ETSI TR 101 170-1998 Generic Programmable Communication Interface (PCI) for Multimedia Applications Identification of PCIs Needed (V1 1 1)《多媒体应用的一般可编程通信接口(PCI) PCIs的识别要求(版本1 1 1)》.pdf

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ETSI TR 101 170-1998 Generic Programmable Communication Interface (PCI) for Multimedia Applications Identification of PCIs Needed (V1 1 1)《多媒体应用的一般可编程通信接口(PCI) PCIs的识别要求(版本1 1 1)》.pdf_第1页
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ETSI TR 101 170-1998 Generic Programmable Communication Interface (PCI) for Multimedia Applications Identification of PCIs Needed (V1 1 1)《多媒体应用的一般可编程通信接口(PCI) PCIs的识别要求(版本1 1 1)》.pdf_第2页
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ETSI TR 101 170-1998 Generic Programmable Communication Interface (PCI) for Multimedia Applications Identification of PCIs Needed (V1 1 1)《多媒体应用的一般可编程通信接口(PCI) PCIs的识别要求(版本1 1 1)》.pdf_第3页
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ETSI TR 101 170-1998 Generic Programmable Communication Interface (PCI) for Multimedia Applications Identification of PCIs Needed (V1 1 1)《多媒体应用的一般可编程通信接口(PCI) PCIs的识别要求(版本1 1 1)》.pdf_第4页
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ETSI TR 101 170-1998 Generic Programmable Communication Interface (PCI) for Multimedia Applications Identification of PCIs Needed (V1 1 1)《多媒体应用的一般可编程通信接口(PCI) PCIs的识别要求(版本1 1 1)》.pdf_第5页
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1、 STD-ETSI TR 101 170-ENGL 1998 3400855 0318123 160 TR 1 O1 170 1.1.1 (1998-05) Technical Repon Generic Programmable Communication Interface (PCI) for multimedia applications; Identification of PCls needed STD-ETSI TR LO1 170-ENGL 1778 W 3400855 031812LI aT7 W 2 TR 101 170 Vl.l.1 (1998-05) Reference

2、DTWMTA-032034 (au000ics. PDF) Keywords API, PCI, interface, multimedia, ISDN, broadband, ATM ETSI Secretariat Postal address F-O6921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE Office address 650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis Valbonne - FRANCE Siret No 348 623 562 00017 - NAF 742 C Association but non l

3、ucratif enregistre la Sous-Prfecture de Grasse (06) No 7803/88 Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 O0 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16 Internet secretariata http:/w.etsi .fr http:/ Copyright Notification No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing r

4、estriction extend to reproduction in ail media. O European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1998. Aii rights reserved. STD-ETSI TR 101 170-EMGL it998 m 3LihCIi355 03LBL25 T33 3 TR 101 170V1.1.1 (1998-05) Contents Intellectual Property Rights 6 Foreword 6 1 2 3 3.1 3.2 4 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6

5、 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.2 6.3 6.3.1 6.3,1.3 6.3.2 6.3.3 7 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.3 7.4 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 Scope 6 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations . 11 Readers guideline 14 Methodology . -14 References 7 Def

6、initions . 11 Abbreviations . 12 Application class view . . 15 User view . 15 . 15 . 15 Network view . . 15 PCI model 16 PCI aspects . 16 Application related PCIs 17 17 Commonalties of PCIs . 18 Existing PCIs . 18 19 Facsimile Class 1, Class 2 and Class 2.0 interface . 19 ETS 300 325 and ETS 300 325

7、 edition 2 . 20 WinISDN 20 . 20 Sockets and winsock interfaces . 20 21 GCC and MCS interfaces . 21 Application related interface 22 ITU-T Recommendation (APPLUCOM) . 22 Network related PCIs . . Protocol related PCIs Network related interfaces . Protocol related interfaces CMC v2.0 and MAP1 interface

8、s . . 22 TAPI interface 22 Summary of results 23 Requirements for PCIs in a multimedia environment 23 Requirements of application related interfaces . 24 Consideration of networks and protocol stacks 26 Consideration of complex services . 28 Estimation of PCIs . 30 Conclusion . 30 Extension of ETS 3

9、00 325 . . 31 Adaptation of the XAPI inte e . . 31 Creation of a native ATM interface 31 Requirements of network related interfaces Requirements of protocol related interfaces . Additional considerations for PCIs in a multimedia environment . 25 25 Consideration of bandwidth requirements . 8 8.1 8.2

10、 Application class view . 31 Main categories of applications . 31 conversational family requirements 33 8.2.1 Video/audio transmission . 33 STDOETSI TR 101 L70-ENGL 1998 3400655 03LB12b 97T 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.3 8.3.1 8.

11、3.2 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 4 TR 101 170 Vl.l.1 (1998-05) Video-telephony . . 35 Sound transmission 37 38 Telefax transmission High resolution image Messaging and retrieval family requirements . Information retrieval . Videotex-based in

12、formation retrieval . 42 Video retrieval 43 High resolution image retrieval . . 44 Document retrieval . 44 Data retrieval Internet World Wide W Distribution without user indiv Distribution family requirements . Video distribution . 46 Data distribution . 47 Mixed document distribution . 9 User View

13、48 9.1 Main categories of users . 48 9.2 Information producer requirements 9.3 Information manager requirements 48 10 Media view . 49 10.1 Main categories of media . 49 10.2 Telematic files . 10.3 Graphics 10.4 Still pictures 10.5 Audio 10.6 Video . 51 11 Service view . 5 1 12 Ne Glossary . 71 Annex

14、 B: Bibliography 72 History 74 STD-ETSI TR LO1 L70-ENGL 1998 m 3400855 03l18128 742 m 6 TR 101 170 Vl.l.1 (1998-05) Intellectual Property Rights IPRs essential or potentially essential to the present document may have been declared to ETSI. The information pertaining to these essential IPRs, if any,

15、 is publicly available for ETSI members and non-members , and can be found in ETR 314: “Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs); Essential, or potentially Essential, IPRs notified to ETSI in respect of ETSI standards“, which is available free of charge from the ETSI Secretariat. Latest updates are avail

16、able on the ETSI Web server (http:/www , etsi .frlipr or ht tp:/www .etsi .org/ipr). Pursuant to the ETSI Interim PR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out by ETSI. No guarantee can be given as to the existence of other IPRs not referenced in ETR 3 14 (or the updates

17、on the ETSI Web server) which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document. Foreword This Technical Report (TR) has been produced by ETSI Project Multimedia Terminals and Applications (MTA). Trademarks - - - - - CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe, Inc. Microsoft,

18、MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. NetWare and Novell are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. Unix is a registered trademark with an exclusive licence of the WOpen Company, Ltd. All other trademarks contained herein, even if not explicitly noted, are th

19、e property of their respective owners (e.g. Intel, Corel, CorelDraw, AutoDesk, AutoCAD, Lotus. 1 Scope The term PCI stands for Programmable Communication Interface, sometimes also referred to as Programming Communication Interface. A PCI presents a specialized Application Program Interface (API) tha

20、t is related to the communications aspects of software. The present document deals with the requirements of PCIs for multimedia applications, i.e. digital applications that combine independent isochronous and asynchronous media types together. Multimedia applications can be interactive or not. They

21、may use and/or present different types of media either in context, or simultaneously or in loose conjunction with each other. Different types of applications and different types of media like audio, video, voice or images, impose different requirements onto the terminal equipment and the underlying

22、communications networks. The impact of those applications and media, and the abilities of the communications networks are studied thoroughly. The demands of the (human) users are considered carefully. The present document analyses the different requirements by applying different viewpoints, which il

23、luminate the viewpoint-specific impacts and demands. The summary of the results form a general list of requirements for PCIs for multimedia applications. Those requirements are then compared against existing PCIs. As result a detailed list of requirements for each type of PCI is obtained. Moreover,

24、the present document structures the existing and future PCIs in accordance with existing PCI models and discusses briefly the need for future extension or creation of specific PCIs. The general title of the present document reads “Generic PCI for multimedia applications“. Since this title might misl

25、ead the reader in the sense that possibly one - and only one - PCI might exist that covers all the applications needs, the reader should note that the complexity of multimedia applications disallows this approach. Several - in nature completely different - PCIs will be needed to cover the world of m

26、ultimedia applications. This becomes even more apparent, if it is considered that future multimedia applications will probably extend to run in new kinds of terminal equipment that is not even yet available. The present document identifies the Programmable Communication Interfaces (PCIs) needed for

27、today and future multimedia aware applications. It points out: - - - - what kind of PCIs are needed; what kind of features those PCIs shall provide; what kind of suitable PCIs are already defined (or standardized) by standardization bodies; how existing definitions of those PCIs should be extended t

28、o cover the needs of multimedia aware applications. STD.ETS1 TR 101 170-ENGL 1998 W 3400855 0318129 b9 - 7 TR 101 170 V1.l.l (1998-05) 2 References The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document. References are either s

29、pecific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific. For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply. For a non-specific reference, subsequent revisions do apply. A non-specific reference to an ETS shall also be taken to refer to later versio

30、ns published as an EN with the same number. il i21 TCR-TR 026 (1994): “Terminal Equipment (TE); Multimedia Project Plan“. ITU-T Recommendation F.58 1 (1993): “Guidelines for Programming Communication Interfaces (PCIs) definition: service Recommendation“. ITU-T Recommendation 1.374 (1993): “Framework

31、 Recommendation on network capabilities to support multimedia services“. IT-T Recommendation I. 112 (1988): “Vocabulary of terms for ISDNs“. ETR 173 (1995): “Terminal Equipment (TE); Functional model for multimedia applications“. ETR 225 (1995): “Terminal Equipment (TE); Application Programming Inte

32、rface (API) and scnpt representation for MHEG; Requirements and framework“. i31 i41 Dl 61 71 ETR 084 (1 993): “Terminal Equipment (TE); Multimedia Multimedia portfolio; A compilation of multimedia applications and services provided by ETSI members“. ETR 368: “Terminal Equipment (TE); General archite

33、cture for Programming Communication Interfaces (PCIs)“. 91 DOI ETS 300 243-1 (1995): “Terminal Equipment (TE); Programmable Communication Interface (PCI) APPLUCOM for facsimile group 3, facsimile group 4, teletex and telex services Part 1 : ITU- T Recommendation T.611 (1992) modified“. ITU-T Recomme

34、ndation T.611 (1994): “Programmable Communication Interface (KI) APPLiCOM for facsimile group 3, facsimile group 4, teletex, telex, E-mail and file transfer services“. i 11 1121 ETS 300 325 (1994): “Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Programming Communication Interface (PCI) for Euro-ISDN“.

35、 i131 ETS 300 325 second edition (June 1995): “Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Harmonized Programming Communication interface (PCI) for ISDN“. WinISDN, An Open Specification for ISDN voice and data communications under Microsoft Windows. Internet: http:/www.mI ITU-T Recommendation 1.21 1

36、 (1993): “B-ISDN service aspects“. ETS 300 382 (1995): “Terminal Equipment (TE); Videotex Enhanced Man Machine Interface service (VEMMI)“. u41 i151 I61 i71 U-T Recommendation T. 122 (1993): “Multipoint communication service for audiographics and audiovisual conferencing service definition“. STD=ETSI

37、 TR LO1 170-ENGL 1998 3i600855 0318130 3T0 8 TR 101 170V1.1.1 (1998-05) ITU-T Recommendation T. 123: “Network specific data protocol staks for multimedia conferencing“. ITU-T Recommendation T. 124 (1994): “Generic conference control“. ITU-T Recommendation T. 125 (1994): “Multipoint communication ser

38、vice protocol spec i fi c ati on“. ITU-T Recommendation T. 126 (1994): “Multipoint still image and annotation protocol“. ITU-T Recommendation T. 127 (1994): “Multipoint binary file transfer protocol“. ITU-T Recommendation T.434 (1992): “Binary file transfer format for the telematic services“. ITU-T

39、Recommendation H.261 (1993): “Video codec for audiovisual services at p x 64 kbit“. ITU-T Recommendation G.711 (1988): “Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) of voice frequencies“ ITU-T Recommendation G.722 (1993): “7 kHz audiocoding within 64 kbit/s“. ITU-T Recommendation G.728 (1992): “Coding of speech at 1

40、6 kbit/s using low-delay code excited linear prediction“. ISO/IEC 13522 (1995): “Information Technology - Coding of Multimedia and Hypermedia information“ Part 1: “MHEG Object Representation, Base notation (ASN.1)“. Part 2: “Alternate notation (SGML)“. Part 3: “MHEG Extension for Scripting Language

41、Support“. Part 4: “Registration Procedure for Format Identifiers“. Part 5: “MHEG Subset for Base Level Implementation“. Internet Draft (1995): “HTML 2.0“ ETR 296: “Multimedia: Standardization areas to be covered“ Microsoft MAP1 specifications (1995). internet: http:/www. microsoft. com Microsoft TAP

42、I specifications (1995). In te rnet : http :/w w w. microsoft. com TRIBUNE Application Programming Interface - Framework document. internet: http:/ ITU-T Recommendation T.50 (1 992): “International reference alphabet“. ITU-T Recommendation T.51 (1992): “Latin based coded character set

43、s for telematic services“ ITU-T Recommendation T.52 (1993): “Non-latin based coded character sets for telematic services“. ISO/IEC 11172 (1993): “Coding for moving pictures and associated audio for storage media up to about 1,s Mbit/s“. ISO/IEC 13818 (1994): “Generic coding of moving pictures and as

44、sociated audio information“ ISO/IEC 10918 (1989): “Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images“ ITU-T Recommendation H.320 (1993): “Narrow-band visual telephone systems and terminal equipment“. ITU-T Draft Recommendation H.32Y: “Adaptation of H.320 terminals to B-ISDN“. ETS 300 38

45、3 (1995): “integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); File transfer over the ISDN EUROFILE transfer profile“. 9 TR 101 170 V1.l.l (1998-05) i461 5 11 i521 ETS 300 388 (1995): “Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); File Transfer Access and Management (FTAM) over ISDN based on simple file trans

46、fer profile“. RFC 959 (1985): “File Transfer Protocol“. ITU-T Recommendation T.522 (1992): “Communication application profile BT1 for document bulk transfer“. ITU-T Recommendation T.435: “Document Transfer and Manipulation (DTAM) - Services and protocols - Abstract service definition and procedures

47、for confirmed document manipulation“. ITU-T Recommendation T.436: “Document Transfer and Manipulation (DTAM) - Services and protocols - Protocol specifications for confirmed document manipulation“. ISO/IEC 8613 (1989): “Information processing - Text and office systems - Office Document Architecture

48、(ODA) and interchange format“. Part 1 : Introduction and general principles. Part 2: Document structures. Part 3: Abstract interface for the manipulation of ODA documents. Part 4: Document profile. Part 5: Office Document Interchange Format (ODIF). Part 6: Character content architectures. Part 7: Ra

49、ster graphics content architectures. Part 8: Geometric graphics content architectures. Part 9: Audio content architectures. Part 10: Formal specifications. Part 11: Tabular structures and tabular layout. Part 12: Identification of document fragments. Part 14: Temporal structures and non-linear structures“. iTU-T Recommendation X.224 (1993): “Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Protocol for providing the OS1 connection-mode transport service“. ITU-T Recommendation X.400 (1 993): “Message Handling Service (MHS) Syste

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