ETSI TS 100 394-4-3-2000 Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) Conformance Testing Specification Part 4 Protocol Testing Specification for Direct Mode Operation (DMO) Sub-Part 3 Test S.pdf

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1、ETSI TS 1 O0 394-4-3 1.1.1 (2000-10) Technical Specification Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Conformance testing specification; Part 4: Protocol testing specification for Direct Mode Operation (DMO); Sub-part 3: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS Essential, or potentially Essential, IPRs

2、 notijed to ETSI in respect of ETSI standards“, which is available fi-om the ETSI Secretariat. Latest updates are available on the ETSI Web server (httdwww.etsi.ordim). Pursuant to the ETSI IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out by ETSI. No guarantee can be given

3、as to the existence of other IPRs not referenced in ETSI SR O00 3 14 (or the updates on the ETSI Web server) which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document. Foreword This Technical Specification (TS) has been produced by ETSI Project Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA). The pre

4、sent document consists of 5 parts as follows: Part 1: “Radio“; Part 2: Part 3 : Part 4: Part 5: “Security“. “Protocol testing specification for Voice plus Data (V+D)“; “Protocol testing specification for Packet Data Optimized (PDO)“; “Protocol testing specification for Direct Mode Operation (DMO)“;

5、ETSI 6 ETSI TS 100 394-4-3 V1.l.l (2000-10) 1 Scope The present document contains the Test Suite Structure (TSS) and Test Purposes (TPs) to test the TETRA Direct Mode Operation (DMO) protocols. The present document is divided into several parts, each one dealing with a stack of protocols which inclu

6、des layer 3 and layer 2 protocols. The present document deals with TSS Technical requirements for Direct Mode Operation (DMO); Part 4: Type 1 repeater air interface“. ETSI EN 300 396-8-2: “Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Technical requirements for Direct Mode Operation (DMO); Part 8: Protocol Imp

7、lementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma specification; Sub-part 2: Type 1 repeater Air Interface (AI)“. i21 31 ISO/IEC 9646- 1 : “Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 1: General Concepts“. ISO/IEC 9646-2: “Information

8、technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 2: Abstract Test Suite specification“. ETSI ETS 300 406: “Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS); Protocol and profile conformance testing specifications; Standardization methodology“. 41 51 3 Defin

9、itions and abbreviations 3.1 TETRA d efi n it i on s For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in EN 300 396-4 i apply. ETSI 3.2 7 TETRA abbreviations For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply: CM DMCC DMO FCS MAC MNI MS Rx SDS SDU TX

10、 3.3 Circuit Mode Direct Mode Call Control Direct Mode of Operation Frame Check Sequence Medium Access Control Mobile Network Identity Mobile Station Receiver Short Data Services Service Data Unit Transmitter SO 9646 abbrevia ions ETSI TS 100 394-4-3 V1.l.l (2000-10) For the purposes of the present

11、document the following IS0 9646-1 abbreviations apply: ICs IUT IXIT PDU PICS PIXIT TP TSS Implementation Conformance Statement Implementation Under Test Implementation extra Information for Testing Protocol Data Unit Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement Protocol Implementation extra Informa

12、tion for Testing Test Purpose Test Suite Structure ETSI 8 ETSI TS 100 394-4-3 V1.l.l (2000-10) 4 4.1 Test Suite Structure (TSS) DMCC layer test groups The fist level separates the DMCC layer (or layer 3) in different protocols (Circuit mode, Short Data Service). Next level splits protocol testing in

13、to functional test groups according to the type of testing: - Capability test (CA); - Valid Behaviour (BV); - Timer tests (TI). Further level classifies the possible operations in each protocol condition or state. The following list defies the DMCC layer test group names and identifiers used for tho

14、se: MS-REP1 Direct Mode Call Control (DMOMSREPl-DMCC) Circuit mode (CM) Capability tests (CA) Valid Behaviour tests (BV) fi-om Idle state (ID) fi-om Idle state, channel busy (IB) fi-om TX occupation State (TXO) fi-om RX occupation State (RO) fi-om TX Reservation (TR) fi-om RX Reservation State (RR)

15、Timer Tests (TI) Short Data Service (SDS) Capability tests (CA) Valid Behaviour tests (BV) fi-om Idle state (ID) fi-om Idle state, channel busy (IB) fi-om RX occupation State (RO) fi-om TX Reservation (TR) fi-om RX Reservation State (RR) Timer Tests (TI) ETSI 9 ETSI TS 100 394-4-3 V1.l.l (2000-10) 4

16、.2 MAC layer test groups The fist level of the MAC test groups separates the MAC test suite in functional test groups: CA, BV and TI. The second level of the test subgroups is a division of protocol requirements into functional entities. The following list defies the MAC layer test group names and i

17、dentifiers: MS-REP1 MAC layer (DMOMSREPlMAC) Capability tests (CA) Valid behaviour tests (BV) Channel usage (CU) Signalling messages (SM) Traffic mode (TM) Timer tests (TI) 4.3 Test group description Capability (CA) tests provide limited testing that the observable capabilities of the IUT are in acc

18、ordance with the conformance requirements and the additional capabilities claimed in the PICS/PIXIT. The Valid Behaviour (BV) group tests an IUT in response to valid behaviour of the test system. “Valid“ means that a test event is syntactically and contextually correct. All test cases in the valid b

19、ehaviour group are intended to veri as thoroughly as possible the various functions of the protocol. Different timers are defined to supervise the various state transitions. The Timer (TI) test group is intended to veri that the IUT is reacting properly to an expiry of one of the timers or to a coun

20、ter mismatch. ETSI 10 ETSI TS 100 394-4-3 V1.l.l (2000-10) TP-Name The TP name is a unique identifier, specified according to the TP naming conventions name of the corresponding test case). defined in the clause below. (it is also the 5 Introduction to Test Purposes (TPs) The test purposes for DMCC

21、layer and MAC layer are defined in clause 6 of the present document. Each layer leads to a different test suite. 5.1 5.1.1 TPs descriptions Test purpose definit ion convent ions Each TP is described using text presented in a table. The table contains the following information: Table I Reference: Ref

22、erence to the clause number of specification EN 300 396-4 I stating this conformance requirement. EXAMPLE: EN 300 396-4 i, Purpose Test description Pass criteria Selection Preamble Postamble The preambles and postambles are described using MSCs and are shown in the following clauses. Purpos

23、e of the test itself, indicating for example the test performed against a requirement of the protocol, described by this test purpose. EXAMPLE: Test of changeover initiated fi-om RX reservation state. Body of the test. Visible action to be observed at PCO to declare that the IUT passes the test and

24、conform$ to the specifications. Expression based on EN 300 396-8-2 2 PICS statements, used to select or deselect the corresponding test case according to the options of the implementation. “None“ or name of the preamble procedure bringing the IUT from idle state to the state required to run the test

25、. EXAMPLE: Idle-to-=reservation. “None“ or name of the postamble to bring the IUT back to idle state, EXAMPLE: RX occuDation to idle. 5.1.2 Preamble descriptions Preambles are used to bring the IUT fi-om the idle state to the state where the test takes place. As the protocol has different options, a

26、s for instance the use of presence check or the absence of presence check, there are several ways to reach a given state. The preamble has to be chosen according to the IUT capabilities and the implemented options. ETSI 11 ETSI TS 100 394-4-3 V1.l.l (2000-10) Preamble idleto-TX-occupation: F

27、rom Idle state to Call Active TX Occupation I* c PREAMBLE: Bring the IUT from state IDLE to state TX-OCCUPATION when set-up with presence check supported *I presence check I UT T DM-SETUP T Co OCCUPATI N Figure 2: Without presence check ;ter 1 ETSI 12 ETSI TS 100 394-4-3 V1.l.l (2000-10) Pre

28、amble idleto-TX-reservation: From Idle state to Call Active TX Reservation I I* I I PREAMBLE: Bring the IUT from state IDLE to I state TX-RESERVATION when IUT T ter I ETSI 18 ETSI TS 100 394-4-3 V1.l.l (2000-10) Postamble TX-reservationto-idle: From Call Active TX Reserved state to Idle 1 IU

29、T 1 P X RESERVE DM-RELEASE IDLE / Figure II 1 Figure 12 ;ter 1 Postamble RX-reservationto-idle: From Call Active RX Reserved state to Idle I* POSTAMBLE: Bring the IUT from state RX RESERVED to state IDLE *I 1 IUT 1 Te X RESERVE RI3 I ter 1 Figure 13 ETSI 20 ETSI TS 100 394-4-3 V1.l.l (2000-1

30、0) 5.2 Test purpose naming conventions The identifier of the test purpose is built according to table 2: Table 2: Test purpose naming convention M O/Qs/dt/Qsg/ :ts = test suite type MSREP :fm = functional module or DMCC ubentity (layer 3 only) MAC :ss = test group t = Type of testing :tsg = test sub

31、group Letters such as: CM SDS CA BV BI TI Two letters MS-Repeater type 1 Direct Mode Call Control (layer 3) Upper MAC (layer 2) Abbreviation of the group name (optional) Circuit Mode (layer 3) Short Data Service (layer 3) Capability Tests Valid Behaviour Tests Invalid Behaviour Tests Timer expiry an

32、d counter mismatch tests Subgroup name (optional) :nn = sequential number o1 -99 Test Purpose Number 5.3 Se I ect i o n express i on s A test case, based on a test purpose described here, can be selected or deselected fi-om the test suite, according to the evaluation of selection expressions which r

33、eflect the capabilities supported or not by the implementation under test. It appears that some selection expressions are quite complex, mainly the ones used for the MAC layer test suite, as they are based on a rather long combination of PICS statements. To ease the readability of the test purposes,

34、 these complex selection expressions are replaced by generic names which are defined here, and which represent by definition the selection expression themselves. The following table defines the generic names together with the conditions associated with each one. ETSI 21 ETSI TS 100 394-4-3 V1.l.l (2

35、000-10) I Selection expression identifier nit iate-CM-cal I nitiate-SDS-call Table 3 Selection expression using references to Static capabilities associated with this selection (EN 300 396-8-2 2) A.411 Initiate group CM call OR or A.511 OR or A.512 A.911 Send group unacknowledged SDS OR or A. 1 Oll

36、OR or A. 1012 Send acknowledged SDS OR or A. 1013 Initiate individual CM call without presence check Initiate individual CM call with presence check Send individual unacknowledged SDS Sending acknowledged SDS with data in ACK nitiate-CM-or-SDS-call A.411 OR A.511 OR A.512 OR A.911 OR A. 1 Oll OR A.

37、1012 OR Initiate group CM call or Initiate individual CM call without presence check or Initiate individual CM call with presence check or Send group unacknowledged SDS or Send individual unacknowledged SDS or Send acknowledged SDS or Receive-Ackd-CM-or-S DS-cal I A. 1013 A. 316 OR Receive acknowled

38、ged SDS, A. 1212 OR Send acknowledged SDS with data in ACK Accept CM call setup with presence check, Receive acknowledged SDS with data in ACK 6 DMO MSREPI DMCC CM CA O1 6.1 Reference: EN 300 3964 I clauses, DMO MS-REP1 test purposes Purpose Test description Pass criteria 1 Test desc

39、ription Pass criteria 2 Selection Preamble Postam ble EN 300 396-8-2 2 DMCC Circuit Mode (CM) tests Setup and terminate a group call without presence check. The tester sends an implicit send to the IUT to cause a call setup. The IUT sends DM-SETUP to the tester. The tester sends an implicit send to

40、the IUT to terminate the call. The IUT sends DM-TX CEASED to the tester. A.411 None. TX reservation to idle. Setup procedure, group call address. Test group objective: To test the behaviour of the DMCC CM entity of the IUT. Condition: IUT implements the CM. 6.1 .I MS-REP1 CM capability tests To test

41、 the basic capabilities of the CM module of the IUT, when operating in group address mode (without presence check) or in individual address mode (with or without presence check). ETSI 22 ETSI TS 100 394-4-3 V1.l.l (2000-10) DMO-MSREPI-DMCCCMCA-O2 Reference: EN 300 3964 I clauses, Pur

42、pose Test description Pass criteria 1 Test description Pass criteria 2 Selection EN 300 396-8-2 121 M Setup and terminate an individual call with presence check. The tester sends an implicit send to the IUT to cause a call setup. The IUT sends DM-SETUP PRES to the tester. The tester sends DM-CONNECT

43、 to the IUT. The IUT sends DM-CONNECT ACK to the tester. The tester sends an implicit send to the IUT to terminate the call. The IUT sends DM-TX CEASED to the tester. A.512 Setup individual call with presence check. I Postam ble ITX reservation to idle. SC036 DMO-MSREPI-DMCCCMCA-O3 6.1.2 MS-REP1 CM

44、valid behaviour tests Reference: EN 300 3964 I clauses, Purpose Test description Pass criteria 1 Test description Pass criteria 2 Selection Preamble EN 300 396-8-2 2 Establish and terminate an individual call, when operating without presence check. The tester sends an implicit send t

45、o the IUT to cause a call setup. The IUT sends DM-SETUP to the tester. The tester sends an implicit send to the IUT to terminate the call. The IUT sends DM-TX CEASED to the tester. A.511 Setup individual call without presence check. Nons ETSI Purpose Test description Pass criteria Selection Preamble

46、 Postam ble EN 300 396-8-2 2 Establish an outgoing call with presence check initiated from idle state and DMO channel free. The tester sends an implicit send to the IUT to cause a call setup. Then the IUT sends DM-SETUP PRES received by the tester, which sends back DM-CONNECT. The IUT sends DM-CONNE

47、CT ACK PDU to the tester. A.512 None. TX occupation to idle. Setup individual call with presence check. Purpose Test description Pass criteria Selection Preamble Postam ble EN 300 396-8-2 2 Receive an incoming call without presence check. The tester sends DM-SETUP PDU to the IUT. To check that IUT r

48、eaches “call-active-RX-occupation“ state, the tester sends DM-TX CEASED which brings the IUT to “call-active-RX-reservation“. During the reservation period, when the IUT attempts a call setup, it shall issue a DM-TX REQUEST to initiate a changeover, and this is the pass criteria. NOTE: “DMCC SETUP r

49、equest“. A.211 Circuit mode call. None. Tester issues a DM-REJECT followed by RX Reservation to idle. This call setup is controlled by the tester using an implicit send containing 23 ETSI TS 100 394-4-3 V1.l.l (2000-10) I DMO-MSREPI-DMCCCM-BV-ID-O3 Purpose Test description IReference: EN 300 3964 I clause IReceive an incoming call with presence check. IThe tester sends DM-SETUP PRES to the IUT which sends back DM-CONNECT. IDM-SETUP PRES to the tester. The tester sends DM-DISCONNECT to the IUT to I MSC009 Purpose Test description Pass crite

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