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1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONMaterial Name Specification NumberDate Para. No. Revisions1978 12 08 Metricated and Retyped CPH22-815800-31970 02 04 Released CPY22-947841-6WP 3948-a Page 1 of 4 CLEANER, RECONDITIONING - ENGINE EXTERIOR AND ESR-M14P3-AENGINE COMPARTMENT1. SCOPEThis specification e

2、stablishes the performance and produ ct requirements foran automotive engine exterior and engine compartment cleaner.2. APPLICATIONThis s pecification was released originally for material used for removingall for eign material and commonly encountered deposits from the exposeden gine parts, engine c

3、ompartment sheet metal, exposed chassis componentsand c ooling systems. This specification is not intended to limit thecleaning material to any specif ic material or material system, but definesthe performance of the entire system.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Shall be of such a comp osition that meets all req

4、uirements describedin this specification. The material or material system must be in aform that lends itself to ease of application. I t must be in a ready-to-use or readily mixed form and must be capable of application withequipment normally available at all automotive dealers.3.2 Must do an effici

5、ent and thorough job of cleaning the entire enginecompartment as outlined in “2“ (above) with minimum time and effort.Estimated amounts of material required should be furnished.3.3 Must react chemically and/or physically with all foreign matter andcommonly encountered deposits to provide a surfa ce

6、sufficiently cleanfor painting.3.4 Must not leave a residu e detrimental in any way to the applied paintfinish or which would negatively affect paint adherence.3.5 Must not have any detrimental effect on any auto motive parts that maycome in to contact with the cleaner, such as bright trim parts,int

7、erior or exterior painted surfaces, rubber (n atural or synthetic),gaskets, glass, plastic, ignition wires, seals, or any otherassoc iated materials. Cleaner must not stain either interior orexterior automotive production or repair paints.3.6 Must not have any detrimental effect on the materials bei

8、ng cleanedor affect their functions in any adverse way.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESR-M14P3-AWP 3948-b Page 2 of 4 3.7 Must be reasonable safe to apply and must meet all federal, state,an d local regulations. The material must be formulated tominimizeemployee health hazards due to toxic or ot

9、herwise injuriousingredients.3.8 Mus t leave the engine and engine compartment with an acceptable“like-new“ appearance.3.9 No objectionable odor either during or after application.3.10 Must be capable of storage without any detrimental affect for anextended period of time. Supplier shall furnish all

10、 necessaryinforma tion on types of material required for packaging and on thestorage life of the material in each of the product packagessu pplied. For any particular size package or container for theproduc t, the supplier shall furnish information on safe storagepractic e and recommendations as to

11、maximum and minimum ambienttemperatures and direct sun load conditions at which the product maybe stored without any adverse affect. If the package is consideredun safe for storage in an automotive vehicle, the package shall belabeled accordingly and the safe storage conditions specified. Forall a e

12、rosol containers, the supplier shall furnish all pertinentinformation on pressures and propellants and any precautions involvedin storing, handling, and use.3.11 CHEMICAL & PHYSICAL PROPERTIESSpecific chemical and physical properties are not specified herein,but an Engineering Quality Control Supple

13、ment wi ll be issued to covereach approved material. The selected engineering approved sourceshall furnish appropriate chemical and physical properties along withthe production tolerance limits that apply to the material(s) uponwhich approval was give n. The agreed upon values and limits will beissu

14、ed to Quality Control by the affected produc t engineering office.These values will then be used by Quality Contro l for ongoing qualityverifications. The Quality Control Supplement is an integralrequirement of this spe cification. If more than one source suppliesmaterial to this specif ication, a Q

15、uality Control Supplement will beissued for each specific approved material.3.12 LABELING3.12.1 Provisions of this specification are applicable when materialis used according to labeling directions. Any precautionsinvolved in the use of the material must be clea rly stated onthe product label.3.12.2

16、 The label(s) for the material(s) must comply to the FederalHazardous Substances Act and all other provisions under theConsumer Product Safety Commission and all other applicablefederal, state and local regulations. Supplier shall furnishthe affected product engineering office with the label(s).ENGI

17、NEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESR-M14P3-AWP 3948-b Page 3 of 4 3.12.3 Supplier shall furnish certification that the composition ofhis product has been ex amined and that the label recommendedis in compliance with the Federal Hazardous Substances Actan d all other provisions under the Consumer Produc

18、t SafetyCommission. Completed Material Health and Safet y Data Sheetsand Hazardous Substances Data Sheets must be sub mitted by thesupplier to the Ford Motor Company toxicologist.3.12.4 If applicable, supplier shall furnish a copy of thelaboratory report wherein the product was evalua ted under thep

19、rocedures required by the Federal Hazardous Substances Act.3.12.5 Supplier must furnish detailed application instructions andspecific usage information for container labels. This portionof the label information must be approved by the affectedproduct engineering office.3.12.6 If the label submitted

20、by the supplier contains anyadvertising claims, sui table corroborative testing data mustalso be furnished. Such claims and data are encouraged.3.13 MARKINGContainers and cartons must be marked with a code indicating sourceand compounding date of the material. Supplier m ust furnish this codeto the

21、affected product engineering office. Con tainer marking may bewaived if approved in writing by the affected product engineeringoffice.3.14 The tes t report data furnished by the supplier showing compliancewith this specification shall give the specific test methods followedand shall give specific an

22、swers to generalized requirements.3.15 Gene rally accepted test methods (American Society for Testing andMaterials, Society of Automotive Engineers and Ford Laboratory TestMethods are preferred) and procedures should be followed where suchmet hods are know, otherwise the methods of evaluation should

23、 beexplained in detail.3.16 SUPPLIERS RESPONSIBILITYMaterial supplied to this specification must be equivalent to thatoriginally approved. C hanges in formulation or processing shall notbe made without prior a pproval as described in Supplier Procedure I-A.4. APPROVAL OF SUPPLIERSSupplier s to this

24、specification must be approved by the affected productengineering office. Procedure for gaining approval of a specific materialto a new/existing ES-M specific ation is contained in Supplier Procedure I-A. A pproved new suppliers will be added to the Engineering MaterialsApproved Source List.ENGINEER

25、ING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESR-M14P3-AWP 3948-b Page 4 of 4 5. GENERAL INFORMATIONThis data is for information only and is not a requirement.5.1 Comparative performance ratings utilizing the requirements outlinedabove, comparing the pr oposed material(s) to presently marketed FordMotor Company products, are encouraged.

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