ETSI TS 102 587-5-2007 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM Interoperability testing for the Peer-to-Peer Digital Private Mobile Radio Part 5 InteroperabilS.pdf

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ETSI TS 102 587-5-2007 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM Interoperability testing for the Peer-to-Peer Digital Private Mobile Radio Part 5 InteroperabilS.pdf_第1页
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ETSI TS 102 587-5-2007 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM Interoperability testing for the Peer-to-Peer Digital Private Mobile Radio Part 5 InteroperabilS.pdf_第2页
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ETSI TS 102 587-5-2007 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM Interoperability testing for the Peer-to-Peer Digital Private Mobile Radio Part 5 InteroperabilS.pdf_第3页
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ETSI TS 102 587-5-2007 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM Interoperability testing for the Peer-to-Peer Digital Private Mobile Radio Part 5 InteroperabilS.pdf_第4页
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ETSI TS 102 587-5-2007 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM Interoperability testing for the Peer-to-Peer Digital Private Mobile Radio Part 5 InteroperabilS.pdf_第5页
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1、 ETSI TS 102 587-5 V1.1.1 (2007-04)Technical Specification Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM;Interoperability testing for the Peer-to-Peer Digital Private Mobile Radio;Part 5: Interoperability Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS Essential, or potentially Essential

2、, IPRs notified to ETSI in respect of ETSI standards“, which is available from the ETSI Secretariat. Latest updates are available on the ETSI Web server (http:/ Pursuant to the ETSI IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out by ETSI. No g

3、uarantee can be given as to the existence of other IPRs not referenced in ETSI SR 000 314 (or the updates on the ETSI Web server) which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document. Foreword This Technical Specification (TS) has been produced by ETSI Technical Committee Electroma

4、gnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM). The present document is part 5 of a multi-part deliverable covering the Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Conformance testing for the Peer-to-Peer Digital Private Mobile Radio, as identified below: Part 1: “Protocol

5、 Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma“; Part 2: “Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS Part 3: “Requirements catalogue“; Part 4: “Abstract Test Suite (ATS)“; Part 5: “Interoperability Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS Peer-to-Peer Digital Private Mobile Radio using FD

6、MA with a channel spacing of 6,25 kHz with e.r.p. of up to 500 mW“. 2 ETSI TS 102 351: “Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS); Internet Protocol Testing (IPT); IPv6 Testing: Methodology and Framework“. 3 ETSI TS 102 237-1: “Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization Over Networks (

7、TIPHON) Release 4; Interoperability test methods and approaches; Part 1: Generic approach to interoperability testing“. 4 ETSI TS 102 587-3: “Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Peer-to-Peer Digital Private Mobile Radio; Part 3: Requirements catalogue“. 3 Abbreviations Fo

8、r the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply: ATS Abstract Test Suite CF (Test) Configuration CSF Configured Services and Facilities dPMR digital Private Mobile Radio EUT Equipment Under Test ISDM Individual Short Data Message ISF Initial Services and Facilities OACSU Of

9、f Air Call Set-up PTT Push To Talk RC Requirements Catalogue RQ ReQuirement TP Test Purpose TSS Test Suite Structure ETSI ETSI TS 102 587-5 V1.1.1 (2007-04) 6 4 Test Suite Structure (TSS) The Test Suite Structure is based on the dPMR Requirements Catalogue 4. It is defined by the groups within the f

10、ollowing TPLan specification of test purposes. The numbering is not contiguous so that new TPs can be added at a later date without the need to completely renumber the TSS groups. The test purposes have been divided into three groups: Group 1: Common requirements. Group 2: CSF requirements. Group 3:

11、 ISF requirements. The sub-grouping of these three group follows the structure of the RC. Some of the sub-groups of the RC contained no testable requirement. Headings for those sub-groups are in this test purpose document in the node group to give a full view on the relation between RQ and TSS&TP. G

12、roup 1 ISF CSF Common Group 1.1 All Call Group 1.2 Channel Access Group 1.3 Framing Group 1.3.1 End frame Group 1.3.2 Header frames Group Call information field Group 1.3.3 Packet data frame Group 1.3.4 Superframe Group Type 1 data Group Type 2 data Group Voice Group

13、1.4 Late Entry Group 1.5 Powersave Group 1.6 Talking Party ID Group 2 CSF Group 2.1 Broadcast Call Group 2.2 Dialling Plan Group 2.3 Individual Short Data Message Group 2.3.1 ISDM Free Text Message Group 2.3.2 ISDM Precoded Message Group 2.3.3 ISDM Short File Transfer Group 2.3.4 ISDM Status Message

14、 Group 2.4 OACSU Group 2.5 Short Appended Data Group 2.6 Slow User Data Group 2.7 Type 3 data Group 3 ISF 5 Test Purposes (TP) The test purposes have been written in the formal notation TPLan. Configurations that are referenced by test purposes are shown in annex A. TPLan user definitions are listed

15、 in annex B. 5.1 Group ISF CSF Common Group 1 ISF CSF Common 5.1.1 Group All Call Group 1.1 All Call - No TP specified End group 1.1 5.1.2 Group Channel Access Group 1.2 Channel Access TP id : TP_PMR_1006_02 ETSI ETSI TS 102 587-5 V1.1.1 (2007-04) 7 summary : Automatic call termination within 180 se

16、conds RQ ref : RQ_001_1006 TP type : interoperability Role : CSF config ref: CF_CSF_01_I - CSF QE1 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 powersave_disabled and and using_compatible_vocoders) QE1 in standby ensure that when EUT_User makes a Voice_Transmission addressed to QE1 and PTT_Key is not rele

17、ased then QE1_User receives Voice_Transmission and EUT terminates the Voice_Transmission after 180 seconds - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_1006_03 summary : Automatic call termination within 180 seconds and call resume RQ ref : RQ_001_1006 TP type : int

18、eroperability Role : ISF config ref: CF_ISF_01_I - ISF QE1 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 using same Common_ID and powersave_disabled and using_compatible_vocoders) and EUT in call_timeout_terminated ensure that when EUT_User releases and presses PTT_Key again then QE1_User receives PTT_Call

19、 - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_1006_04 summary : Automatic call termination within 180 seconds and call resume RQ ref : RQ_001_1006 TP type : interoperability Role : CSF config ref: CF_CSF_01_I - CSF QE1 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 powersav

20、e_disabled) and EUT in call_timeout_terminated ensure that when EUT_User releases and presses the PTT_Key again then QE1_User receives Voice_Transmission - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_1008_01 summary : Channel access in own call RQ ref : RQ_001_1008 T

21、P type : interoperability Role : ISF config ref: CF_ISF_02_I - ISF QE1, QE2 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 and QE2) using the same Common_ID and using_compatible_vocoders) and QE1 is transmitting ensure that when EUT_User makes PTT_Call then QE2_User receives the PTT_Call from EUT - xxxxxxxx

22、xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_1008_02 summary : Channel access in own call ETSI ETSI TS 102 587-5 V1.1.1 (2007-04) 8 RQ ref : RQ_001_1008 TP type : interoperability Role : CSF config ref: CF_CSF_02_I - CSF QE1, QE2 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 and QE2

23、) using the same call_group and using_compatible_vocoders) and QE1 is transmitting Voice_Transmission to EUT ensure that when EUT_User makes a Voice_Transmission to QE2 then QE2_User receives the Voice_Transmission from EUT - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_P

24、MR_1009_01 summary : Channel access when ISF polite to own colour code RQ ref : RQ_001_1009 TP type : interoperability Role : ISF config ref: CF_ISF_02_I - ISF QE1, QE2 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 and QE2) using same Common_ID and using_compatible_vocoders) and and using same colour_code

25、) and EUT is polite_to_own_CC and QE1 is transmitting to QE2 ensure that when EUT_User makes PTT_Call then QE2_User does not receive PTT_Call from EUT - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_1010_01 summary : Channel access when ISF impolite RQ ref : RQ_001_101

26、0 TP type : interoperability Role : ISF config ref: CF_ISF_02_I - ISF QE1, QE2 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 and QE2) using_compatible_vocoders) and (EUT and QE2 using the same Common_ID) and (EUT and QE1 not using the same Common_ID) and EUT is impolite and QE1 is transmitting ensure that

27、when EUT_User makes PTT_Call then QE2_User receives PTT_Call from EUT - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_1011_01 summary : Channel access when polite to own group and channel occupied by members of own group RQ ref : RQ_001_1011 TP type : interoperability

28、Role : CSF config ref: CF_CSF_02_I - CSF QE1, QE2 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 and QE2) using same colour_code ) and (EUT and QE1 and QE2) are member of same talkgroup) and EUT is polite_to_own_group and QE1 is transmitting to QE2 ensure that when EUT_User makes a Voice_Transmission to QE2

29、 then QE2_User receives Voice_Transmission from QE1 - Indicating EUT does NOT transmit - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_1012_01 summary : Repeated acknowledgements when RF channel is busy RQ ref : RQ_001_1012 ETSI ETSI TS 102 587-5 V1.1.1 (2007-04) 9 TP

30、type : interoperability Role : ISF config ref: CF_ISF_02_I - ISF QE1, QE2 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 and QE2) using same colour_code ) and (EUT and QE2) are using same Common_ID) and QE1 is transmitting ensure that when QE2_User makes a connect_request to EUT then QE2_User receives no mo

31、re than four acknowledgement from EUT - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_1012_02 summary : Repeated acknowledgements when RF channel is busy RQ ref : RQ_001_1012 TP type : interoperability Role : CSF config ref: CF_CSF_02_I - CSF QE1, QE2 and EUT TD ref :

32、TBD with (EUT and QE1 and QE2) using same colour_code ) and (EUT and QE2) are member of same talkgroup) and QE1 is transmitting ensure that when QE2_User makes a connect_request to EUT then QE2_User receives no more than four acknowledgement from EUT - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

33、xxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_1013_01 summary : Channel access when CSF polite to own colour code RQ ref : RQ_001_1013 TP type : interoperability Role : CSF config ref: CF_CSF_02_I - CSF QE1, QE2 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 and QE2) using the same colour_code and using_compatible_vocoders

34、) and QE1 is transmitting Voice_Transmission to QE2 EUT is polite_to_own_CC ensure that when EUT_User makes Voice_Transmission addressed to QE2 then QE2_User does not receive Voice_Transmission from EUT - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_1014_01 summary :

35、Channel access when CSF impolite RQ ref : RQ_001_1014 TP type : interoperability Role : CSF config ref: CF_CSF_02_I - CSF QE1, QE2 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 and QE2) using_compatible_vocoders) and QE1 is transmitting Voice_Transmission to QE2 and EUT is impolite ensure that when EUT_Use

36、r makes Voice_Transmission addressed to QE2 then QE2_User receives Voice_Transmission from EUT End group 1.2 5.1.3 Group Framing Group 1.3 Framing Group End frame Group 1.3.1 End frame - No TP specified End group 1.3.1 ETSI ETSI TS 102 587-5 V1.1.1 (2007-04) Group Header frames Gro

37、up 1.3.2 Header frames - No TP specified Group Call information field Group Call information field - No TP specified End group End group 1.3.2 Group Packet data frame Group 1.3.3 Packet data frame - No TP specified End group 1.3.3 Group Superframe Group 1.3.

38、4 Superframe Group Type 1 data Group Type 1 data - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_0807_01 summary : Support receiving of type 1 ISF group short data messages RQ ref : RQ_001_0807 TP type : interoperability Role : ISF config ref: CF_ISF_

39、01_I - ISF QE1 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 using same Common_ID and powersave_disabled) and EUT in standby ensure that when QE1_User sends a T1_Transmission to EUT then EUT_User receives the T1_Transmission - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_080

40、7_02 summary : Support sending of type 1 ISF group short data messages RQ ref : RQ_001_0807 TP type : interoperability Role : ISF config ref: CF_ISF_01_I - ISF QE1 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 using same Common_ID and powersave_disabled) and QE1 in standby ensure that when EUT_User sends a

41、 T1_Transmission to QE1 then QE1_User receives the T1_Transmission - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_0807_03 summary : Support receiving of type 1 CSF group short data messages RQ ref : RQ_001_0807 TP type : interoperability Role : CSF config ref: CF_CSF_

42、01_I - CSF QE1 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 using same Group_ID and powersave_disabled) and EUT in standby ensure that when QE1_User sends a T1_Transmission to EUT then EUT_User receives the T1_Transmission ETSI ETSI TS 102 587-5 V1.1.1 (2007-04) 11 - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

43、xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_0807_04 summary : Support sending of type 1 CSF group short data messages RQ ref : RQ_001_0807 TP type : interoperability Role : CSF config ref: CF_CSF_01_I - CSF QE1 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 using same Group_ID and powersave_disabled) and QE1 in

44、standby ensure that when EUT_User sends a T1_Transmission to QE1 then QE1_User receives the T1_Transmission - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_0810_01 summary : Support of type 1 individual short data messages RQ ref : RQ_001_0810 TP type : interoperabilit

45、y Role : CSF config ref: CF_CSF_01_I - CSF QE1 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 powersave_disabled) and EUT in standby ensure that when QE1_User sends a T1_Transmission addressed to EUT then EUT_User receives the T1_Transmission - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx T

46、P id : TP_PMR_0810_02 summary : Support sending of type 1 CSF individual short data messages RQ ref : RQ_001_0810 TP type : interoperability Role : CSF config ref: CF_CSF_01_I - CSF QE1 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 with powersave_disabled) and QE1 in standby ensure that when EUT_User sends

47、 a T1_Transmission addressed to QE1 then QE1_User receives the T1_Transmission - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_0831_01 summary : Support receiving of type 1 ISF group data status messages RQ ref : RQ_001_0831 TP type : interoperability Role : ISF config

48、 ref: CF_ISF_01_I - ISF QE1 and EUT TD ref : TBD with (EUT and QE1 using same Common_ID and powersave_disabled) and EUT in standby ensure that when QE1_User sends a T1_Status_Message to EUT then EUT_User receives the T1_Status_Message - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TP id : TP_PMR_0831_02 summary : Support sending of t


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