLC-transfer-c

8、on finn 14 8.1.3 LLC-transfer-indication 14 8.1.4 LLC-create-protocol-request 15 8.1.5 LLC-create-protocolconfirm . 15 8.1.6 LLC-create-protocoljndication . 15 8.1.7 LLC-deletegrotocol-request 16 8.1.8 LLC-delete-protocol-confirm . 16 8.1.9 LLC-delete-protocol-indication . 16 8.1.10 LLCservice-indic

9、ation . 16 8.2 Parameter Definitions 17 8.2.1 creategrotocol-result 17 8.2.2 delete-protocol-result 17 8.2.3 new-service-state . 17 8.2.4 NPDU . 17 8.2.5 packet-classification_params . 17 8.2.6 protocol-instance-ID . 18 8.2.7 protocolqarameters . 18 8.2.8 protocol-type . 18 8.2.9 service-parameters

10、. 18 8.2.10 transfer-receipt-ack . 18 4 ETSI ES 201 658 Vl.l . 1 (199407) Annex A (informative): The iPv4 to Pv6 Transition . 19 Bibliography 22 History 23 5 ETSI ES 201 658 Vl.l.l (199407) Intellectual Property Rights iPRs essential or potentially essential to the present document may have been dec

11、lared to ETSI. The information pertaining to these essential PRs, if any, is publicly available for ETSI members and non-members, and can be found in SR o00 314: “Intellectual Propeq Rights (IPRs); Essential, or potentially Essential, IPRs notijed to ETSI in respect of ETSI standards”, which is avai

12、lable free of charge from the ETSI Secretariat. Latest updates are available on the ETSI Web server (http:/ Pursuant to the ETSI IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out by ETSI. No guarantee can be given as to the existence of other IPRs not refer

13、enced in SR O00 314 (or the updates on the ETSI Web server) which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document. Foreword This ETSI Standard (ES) has been produced by ETSI Project Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA). An overview of the requirements for DAWS can be found in TR 101 15

14、6 i. STD.ETS1 ES 201 b58-ENGL 1999 3400855 04211L7 383 6 ETSI ES 201 658 V1.l.l (199947) 1 Scope The present document specifies the service requirements for the Digital Advanced Wireless Service (DAWS) Logical Link Control (LLC) layer. The present document provides a conceptual architechire useful f

15、or specifying requirements but is not intended to imply a particular implementation. The present document contains preliminary Lu3 protocol requirements which will be moved into the formai LLC protocol specification document (Part 6) when it is drafted. 2 References The following documents contain p

16、rovisions which, through reference in this text. constitute provisions of the present document. References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific. For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply. For a non-specific re

17、ference. subsequent revisions do apply. A non-specific reference to an ETS shall also be taken to refer to later versions published as an EN with the same number. u1 TR 101 156: “Terresirial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Technical requirements specification for Digital Advanced Wireless Service (DAWS)“. TS

18、 101 659: “Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Digital Advanced Wireless Service (DAWS); Medium Access Control (MAC); Requirements Specification“. Pl 31 Void. 41 Void. i51 61 71 IETF RFC 221 1: “Specification of the Controlled-Load Network Element Service“. IETF RFC 2205: “Resource Reservation Protoc

19、ol (RSVP) - Version 1 Functional Specification“. IETF RFC 2215: “General Characterization Parameters for Integrated Service Network Elements“, 3 3.1 Definitions and abbreviations Definit ions For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply: base station: piece of

20、equipment providing simultaneous, bi-directional network access to mobile stations downlink: general term meaning “from the base station to the mobile station“ flow: sequence of data packets originating from a single source and addressed to the same destination for which special handling by interven

21、ing routers is desired mobile station: piece of equipment able to create and consume data but only having network access via a base station protocol data unit: set of parameters and/or data passed from peer to peer by a protocol primitive protocol instance: two protocol processes which exchange mess

22、ages in order to transfer data from one protocol process to the other protocol primitive: request, response, or informative message sent from peer to peer STD.ETS1 ES 201 b5-ENGL L999 b 3400855 04233118 ZIT m 7 ETSI ES 201 658 V1.l.l (199947) protocoi process: entity created to manage one end of a p

23、eer-to-peer protocol. For unidirectional data flows, a protocol process can be further described as either a sender process or a receiver process service data unit: set of parameters and/or data passed between adjacent layers by a service primitive service primitive: request, response, or informativ

24、e message sent between adjacent layers uplink: general term meaning “from the mobile station to the base station“ 3.2 Abbreviations For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply: ACK BEP BS DAWS DL GW IP LLC LLC-ADM LLC-REG LLC-TPT LPDU MAC MS MSH MSI NWK PDU Qos RSVP S

25、AP SDU sw UL Acknowledged Best-Effort Plus Base Station Digital Advanced Wireless Service Downlink Gateway Internet Protocol Logical Link Control LLC Admission Control Service LLC Registration Service LLC Transport Service LLC Protocol Data Unit Medim Access Control Mobile Station Mobile Station Han

26、dle Mobile Station Identifier Network Protocol Data Unit Quality Of Service Resource Reservation Protocol Service Access Point Service Data Unit Switch Uplink 4 I ntrod uct ion The DAWS protocol architecture is provided in TR 101 156 i. The Logical Link Control (LLC) provides services to the network

27、 layer (NWK) and requests services from the Medium Access Control (MAC) TS 101 659 2. The present document provides the requirements the LLC service has to satisfy to operate successfully within a Digital Advanced Wireless Service (DAWS) network. As described in TR 101 156 I, LLC functionality may b

28、e distributed across several DAWS nodes. The following prefixes will be used to specify the scope of a requirement: Lu3 - the requirement applies to the LLC in general; GW-LLC - the requirement applies to Gateway functionality; SW-LLC - the requirement applies to Switch functionality; BS-LLC - the r

29、equirement applies to Base Station functionality; MS-LLC - the requirement applies to Mobile Station functionality. Figure 1 shows the architecture of the LLC for the minimum complexity DAWS network described in TR 101 156 i. The network layer (NWK) accesses LLC services via service access points (S

30、APS) A and B. LLC-SAP-A is for data transfer service primitives and LLC-SAP-B is for local control and status service primitives, including RSVP IETF RFC 2205 6 operations. STDaETSI ES 201 bSB-ENGL 1999 3400855 0421119 15b = 8 ETSI ES 201 658 V1.l.l (199407) NWK LAYER LLC-SAP-A LLC-SAP-B I LLCLAyER

31、ADMISSION CONTRO SERVICE (LLC-ADM) SERVICE I SERVICE MAC-SAP-A MAC-SAP-B MAC-SAP-C MAC LAYER Figure 1: DAWS LLC Architecture The LLC accesses MAC services via service access points A, B, and C. MAC-SAPA is for service primitives relating to PDU transfers using an unacknowledged protocol; MAC-SAPB is

32、 for service primitives relating to PDU transfers using an acknowledged protocol; and MACSAP-C is for local control and status service primitives. Requirements for the registration, admission control, and transport services are provided in clauses 5,6, and 7. Service primitives and associated servic

33、e data units are provided in clause 8. Annex A discusses the Ih.4 to Pv6 transition. 5 Registration Services The LLC registration service (LLC-REG) supports BS registration, MS registration, and de-registration operations. 5.1 Base station registration Every DAWS GW is assigned a globally unique ide

34、ntifier called the GWI. The GWI shall be assigned when the GW is manufactured and shall not be dynamically alterable. The GW address space shall be administered by an industry body to prevent GWI address duplication among manufacturers. Every DAWS BS is assigned a globally unique identifier called t

35、he BSI. The BSI shall be assigned when the BS is manufactured and shall not be dynamically alterable. The BSI address space shall be administered by an industry body to prevent BSI address duplication among manufacturers. Before a DAWS BS can provide wireless access service to a MS, the BS shall reg

36、ister with a DAWS GW. BS registration usually occm immediately after BS power-on, and is composed of the following steps: 1) BS-LLC sends a BS registration request message toward the GW via the next upstream switch; 2) SW-LLC adds the binding (BSI, output-interface) to its routing table, and forward

37、s the BS registration request toward the GW. For simplicity. this example will assume only one upstream switch, so the next node will be the GW; 3) GW-LLC adds the binding SI, output-interface) to its routing table, and sends a BS registration response toward the BS. The BS registration response con

38、tains the GWI of the GW; 9 ETSI ES 201 658 Vl.l.1 (199947) 4) SW-LLC forwards the BS registration response towards the BS; 5) BS-LLC begins providing wireless access to MS within its cell. The BS regularly broadcasts the GWI of its serving GW and its own BSI in a system information message to all MS

39、 within the serving cell. Mobile Stations use GWI information during the hand-over procedure to differentiate between intra-network and inter-network hand-overs. The size of the routing table within a DAWS switch is independent of the number of MS served by the DAWS network. The routing table size i

40、s proportional to the number of BS in the network. A DAWS network shall automatically correct its routing table entries if the network topology changes. Manual intervention by the system administrator shall not be required. 5.2 Mobile station registration 5.2.1 Cell selection When an MS is powered o

41、n, MS-LLC-REG shall issue a request to MS-MAC-EG to do a scan of available cells and report the results. MS-LLC-REG shall select the best cell and instruct MS-MAC-REG to camp on the cell. MS-LLC-TPT is then able to exchange PDUs with BS-LLC-TFT using the unacknowledged protocols, 5.2.2 Registration

42、After cell selection, MS-U automatically registers with BS-LLC. MS-LLC registration with a BS involves the following steps: 1) MS-LLC obtains the BSI of the BS and GWI of the GW serving the BS from a system information message; 2) MS-LLC sends a registration request to BS-LLC, providing its MSI; 3)

43、BS-LLC generates a MSH for the MS and adds the binding (MSI, MSH) to its registration table; 4) BS-LLC generates two protocol instance identifiers for the ACK-BE-L and a ACK-BE-DL protocol instances; 5) BS-LU3 creates ACK-BE-L and ACK-BE-DL protocol processes in BS-MAC; 6) BS-LLC sends a registratio

44、n response message containing the MSH and protocol instance identifiers to MS-LLC; 7) MS-LLC stores its assigned MSH for future uplink and downlink signalling with the BS; 8) MS-LLC creates ACK-BE-UL and ACK-BE-DL protocol processes in MS-MAC; 9) MS-LLC sends a service indication message to MS-NWK i

45、ndicating that LLC registration is complete, providing the registration triplet (GWI, BSI, MSI). The MS is now able to exchange PDUs with the BS using the two best-effort acknowledged protocols ACK-BE-UL and ACK-BE-DL. MS-NWK can create additional protocol instances by the procedures described in cl

46、ause 7. 5.2.3 Service interruption When MS-LLC receives a service interruption indication from MS-MAC, MS-LLC sends a service indication interruption to MS-NWK. MS-NWK will report the service interruption to higher layers in the protocol stack and will discard uplink traffic until service is restore

47、d. When MS-MAC indicates that service is restored, MS-LLC will re-register with BS-LLC and send a service indication message to MS-NWK indicating that LLC service is available. The triplet (GWI, BSI, MSI) reported during the pnor registration will be reported again to MS-NWK, indicating that the ser

48、ving BS and GW have not changed. If the duration of the LU3 service interruption is sufficiently short, MS-NWK will not need to re-register with GW-NWK. 10 ETSI ES 201 658 V1.l.l (1999-07) 5.2.4 Intra-network hand-over For an intra-network hand-over, the MS loses services with a BS and re-establishe

49、s service with another BS within the same DAWS network (Le both the prior and new BS have registered the same GW). When MS-LLC receives a service interruption indication from MSMAC, MSLLC sends a service indication interruption to MS-NWK. MS-NWK will report the service interruption to higher layers in the protocol stack and will discard uplink traffic until service is restored. When MSMAC indicates that service is restored, MS-LLC will register with the new BS and send a service indication message to MS-NWK indicating that LLC service is available.


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