1、FORD LABORATORY TEST METHOD BN 013-07 Date 2001 0822 1992 07 07 ELONGATION OF AN EXTRUDED, CORED OR UNCORED, VINYL WELT ASSEMBLY UNDER TENSILE LOAD Action Revisions Revised Editorial - no technical change A. Cockman Application This procedure is used to determine the elongation of extruded vinyl sea
2、t welting, cored or uncored, at an 89 N stretch load. Apparatus Required Electronic Tensile Testing Machine Instron Tensile Tester, Model #TT-C, or equivalent. Source: Instron Corporation 100 Royal1 Street Canton, MA 02021 (781) 828-2500 Materials Required Graph Paper #I 03, Instron Paper, O - 1 O R
3、ange. Source: Graphic Controls Recording Chart Division 189 Van Rensselear Street Buffalo, NY 1421 O (716) 853-7500 Conditioning and Test Conditions All test values indicated herein are based on material conditioned in a controlled atmosphere of 23 +/- 2 “C and 50 +/- 5 % relative humidity for not l
4、ess than 24 h prior to testing and tested under the same conditions unless otherwise specified. Copynght02001, Ford Global Technologies, Inc FORD LABORATORY TEST METHOD BN 013-07 Procedure This procedure obtains the stress-strain load curve of a welt assembly. The percent elongation of a finished we
5、lt at a specific load, depicting the flex characteristics of a welt assembly in actual seating applications, can bedetermined from the curve. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 o. 11. 12. 13. 14. Cut welt samples to a size that will allow a tensile tester jaw separation of 127 +/- 0.8 mm. Set crosshead sp
6、eed to 250 mm/minute by using proper gear combination as shown in gear selection chart for various crosshead speeds. Set the chart speed to 500 mm/minute through the proper gear combination in the chart drive mechan ism. Use the “C“ Tensile Load Cell (4.5 - 222 N range) and balance the Instron again
7、st this cell using a 454 g standard weight. Set the Full Scale Load control on the Instron to the 222 N load range. At a 127 +/- 0.8 mm jaw separation, mount the welt sample in the tensile tester jaws securely and with no apparent slack in the welt sample. Manually dial a 0.45 N preload on the welt
8、assembly with the crosshead speed control. Recheck the jaw separation measurement to maintain a 127 +/- 0.8 mm distance. Set Gage Length dial and Chart Pen to zero. Set Return dial to 305 - 380 mm. (Note: This setting would allow a possible 300 % elongation for the welt sample.) Set the Cycle Contro
9、l indicator on “Manual“ position in order to manually effect the traverse head return, after the 89 N load is reached. Push “Down“ button to start test. When the chart indicates a 89 N load is obtained, push “Up“ button to return crosshead to the initial zero load position. Calculated % Elongation a
10、t 89 N Load from the graph of each determination, (one chart division is equal to 1 %). Chemicals, materials, parts, and equipment referenced in this document must be used and handled properly. Each party is responsible for determining proper use and handling in its facilities. Page 2 of 2 Copynght02001, Ford Global Technologies, Inc