1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION Material Name Specification Number Date Action Revisions Ver. 3 2008 09 10 N-STATUS Replaced by WSS-M2P180-C G. Weber, FNA 1978 11 27 Metricated, Renumbered and Retyped CAH1-RD572066 1966 03 17 Released AV1-783 WP 3948-a Page 1 of 1 PAINT PERFORMANCE, EXTERIOR ZIN
2、C DIE CAST PARTS LESS ESB-M2P76-A COLOR COAT NOT TO BE USED FOR NEW DESIGN 1. SCOPE: This specification defines the performance requirements for a paint finish for visible exterior zinc die cast parts supplied without color coat. 2. APPLICATION: This specification was released originally for a finis
3、h for visible exterior service or production parts to which color coat is to be subsequently applied to meet ESB-M2P4 or ESB-M2P5 requirements. 3. REQUIREMENTS: 3.1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS . Zinc phosphate coat ESB-M3P1. . Baked primer surfacer ESB-M6J97 0.00125 in (31.8 micrometre) dry film thickness. 3.
4、2 The primed part, when properly processed and color coated as detailed in para 3.3 shall pass all requirements of specification ESB-M2P4, as applicable. 3.3 The part, as received, shall be processed as follows: . Wet sand with 360 paper, . Wash off sanding sludge with tap water, . Thoroughly rinse
5、with distilled or deionized water, . Blow off excess moisture and dry at 120 C or higher, . Wipe with M-14J147 naphtha and tack off, . Apply a 0.0015 in (38 micrometre) minimum color coat using ESB-M32J100, . Bake at standard baking cycle for color coat. 3.4 SUPPLIERS RESPONSIBILITY Material supplie
6、d to this specification must be equivalent to that originally approved. Changes in formulation or processing shall not be made without prior approval as described in Supplier Procedure I-A. 4. APPROVAL OF SUPPLIERS: Suppliers to this specification must be approved by the affected product engineering office. Procedure for gaining approval of a specific material to a new/existing ES-M specification is contained in Supplier Procedure I-A. Approved new suppliers will be added to the Engineering Materials Approved Source List.