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FORD ESF-M99J293-A-2012 SILICONE COATING CONFORMAL  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  《保形硅胶涂层  与福特WSS-M99P1111-A  一起使用》.pdf_第1页
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FORD ESF-M99J293-A-2012 SILICONE COATING CONFORMAL  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  《保形硅胶涂层  与福特WSS-M99P1111-A  一起使用》.pdf_第2页
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1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION Date Action Revision Rev 03 2012 02 16 N Status No replacement named N. Benipal, NA 2005 08 15 Revised Inserted 3.0; deleted 3.3, 3.4 and 4 1977 04 28 Released (Was XF-M99JX9) F4G52 Controlled document at www.MATS Copyright 2012, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page

2、 1 of 2 SILICONE COATING, CONFORMAL ESF-M99J293-A SILICONE COATING, CONFORMAL - LOW VISCOSITY ESF-M99J293-B SILICONE COATING, CONFORMAL - MEDIUM VISCOSITY ESF-M99J293-D NOT TO BE USED FOR NEW DESIGN 1. SCOPE The materials defined by these specifications are silicone conformal coatings which may be c

3、ured by air drying or baking. 2. APPLICATION These specifications were released originally for materials used as a conformal coating on the circuit board in the electronic engine control module. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.0 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS FOR PRODUCTION MATERIALS Material suppliers and part producers

4、must conform to the Companys Standard Requirements For Production Materials (WSS-M99P1111-A). 3.1 FOR LOT APPROVAL A B D 3.1.1 Non-volatiles, % min 70 25 50 (FLTM BI 102-01) 3.1.2 Viscosity at 25 C, mPa.s 600-1000 60-100 100-180 (ASTM D 446) 3.1.3 Specific Gravity 1.02-1.10 0.80-0.85 0.97-1.0 (ASTM

5、D 154 at 25 C) 3.1.4 Drying Time, max Tack free in 24 h or 30 min (2 mil film at 25 C and at 25 C and 50% R.H. plus 30 50% R.H.) min at 100 C 3.1.5 Flash Point, C, min 11 15 5 (ASTM D 93 closed) 3.2 TESTS TO BE RUN FOR INITIAL APPROVAL AND AS REQUIRED BY QUALITY CONTROL Tests to be run on 0.8 mm thi

6、ck clean CRLC panels dipped and cured 24 h at 25 C. Thickness of coating to be 0.05-0.10 mm. 3.2.1 Dielectric Strength, min 50 kV/mm (ASTM D 115 - short time) ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION ESF-M99J293-A/B/D Copyright 2012, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 2 of 2 3.2.2 Heat Resistance No blist

7、ering, (24 h at 210 C) flaking or loss of adhesion 3.2.3 Salt Spray, min 100 h (ASTM B 117) 5. GENERAL INFORMATION The information given below is provided for clarification and assistance in meeting the requirements of these specifications. 5.1 FLAMMABILITY AND/OR TOXICITY This material represents a

8、 potential fire and/or health hazard. The Manufacturing Engineering Department must notify both the Plant Security and the Safety personnel of its presence in the plant to assure that proper fire and/or health precautions are provided. The location in which it is used or stored must be included in the notification.


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