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1、Manufacturing Standards Ford Motor Company 1. PIIRmsE OF SW: 1.1 Thepurposeofthiss- is to specifythetype andapplication of mechanicalbarriers and glwda formmhiue tools aud industrialequipnent. Ccmpli- snce to this stsdarduillassure safetyto personnel, improve houmkeeping conditions, and minimiae dou

2、utime. 1.2 Guards shallmeetapplicable Federal,State and Local end comply uithapplicablemachine endequippentassociation s the materials, sizes, dimensions, and gage thicbessea for guards shall not be less than as speci- fiedinthis MsmafacturingStandard,gZ-l. 3.1 DMigS 3.1.1 The deeis, fabricat

3、ion,ead installationof gu8rd.s shallbs the respon- sibility of the supplier of the machine or ewpsent. Althoughtypicsl designs am shovn inthis stsnderd, specific designs andapplications appropz%te to the particularneed sha3lbe apart of the design sutmitted for apprcmlto the requisi- tioning activity

4、. Manufacturing Staff SW-b-, 1983 E 3x-l Page 1 K Manutacturina Standards Ford Motor CGmpany 3.1.2 -Guards shallbe adequate to provide both the intended purpoee outlined in Paragraphl.lsnduuobstructed clearance to moving elements of the machine and pats in pocess. Thesisesbouldbesuchthattheymaybeeas

5、ilyedbporre maniffrequentxwmvslisnecessary. Large guards shallbe sectionslisedand provided with access doors or pamls. Doors should be hinged to swing horizontdly and shaU be provided with Istches (See Fkragxaph 3.1.4). 3P1.3 Uhere frequatacceas is requird,the guard shall be easilyremovedaud replace

6、dvithotheuaeof 8pecialtcd.s. Such guards shallbe of durable con- atructionandmade ofmaterialtbatvillmaintain the ori- shape end continuity of seding action against flying chips, coolauts or other liquids used in the process. 3.1.4 Access doors or panels to cwpartments containing drives,. gears, belt

7、s, couplings or related nechsnis shall be bolted in position. Quick access latches are not acceptable. 3.1.5 Guards enclosjmgisnotrequirkgfrequentacess shallbeboltedin position. Where access is not requiYed, guards may be welded or bolted in pcmition. 3.1.6 Gusrdsoumetalremoviugoperations, 3uchaa, 0

8、 area. Edges shall be reinforced with 3 16 x 1 inch flat strap iron on both sides P enings shall not exceed 45% of the panel of the perforated panels, welded every 4 inches or bolted together uith .25 inch muud head bolts on Finch centers. Application of Type 2 Guards. Type 2 guards maybe us

9、edas alternates forTypel,andwithmodZication as shown in Figure 3, for hanging and sliding applications. 3.2.4 Typs 3 - Solid Sheet Steel Panels. These guards shall be constructed of sheetsteelaminimum of .060 inch (n1.6 gauge) thick. Edges shall be reinforced with strap iron as described for Type 2

10、gusrds in Paragraph 3.2.3, or folded over a mbimm of .75 inch and spot welded. Attaching ears, feet, etc., shall be JO6 inch thick, welded to guard. Application of Type 3 Guards. Solid sheet steel panels are general-purpose guards and shall be used where chips, coolant or other residue is pr

11、esent, and uhere less than 4 inches of space exists betueen the guard aud moving components. 3.2.5 m 4 -Pipe Barriers. Pipe bsrriers shall consist of l-l/2 inch (nominal) internal diameter a- pipe and fittings as required. The pipe shall be mounted 42 inches above the floor line with a mid-rail betw

12、een the top rail and floor. Vertical supports shell be installed every five feet or less. Application of Type 4 Barriers. Pipe berriers are intended only to keep personnel from unknowingly entering a particular area. They are not considered alternates for Types 1, 2 and 3 guards previously d

13、escribed, and may be used only upon consent of the requisitioning activity. 3.2.6 Type 5 - Trausperent Acrylic or Polycarbonate Plastic Guards snd Windows. Viewing ports, windows, snd similar guards where visibility to the guarded area is required shall be of trausparent acrylic or polycsrbonate pla

14、stic conforming to UL ratiagp4v-o Materisl shall be a minimum of .25 inch thick, except on,induction heatingandwel&ngapplications, thematerial shsllbe .5 inchthick. Hinged doors should awinghorisontsUy,sndhinges shouldbe of the wntinuous “piano“ type. Uhere permanently mounted, suitable gaskets shal

15、l be furnished to prevent leakage of liquids or duct between the interior sad exterior of the enclosed area. Application of Type 5 Acrylic Plastic Guards. These guards shall be used to provide protection from flying chips, coolant, sparks, etc., uhere visibility of the operation is required.

16、 They shall also bs used to provide protection to elec- trical instnssenta such as ammeters, voltmeters, and wattmeters mounted on machine tools or industrial equipment. 3.2.7 Type 6 - Curtain Guards. Curtain guards shall consist of a flexible, oil resistant material at least J.25 inch thick. The ma

17、terial shall be mounted betueen two pieces of strap iron .187 inch thick by 1 inch wide. Flat head screws .25 inch dismeter shall be countersunk in the strap iron on a minimus of 6 inch centers for holding the assembly together. On tunnel type machines, the lower edge of the curtain shall conform to

18、 the shape of the pert and fixture to confine liquids or chips uithti the machine or equipsent Manufacturing Staff September, 1983 cnryuu.s.& KACHINE SAmTY Eta- DFsIGN&CEDATA Kz3x-1 Page 3 K Manufacturing Standards Ford Motor Company Application bf Type 6 Curtain Gusrds. Curtain gkds are app

19、licable totuaneltypemacbipes, industrial washers, and simihrprocess equiment, particularly at the entrance and exit, for containing the splash of liquids and flyisg chips within the machine or equipent. 3.2.8 Type70PowrTrsns&ssionGusrds. Typicsldesigns forpouertrsna- mission guards are shown in Figu

20、re 2. The thrwmaintypes of guards sre described inthefollouingparagrapbs. Coupling Guards. Thisguardshallbsusedtoshroudallmotorwuplings, includingkeyways,andt ranamission shaft couplings. Designofthe guard shall prevent access to sny moving part unless the guard or approved access port is re

21、moved. Materislshsllbeami&stm of ,060 inch (#l6 gauge) sheet metal with. hempred edges at openings for shafts. Four mountizq lugs or feet of LO6 inch thick materialshsllbeveldedtotheguard. Gumdsforcmaplings5imhesindiameter and larger shall bsmade of ,106 inch (e gauge) sheet metd Holes iamounting fe

22、etshallbe .3linchfor .25 inchmachine screws. Belt Drive Guards., Belt drive guarda shall pletely enclose all moving psrtsofthepsrticulardrive. Designand wnstruction tigioyas to contain abeltwhich&eaks duringoperstion. Minimm . inch (#IL6 gauge) &met metal. If ventilation is required, perfora

23、ted metal,*as described in Paragmpb 3.2.3, may be used for the sides, The top shall be of solid sheet metal to exclude dustsndwntsmination. Chain Drive Guards. Cont3tructiont3hsJlbe 8isLLsrtobeltdrive guards described inParagraph, except thatperforatedmetal ahwldnotbe used unless ven

24、tilation is required. Cast imn llhrin guamis are also acceptable. If . sheet metal is used, it should be a minimrm of l 106inchthick(#l2 gauge) uith angle inn feet. 4. GUARDMOUETGAXDFASTENlXGMETEODS: 4.1 Pez7nanentMounting 4.1.1 Guards, which sre entlymounted, shsll be weldedor bolted in position. T

25、his only applies to guards where quick removal for servicing the enclosedequipment is not-. Typicalweldedapplications sre atends of wnveyors or automation equipaut. Boltedapplications include doors snd wvers on machine bases and wmpsrtments, and guards for belts, wuplings snd moving parts (SW paragr

26、aphs 3.1.2 snd 3.1.3). 4.1.2 Typs 4pipe berrier guards sbsllbe securelymountedto the f&or. Rhmaybemountedwith T bolts to angle imnbracketswhichareweldedin position (See Figure 1, Type 4). 4.2 Bemovable Guards (See Figure 3) 4.2.1 VerticalCbartnelsTypeAandHorisontalChsnnelsType Bsballbs used for guar

27、ds where quick access is required for tool change or adjustient to areas requiring frequent maintenance snd to clear jtrmned parts, etc. Chsnnel iron may be used uith Types 1, 2 snd 3 guards, as applicable. Chsnnel size should acwm- modate the assembled guard, but shall not be smaller than 148 x 9/1

28、6 x 3/16 inches. Kz3x-1 Page4 -mu.sA. MBcHnaE SAFETX EQUIPMENT DESIGN& BEFEEENCE MTA Manufacturing Staff September, 1983 Manufacturing Standards Ford Motor Company K 4.2.2 LatchHangeti,!Iype C,maybe uaeduhere chsmels described in W- graph 4.2.1 me not practical. Bolts on which guards are hung shall

29、be 3/8 inch hexheadmachinetype. 4.2.3 Pin and Socket Fittings, Type D, are acceptable where frequent removal oftheguardisrequired. The installation shall provide a rigid mounting for the guardwitha slip fit between the pin and socket. 4.2.4 a Guards with Hooks, Type E, are acceptable where support i

30、s pmvidedatthe bottom of the guard to prevent it from swinging. Hookmaterial shsU not be smaller than l/8 x 3/4 inch strap iron, welded to guard frsme. 4.2.5 Keyhole Slots, Tspe F, may be used provided guard frame material is at leastlinchwide,andbolts are 3/8 inchheuheadmachine screws. 4.2.6 Hinged

31、Doors withLatch,Type G, should swinghori.sontaJly. If design z-eqybes veicallyhingeddoors, the door shall swingdounandthe latchmounted at the top. Hinges shallbe wrought iron, of such sise as to prevent door sag with frequent use, and should not be smdler than 2-l/2 x 2-l/2 inches. Type 5 guards of

32、acrylic or polycarbonate plastic, if hinged, shall have a wntinuous “piano“ type hinge with sn open width not less than 2 iaches wide and a pia diameter not less thsn J/l.6 inch. 5. PARJT: 5.1 For paint specification , see FordMarmfacturingStan&rds, Section MJ. 5.1.1 Uhen fabrication of the guard is

33、 complete, all burrs, rough edges, and sharp corners shall be removed. The guard shall be thoroughly cleaned snd primed with Leadand Chromate-Free Rust Inhibitive, M-6Jl3g-A Gray Primer. 5.2 Pe-tGuards 5.2.1 Pensanentlymounted guards shall be given a final coat of M-5385-A Gray, M+J-A Green,M-SJ94-8

34、Brownor otherM+J10344thnaYOil Proof.Machinery Enamel accent wlors, sa qzecified in the Purchase Order for the entire tichine. 5.3 Removable Guards 5.3.1 Removable guards, which are not uelded to the machine or equipsent, shall be given a final ezterior coat of oil proof enamel as specified in 5.2.1.

35、 5.3.2 The inside of removable guards, and where practicable, the area covered by the guard, shatl be painted a final coat of M-314 tieFt Orange Ensmel (See M-5550-A). 6.1 Guards shall be reviewed and approved by the safety department of the - requisition&g activity. 6.2 Electrical interlocks shall

36、be installed on specified guards to assure that the guszd is in its proper position. The necessity for interlocks will be detetied by agreanent between safety and msnufacturing or plant engineering personnel. Manufacturing Staff E3x-1 September, 1983 MAcHm3 SLFEIY EQulpMENT DFsIGH&BEFEELFs

37、3CEDATA We 5 K (3E!5iD Manufacturing Standards Ford Motor Company Fl!L * 0.0 * ILJ oo”oo oo”oo 0 II W 5 c Manufacturing Staff September, 1983 Manufacturing Standards Ford Motor Company K 1 w w % . - H Manufacturing Staff -l.u E3x-1 September, 1983 Page 7 Manufacturing Standards ford Motor Company -

38、d E Manufacturing Staff Septamber, 1983 m =lOlJ=ll,bll llO5L585 bT=i m Manufacturing Standards Ford Motor Company Guard material Clearance from moving parts at all points Largest opening allowable Minimum U.S. Standard Gage or Size Expanded Under 4” metal 4” to 15” l/2” No. 13 (.OgO”) 2” No. 13 Perf

39、orated metal Under 4” 4” to 15” l/2” No. 14 ( .080”) 2” No. 14 Solid sheet metal Under 4” 4” to 15” - No. 16 t.062”) Mm No. 16 Pipe rails Minimum 15” - l-l/2” Hominal Maximum 20” m- Pipe Size Tranaparsnt Pdyoarbonate or Aoqlic Plastic 4” to 15” b . 25” to .5” See Par. 3.2.6 FIGURE 4 - TABLE OF STANDARD MATERIALS AND DIMENSIONS Manufacturing Staff Septe!aber, 1983 E3X-1 Page 9 m 90091bCl 005L58b 535 m

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