FORD S-M32J110-C-2006 METALLIC ACRYLIC ENAMEL EXTERIOR QUALITY TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A (Shown on S-M32J110-B)《车外级金属丙烯酸磁漆 与标准FORD WSS-M99P1111-A一起使用 列于标准S-M32J110-B上.pdf

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FORD S-M32J110-C-2006 METALLIC ACRYLIC ENAMEL EXTERIOR QUALITY  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  (Shown on S-M32J110-B)《车外级金属丙烯酸磁漆  与标准FORD WSS-M99P1111-A一起使用  列于标准S-M32J110-B上.pdf_第1页
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FORD S-M32J110-C-2006 METALLIC ACRYLIC ENAMEL EXTERIOR QUALITY  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  (Shown on S-M32J110-B)《车外级金属丙烯酸磁漆  与标准FORD WSS-M99P1111-A一起使用  列于标准S-M32J110-B上.pdf_第2页
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FORD S-M32J110-C-2006 METALLIC ACRYLIC ENAMEL EXTERIOR QUALITY  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  (Shown on S-M32J110-B)《车外级金属丙烯酸磁漆  与标准FORD WSS-M99P1111-A一起使用  列于标准S-M32J110-B上.pdf_第3页
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FORD S-M32J110-C-2006 METALLIC ACRYLIC ENAMEL EXTERIOR QUALITY  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  (Shown on S-M32J110-B)《车外级金属丙烯酸磁漆  与标准FORD WSS-M99P1111-A一起使用  列于标准S-M32J110-B上.pdf_第4页
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FORD S-M32J110-C-2006 METALLIC ACRYLIC ENAMEL EXTERIOR QUALITY  TO BE USED WITH FORD WSS-M99P1111-A  (Shown on S-M32J110-B)《车外级金属丙烯酸磁漆  与标准FORD WSS-M99P1111-A一起使用  列于标准S-M32J110-B上.pdf_第5页
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1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONDate Action Revisions 2006 09 07 Revised S-M32J110-A inactivated 3.0 inserted; 3.9, 3.10 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.2.5 flash-off and bake 10 minutes at 130 C metal temperature. ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS-M32J110-B/C Printed copies are uncontroll

2、ed Copyright 2006, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 8 of 10 Formulation of Primer (Parts by Weight) 1) 24.8 Epoxy resin DER 671/75 (Dow Chemicals) 2) 6.20 Ethylglycol mix 1 and 2 3) 1.30 40% solution of product MPA/X in Xylol (Titangesellschaft, Leverkusen) 4) 0.05 Carbon Black Raven Dense

3、 410 (Columbian Carbon Company, Hamburg) 5) 6.00 Talcum Mistron (Chemag, Frankfurt) 6) 17.00 Blancfixe F (Sachtleben, Hamberg) 7) 17.00 Titandioxide Cl 310 (Titangesellschaft, Leverkusen) Mix 1 - 7 15 minutes with a dissolver at 50 C, then grind on a sand mill at 60 - 70 C. 8) 9.40 Ethylglycolacetat

4、e 9) 9.40 Solvesso 100 (Esso) 10) 4.20 Butyldiglycol 11) 4.65 Xylol 100.00 Dilute 1 - 7 with a blend of 8 - 11. Mix above mentioned compound with the hardener described below in a ratio of 70 parts of compound to 30 parts by weight of hardener and dilute with the above mentioned solvent blend 8 - 11

5、 to a spray viscosity of 28 seconds/Ford Cup 4/25 C. Pot life of the mixture about 8 hours/ 20 C. Hardener: 60.00 Versamid 100 (Schering) 10.00 Ethylglycol 30.00 Solvesso 100 (Esso) 100.00 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS-M32J110-B/C Printed copies are uncontrolled Copyright 2006, Ford Global Tec

6、hnologies, LLC Page 9 of 10 Peeling Resistance Panels shall be exposed in the Miami, Florida area 5 facing south for 3 months. The exposure shall be started from April to June to be completed in September, at the latest. After exposure, subject panels for 48 hours to a blister test according

7、 to ASTM D 2247. No blistering or visible deterioration permitted. One hour after removal from blister test apply tape 3M 898, 25 mm in width, over the dried off panel by pressing firmly. Remove tape with an upward motion at a medium speed. No loss of adhesion of clear top coat permitted. Note: To p

8、revent any delay in testing due to this restricted period of time, the exposure will be replaced by artificial weathering as soon as comparable results are available. 3.7 REPAIR REQUIREMENTS 3.7.1 Repair Color Match Enamel shall show satisfactory color match after recoating and rebaking at standard

9、bake according to FLTM BI 115-01. 3.7.2 Intercoat Adhesion After standard bake and rebake (3.3.3) analogous to Section 3.5.3. 3.7.3 Repair using Catalyst The enamel system with catalyzed clearcoat shall show satisfactory color match and intercoat adhesion on the baked finish and have a minimum Tukon

10、 hardness of 6 K.H.N., using an approved catalyst at recommended concentration, when tested according to FLTM BI 115-02. Note: Amount of acid catalyst SK-M99J9565-B to be added to SK-M32J9553-A as specified by supplier. Weathering Resistance Similar to Section Substrate: S-M32J110-B

11、/C, SK-M32J9553-A Painted panels, baked, dry sanded with paper 400. Intercoat Adhesion Analogous to Section 3.5.3. ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS-M32J110-B/C Printed copies are uncontrolled Copyright 2006, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 10 of 10 Chip Resistance Test panels w

12、ith a repair coat on unsanded top coat (standard bake) as well as test panels with a repair coat of catalyzed top coat (100 C bake) on unsanded top coat (standard bake) must fulfill requirements of Section 3.5.4. Stone Chip Resistance, max Rating 1 (FLTM EU-BI 057-02) Only chipping of enamel coat shall be evaluated. 3.8 SUITABILITY FOR ELECTROSTATIC APPLICATION The materials as supplied must comply with requirements of FLTM BI 155-01.


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