FAA 14 CFR PART 381-2011 SPECIAL EVENT TOURS《特殊事件旅行》.pdf

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1、402 14 CFR Ch. II (1111 Edition) Pt. 381 suits of claims filed and judgments rendered (of which it has knowledge), and of payments made by the Trustee under the terms of this trust. The Trust shall not be liable hereunder for the payment of any damages hereinbefore de-scribed which arise as a result

2、 of any con-tracts, agreements, undertakings, or ar-rangements for the supplying of transpor-tation and other services made by the Oper-ator after the termination of this trust as herein provided, but such termination shall not affect the liability of the trust hereunder for the payment of any damag

3、es arising as a result of contracts, agreements, or arrange-ments for the supplying of transportation and other services made by the Operator prior to the date that such termination be-comes effective. Liability of the trust shall in all events be limited only to a Beneficiary or Bene-ficiaries who

4、shall within sixty days after the termination of the particular charter give written notice of claim to the Operator or, if it is unavailable, to the Trustee, and all liability of the trust with respect to par-ticipants in a charter shall automatically terminate sixty days after the termination date

5、 of each particular charter covered by this trust except for claims filed in the time provided herein. Sixty-one days after the completion of the last charter covered by this Trust Agreement, the trust shall auto-matically terminate except for claims of any Beneficiary or Beneficiaries previously ma

6、de in accordance with this Agreement still pending on and after said sixty-first day. To the extent of such claims, the trust shall continue until those claims are discharged, dismissed, dropped, or otherwise terminated; the remainder of the trust corpus shall be conveyed forthwith to the Operator.

7、After all remaining claims which are covered by this Trust Agreement pending on and after the said sixty-first day have been discharged, dismissed, dropped, or otherwise terminated, the Trustee shall convey forthwith the re-mainder of the trust corpus, if any, to the Operator. Either the Operator or

8、 Trustee may at any time terminate this trust by written notice to: Special Authorities Division (P57), Of-fice of Aviation Analysis, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC 20590, such termination to become effective thirty days after the actual receipt of said notice by the Department. I

9、n the event of any controversy or claim arising hereunder, the Trustee shall not be required to determine same or take any other action with respect thereto, but may await the settlement of such controversy or claim by final appropriate legal proceedings, and in such event shall not be liable for in

10、-terest or damages of any kind. Any Successor to the Trustee by merger, consolidation, or otherwise, shall succeed to this trusteeship and shall have the powers and obligations set forth in this Agreement. The trust created under this Agreement shall be operated and administered under the laws of th

11、e State of llllllll. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Operator and Trustee have executed this instrument on the lll day of llllllll, llll. Trustee Name llllllllllllllllllllBy: Signature and title Charter Operator Name llllllllllllllllllllBy: Signature and title PART 381SPECIAL EVENT TOURS Sec. 381.1 Purpose.

12、 381.3 Applicability. 381.5 Definition. 381.7 Advertising. 381.9 Sales. 381.11 Refunds. 381.13 Price increases. AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 40113(a) and 41712. SOURCE: Docket No. 49385, 59 FR 61514, Nov. 30, 1994, unless otherwise noted. 381.1 Purpose. The purpose of this part is ensure that air travelers

13、who have purchased tours to special events will receive the promised admission to the event. This part expands the Super Bowl rule to other events. 381.3 Applicability. This part applies to Special Event Tours that are in interstate air trans-portation, or in foreign air transpor-tation originating

14、at a point in the United States. This part applies to U.S. and foreign operators of Special Event Tours, whether they be air carriers or ticket agents. This part applies to scheduled, charter, and other air trans-portation. 381.5 Definition. Special Event Tour means a tour that is organized for the

15、purpose of attend-ing a sporting, social, religious, edu-cational, cultural, political or other event of a special nature and limited duration, which exists for reasons apart from the tour itself, and which is represented by the operator of the tour VerDate Mar2010 13:23 Feb 23, 2011 Jkt 223046 PO 0

16、0000 Frm 00412 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223046.XXX 223046WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-403 Office of the Secretary, DOT 381.11 as including admission to that event. Examples of such events inc

17、lude, but are not limited to, college and profes-sional sporting events, the Olympics, concerts, the Passion Play in Oberammergau, etc. 381.7 Advertising. No operator of a Special Event Tour or agent of such an operator shall con-duct, or cause or allow to be conducted, any advertising, solicitation

18、 or other promotion for a Special Event Tour un-less: (a) The operator is in physical posses-sion of enough tickets for admission to the event to provide such tickets for a substantial number of seats on the tour; or (b) The operator has entered into a written contract with an organization that is t

19、he distributor of such tickets or an organization that receives such tickets directly from the distributor (e.g., a bowl committee; football con-ference, league or team; concert pro-moter or arena; etc.), the terms of which provide for that organization to furnish the operator enough admission ticke

20、ts to provide such tickets for a substantial number of seats on the tour; or (c) The operator has entered into a written contract with another person or organization that has a written con-tract or series of written contracts with the distributor of such tickets or with an organization that receives

21、 such tickets directly from the distributor, the terms of which provide for that or-ganization (the organization with which the operator has contracted) to furnish the operator enough admission tickets to provide such tickets for a substantial number of seats on the tour. 381.9 Sales. (a) Except as

22、provided in paragraph (b) of this section: (1) No operator of a Special Event Tour shall accept money for a seat on a Special Event Tour, or authorize an agent to accept such money, unless the operator has physical possession of, or written contracts (in the manner de-scribed in 381.7) for, a ticket

23、 for ad-mission to the event for that indi-vidual. To the extent that the operator receives an unsolicited booking for which the operator does not have phys-ical possession of or written contracts for a ticket for admission to the event, any payment accompanying that book-ing must be returned within

24、 3 business days. (2) Upon acceptance of the money for a sale, the operator must reserve one event ticket for that individual. An op-erator may not sell more seats on the tour than it has event tickets in hand or under contract. (An operator need not continue to reserve an event ticket for an indivi

25、dual who withdraws from the tour by providing notice to the op-erator or by being notified by the oper-ator that the individuals participation has been canceled due to failure to remit a required installment payment.) (b) An operator of a Special Event Tour may accept a booking and pay-ment from an

26、individual for whom the operator does not have an event ticket in hand or under contract if that indi-vidual agrees in writing that he or she understands that no event ticket has been reserved for him or her. This agreement shall specify whether the person has agreed to participate in the tour witho

27、ut an event ticket and/or the operator has agreed to attempt to ac-quire an event ticket for this person. If the two parties agree that the operator will attempt to acquire an event tick-et, the agreement shall specify any penalties that will apply if the indi-vidual later cancels because an event t

28、icket did not become available. If the operator notifies this person that an event ticket has become available, that person shall enjoy all the other protec-tions of this part from that time. 381.11 Refunds. If promised admission to the primary event for which a Special Event Tour was organized is n

29、ot furnished by the tour operator, at the tour price agreed to before departure (including any in-creases that the participant has ac-cepted pursuant to 381.13(a), the oper-ator must provide each tour partici-pant affected in this way a refund of the total tour price. This refund is to be provided w

30、ithin 14 calendar days after the scheduled return date of the tour. VerDate Mar2010 13:23 Feb 23, 2011 Jkt 223046 PO 00000 Frm 00413 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223046.XXX 223046WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license

31、from IHS-,-,-404 14 CFR Ch. II (1111 Edition) 381.13 381.13 Price increases. (a) Should the tour operator increase a participants tour price by more than 10 percent (aggregate of all increases to that participant), that participant shall have the option of canceling his or her participation in the t

32、our and re-ceiving a full refund within 14 days after the cancellation. (b) The tour operator shall not in-crease the tour price to any participant less than ten days before departure. PART 382NONDISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN AIR TRAVEL Subpart AGeneral Provisions Sec. 382.1 What is t

33、he purpose of this part? 382.3 What do the terms in this rule mean? 382.5 When are U.S. and foreign carriers re-quired to begin complying with the pro-visions of this part? 382.7 To whom do the provisions of this part apply? 382.9 What may foreign carriers do if they believe a provision of a foreign

34、 nations law conflicts with compliance with a pro-vision of this part? 382.10 How does a carrier obtain a deter-mination that it is providing an equiva-lent alternative to passengers with dis-abilities? Subpart BNondiscrimination and Access to Services and Information 382.11 What is the general nond

35、iscrimina-tion requirement of this part? 382.13 Do carriers have to modify policies, practices, and facilities to ensure non-discrimination? 382.15 Do carriers have to make sure that contractors comply with the require-ments of this part? 382.17 May carriers limit the number of pas-sengers with a di

36、sability on a flight? 382.19 May carriers refuse to provide trans-portation on the basis of disability? 382.21 May carriers limit access to transpor-tation on the basis that a passenger has a communicable disease or other medical condition? 382.23 May carriers require a passenger with a disability t

37、o provide a medical certifi-cate? 382.25 May a carrier require a passenger with a disability to provide advance no-tice that he or she is traveling on a flight? 382.27 May a carrier require a passenger with a disability to provide advance no-tice in order to obtain certain specific services in conne

38、ction with a flight? 382.29 May a carrier require a passenger with a disability to travel with a safety assistant? 382.31 May carriers impose special charges on passengers with a disability for pro-viding services and accommodations re-quired by this rule? 382.33 May carriers impose other restric-ti

39、ons on passengers with a disability that they do not impose on other passengers? 382.35 May carriers require passengers with a disability to sign waivers or releases? Subpart CInformation for Passengers 382.41 What flight-related information must carriers provide to qualified individuals with a disa

40、bility? 382.43 Must information and reservation services of carriers be accessible to indi-viduals with hearing impairments? 382.45 Must carriers make copies of this part available to passengers? Subpart DAccessibility of Airport Facilities 382.51 What requirements must carriers meet concerning the

41、accessibility of air-port facilities? 382.53 What information must carriers give individuals with a vision or hearing im-pairment at airports? 382.55 May carriers impose security screen-ing procedures for passengers with dis-abilities that go beyond TSA require-ments or those of foreign governments?

42、 382.57 What services must carriers provide if their automated kiosks are inaccessible? Subpart EAccessibility of Aircraft 382.61 What are the requirements for mov-able aisle armrests? 382.63 What are the requirements for acces-sible lavatories? 382.65 What are the requirements con-cerning on-board

43、wheelchairs? 382.67 What is the requirement for priority space in the cabin to store passengers wheelchairs? 382.69 What requirements must carriers meet concerning the accessibility of vid-eos, DVDs, and other audio-visual pres-entations shown on- aircraft to individ-uals who are deaf or hard-of-hea

44、ring? 382.71 What other aircraft accessibility re-quirements apply to carriers? Subpart FSeating Accommodations 382.81 For which passengers must carriers make seating accommodations? 382.83 Through what mechanisms do car-riers make seating accommodations? VerDate Mar2010 13:23 Feb 23, 2011 Jkt 223046 PO 00000 Frm 00414 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223046.XXX 223046WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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