1、ETSI TR 1 O1 698 1.1.1 (1999-07) Number Portability Task Force (NPTF); Administrative support of service provider portability for geographic and non-geographic numbers STD-ETSI TR 101 b78-ENGL 1999 3400855 0423549 517 2 ETSI TR 101 698 Vl.l.l (199947) Reference OTWNA-O20072 (fq000iCS.PDF) Keywords p
2、ortability Postal address F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE Office address 650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipoiis Valbonne - FRANCE Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 O0 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16 Siret No 348 623 562 O0017 - NAF 742 C Association Essential or potentially Essential, IPRs notified to ETSI in
3、respect of ETSI standards“. which is available free of charge from the EXSI Secretariat. Latest updates are available on the ETSI Web server (http:/wWw.etsi.org/ipr). Pursuant to the ETSI IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out by ETSI. No guarantee can be given as
4、 to the existence of other IPRs not referenced in SR o00 314 (or the updates on the ETSI Web server) which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document. _ Foreword This Technical Report (TR) has been produced by ETSI Technical Committee Services and Protocol for Advanced Networks
5、 (SPAN). I ntrod uct ion The present document presents an overview of the Processes required to implement, and operate Number Portability between Service Providers. The Processes that are contained herein are limited to the High Level Service Description of Number Portability. The descriptions of th
6、e processes do not deal with processes within operators, within service providers, of between a Service Rovider and his operator within the same domain. Service Providers and network operators within the same domain have to agree between them, how they interchange information about future and curren
7、t porting. But those internal processes must be implemented in such a way that they do not conflict with the process as described here. It is not the intention of this report to detail how information is provided or used in each domain. Each of the processes are described in clause 4. together with
8、the differences that Number Portability imposes as opposed to normal operation, the information flows, and escalation procedures required. The intention of this report, in providing such a description of the processes, is to provide a checklist for implementation. Each implementation will have to ta
9、ke account of the national regulatory and commercial environment. STDmETSI TR I101 b98-ENGL 1999 = 3400855 0421553 T48 6 ETSI TR 101 698 V1.l.l (199407 1 Scope The present document considers the inter-operatorlservice provider processes required to support Number Portability, in particular, the info
10、rmation transfer requirements. Processes include: - - impact upon number administration; - - subsequent portability, cessation; - - fault handling; - - service establishment (including initiai contact, planning, implementation customer porting (including requests, validation, scheduling, contingency
11、 planning, porting); service maintenance (including network changes, introduction of new number ranges); ancillary system processes (which may include billing. directory enquiries, emergency; services, numbering plan administration and law enforcement agencies). The subsequent amendment to a porting
12、 order, or postponement to a porting order is outside the scope of the present document. 2 References The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document. References are either specific (identified by date of publication, ed
13、ition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific. For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply. For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. A non-specific reference to an ETS shall also be taken to refer to later versions published as an EN with the same number. Dl i2
14、1 TR 101 119 (Vl.1): “Network Aspects (NA); High level description of number portability“. ITU-T Recommendation E. 164 (1997): “The international public telecommunication numbering plan“. 3.1 Definitions and abbreviations Definitions For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and
15、definitions apply: Relinquishing Network Network from which the number is being ported. Directory Enquiry Service Provider: Service Provider that provides alternate Directory Services to end customers. Wholesale Biiiing: Billing process where the customer is a Service Provider or another Network Ope
16、rator. Interconnect Managers: Appropriately qualified and authorized siaff within Service Providers and Network Operators with responsibility for matters pertaining to Interconnect. 7 Connector ETSITR 101 098V1.1.1 (199947) End Porting Terminator Transit Operator Process 1 Message (Broadcast) CANCEL
17、 TRANSIT Message (Bilateral) Figure 1 3.2 Abbreviations For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply: DIS DQ ESE ISS LEA NO NP NPA NRA oss SP Directory Information Systems Directory Enquiry Emergency Services Enterprise Information Support Systems Law Enforcement Agenc
18、ies Network Operator Number Portability Numbering Pian Administration National Regulatory Authority Operational Support Systems Service Provider Donor operator 4 Assumptions Interconnect agreements are in place between involved operators, including aped points of contact. There is an agreed timescal
19、e against which involved operators will deliver Number Portability. Each operator is responsible for ensuring that their network, and Information Support Systems, are suitably prepared to handle number portability. Access to emergency service and, if appropriate, operator services shall be maintaine
20、d. No assumption is made as to the architectural solution adopted. However, it is recognized that if a centralized database approach is taken, information flows to serving networks may in practice be via a central entity. Any further discussion is outside the scope of the present document. Number po
21、rtability will only be delivered on request of the customer. If a customer transfers to another operator and does not explicitly indicate that he wants to keep his number, the customer will get another number. STDmETSI TR 101 678-ENGL 1797 - 3400855 0423555 810 II 8 ETSI TR 101 698 V1.l.l (1999-07)
22、The one-stop shop model is applicable to number portability. Point of departure in this model is that the recipient Service Provider. to whom the customer wants to transfer, is in control of the porting from the relinquishing entity to the recipient entity. This is by analogy with the insurance worl
23、d and, consequently, this model is also called the insurance- model. A number can only be served by one network operator. There will be a synchronized process because otherwise the routing of calls can go wrong. The network operators do not make any changes to the content of the messages that are ex
24、changed between the recipient Service Provider and the relinquishing Service Provider. Except in the case of broadcast, a message is logically only sent from one participant to another participant; in other words, the network operators do not interpret a message from one Service Provider to another
25、Service Provider. 5 5.1 Entities involved in the Porting Process Distribution Chain for Porting Service The distribution chain of the porting service contains the following roles: 0 customer; Service Provider (SP); Network perator (NO). The assumption is made that generically speaking these roles ca
26、n always be identified although these roles may not be fulfilled by separate legal entities (in practical situations some of these roles will be combined). For a clear understanding of the process, in the present document these roles will be seen as separate entities. In addition, sometimes the tem
27、recipient or relinquishing is used. It means either the service provider, or the network operator, or both, depending on the context. In the figure below, the relation of the various roles and wording is explained. To identify a realm, either realm is used, or combined with relinquishinglrecipient,
28、or only relinquishing and/or recipient is used. In some particular cases, the relinquishing entity may also be the donor entity (e.g. if the number is ported for the first time). The term donor will only be used when it is of specific interest that the entity fulfils the donor role. In all other cas
29、es the tem relinquishing will be used. Relinquishing Network Operator I Relinquishing Service Provider I Relinquishing (realm) I I f I 1 I I I I I Recipient Service Provider 1 I Recipient Network Operator 1 Transit Network Operator 1 Transit (realm) I I Recipient (realm) NOTE: This diagram may not i
30、nclude all entities involved. Figure 2: Explanation of the wording used in the present document STDeETSI TR LO1 bSB-ENGL 1979 3400855 042L55b 757 9 ETSI TR 101 698V1.1.1 (199947) The functional relationships between the entities participating in the porting process are indicated in the figure below.
31、 In the one-stop shop model. on which the processes are based, the recipient service provider is responsible for managing the whole process. (The physical links and connections used to realize the porting process may be different). Therefore, the communication will be at the level of the service pro
32、viders. customer service provider network operator I Figure 3: lhe Functional Relationships for telecommunication services 5.1 .I Service Provider (SP) Service provider is defined in I. Examples of service provider include a service operator/reseller in the case of Service numbers. 5.1.2 Network Ope
33、rator Network Operator is defined in I. Within the NP process three “different“ networks can be identified: relinquishing, recipient, and donor network. Definitions of relinquishing, recipient, and donor network can be found in I. The relationships between relinquishing, recipient, and donor network
34、 are also visualized in the figure below. The donor network operator will retain ownership of the numbers allocated to it by the Numbering Plan Administration regardless of how many of those numbers are ported to other operators, i.e. the number portability process does not have any effect on the al
35、location of numbers. First Porting from A to B Donor network Recipient network Relinquishing Subsequent or 2nd Porting network A remains the donor network Donor network Relinquishing Recipient network Figure 4: Explanation of relinquishing, recipient and donor network 5.1.3 Transit network The trans
36、it network is defined in 11. 10 ETSI TR 101 698 V1.l.l (1 99947) 5.2 One-stop Shop Model Number portability means that a customer resigns their subscription with a service provider and contracts another subscription with another service provider without changing their number. With the one-stop shop
37、model, the customer contacts a SP of the recipient network operator. The recipient SP takes care of the porting and is responsible for the whole porting process. Although the SP is responsible for the interface to the end-user, the actual porting and exchange of messages about the porting are done b
38、y network operators. The recipient Service Provider will inform the donor Service Provider to port the customer. Mer the port the donor will not charge the customer anymore (with the exception of the final bill) and the customer now belongs to the recipient operator. 6 Processes 6.1 Convention For e
39、ach process, the present document identifies what it is, why it is required, what are the information flows, and what are the escalation procedures. Note that the involved entities are considered from a functional perspective; for example, in an “Onward Routeing“ implementation, the donor Service Pr
40、ovider would act as both “Donor“ and “Serving“ entities, meaning that for the physical implementation, information flows to both functional entities should be considered. Similarly, for QoR implementations. the Donor provides some of the serving network functionality, meaning that for the physical i
41、mplementation, information flows to both functional entities would be considered. The following conventions are used in the information Flow clauses: Entity “A provides information to Entity “B“: Entities “A and “B“ exchange information: A-B Entities “A, “B“ or “C“ that exchange information are depe
42、ndent upon the exact circumstances in which the process is executed. Although the precise infrastructure to support the number portability process is outside the scope of the document, it is important to remark that some electronic infrasructure is needed. A fax-process wont do because of the large
43、volume of porting requests. Therefore this clause indicates that an infrastructure is needed. but does not include any remarks about the specifications of the infrastructure. 6.2 Number Portability Establishment Processes 6.2.1 Number Portability Establishment Process Description This is the process
44、 by which the Number Portability capability is implemented in the participating operators networks and Operational Support Systems. This involves implementation of the Serving Network functionality, and of the ability to route based upon the Routeing Number. It is recommended that Verification and V
45、alidation Testing of network and OSS Databuild occurs in this process. STD-ETSI TR 101 b98-ENGL Lq9q 3400855 O421558 52T 11 ETSI TR 101 698 V1.l.l (1999-07) 6.2.2 Rationale for the Establishment of Number Portability This process is required because prior to Number Portability, Serving Network funct
46、ionality was not required. Also there was not a requirement for use of Routeing Numbers. 6.2.3 Information Flows 1 ENTITIES Figure 5 I EMiTIES Figure 7 I 1 ENTITIES Figure 6 ENTITIES Figure 8 6.2.4 Escalation Procedures This process is the basis upon which operators will perform Number Portability.
47、Therefore any failure to reach agreement during this process will necessitate escalation to an appropriate regulatory, or arbitration, body. 6.3 Number Portability Maintenance Processes This subclause defines the processes required to maintain the Number Portability capability between Service Provid
48、ers following completion of the Establishment process. It details new procedures and identifies links to existing interconnect procedures which should be operating as business as usual, i.e. forecasting, route provision, etc. 6.3.1 Network Changes Network Changes Process Description This pro
49、cess is used when operators make changes to their networks (either internal or to Points of Interconnect) which affect the Routeing plan agreed during the Establishment process. STDmETSI TR 101 698-ENGL 1999 3400855 0423559 4bb m ErnES 12 ETSI TR 101 698 V1.1.1 (199907) Mauon Aor Figure 9 Escalation Procedures As these processes occur at an operational level, failure to resolve issues by operational staff will result in escalation to already identified Higher Level Interconnect Managers for resolution. 6.3.2 Capacity Planning Description of the