FAA 14 CFR PART 189-2011 Use of federal aviation administration communications system《联邦航空管理局通讯系统的使用》.pdf

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FAA 14 CFR PART 189-2011 Use of federal aviation administration communications system《联邦航空管理局通讯系统的使用》.pdf_第1页
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FAA 14 CFR PART 189-2011 Use of federal aviation administration communications system《联邦航空管理局通讯系统的使用》.pdf_第2页
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1、852 14 CFR Ch. I (1111 Edition) Pt. 189 (d) Procedural requirements. (1) Applicants may apply for FAA production certification- related services provided outside the United States by a letter of application to the FAA detailing when and where the particular services are required. (2) The FAA will no

2、tify the applicant in writing of the estimated cost and schedule to provide the services. (3) The applicant will review the estimated costs and schedule of services. If the appli-cant agrees with the estimated costs and schedule of services, the applicant will pro-pose to the FAA that the services b

3、e pro-vided. If the FAA agrees and can provide the services requested, a written agreement will be executed between the applicant and the FAA. (4) The applicant must provide advance payment for each 12-month period of agreed FAA service unless a shorter period is agreed to between the Production App

4、roval Holder and FAA. (e) Fee determination. (1) Fees for FAA pro-duction certification-related services will consist of: personnel compensation and ben-efit (PC 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40104, 40113, 44502, 45303. SOURCE: Docket No. 27778, 60 FR 39615, Aug. 2, 1995, unless otherwise noted. 189.1 Scope. Th

5、is part describes the kinds of mes-sages that may be transmitted or re-layed by FAA Flight Service Stations. 189.3 Kinds of messages accepted or relayed. (a) Flight Service Stations may ac-cept for transmission over FAA com-munication systems any messages con-cerning international or overseas air-cr

6、aft operations described in para-graphs (a) (1) through (6) of this sec-tion. In addition, Flight Service Sta-tions may relay any message described in this section that was originally ac-cepted for transmission at an FAA Flight Service Station outside the 48 contiguous States, or was received from a

7、 foreign station of the Aero-nautical Fixed Telecommunications Network that, in normal routing, would require transit of the United States to reach an overseas address: (1) Distress messages and distress traffic. (2) Messages concerning the safety of human life. (3) Flight safety messages con-cernin

8、g (i) Air traffic control, including (A) Messages concerning aircraft in flight or about to depart; (B) Departure messages; (C) Flight plan departure messages; (D) Arrival messages; (E) Flight plan messages; VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00862 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML22

9、3045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-853 Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 189.5 (F) Flight notification messages; (G) Messages concerning flight can-cellation; and (H) Messages con

10、cerning delayed de-parture; (ii) Position reports from aircraft; (iii) Messages originated by an air-craft operating agency of immediate concern to an aircraft in flight or about to depart; and (iv) Meteorological advice of imme-diate concern to an aircraft in flight or about to depart. (4) Meteorol

11、ogical messages con-cerning (i) Meteorological forecasts; (ii) Meteorological observations ex-clusively; or (iii) Other meteorological informa-tion exchanged between meteorological offices. (5) Aeronautical administrative mes-sages (i) Concerning the operation or main-tenance of facilities essential

12、 to the safety or regulatory of aircraft oper-ation; (ii) Essential to efficient functioning of aeronautical telecommunications; or (iii) Between civil aviation authori-ties concerning aircraft operation. (6) Notices to airmen. (b) The following messages may only be relayed through the FAA commu-nic

13、ations systems: (1) Flight regularity messages (i) Addressed to the point of intended landing and to not more than two other addressees in the general area of the route segment of the flight to which the message refers, containing infor-mation required for weight and balance computation and remarks

14、essential to the rapid unloading of the aircraft; (ii) Concerning changes, taking effect within 72 hours, in aircraft operating schedules; (iii) Concerning the servicing of air-craft en route or scheduled to depart within 48 hours; (iv) Concerning changes in the collec-tive requirements for passenge

15、rs, crew, or cargo of aircraft en route or about to depart, if the changes are caused by unavoidable deviations from normal operating schedules and are necessary for flight regularity; (v) Concerning non-routine landings to be made by aircraft en route or about to depart; (vi) Concerning parts or ma

16、terials ur-gently needed to operate aircraft en route or scheduled to depart within 48 hours; or (vii) Concerning pre-flight arrange-ment of air navigation services and, in the case of non-scheduled or irregular operations, operational servicing of aircraft scheduled to depart within 48 hours. (2) M

17、essages originated by and ad-dressed to aircraft operating agencies or their representatives that directly bear on the efficient and economic con-duct or day to day operations, if ade-quate non-United States communica-tions facilities are not available and the messages concern (i) Matter described i

18、n paragraph (b)(1) of this section, but not meeting the time limitations described in para-graph (b)(1) of this section; (ii) Aircraft parts, equipment, or sup-plies, air navigation or communica-tions, or essential ground facilities; (iii) Train or hotel reservations for passengers or employees; (iv

19、) Lost baggage or personal effects; (v) Tickets or cargo shipments and payment therefore; (vi) Location of passengers and cargo; (vii) New or revised passenger or cargo rates; (viii) Crew assignments and similar operations personnel matters taking effect within 7 days; (ix) Post flight reports for r

20、ecord pur-poses; (x) Publicity and special handling re-garding dignitaries; or (xi) Reservations, when originated by aircraft operating agencies to secure space required in transport aircraft. 189.5 Limitation of liability. The United States is not liable for any omission, error, or delay in trans-m

21、itting or relaying, or for any failure to transmit or relay, any message ac-cepted for transmission or relayed under this part, even if the omission, error, delay, or failure to transmit or relay is caused by the negligence of an employee of the United States. VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00863 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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