FORD FLTM BN 121-01-2001 BOND STRENGTH TEST - INTERIOR TRIM DECORATIONS (Replaces FLTM BN 021-01)《内饰装饰物的粘合强度试验 替代FLTM BN 021-01[替代 FORD FLTM BN 021-01]》.pdf

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FORD FLTM BN 121-01-2001 BOND STRENGTH TEST - INTERIOR TRIM DECORATIONS (Replaces FLTM BN 021-01)《内饰装饰物的粘合强度试验 替代FLTM BN 021-01[替代 FORD FLTM BN 021-01]》.pdf_第1页
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FORD FLTM BN 121-01-2001 BOND STRENGTH TEST - INTERIOR TRIM DECORATIONS (Replaces FLTM BN 021-01)《内饰装饰物的粘合强度试验 替代FLTM BN 021-01[替代 FORD FLTM BN 021-01]》.pdf_第2页
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1、FORD LABORATORY TEST METHOD BN 121-01 Date Action BOND STRENGTH TEST - INTERIOR TRIM DECORATIONS Revisions Application 2001 O9 12 Revised Editorial - no technical change A. Cockman 1991 05 07 This procedure is used to evaluate the bond strength of small decorative parts to trim assemblies. The trim

2、parts are generally manufactured by heat bonding, crimping, mechanically fastening, chemically bonding and/or other processes. It is not within the intent of this procedure to list or specify the exact manner or fixtures that shall be used to perform the test but rather to describe the procedure whi

3、ch may be used. Equipment Required Tensile Machine Instron or equivalent desired. Note: Since the specified load to separate the decorative trim parts is usually low, a dead weight system will be permitted. Clamping Fixt ures Various special clamps, backing plates, or fixtures may be fabricated to a

4、ccommodate mounting the specific test specimen in the tensile machine. Conditioning and Test Conditions All test values indicated herein are based on material conditioned in a controlled atmosphere of 23 +/- 2 “C and 50 +/- 5 % relative humidity for not less than 24 h prior to testing and tested und

5、er the same conditions unless otherwise specified. Procedure 1. Bond the test specimen to an appropriate backing plate indicative of vehicle application. 2. Mount the backing plate in the lower jaws of the tensile machine so that it is firmly held. Copynght02001, Ford Global Technologies, Inc FORD L

6、ABORATORY TEST METHOD BN 121-01 3. Position the special clamp or fixture, fabricated to accommodate the test specimen in the tensile machine, onto the test specimen. The fixture should engage only the edges of the specimen and not the backing plate. 4. Fasten the upper end of the fixture into the up

7、per jaws of the tensile machine so that all parts are in vertical alignment. 5. Operate the tensile machine at a rate of 25 mm/minute and report the load in kg required to separate the test specimen from the backing plate. Chemicals, materials, parts, and equipment referenced in this document must be used and handled properly. Each party is responsible for determining proper use and handling in its facilities. Page 2 of 2 Copynght02001, Ford Global Technologies, Inc

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