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1、ML-R-4721l(MIl 21 September 1989 SUPEKSEDING MIL-R-47211 (MI 1 12 July 1974 MILITARY SPECIFICAIION RUBBER, SILICONE, ROOM TEMPERATURE CURING This zpcification is approved for use by the U.S. Army Missile Cammand, Department of tne Army, and is available for use by all Depxtrnents and Agencies of the

2、 Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scop. This specification covers general purpose, room temperature curing, silicone rubber compunds (see 6.1). 1.2 Classification. Compounds shall be of the following types, as specified (see 6.2): Type II One Catpnent (Acetic Acid Evolving) Type III One Component

3、 (Methyl Alcohd Evolving) nrype IV Gne Capnent 2. L Gwerniren t documen tu. 2.1.1 Spcifications, standards, and haiidjooks. The following spcification;, standards, and handbooics form a part of this docutrent to the extsnt specifie herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these docuwnts are

4、 those listed in the issu2 of the Departinent of efense Index OE S,pecifications and Standards (!XDISC) and supplant thereto, cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). Beneficial comxents (recamndations, additions, deletions) and any ,oertinent data dhich iray be of use in improving this document should

5、be addressed to: Cmnder, U.S. Amy Missile Command, AmS: AMSMI-RD-SE-TD-CT, Redstone Arsenal, AL 3589d-3279 by using the self-addressed Standardization Docwent Inprovawnt Proposal (DD Form 1426) at the end of this docmnt or by letter. AMSC Lj/A FCC 932;) UISTRBTib STAiFSUIENT A. proved ror public rel

6、ease; distribution is unlinii ted. , . THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 13 PAGES. 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SPECIFICATIONS MIL-s-8802 Sealing Compound, Tqrature-Resistant, Integral Fuel Tanks and Fuel Cell Cavities, fli9-h Adhesion MIL-

7、P-14232 Parts, Equi,mnt and Tools for Army Materiel, . Packaginq of STANnARS MIJJTARY MIL-STD-129 Mwking ror Shi,mnt and Storage MIL-SDI-45662 Caiibration Systems Requirements (Copies of qwcifications and standards requirsd by contracLors in connection with specific acquisition function; anould be o

8、btained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting activity.) 2.2 Non-Governmnt publications. The following document(3) form a imrt of this docwnc to the extent specified herein. the issues of the documents which are DD adopted are those listed in the issue of the DODISS specifi

9、ed in the solicitation. Unless otherdse specified, the iasusc o aocumants not listed in the DODISS ara the issues of the dwmnts cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). Unless otherwise specified, AWICAN COCIETY FR TESTIiiK; AW MATEICALS ASTM D 149 ASTM D 150 ASTM D 257 XT? D 412 ASTM D 624 Dielectric B

10、reakdown Voltage and Dielectric Strength of Electrical Insulating Materials ac Cmrcial PovJer Frsquencies , %andard Pest Method Ear A-C Loss Characteristics and Pernittivity (Dielectric Cons tant) of Sol id Elec tr ical Insulating Materials, Standard Tsst Methods for D-C Resistance or Conductarice o

11、f Insal.3ting bhterials, Standard Test Methods for Rubber Pro-perties in Tension, Standard Tzst Methods for Rubber Property - Tear Resistance, Scandarci Test Method for Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ASTM D 792 Specific Gravity (Rela

12、tive knaity) and Densicy OE Plastics by Dicplacemnk, Standard Test Methods for Pro-per ty a. Specific gravity b. Nonvolatiles (gercent, minimum) ASTM D 2243 Rubber Progerty - Duronieter Hardness, Standard Test Method for Type1 TYP11 Type 111 Type IV 1.50 f 1.05 f 1.12 f 1.05 f . u3 .o4 .o5 . o5 93 9

13、2 96 NA (Appiication for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testing aiid Materials, 196U Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103-1137.) (Non-Governwnt standards and other publications are nornially available from the organizations that prepare or disi-ribdte the docmnts. do

14、cuments also my bs available in or through libraries or other informational services. 1 Tnese 2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict ixtNeen the text of this document and the reerences cited herein (except for related associated detail qpcifications, specification sheets, or MS standard

15、s), the text of this doc-ant takes precedence. Nothing in this document, hottever, supersedes agplicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has ken ohtained. 3.1 First article. Wnen sFcified in the contract or purchase order, a sample shall be subjected to first article ins-pection (se

16、e 4.4 and 6.2). 3.2 Typical properties. The values listed in the following tables are typical and may vary due to thickness of application, amunt of catalysc used, t-raturs, relative humidity, and length of cure. 3.2.1 Uncured groperties. The uncxed compound shall exhibit the properties shown in tab

17、le I, as applicable. TABLE I. Uncured properties. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-472LLA 73 m 777790b 03%770 4 m 17 5 MIL-R-4 72 1 LA ( LW ) 559 3.2.2 Cured proprties. The zucd compound snail exhibit the proprtiec shorn in tab

18、le II, as a2plicable. TABLE I. Cured properties. Property a. Elarclness, Shore A D. Tmsile strength, ( ps i 1 miniinun c. Eloriija tion (srcen t 1 , minimuin d. Tear resistance (lb/in) , Inhimum e. Linear shrinkage (percent), miniinum 3-65 353 1UO 60 1.9 2oMax. I 25 Min. Id Min. 253 Min. 3u Max. 3.2

19、.3 High tanperature aqing proprtiea. The cured canpund shall exhibit the proprties snown in table III, as aplicable. TABLE III. Hiqh temperature aging properties. Propr cy a. Hardness, Chore A 24 hours at 315.5 Celsius (Cl (6UU“ FalireniieLt FI 1 4 hours at 315.5 C 72 ilours ac 315.5 C (6W“ FI 65 f

20、id 4 30 f li) NA NA Type III NA YA 6 Max. NA NA NA Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-472LLA 73 W 777770b OL2077L b MIL-R472LlA(MI ) TABLE III. Hiqh temperature aginq properties (Continued). Prop r ty b. Tensile strength (psi), min

21、mum 24 hours at 315.5“ C (60;j“ F) 4U hours at 3i5.5“ C (630“ FI 72 hours ai- 3i3.5“ c (U3“ F) 168 hours at 315.5.“ C (630“ F) c. Elongation (,preen t 1 , minimum 24 hours ac 315.5 C (60U“ F) 72 noilrs at 315.5 C (63U“ E) i6 hours at 313.3“ C (6U“ FI NA 6d0 NA NA NA NA NA 3u3 NA NA 420 300 NA 33d NA

22、 iO% Min. NA NA NA m NA NA NA NA Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-4 72 1 L4 ( MI ) 3.2.4 Electrical pro,oerties. The cured cornLwund snall exhibit the a properties sham in table Sv, as applicable. TABLE IV. Electrical proper ties

23、. Property a. Dielectric strength (volts/mil. 1, mimum i).U73 inch thick b. Dielectric constant, maximum 6i) Hertz (Hz) 106 Hz 100 Hz i00 Kiiz c. Dissi,xtion factor, niaXimuin 6d Hz LO6 Hz 193 Hz idJ mz d. voim resistivity (0hm/cm3 1 , mximuin 5.0 5.9 rn NA LNA 4.0 NA NA 4.0 O. 320 o. OU28 NA o. o33

24、 d. 3iJ25 NA NA NA O. 303 NA NA u. 393 1.3 x 3 x i3ij i x 1313 1011 Min. 6 L , a Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-472ltLA 73 m 7777906 0320773 T m 3.3 Korkrrianship. The compomd shall contain no contaminants and mall be pckagai i

25、n containers which dill preclude the entrance of containinants, a moisture, atid air. 4. QUALITY ASSURFLIJcE PROVISIOLIS 4.1 Responsibility for inssction. Unless otheruise spxifiec in the contract or purchase order, the contractor is risLoonsible for the prformnce of all ins,=ction requirements (exa

26、ninations and tests) as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor my use his own or any other facilities suitable for the prformnce of the inssction requirewnts spcified herein, unless disapproved by the Governmnt. any o the ins,pectionc set fo

27、rth in this specification where such inspxtions are deemed necessary to ensure supplies and service; conform to prescribed requiremnts. The Govermnt reserves the right to perforin 4.1.1 Re+onsibility for coinpliance. Ali item3 inuct meet all requirements of Sections 3 and 5. specification shall becm

28、 a ,prt of the contractors overall inspction system or quality program. spification shall not relieve the contractor of the recponsiDility of ensuring that all products or supplies submitted to the Goveriuwnt for acceptance comply with all requirements of the contract. as part of ioanuiacturing oper

29、ations, is an acceptable practice to ascertain confomnce to requirements, however, this dms riot authorize submission of knom dzfective material, either indicated or actual, nor does it connit tne Govermnt to accept defective niaterial. The inspection set forth in rihic The aasence of any inspection

30、 requireints in the Sampling ins,=cLiori, a 4.2 Classification of inspections. The inspction requireinents spcified herein are c.lassified as follows: a. First article ins,oection (see 4.4). b. Quality conformance inspction (see 4.5). 4.3 Inspection conditions. Unless otherwise speciied, ail inspect

31、ions shaIl be ,perforined in accordance with the test conditions specified in applicable test nethod domnents and pragraphs 4.4 and 4.5 in this specification. 4.4 First article inspection. A first article sample consisting of Li) f 2 Funds o types I, II, III and IV shall e provided. The first articl

32、e sample shall be fabricated using the sane processes, facilities, and materials as are propsed for pmduction. The first article sample tests shall be as specified in table V. 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-472LLA 93 979990b

33、0120774 1 a, MIL-R-47211A(MI) TABM V. First arcicle sanple inspction. Exaininaixm oc Test Cpeciiic gravity Nonvolaciles fardness, Shore A Tensile 6 trength Elongation Tear resi:;tance Linear Shrinkage Sigh cempsrature aging Electrical proFr ties Wor manch is I Requi remnt Paragraph 3.2

34、.2a 3.2.28 3.2.2 3.2.Ld 3.2.2e 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.3 Mechcd Paragraph 4.d.3.1 4.8.3 4.8.4 . 4.8.1 4.5 Quality conrormnce inspection. Quality conforinance insgection snall consist of the inspctions specified in table VI. TABLE Vi. Quality conforrnance inspcti

35、on. - Exa;niiiation or Test Specific gravicy Tensile strenyi-h Elongation Product imrking Packaging Rqci i ranen t Par a y r aph 3.2.La 3.2.2b 3.2.2 3.3 3.3 Section 5 Mechod Paragraph 4. a. 3.3 5.3 4.8.1 4.8 a Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted witho

36、ut license from IHS-,-,-a . a a i O 4.5.1 inspection lot. An ins,oection lot for quality conformance inspection shall consist of material mnufacturd under uniform conditions and offered for acceptance at one time. 4.3.2 Quality confomnce sample. Quality conformance inspection shall be perform on not

37、 less than 5 f 1 ,pounds taken from each lot of compound. Failure of the sample to meet the quality conformance requirements shall be cause for lot rejection. 4.6 Inspection equiprent and facilities. The mnufacturer shall insure that inspection equipmnt and facilities are of sufficient quality and q

38、uantity .to permit perfoi-mnce of reqdred inspections. 4.6.1 Inspection equipmznt accuracy. -uisirent used to =sure test conditions and cest paratwters shall be calibratd in accordance with MIL-STD-45662. greater than li) percent of the tolerances. Inspction equipinent shall not introduce overall er

39、rors 4.6.2 Inspection conditions. Unless otherwise specified, all inspections shall be conducted cinder the following conditions of ambient temperature, humidity, and oarornetric pressure: a. Ambient temperature: 21“ f 6“ C (70“ f 13“ FI. b. Relative humidity: 50 f LU percent. c. Barometric pressure

40、: 3 f 2 inches of mercury. 4.6.3 Test panels. A sufficient number of test panels shall be prepared and conitioned as specified below for performance of tests in 4.9.3 and 4.9.4. Typ I. The corpxnd shall be catalyzed with 0.5 porcent dibutyl-tin-dilaurate. cold pressed at a temserature of 25“

41、 f The test panels shall rx cured for an adiiitional period of 16d f 4 hours at a temperature of 25“ 2“ C (77“ f 4“ FI and 5 srcent relative humidity. The test ,oanels shall be cmditioned at 23“ f 2“ C (75“ f 4“ FI and relative ilunidi ty prior to testing. Tesc panels measuring 6 x 6 x 0.075 inch sh

42、all be 2“ C (77“ f 4“ FI for 24 f 4 hours. percent Type c II, III, and IV. The tesc pnels shall be curd for 24U f hours at a canperature of 25“ f 2“ C (77“ f 4“ PI and 50 prcent relative hmidity. of 23“ 2“ C (73“ f 4“ FI and 5d percent relative humidity prior to testing. The test pansls shal

43、l be conditioneu 23 f 4 hours at a temperature 4.7 Iiispction of pckaginq. The sampling and inspection of the sreservation, packing and container marking shail be in accordance with the riquireiiicnt.3 o a minim: a. b. C. d. e. f. !J. h. i. Contents (Rubber, Silicone, Typ, and this s,oecificacion nw

44、nkr). Quantity. Vendors na or traderriark. Date of manufacture. Batch nt article, if required (c;ee 3 .l and 4.4). e. Unit package size (see 5.2). 6.3 First arcicle. When a first article inspection is required, the itens should be a first article sainple. 13 f 2 punx M 472il A I WI Basic spxificatio

45、n nuinber Letter M indicating military sFcification 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-472LlA 73 7777706 0120777 O 5.5 SUbject term (keyword) listinq. Adhesion Ccmpound Sealer 6.6 Metrication. Metric eqivalents in accordance wit

46、h P3CTD-376 are acce2table for use in this specification. 6.7 Changes from prsvious issue. +his revision to identify changes with respct to the previous issue due to the extensiveness of the changes. Mrginal rotations are not used in rus todian: Army-Mi Review: DLA - GS Preparing Activity: Army-MI Project No. 9320-.4003 *V.S. GOVERNMENT IIINlNC OFFICE: 196, - 7oeQwU2dl i3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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