ETSI TR 122 925-2000 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) Service aspects Quality of Service and Network Performance (V3 1 1 3G TR 22 925 version 3 1 1 Release 1999)《发_1.pdf

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ETSI TR 122 925-2000 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) Service aspects Quality of Service and Network Performance (V3 1 1 3G TR 22 925 version 3 1 1 Release 1999)《发_1.pdf_第1页
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1、ETSI TR 122 925 V3.1.1 (2000-01)Technical ReportUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Service aspects;Quality of Service and Network Performance(3G TR 22.925 version 3.1.1 Release 1999)1ETSIETSI TR 122 925 V3.1.1 (2000-01)(3G TR 22.925 version 3.1.1 Release 1999)ReferenceDTS/TSGS-0122925

2、UKeywordsUMTSETSIPostal addressF-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCEOffice address650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia AntipolisValbonne - FRANCETel.:+33492944200 Fax:+33493654716Siret N 348 623 562 00017 - NAF 742 CAssociation but non lucratif enregistre laSous-Prfecture de Grasse (06) N 7803/88Intern

3、etsecretariatetsi.frIndividual copies of this ETSI deliverablecan be downloaded fromhttp:/www.etsi.orgIf you find errors in the present document, send yourcomment to: editoretsi.frImportant noticeThis ETSI deliverable may be made available in more than one electronic version or in print. In any case

4、 of existing orperceived difference in contents between such versions, the reference version is the Portable Document Format (PDF).In case of dispute, the reference shall be the printing on ETSI printers of the PDF version kept on a specific networkdrive within ETSI Secretariat.Copyright Notificatio

5、nNo part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media. European Telecommunications Standards Institute 2000.All rights reserved.2ETSIETSI TR 122 925 V3.1.1 (2000-01)(3G TR 22.925 version 3.1.1 Release 199

6、9)Intellectual Property RightsIPRs essential or potentially essential to the present document may have been declared to ETSI. The informationpertaining to these essential IPRs, if any, is publicly available for ETSI members and non-members, and can be foundin SR 000 314: “Intellectual Property Right

7、s (IPRs); Essential, or potentially Essential, IPRs notified to ETSI in respectof ETSI standards“, which is available from the ETSI Secretariat. Latest updates are available on the ETSI Web server(http:/ to the ETSI IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has

8、been carried out by ETSI. No guaranteecan be given as to the existence of other IPRs not referenced in SR 000 314 (or the updates on the ETSI Web server)which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document.ForewordThis Technical Report (TR) has been produced by the ETSI 3rdGenerati

9、on Partnership Project (3GPP).The present document may refer to technical specifications or reports using their 3GPP identities or GSM identities.These should be interpreted as being references to the corresponding ETSI deliverables. The mapping of documentidentities is as follows:For 3GPP documents

10、:3G TS | TR nn.nnn “ (with or without the prefix 3G)is equivalent toETSI TS | TR 1nn nnn “Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM); Universal MobileTelecommunications System; For GSM document identities of type “GSM xx.yy“, e.g. GSM 01.04, the corresponding ETSI document identity

11、may befound in the Cross Reference List on TR 22.925 3.1.1 (1999-04)33G TR 22.925 version 3.1.1ContentsForeword 4Introduction 41 Scope 52 Normative references. 53 Definitions and abbreviations 53.1 Definitions . 53.2 Abbreviations. 54 General. 64.1 Basic Requirement. 64.1.1 Qo

12、S Parameters 74.1.2 NP Parameters 74.2 Support of Speech Services . 74.2.1 QoS Parameters 74.2.2 NP Parameters 84.3 Support of Data Transmission Services. 84.3.1 QoS Parameters 84.3.2 NP Parameters 84.4 Support of Messaging Services 84.4.1 QoS Parameters 84.4.2 NP Parameters 94.5 Support of Facsimil

13、e Services . 94.5.1 QoS Parameters 94.5.2 NP Parameters 94.6 Support of Multimedia Services 94.6.1 QoS Parameters 94.6.2 NP Parameters 95 Quality of Service and Network Performance Parameter Values 95.1 General. 105.1.1 QoS Parameters Values 105.1.2 NP Parameters Values 105.2 Support of Speech Servi

14、ces . 115.2.1 QoS Parameters Values 115.2.2 NP Parameters Values 115.3 Support of Data Transmission Services. 125.3.1 QoS Parameters Values 125.3.2 NP Parameters Values 125.4 Support of Messaging Services 125.4.1 QoS Parameters Values 125.4.2 NP Parameters Values 125.5 Support of Facsimile Services

15、. 125.5.1 QoS Parameters Values 125.5.2 NP Parameters Values 135.6 Support of Multimedia Services 135.6.1 QoS Parameters Values 135.6.2 NP Parameters Values 13Annex A: General Quality Considerations 14Annex B: Change history 153GPP3G TR 22.925 3.1.1 (1999-04)43G TR 22.925 version 3.1.1ForewordThis T

16、echnical Report has been produced by the 3GPP.The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formalTSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of this TR, it will be re-released by the TSG with an identifyingchange of release date and

17、 an increase in version number as follows:Version 3.y.zwhere:x the first digit:1 presented to TSG for information;2 presented to TSG for approval;3 Indicates TSG approved document under change control.y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, correc

18、tions,updates, etc.z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the specification;IntroductionThe Quality of Service of the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System UMTS is an important factor whenintroducing the system to the customers. When UMTS is ready

19、 to be launched to the mass market, several other mobiletelecommunication services exist as an alternative for the general public. A high quality experienced by the user ofUMTS is essential in order to promote the idea of UMTS as a global all-purpose communication tool for millions ofpeople with mas

20、s produced low price terminal equipment.A possibility to use multi media services via UMTS in a practical and reliable manner is even more important in thenear future than today. There is also a tendency that a larger amount of traffic is taking place between mobile terminals,i.e. traffic within UMT

21、S and between UMTS and other networks. This gives more importance to transcoding and delayquality requirements.3GPP3G TR 22.925 3.1.1 (1999-04)53G TR 22.925 version 3.1.11 ScopeThis TR identifies the parameters and parameter values which are to be used as targets when producing UMTSstandards and whi

22、ch are to serve as guidelines to operators and service providers for network design and serviceprovision.2 Normative referencesThe following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the presentdocument.- References are either specific (identified b

23、y date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) ornon-specific.- For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.- For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies.- A non-specific reference to an ETS shall also be taken to refer to later versions published as an EN

24、with the samenumber.1 ITU-T Recommendation I.3502 ITU-T Recommendation E.8003 ITU-T Recommendation G.7114 ITU-T Recommendation G.7215 ITU-T Recommendation T.306 UMTS 22.05: “Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Services and ServiceCapabilities“7 UMTS 22.60: “Universal Mobile Telecommun

25、ications System (UMTS); Service aspects; Mobilemultimedia services including mobile Intranet and Internet services“.3 Definitions and abbreviations3.1 DefinitionsFor the purposes of the present document, the following definitions from the ITU-T Recommendation E.800 apply:Network performance: The abi

26、lity of a network or network portion to provide the functions related to communicationsbetween users.Quality of service: The collective effect of service performance which determine the degree of satisfaction of a user ofthe service.3.2 AbbreviationsFor the purposes of the present document, the foll

27、owing abbreviations apply:BER Bit error ratioEFS Error free secondsNP Network PerformanceMOS Mean Opinion Score3GPP3G TR 22.925 3.1.1 (1999-04)63G TR 22.925 version 3.1.1PSTN Public Switched Telephone NetworkPDNs Public Data NetworksQoS Quality of Service4 GeneralQuality of serviceQuality of service

28、 is defined in ITU-T Recommendation E.800 as the collective effect of service performances whichdetermines the satisfaction of a user of a service. It is characterised by the combined aspects of performance factorsapplicable to all services, such as:- service support performance;- service operabilit

29、y performance;- service accessibility performance;- service retainability performance;- service integrity performance;- service security performance;Within this report the aspects of Quality of Service that are covered are restricted to the identification of parameters thatcan directly observed and

30、measured at the point at which the service is accessed by the user. Other types of QoSparameters which are subjective in nature, i.e. depend upon user actions or subjective opinions are not subject of thisreport.Network performanceNetwork performance is defined in ITU-T Recommendation E.800 as the a

31、bility of a network or network portion toprovide the functions related to communications between users; it contributes to service accessibility, serviceretainability and service integrity. Network performance parameter values are usually derived from quality of serviceparameter values (c.f. for exam

32、ple ITU-T Recommendation I.350).The QoS and NP parameters identified within this report should be used as targets when producing UMTS standardsand should serve as a guideline to service provider and network providers for service provision and network design.Therefore the mentioned parameters reflect

33、 the main aspects of the UMTS systems, especially those which distinguishUMTS from other e.g. 2 generation systems. The parameters are only valid for UMTS systems not when roaming in 2generation systems.The identified QoS parameters focus on user perceivable effects and therefore give the framework

34、for the networkdesign. The NP parameters describe the performance of a particular connection element, hence they determine the QoS.4.1 Basic RequirementFrom the user perspective UMTS is characterized by the following main aspects;- Services will be provided by multiple service provider and multiple

35、network provider with different levels ofQoS.- The individual service profile will be agreed between the user and the service provider- The user has the same service environment independent from the serving network by support of VHE.- Service continuity is required on handover when roaming at variou

36、s geographical areas (UMTS and 2ndgeneration areas), i.e. the user should be unaware of roaming and/or handover.These UMTS aspects lead to some general requirements for QoS and NP parameters.3GPP3G TR 22.925 3.1.1 (1999-04)73G TR 22.925 version 3.1.1- The user should have the possibility to choose t

37、he service quality package best suitable for his needs (e.g. lowestbit error rate, highest transmission speed, .).- The QoS parameters should be set within the VHE of the customer, when obtaining a service from the serviceprovider. Thus the customer is given choice with regard to service quality and

38、 the service provider is able toprovide the network operators with the predicted volumes of the different service packages enabling the networkoperator to dimension his network.- Negotiating the service quality between the terminal and the network before invoking a service shall be possible.The serv

39、ice quality packages are obtainable from the service provider and are supported through the VHE. E.g.,if the customer wishes to pay less for a lower service quality package or more for higher service quality package,this should be possible by selecting such a package from the service provider- Infor

40、mation of the user about the offered service quality before service execution. If a quality as perceived bythe user is expected to degrade e.g. due to the use of an additional service in a multimedia environment, the usershall also be informed.The basic requirement for quality of service parameter v

41、alues over UMTS is that they should be closely comparable tothe corresponding values achieved when using the contemporary fixed networks (e.g. PSTN/ISDN/B-ISDN and PDNs)alone.4.1.1 QoS ParametersFollowing parameters describe to above mentioned requirements are: (speed, accuracy, dependability)time f

42、or network access,( time to attach)The time between the user action in order to access the network and the positive acknowledgement received by the user.This time period includes all necessary procedures performedtime to invoke service (Service access, get alerting, ringing indication),time to chang

43、e service profileseamless service retainability when roamingTime to receive service quality information4.1.2 NP ParametersAnswer/connect time- when called party accepts the callRelease timeInterruption of services4.2 Support of Speech ServicesA standardised speech codec will be adopted for UMTS. It

44、shall be possible for proprietary speech codecs standardisedelsewhere to be deployed as well as the codec standardised for UMTS (Quality at least as good as that provided by fixednetworks as defined in G.711). This TR specifies requirements related to the speech codec to be standardised forUMTS.4.2.

45、1 QoS Parameters- subjective quality (Noting age, sex, language, etc);- speaker recognition;- natural speech quality;- ease of conversation;3GPP3G TR 22.925 3.1.1 (1999-04)83G TR 22.925 version 3.1.1- perception of echo;- interruption of service;4.2.2 NP Parameters- loss of interactivity due to dela

46、y:- two party conversations;- delay in the two-way speech path, dual talk;- multi-party and multi-speaker;- background noise.4.3 Support of Data Transmission ServicesSome QoS values that the user experiences are dependent on the application used.The quality of a service the user perceives is influen

47、ced by the network as well as by the terminal equipment. As theintelligence and complexity of an application used in UMTS increases, application performance becomes an importantfactor in determining the quality perceived by the user. Within this report, the identified parameters for datatransmission

48、 do not include the influence by the terminal equipment and used application.4.3.1 QoS Parameters- delay (round trip);- duration (of data transfer);- throughput;- percentage of transmission errors.4.3.2 NP Parameters- bit error ratio (BER),- information transfer rate,- transfer delay,- decay variati

49、on- probability of loss4.4 Support of Messaging ServicesA standardised way of supporting messaging services will be defined for UMTS. It is assumed that messaging servicescan be provided via a store and forward implementation and therefore units which constitute a message can be subjectto delays and delay variations during transmission. Any service centre providing store and forward services isconsidered outside the scope of this report. Quality of Service parameters apply to overall messages. Networkperformance parameters apply to the underlying transmission.4.4.

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