ETSI ETS 300 698-1997 Radio Equipment and Systems (RES) Radio Telephone Transmitters and Receivers for the Maritime Mobile Service Operating in the VHF Bands Used on Inland Waterwa_1.pdf

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1、STD*ETSI ETS 300 b98-ENGL 1997 - 3Li00855 OLb7238 378 EUROPEAN ir 1 ELECOMMUN STANDARD CATIOP ETS 300 698 March 1997 _ Source: ETSI TC-RES Reference: DE/RES-O1 O1 4 ICs: 33.020 Key words: Maritime, radio, VHF Radio Equipment and Systems (RES); Radio telephone transmitters and receivers for the marit

2、ime mobile service operating in the VHF bands used on inland waterways; Technical characteristics and methods of measurement ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETSI Secretariat Postal address: F-O6921 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX - FRANCE Off ice address: 650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia

3、Antipolis - Valbonne - FRANCE X.400: c=fr, a=atlas, p=etsi, s=secretariat - Internet: Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 O0 - Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16 Q European Tei- - Ons standards instihrtie t997. All rights resewed. STD-ETSI ETS 300 bSB-ENGL 1997 a 3qO0855 OLb7239 204 Page 2 ETS 300 698: Mar

4、ch 1997 Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publication of this document, errors in content, typographical or otherwise, may occur. If you have comments concerning its accuracy, please write to “ETSI Editing and Committee Support Dept.“ at the address shown on the title page. Pag

5、e 3 ETS 300 698: March 1997 STD-ETSI ETS 300 b78-ENGL 1997 3400855 OLb72qO T2b Contents Foreword . 7 1 Scope 9 2 Normative references 9 3 Definitions and Abbreviations 9 3.1 Definitions 9 3.2 Abbreviations . 9 4 General requirements . 10 4.1 Construction . 10 4.2 Controls and indicators 10 4.3 Hands

6、et and loudspeaker 11 4.4 Switching time 11 4.5 Safety precautions . 11 4.6 Class of emission and modulation characteristics . 12 4.7 Facilities for DSC transmission and reception . 12 4.8 Labelling . 12 4.9 Warm up 12 5 Test conditions. power sources and ambient temperatures . 12 5.1 Normal and ext

7、reme test conditions 12 5.2 Test power source . 13 5.3 Normal test conditions . 13 5.3.1 Normal temperature and humidity . 13 5.3.2 Normal power sources 13 Mains voltage and frequency . 13 Battery power source . 13 Other power sources . 13 5.4.1 Extreme temperatures . 13 Extr

8、eme values of test power sources 13 Mains voltage . 13 Battery power source . 13 Procedure for tests at extreme temperatures 14 5.4 Extreme test conditions . 13 5.4.2 Other power sources . 14 5.5 6 General conditions of measurement . 14 6.1 Arrangements for test signals appli

9、ed to the receiver 14 6.2 Squelch 14 6.3 Normal test modulation 14 6.4 Artificial antenna 14 6.5 Arrangements for test signals applied to the transmitter . 15 6.6 Tests on equipment with a duplex filter . 15 6.7 Test channels 15 6.8 Measurement uncertainty and interpretation of the measured results

10、. 15 6.8.1 Measurement uncertainty 15 Interpretation of the measurement results 15 6.8.2 7 Environmental tests . 16 7.1 Introduction 16 7.2 Procedure 16 7.3 Performance check 16 7.4 Vibration . 16 7.5 Damp heat cycle 17 STD.ETS1 ETS 300 bSB-ENGL 1797 W 3qOOB55 OLb724L Yb2 W Page 4 ETC 300 698: March

11、 1997 8 9 Transmitter . 17 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.1 O 8.1 1 Frequency error . 17 8.1.1 Definition . 17 8.1.2 Method of measurement . 17 8.1.3 Limits i . 17 Carrier power . 17 8.2.1 Definitions . 17 8.2.2 Method of measurement . 18 8.2.3 Limits 18 Normal test conditions 18 8.2.

12、3.2 Extreme test conditions . 18 Frequency deviation 18 8.3.1 Definition . 18 8.3.2 Maximum frequency deviation 18 Method of measurement . 18 Limits . 18 Method of measurement . 18 Limits . 19 Limitation characteristics of the modulator 19 8.4.1 Definition . 19 8.4.2

13、Method of measurement . 19 8.4.3 Limits 19 8.5.1 Definition . 19 8.5.2 Method of measurement . 20 8.5.3 Limits 20 Audio frequency response . 20 8.6.1 Definition . 20 8.6.2 Method of measurement . 20 8.6.3 Limit 20 Audio frequency harmonic distortion of the emission 21 8.7.1 Definition . 21 8.7.2 Met

14、hod of measurement . 21 Normal test conditions 21 Extreme test conditions . 22 8.7.3 Limit 22 Adjacent channel power 22 8.8.1 Definition . 22 8.8.2 Method of measurement . 22 8.8.3 Limits 22 Conducted spurious emissions conveyed to the antenna . 23 8.9.1 Definition . 23 8.9.2 Method

15、of measurement . 23 8.9.3 Limit 23 Residual modulation of the transmitter 23 8.10.1 Definition . 23 8.1 0.2 Method of measurement . 23 8.1 0.3 Limit 23 Transient frequency behaviour of the transmitter 23 8.1 1.1 Definitions . 23 8.1 1.2 Method of measurement . 24 8.1 1.3 Limits 25 8.3.3 Frequency de

16、viation at modulation frequencies above 3 kHz 18 Sensitivity of the modulator, including microphone . 19 Receiver 27 9.1 Harmonic distortion and rated audio frequency output power . 27 9.1.1 Definition . 27 9.1 -2 Method of measurement . 27 9.1.3 Limits 27 Audio frequency response . 27 9.2.1 Definit

17、ion . 27 9.2.2 Method of measurement . 27 9.2.3 Limits 28 9.2 Page 5 ETS 300 698: March 1997 STD-ETSI ETS 300 bS-ENGL 1997 = 3qOO55 OLb72q2 8T9 m 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.1 o 9.1 1 9.12 9.13 Maximum usable sensitivity . 28 9.3.1 Definition . 28 9.3.2 Method of measurement . 29 9.3.3 Limits . 29

18、 Co-channel rejection 29 9.4.1 Definition . 29 9.4.2 Method of measurement . 29 9.4.3 Limit . 29 Adjacent channel selectivity . 29 9.5.1 Definition . 29 9.5.2 Method of measurement . 30 9.5.3 Limits . 30 Spurious response rejection 30 9.6.1 Definition . 30 9.6.2 Method of measurement . 30 9.6.3 Limi

19、t . 30 Intermodulation response 31 9.7.1 Definition . 31 9.7.2 Method of measurement . 31 9.7.3 Limit . 31 Blocking or desensitisation 31 9.8.1 Definition . 31 9.8.2 Method of measurement . 31 9.8.3 Limit . 32 9.9.1 Definition . 32 9.9.2 Method of measurement . 32 9.9.3 Limit . 32 9.10.1 Definition

20、. 32 9.1 0.2 Method of measurement . 32 9.1 0.3 Limit . 32 Receiver noise and hum level 32 9.1 1.1 Definition . 32 9.1 1.2 Method of measurement . 33 9.1 1.3 Limit . 33 Squelch operation 33 9.12.1 Definition . 33 9.12.2 Method of measurement . 33 9.12.3 Limits . 33 Squelch hysteresis . 34 9.13.1 Def

21、inition . 34 9.13.2 Method of measurement . 34 9.1 3.3 Limit . 34 Conducted spurious emissions conveyed to the antenna . 32 Amplitude response of the receiver limiter . 32 1 O Duplex operation . 34 Receiver desensitisation with simultaneous transmission and reception 34 10.1.1 Definition . 34 10.1.2

22、 Method of measurement . 34 10.1.3 Limits . 34 Receiver spurious response rejection 35 10.1 10.2 Annex A (normative): Power measuring receiver 36 A.l Power measuring receiver specification 36 A.l.l IF filter 36 A.1.2 Attenuation indicator 37 A.1.3 RMS value indicator . 37 A.1.4 Oscillator and amplif

23、ier 37 Annex B (normative): Automatic Transmitter identification System (ATIS) 38 B.l System description _uII_- 38 STD.ETS1 ETS 300 b-ENGL 1997 3900855 OLb7243 735 Page 6 ETS 300 698: March 1997 B.l.l 9.1.2 0.1.3 B.l.4 B.1.5 B.1.6 B.1.7 9.1.8 B.1.9 8.1.10 B.1.11 General 38 Technical requirements . 3

24、8 Signai requirements 38 Format of an ATIS signal sequence 39 Dot pattern . 40 Phasing . 40 Format specifier 41 Identification 41 End of sequence . 41 Error check character 41 Conversion of a call sign to MID 41 8.2 ATIS encoder 43 8.2.1 8.2.2 Internally generated signals 43 Frequency error (demodul

25、ated signal) 43 Definition . 43 B.2.2.2 Method of measurement . 43 Limits 43 9.2.3 Modulation index . 43 Definition . 43 Method of measurement . 43 Limits 43 8.2.4 Modulation rate 43 Definition . 43 Method of measurement . 43 B.2.4.3 Limits 44

26、Testing of the ATIS format 44 , B.2.5 Annex C (normative): Conversion of a radio call sign into an ATIS identification . 45 History . 46 . STD-ETSI ETS 300 bSB-ENGL I777 3q00855 OIb724Li 671 Page 7 ETS 300 698: March 1997 Foreword This European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) has been produced by t

27、he Radio Equipment and Systems (RES) Technical Committee of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). Transposition dates Date of adoption: 21 February 1997 I Date of latest announcement of this ETS (doa): 30 June 1997 Date of latest publication of new National Standard or endorsem

28、ent of this ETS (dop/e): 31 December 1997 Date of withdrawal of any conflicting National Standard (ow): 31 December 1997 STD-ETSI ETS 300 b98-ENGL 1997 m 3400855 Olb72Li5 508 Page 8 ETS 300 698: March 1997 Blank page STD-ETSI ETS 300 b78-ENGL 1997 m 3400855 OLb724b 4q4 m Page 9 ETS 300 698: March 19

29、97 1 Scope This ETS lays down the minimum requirements for VHF radio transmitters and receivers operating on board ships in frequency bands allocated to the maritime mobile service, used on inland waterways as defined by Regional Agreements or responsible Administrations. This ETS applies to VHF tra

30、nsmitters and receivers fitted with a 50 Cl external antenna socket or connector for use on board ships on inland waterways and operating in the bands between 156 and 174 MHz allocated to the maritime mobile service by the Radio Regulations l, appendices 18 and 19. For countries where the Automatic

31、Transmitter Identification System (ATIS) is mandatory, the requirements of annex B apply. 2 Normative references This ETS incorporates by dated or undated reference provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are

32、 listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent references to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this ETS only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. Il ITU Radio Regulations (1990 Revise

33、d in 1994). 31 141 ITU-T Recommendation E.161 (1 993): “Arrangement of digits, letters and symbols on telephones and other devices that can be used for gaining access to a telephone network“. ETS 300 338: “Radio Equipment and Systems (RES); Technical characteristics and methods of measurement for eq

34、uipment for generation, transmission and reception of Digital Selective Calling (DSC) in the maritime MF, MF/HF and/or VHF mobile service“. IEC 1162-1 : “Digital Interfaces - Maritime Navigation and Radiocommunication Equipment and Systems - Part 1: Single Talker and Multiple Listeners“. i51 ISO/R 6

35、94: “Positioning of magnetic compasses in ships“. ETR 028: “Radio Equipment and Systems (RES); Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile radio equipment Characteristics“. ITU-T Recommendation P.53 (1 988): “Psophometers (apparatus for the objective measurement of circuit noise)“. ITU-R Recommendati

36、on M.493: “Digital selective-calling system for use in the maritime mobile service“. 3 Definitions and Abbreviations 3.1 Definitions For the purposes of this ETS, the definitions given in the Radio Regulations l apply. 3.2 Abbreviations For the purposes of this ETC, the following abbreviations apply

37、: ad amplitude difference ATIS Automatic Transmitter Identification System DSC Digital Selective Calling DX first transmission emf electromotive force fd frequency difference - STD*ETSI ETS 300 bSB-ENGL 1777 3Li00855 OLb7247 380 Page 10 ETS 300 698: March 1997 RF rms RX SINAD VSWR Radio Frequency ro

38、ot mean square re-transmiscion Signal + Noise + Distortion/Noise + Distortion Voltage Standing Wave Ratio 4 General requirements 4.1 Construction The mechanical and electrical construction and finish of the equipment shall conform in all respects to good engineering practice, and the equipment shall

39、 be suitable for use on board ships. All controls shall be of sufficient size to enable the usual control functions to be easily performed and the number of controls should be the minimum necessary for simple and satisfactory operation. For the purpose of conformance testing, relevant technical docu

40、mentation shall be supplied with the equipment, The VHF maritime mobile service uses both single-frequency and two-frequency channels. For two-frequency channels the Radio Regulations require a separation of 4,6 MHz between the transmitting frequency and the receiving frequency. The equipment shall

41、be capable of operating on single frequency and two-frequency channels with manual control (simplex). It may also be capable of operating on twofrequency channels without manual control (duplex). No scanning or multiple watch facilities shall be implemented. The equipment shall be able to operate on

42、 all channels defined in the Radio Regulations l, appendix 18. Operation on channels 75 and 76 shall be prevented by appropriate means. The equipment shall be so designed that use of channel 70 for purposes other than Digital Selective Calling (DSC) is prevented. The Administration may grant permiss

43、ion for one or more channels in addition to those as defined by the Radio Regulations l, appendix 18. The possibility to apply automatic power reduction to any of these channels shall be available. It shall not be possible for the user to change the programmed settings of these channels. The output

44、power shall be automatically limited to a value between 0,5 and 1 W on the following channels: - 6,8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17,71,72,74and77. It shall not be possible to transmit while any frequency synthesizer used within the transmitter is out of lock. It shall not be possible to transmit during

45、 channel switching operations. 4.2 Controls and indicators The equipment shall have a channel selector and shall indicate the designator, as shown in the Radio Regulations l, appendix 18, of the channel at which the installation is set. The channel designator shall be legible irrespective of the ext

46、ernal lighting conditions. Where an input panel on the equipment for entering the digits O - 9 is provided, this shall conform to ITU-T Recommendation E.161 2. - Page 11 ETS 300 698: March 1997 STD-ETSI ETS 300 bS8-ENGL 1797 M 3q00855 OLb72q8 217 W The equipment shall have the following additional c

47、ontrols and indicators: - an on/off switch for the entire installation with a visual indication that the installation is in operation; - a manual non-locking push to talk switch to operate the transmitter; - a manual switch for reducing the transmitter output power to a value between 0,5 and 1 W; -

48、an audio frequency power volume control not affecting the audio level of the handset; - a squelch control; - a control for reducing the brightness of the equipment illumination to zero; - an output power detector giving a visual indication that the carrier is being produced. The equipment shall also

49、 meet the following requirements: - the user shall not have access to any control which, if wrongly set, might impair the technical characteristics of the equipment; - if the accessible controls are located on a separate console and if there are two or more control consoles, one of the consoles shall have priority over the others. If there are two or more control consoles, the operation of one console shall be indicated on the other consoles. 4.3 Handset and loudspeaker The equipment shall be fitted with an integral

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