1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONMaterial Name Specification NumberDate Para. No. Revisions1980 03 10 Metricated, Renumbered and Retyped CE3H-RD782440-E1971 12 01 Released (Was XF-M13PX2) F6A-281Page 1 of 2TFE DRY FILM LUBRICANT - PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION ESF-M13P5-A1. SCOPEThis specification def
2、ines the properties of a TFE dry film lubricant.2. APPLICATIONThis specification was released originally for material used to providelow friction, low wear properties without lubrication, such as in thecarburetor air valve shaft and choke shafts.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 PREPARATION AND TESTING OF PANELSFo
3、r initial approval and at intervals established by QualityControl.3.1.1 CRLC steel panels. They are to be thoroughly cleaned toremove all oil, dirt, grease, etc. and grit blasted (100 -150 in (2.5 - 3.8 m). The film shall be applied byspray and cured 10 min at 399 C metal temperature.3.1.2 The coati
4、ng shall be uniform in color, hiding power andcoverage and free of obvious imperfections as determined byunaided visual examination. The coating shall also besmooth to the touch and free of cracks when observed at amagnification of 10X.3.1.3 Film Thickness 0.0003 - 0.0007 in (8 - 18 m)3.1.4 Adhesion
5、 Must not flake, chip or transfer(FLTM B 16-1) film to tape.3.1.5 Salt Spray, 8 h, min No rust or discoloration.(ASTM B 117)3.1.6 Humidity Test, 72 h, min No rust or discoloration.(FLTM BQ 4-2)3.2 FINISHED PART3.2.1 When part configuration allows, para 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4,3.1.5 and 3.1.6 are to be r
6、un on finished parts. On anypart with a configuration which does not allow a test to berun, the requirements shall be waived.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESF-M13P5-APage 2 of 2The above requirements for both thickness and salt sprayapply only to significant surfaces. The specified coatingthickn
7、ess shall be required only on such surfaces of partsother than threads or holes, as can be touched by a sphere0.5 in (13 mm) in diameter unless otherwise noted ondrawings. On other surfaces such as those of holes,recesses, threads, etc., where a controlled deposit cannotbe obtained under normal coat
8、ing conditions, the aboverequirements do not apply. Acceptance or rejection ofparts submitted to this specification will be based onthickness and salt spray on significant surfaces.3.3 INFRARED SPECTROPHOTOMETRYFord Motor Company, at its option, may conduct infrared analysis ofmaterial/parts supplie
9、d to this specification. The curvesestablished for initial approval shall constitute the referencestandard and shall be kept on file at Central Laboratory. Allsamples shall produce curves that correspond to the referencestandard when tested under the same conditions as those specifiedon the master c
10、urve.3.4 SUPPLIERS RESPONSIBILITYMaterial supplied to this specification must be equivalent to thatoriginally approved. Changes in formulation or processing shallnot be made without prior approval as described in SupplierProcedure I-A.4. APPROVAL OF SUPPLIERSSuppliers to this specification must be a
11、pproved by the affected productengineering office. Procedure for gaining approval of a specificmaterial to a new/existing ES-M specification is contained in SupplierProcedure I-A. Approved new suppliers will be added to the EngineeringMaterials Approved Source List.5. GENERAL INFORMATIONThis data is for information only and is not a requirement.5.1 COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION(500 G LOAD ON POLISHED STEEL)Static 0.03 - 0.10Kinetic 0.06 - 0.095.2 OPERATING TEMPERATUREContinuous 288 CShort Time 316 C