ETSI GSM 03 70-1996 Digital Cellular Telecommunications System Routeing of Calls to from Public Data Networks (PDN) and the GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) (GSM 03 70)《数字蜂窝通信_1.pdf

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ETSI GSM 03 70-1996 Digital Cellular Telecommunications System Routeing of Calls to from Public Data Networks (PDN) and the GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) (GSM 03 70)《数字蜂窝通信_1.pdf_第1页
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ETSI GSM 03 70-1996 Digital Cellular Telecommunications System Routeing of Calls to from Public Data Networks (PDN) and the GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) (GSM 03 70)《数字蜂窝通信_1.pdf_第2页
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ETSI GSM 03 70-1996 Digital Cellular Telecommunications System Routeing of Calls to from Public Data Networks (PDN) and the GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) (GSM 03 70)《数字蜂窝通信_1.pdf_第3页
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ETSI GSM 03 70-1996 Digital Cellular Telecommunications System Routeing of Calls to from Public Data Networks (PDN) and the GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) (GSM 03 70)《数字蜂窝通信_1.pdf_第4页
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ETSI GSM 03 70-1996 Digital Cellular Telecommunications System Routeing of Calls to from Public Data Networks (PDN) and the GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) (GSM 03 70)《数字蜂窝通信_1.pdf_第5页
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1、GSM - Ec“ICAL P ECI FI CATION GSM 03.70 November 1996 Version 5.0.0 Source: ETSI TC-SMG Reference: TS/SMG-O4037OQ ICs: 33.020 Key words: Digital cellular telecommunications system, Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) GLOBAL SYSTEM FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS Digital cellular telecommunicatio

2、ns system; Routeing of calls to/from Public Data Networks (PDN) and the GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) (GSM 03.70) ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETSI Secretariat Postal address: F-O6921 Sophia Antipoiis CEDEX - FRANCE Office address: 650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Anti

3、polis - Valbonne - FRANCE X.400: c=fr, a=atlas, p=etsi, s=secretariat - Internet: secretariata Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 O0 - Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16 Copyright Notification: No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to

4、reproduction in all media. O European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1996. All rights reserved. Page 2 GSM 03.70 Version 5.0.0: November 1996 Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publication of this document, errors in content, typographical or otherwise, may occur. If you

5、 have comments concerning its accuracy, please write to “ETSI Editing and Committee Support Dept.“ at the address shown on the title page. STD-ETSI GSM 03.70-ENGL L77b 3400855 0357207 b8O W Page 3 GSM 03.70 Version 5.0.0: November 1996 Contents Foreword . 5 1 Scope 7 2 Normative references 7 3 Defin

6、itions and abbreviations 8 4 Introduction 8 Short and long term network characteristics 9 4.1 5 General discussion of numbering related issues on routeing to and from a PDN 9 5.1 Mobile originated PSPDN terminated connection . 9 PSPDN/ISDN originated Mobile terminated connection 10 Mobile originated

7、 PDN terminated connection 11 Use of ESCAPE Code . 12 Use of NPITTON indication 13 Pre T Phase Case . 13 Routeing from and to a PSPDN . 9 Routeing from and to other PDNs 11 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.2.1 5.2 5.2.2 PDN originated mobile terminated connection 13 Interworking via t

8、he ISDN, MS has E.164 number, PDN supports Interworking between PLMN and PDN via ISDN, MS has X.121 number, PDN supports non-zoned service concept . 15 Interworking directly from PDN to PLMN, MS has E.164 number, PDN supports ESCAPE code and additional number analysing capabilities . 16 Interworking

9、 directly from PDN to PLMN, MS has X.121 number. PDN ESCAPE code concept . 14 supports non-zoned service concept 16 Post-T Phase Case . 16 Interworking between PLMN and PDN via ISDN, MS has E.164 number, PDN supports NPIKON capability 17 6 Routeing sce

10、narios to cater for roaming mobiles for PON originated calls . 17 6.1 Routeing scenarios to cater for roaming mobiles for PSPDN originated calls . 17 6.1.1 Basic Packet Mode Access; PH is part of PLMN/PSPDN . 17 6.1.2 Basic Packet Mode Access; PH is part of ISDNPSPDN 18 6.1.3 Basic Packet Mode Acces

11、s; X.32 dial port (modem in PSPDN) . 18 6.2 Scenarios to cater for interworking with other PDNs . 19 History 20 STD-ETSI GSM 03-70-ENGL 1776 3400855 0357208 517 Page 4 GSM 03.70 Version 5.0.0: November 1996 Blank page STD-ETSI GSM 03.70-ENGL 177b 3i00855 0259207 453 Page 5 GSM 03.70 Version 5.0.0: N

12、ovember 1996 Foreword This Global System for Mobile communications Technical Specification (GTS) has been produced by the Special Mobile Group (SMG) Technical Committee (TC) of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). This GTS identifies the routeing scenarios possible for calls b

13、etween Public Data Networks (PDNs) and the digital cellular telecommunications system. This GTS is a TC-SMG approved GSM technical specification version 5. The European Telecommunications Standard (ETS) from which this GTS has evolved is Phase 2 GSM ETS 300 541 (GSM 03.70 version 4.0.3). The content

14、s of this GTS are subject to continuing work within TC-SMG and may change following formal TC-SMG approval. Should TC-SMG modify the contents of this GTS it will then be republished by ETSI with an identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows: Version 5.x.y where:

15、y the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the specif ication; x the second digit is incremented for all other types of changes, .e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates, etc. The specification from which this GTS has been derived was originally ba

16、sed on CEPT documentation, hence the presentation of this GTS may not be entirely in accordance with the ETSI rules. STD-ETSI GSM 03-70-ENGL L77b 3400855 OL572L0 175 Page 6 GSM 03.70 Version 5.0.0: November 1996 Blank page Page 7 GSM 03.70 Version 5.0.0: November 1996 1 Scope This Global System for

17、Mobile communications Technical Specification (GTS) identifies the routeing scenarios possible for calls between Public Data Networks (PDNs) and the GSM PLMN. As one of the prime means of routeing is based on the subscriber number, this recommendation initially defines the numbering principles for i

18、nterworking between PLMNs and PDNs. These principles indicate: - present PDN procedures when aiming at single stage interworking for the near term; and - future PDN procedures exploiting the 15 digit and intelligent signalling capabilities of the ISDN as the long term solution. Further routeing scen

19、arios are presented for PDN originated calls to mobile subscribers who are roaming on a foreign PLMN. 2 Normative references This GTS incorporates by dated and undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the pu

20、blications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this GTS only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. 31 41 i51 91 GSM O1 .O

21、4 (ETR 350): “Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Abbreviations and acronyms“. GSM 03.03 (ETS 300 927): “Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Numbering, addressing and identification“. GSM 04.08 (ETS 300 940): “Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+

22、); Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification“. GSM 04.21 (ETS 300 945): “Digital cellular telecommunications system; Rate adaption on the Mobile Station - Base Station System (MS - BSS) interface“. GSM 09.04: “Digital cellular telecommunications system; Interworking between the Public Land Mobile

23、 Network (PLMN) and the Circuit Switched Public Data Network (CSPDN)“. GSM 09.05: “Digital cellular telecommunications system; Interworking between the Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) and the Packet Switched Public Data Network (PSPDN) for Packet Assembly/Disassembly facility (PAD) access“. GSM 09

24、.06 (ETS 300 975): “Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Interworking between a Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) and a Packet Switched Public Data Networklntegrated Services Digital Network (PSPDNASDN) for the support of packet switched data transmission services“. GSM 09.07 (ETS

25、300 976): “Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General requirements on interworking between the Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) and the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) or Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)“. CCITT Recommendation E.163: “Numbering plan for the in

26、ternational telephone service“. CCITT Recommendation E.164: “Numbering plan for the ISDN era“. CCITT Recommendation E.165: “Timetable for co-ordinated implementation of the full capability of the numbering plan for the ISDN ear“. CCITT Recommendation E.166: “Numbering plan interworking in the ISDN e

27、ra“. Page 8 GSM 03.70 Version 5.0.0: November 1996 i 31 i 71 i 91 CCITT Recommendation E.213: “Telephone and ISDN numbering plan for land mobile stations“. CCITT Recommendation 1.332: “Numbering Principles for interworking between ISDNs and Dedicated Networks with different Numbering Plans“. CCITT R

28、ecommendation X.25: “Interface between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) for terminals operating in the packet mode and connected to public data networks by dedicated circuit“. CCITT Recommendation X.11 O: “International routing principles and routing plan fo

29、r public data networks“. CCITT Recommendation X.121: “International numbering plan for public data networks“. CCITT Recommendation X.122: “Numbering plan interworking between a packet switched public data network (PSPDN) and an integrated services digital network (ISDN) or public switched telephone

30、network (PSTN) in the short term“. ETS 300 099: “Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Specification of the Packet Handler access point Interface (PHI)“. 3 Definitions and abbreviations In addition to those below, abbreviations used in this GTS are listed in GSM 01.04. Concept of time “T“: CCI

31、TT Recommendation E165 specifies that by the time “T“ (set to 31.12.1996) full capability of the numbering plan for the ISDN era (CCITT Recommendation E.164) will be implemented. Short Code: Cd cg CRP see GSM 09.06 Called Number Calling Number Call Request Packet in CCITT Recommendation X.25 4 Intro

32、duction The GSM PLMN uses the same numbering plan as the ISDN. PDNs - in particular the CSPDN and the PSPDN - are dedicated networks which use a non ISDWGSM PLMN numbering plan. Because of the disparity in the networks (PLMNASDN to PDN), calls from subscribers on one network to a subscriber on the o

33、ther network need to be directed via gateways, housing Interworking Functions (IWFs). This requires the originating network to determine an unambiguous indication of the gateway/route to take, which may not be possible on the basis of the called party number alone. This constitutes a major interwork

34、ing issue which has been dealt with for the ISDN/PDN case already by CCITT. Because of the affinity of the ISDN and GSM PLMN numbering plans it is therefore obvious to try to seek some commonality between the ISDN and the PLMN in the approach for routeing. Two prime routeing scenarios have been cons

35、idered: a) interworking between the PLMN and the PDN will be by means of an intermediate ISDN/PSTN e.g. the PLMN interworks to the ISDN, with the ISDN then providing the necessary interworking to the PDN; b) interworking directly between the PLMN and the PDN. Page 9 GSM 03.70 Version 5.0.0: November

36、 1996 4.1 Short and long term network characteristics In the CCITT Recommendation. 1.332 the distinction is made between a short term and a long term solution for ISDN-numbering interworking with PDNs. The commencement of the long term solution is determined by the concept of Time 7“. Further the di

37、rective is given, that “Between now and “T“, any network or user equipment, in ISDNs, or networks intending to interwork with ISDNs, should be installed with the identified relevant post-7“ capability(ies).“ The implications on the routeing requirements for pre and post-7“ are: The post-“T“ phase is

38、 mainly characterized by the: - obligation to use the NPVTON indication in the signalling at least at the international boundary; - allowed exploitation of the 15 digit capability of the ISDN Number (E.164); while the pre-“T“ phase is characterized by the: - 12 digit capability according to CCIlT Re

39、commendation. E.163; - ESCAPE Code concept with its limited set of codes according to CCIT Recommendation. X.121; - DNIC according to “non-zoned services“ of CCIlT Recommendation.X.121; - Potential need for allocating a number from the X.121 Number Plan to a GSM PLMN subscriber in order to meet spec

40、ific numbering requirements within the respective PDN; Potential limitations for national PDNs to examine additional digits for routeing purposes. - 5 General discussion of numbering related issues on routeing to and from a PDN Concerning the issue of numbering for GSM PLMN/PDN interworking, the con

41、cept of time “T“ will be applied in the following. This entails distinguishing between a pre-“T“ and a post-“T“ phase. 5.1 Routeing from and to a PSPDN The interworking with the PSPDN will be provided in accordance with ETS 300 O99 (see GSM 09.06). An E.164 number (provided by the user or inserted b

42、y the network) will be used to access the Packet Handler (PH). Standard PLMN procedures will be used to route to this number. The routeing from the PH to the destination DTE and from the destination DTE to the PH is based on the called address in the X.25 call packets. This information is not used i

43、n the PLMN (it is transparent and not visible to the PLMN). The presentation of this address information depends for the basic packet mode access on the accessed PH. For the dedicated GSM packet mode access an address presentation is defined in order to allow user friendly roaming. 5.1.1 Mobile orig

44、inated PSPDN terminated connection There are no specific requirements for the basic packet mode. Calls are always routed to the called address given by the user in the SETUP message. As circuit switched calls are always routed to the home PH, international addresses must be supported by the PH. The

45、address information in the Call Request Packet (CRP) depends on the requirement of the home PH. The routeing scenarios for the dedicated packet mode are given in figures 03.70/1 and 03.70/2. Page 10 GSM 03.70 Version 5.0.0: November 1996 -. - A - TAF - PLMN PH - I E.161 - L PSPDN -B - E.164 X.25 Ter

46、minal x.121 X.25 Terminal -_I - A - TAF - PLHN PH - - UT I X.25 Terminal - PSPDN B i - Cd:O + X.121 (B).CRP or E.161 (0. CRP (Note 2) Cg:E.164 (A). CRP CrkX.121 (B).CRP or E.164 (C). CRP (Note 1) _ - Cg:O + E.164 (A). CRP NOTE 1 : The PH is required to remove and inseri ESCAPE code digit(s) as appro

47、priate. NOTE2: The PLMN customer may be able to utilize a variety of services offered by the PSPDN by dialling an E.164 number. In some situations the E164 may mean (9/0 7- X.121) number. Figure 03.70/1: Numbering Plan Interworking PLMN to PSPDN for Dedicated Packet Mode Services, Use of ESCAPE Code

48、 Cd: X.121 NPI/TN (B).CRP or E.164 WPI/TON (0. CRP Cg:E.164 (A) NPl/TON. CRP + Cd: (NOTE). CRP Cg: (Note). CRP NOTE: A specific PSPDN or ISDN may use NPITTON or ESCAPE Code as required. Figure 03.70/2: Numbering Plan Interworking PLMN to PSPDN for Dedicated Packet Mode Services, Use of NPVTON indica

49、tion 5.1.2 PSPDMSDN originated Mobile terminated connection Only the Basic Packet Mode supports mobile terminated connections. The call is routed in the PSPDN according to the called address (E.164 or optionally X.121). The PH sets up a circuit switched connection to the MS if it does not already exist. For this call the E.164 of the MS is used (either available from the calling user or translated in the PH from the X.121 number). The addresses in the X.25 call packets (invisible to PLMN) is as required by the home PH. An example is given in figures 03.70/3

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